Renfrewshire Council Second

Renfrewshire Council
Second Level: Primary 5 Modern Language Framework
Personal Information
Skills based Learning Intentions
Pupils will be able to ...
Success criteria for Assessment
I can ...
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-02a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Respond with increasing confidence to greetings,
questions asked and responses.
Use modern language in everyday routines.
Demonstrate some intonation and simple gesture to
accompany language.
Use greetings as appropriate.
Reply, with intonation and appropriate gesture to
question asked using modern language.
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-02a
MLAN 2-03a
MLAN 2-05b
MLAN 2-08b
MLAN 2-13a
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Listen for specific words and phrases.
Be able to respond readily and confidently to
questions asked.
Work with a partner to create a short conversation,
exchanging personal information.
Identify specific words and phrases in order to relay
one piece of information about partner.
Participate in collaborative activities.
Read short, simple familiar texts independently and
as part of a group.
Reply, with intonation to questions asked using modern
Identify the correct question and answer connection.
Ask/answer partner questions readily and confidently.
Read and begin to understand greetings and personal
Participate in and respond to peer assessment.
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework
Numbers 0-60
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Identify numbers accurately.
Use the numbers to participate in more complex
games and activities using the numbers 0-60.
Repeat number vocabulary accurately.
Be able to recall numbers 0-31.
Repeat numbers in order 50-60.
Identify numbers with same sounds.
Take part and co-operate in more complex games.
Manipulate numbers matching sound and written
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-05b
MLAN 2-08a
MLAN 2-13a
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Know the days and months of the year, including
their order.
Use modern language in everyday routines.
Be able to respond appropriately to questions
Read and understand labels and words on a
Read aloud familiar words and simple phrases
describing the calendar.
Match familiar words to diagrams and images
depicting the weather/seasons.
Repeat vocabulary considering pronunciation.
Order days and months accurately.
Use days and months as part of the date.
Respond correctly to the questions.
Read and match days of the week and months.
Manipulate images/ diagrams matching sounds and
written representation.
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-08a
MLAN 2-13a
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Identify and use all learned colours in different
Take an active part in various games/activities
using the new language.
Read aloud colours and pronounce them accurately.
Describe simple objects/ people using colours
Recall learned vocabulary with increasing confidence.
Repeat new vocabulary.
Identify words with same sounds.
Recognise the written word in relation to colours.
Respond correctly to questions asked about
appearance of various objects/people.
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-05b
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework
Family Members
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-02a
MLAN 2-03a
MLAN 2-05b
MLAN 2-08a
MLAN 2-08b
MLAN 2-13a
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Use appropriate vocabulary to name most family
Talk about own family members accurately and
Show an increased awareness of the effect of
gender on pronunciation, orally demonstrating
Read some extended phrases and sentences while
referring to a word bank.
Recall learned vocabulary with increasing confidence.
Repeat new vocabulary.
Identify words with same sounds.
Match vocabulary to images of family members.
Describe 3 family members using additional learned
Read extended phrases and sentences about fictional
characters and derive meaning with support.
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-02a
MLAN 2-05b
MLAN 2-06a
MLAN 2-08a
MLAN 2-08b
MLAN 2-13a
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Use modern language in everyday routines.
Respond appropriately to questions asked.
Read aloud familiar words and simple phrases
describing the weather.
Match familiar words to diagrams and images
depicting the weather.
Draw pictures and match to weather vocabulary.
Apply knowledge about weather in both real and
imaginary situations.
Participate in simple role-play.
Read environmental print in relation to MFL.
Repeat vocabulary considering pronunciation.
Respond correctly to the questions.
Describe the weather with increasing accuracy.
Read and demonstrate a comprehension of simple
weather related vocabulary.
Manipulate images/ diagrams matching sounds and
written representation.
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework
Classroom Objects 2
(Small items)
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-05b
MLAN 2-07a
MLAN 2-08b
MLAN 2-11a
MLAN 2-11c
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Match vocabulary to objects.
Use vocabulary to take part in more complex
activities and games.
Describe classroom objects to a partner.
Apply knowledge in classroom setting.
Read environmental print in the classroom to locate
Repeat new vocabulary.
Identify words with same sounds.
Match images to vocabulary.
Accurately locate classroom objects.
Read and demonstrate a comprehension of displayed
vocabulary around classroom.
Manipulate images/ diagrams matching sounds and
written representation.
MLAN 2-01a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-01c
MLAN 2-08b
MLAN 2-11a
MLAN 2-11c
MLAN 2-14a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Match vocabulary to rooms and objects.
Use vocabulary to take part in more complex
activities and games.
Describe rooms and objects to a partner.
Apply knowledge in classroom setting.
Read environmental print to locate objects.
Compare rooms using appropriate vocabulary.
Repeat new vocabulary.
Match images to vocabulary.
Select vocabulary to describe rooms.
Accurately locate objects and rooms.
Read and demonstrate a comprehension of displayed
Manipulate images/ diagrams matching sounds and
written representation.
Find objects on plans etc using knowledge of
vocabulary used.
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Match vocabulary to shops, streets and food.
Use vocabulary to take part in more complex
activities and games.
Demonstrate an awareness of indicating preference
when referring to food.
Read some extended phrases and sentences while
referring to a word bank.
Compare shops using appropriate vocabulary.
Show an increased awareness of the effect of
gender on pronunciation.
Participate in simple role-play.
Reply, with intonation to questions asked using modern
Repeat new vocabulary.
Match images to vocabulary.
Select vocabulary to describe shops.
Accurately locate shops on a plan or map.
Read and demonstrate a comprehension of displayed
Manipulate images/ diagrams matching sounds and
written representation.
Find objects on plans etc using knowledge of
vocabulary used.
Research and discuss modern shops in Scotland (look
at labels/ signage etc).
Draw and label fictional High Street.
MLAN 2-07a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-11b
MLAN 2-11c
MLAN 2-11d
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while beginning to demonstrate understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Identify sounds and sound patterns.
Compare sounds with English language identifying
similarities and differences.
Use mirrors to look at mouth shape and facial
Use song to embed ordinance using ML.
Take part in games and activities to identify sounds.
Spell various simple words using ML alphabet.
Repeat sounds with increasing confidence and
Match sounds and letters.
Identify sounds accurately when listening.
Discuss similarities and differences between ML and
Spell with confidence, names and familiar words.
MLAN 2-07a
MLAN 2-01b
MLAN 2-11b
MLAN 2-11c
MLAN 2-11d
Revise alphabet and sounds associated with
Identify similarities and differences with sound and
spelling patterns.
Use phonics with increasing confidence in various ML
Demonstrate increased understanding of the
importance of pronunciation and intonation.
In The Town (shops)
MLAN 2-08a
MLAN 2-09a
MLAN 2-10a
MLAN 2-11b
MLAN 2-13a
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework
Bilingual dictionary
Cultural Awareness:
MLAN 2-11a
Listen actively to the sounds of a modern language
while demonstrating a simple understanding of
phonics, rhyme and rhythm.
Work with a partner to participate in simple word
and definition games and activities.
Use a bilingual dictionary with support.
Experience both printed and online versions of bilingual
MLAN 2-06b
MLAN 2-09a
Brainstorm information relating to school life in
country being studied.
Research and select relevant information about
school life.
Discover similarities and differences between
school life in ML study country and Scotland.
Research school life against a given set of criteria.
Select accurate and relevant details.
Demonstrate an understanding of similarities and
Present findings to peers in the form of a functional
piece of writing, using IT where necessary.
Participate in and respond to peer assessment.
Primary 5: Modern Language Framework