Response to the NEON RFI TITLE: STREON: Stream experimental and observational network A 10-year study of the resistance and resilience of aquatic ecosystems to global change 1. Submitting Domain(s) or Consortia: STREON, a group of 60 doctoral stream research scientists with interests in continental patterns in stream ecology and terrestrial/ aquatic interfaces 2. RFI Response: Research Design Experimental 3. Lead Scientists Dr. Walter K. Dodds Division of Biology Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 785 532 6998 Dr. Margaret A. Palmer Chesapeake Biological Lab University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Solomons, MD 20688 410 326 7241 Dr Bradley J. Cardinale Dept of Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology University of California Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 805 893 4157 4. Key Contributing Scientists: Steering Committee Dr. Nancy B. Grimm School of Life Sciences Arizona State University PO Box 874501 Tempe, AZ 85287-4501 480 965 4735 Dr. Stephen K. Hamilton Michigan State University Kellogg Biological Station 3700 E. Gull Lake Dr. Hickory Corners, MI 49060 616 671 2231 Dr. Sherri L. Johnson USFS PNW Research Station 3200 SW Jefferson Way Corvallis, OR 97331 541 758 7771 Dr. Matt Whiles Southern Illinois University Department of Zoology Life Sciences II, Room 351 Carbondale, IL 62901-6501 618 4537639 1 Additional Affiliated Scientists Scientists J. Dunham B. Bowden J. Melack J. Jones T. Tsegaye C. Pringle M. Valett S. S. Kaushal J. Boyer J. Trexler D. McKnight D. White M. Bernot C. Hargrave S. Earl J. Tank K. Gido G. Tribble M. Kido W. McDowell M. Whiles E. Stanley J. Vander Zanden P. Mulholland B. Peterson L. Deegan J. Ehleringer T. Crowl E. Strauss C. Dahm K. Miller J. Sabo A. Huryn A. Ward C.C. Vaughn L.J. Weider R. O. Hall L. Wei Institution Oregon State Univ. Univ. of Vermont Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks Alabama A & M Univ. Univ. of Georgia Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Univ. of Maryland Ctr of Env Sci Florida International Univ. Florida International Univ. Univ. of Colorado Murray State Univ. Murray State Univ. Sam Houston State Univ. Arizona State Univ. Univ. of Notre Dame Kansas State Univ. Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of New Hampshire Southern Illinois Univ. Univ. of Wisconsin Univ. of Wisconsin Oakridge National Laboratory Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Univ. of Utah Utah State Univ. Fort Hays State Univ. Univ. of New Mexico Univ. of New Mexico Arizona State Univ. Univ. of Alabama Univ. of Alabama Univ. of Oklahoma Univ. of Oklahoma Univ. of Wyoming South Dakota State Univ. Site Andrews Experimental Forest Arctic California Caribou Poker Creek Cole Spring Branch Coweeta Coweeta Code AND ARC SNV CPC CSB CWT CWT Eastern Coastal Plain Everglades Everglades Green Lakes Valley; Albion townsite Hancock Biological Station Hancock Biological Station Harmon Creek Indian Bend Wash Kellogg Biological Station Konza Prairie Biological Station Limahuli Stream, Kauai, Hawaii Limahuli Stream, Kauai, Hawaii Luquillo Middle Mississippi River Wetlands Northern Lake District Northern Lake District Oak Ridge Walker Branch Plum Island ACL FCE FCE GLV HBS HBS HAR IBL KBS KNZ LIM LIM LUQ MMW NTL NTL ORW PIE Plum Island PIE Red Butte Creek Red Butte Creek Saline River Sevilleta Sevilleta Sycamore Creek Talladega Forest Talladega Forest Univ. of Oklahoma Biological Station Univ. of Oklahoma Biological Station Upper Snake River Williston Research Extension Center RBC RBC SAL SEV SEV SYC TAL TAL UOBS UOBS SNK WRE 2 I. Abstract/summary Humans have greatly altered freshwaters, including depletion and degradation of supplies, increased nutrient loads, and diminished biodiversity. How these changes will individually and collectively influence the resistance and resilience of ecosystems, and their interaction with climate change, is unknown. We propose a long-term, large scale field experiment coupled to a continental observational network that will quantify how nutrient enrichment, reduced consumer diversity, and increased hydrologic variability interactively influence the resistance and resilience of stream ecosystems to global change. The information produced is central to ecological forecasting for freshwater resources. We focus on streams, rivers, and their related wetlands subject to water flow (hereafter referred to as streams). Streams are disproportionately important habitats for biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as economic, recreational and aesthetic value. Our overarching question is: how will chronic nutrient inputs (nitrogen or phosphorus), higher probabilities of extreme events (droughts and floods), and simplification of food webs (loss of consumers) impact the resistance and resilience of stream ecosystem function (stream-wide respiration, production, and nutrient retention)? We define resistance and resilience as the proportional change in ecosystem functions following a disturbance and the return interval, respectively. We will assess linkages and feedbacks among the ecosystem drivers that are the subject of this proposal. Streams are ideal ecosystems for the proposed research because they (i) have well delimited inputs and outputs, thus allowing quantification of the focal ecosystem-level processes, (ii) are dynamic systems that respond to disturbances over periods of weeks to years - time scales amenable to observation and experimentation, (iii) can be studied with comparable methods spanning the entire continent, (iv) are important sites of biogeochemical processing, and (v) integrate watershed processes that occur at the same scales as NEON network sensor platforms. Many of these attributes are unique to streams and allow cross-continental research efforts that are more difficult in other ecosystems. In a companion document, we propose 30 aquatic sites for a continental scale observational network. Here we propose 19 experimental sites that are closely paired with a subset of observational sites (controls). Experimental sites will receive a continuous doubling of limiting nutrient(s), and in situ experiments will remove top consumers. Natural hydrologic variation will be used to explore long term climate-induced change of flood and drought, and a subset of the experimental sites will be subjected to direct hydrologic manipulations. Control and paired experimental sites will be arrayed across the continent to capture variation in hydrology, temperature, nutrient loading, elevation, and biogeographical context. To adequately characterize stream ecosystem processes, each observational site will require 2 aquatic sensor packages and each experimental site will require 2 more (a total of 60 + 38 sensor packages and 30 aquatic biodiversity units). We will require additional measurements not in the ISEP (total N and total P, decomposition, nutrient limitation, dissolved gas analyses, and stable isotope and gut-content food web analyses) to effectively characterize community structure and ecosystem function. This is one of two linked responses to the NEON RFI’s for observational and experimental continental networks of stream research. Some sections of these responses are similar and others are different given the contrasting RFI requirements. The observational network is a very strong design to assess major drivers influencing streams and wetlands and how they link to other habitats. The experimental network builds on the observational one to strengthen the inference for a relatively low added cost. 3 II. Scientific Challenge Human impacts on Earth's ecosystems are now so pervasive that few systems can be considered ‘pristine’. Transformation of natural landscapes has benefited society (e.g., food and energy production), but this has come at a high cost including a more extreme and unpredictable climate (Zachos et al. 2001), depletion and degradation of freshwater (Postel et al. 1996), and a catastrophic loss of biological diversity (Sala et al. 2000, MEA 2005). We know much about the drivers of ecological change, but far less about the potential for ecological systems to adapt, recover, resist further change, or enter irreversible trajectories. Societal responses depend on an adequate understanding of how our actions constrain our options in the future. Thus, ecological forecasting requires identification of the mechanistic basis for how ecosystems resist change and how internal feedbacks contribute to ecosystem resilience (MA 2003). Here we propose a 10-year, continent-wide experimental network that will be coupled to an observational network (experimental control) to detail the mechanisms by which aquatic ecosystems resist and recover from three of the most pervasive forms of humaninduced disturbance. Our coupled experimental and observational networks will link ecological change in streams to the processes responsible for change. We include a variety of lotic waters (streams, wetlands, and rivers) but will refer to them as streams for the remainder of this proposal. Streams occupy a small fraction of the landscape but are disproportionately important for biodiversity, ecosystem services, and economic, recreational and aesthetic values (Baron et al. 2002). Streams also integrate the effects of human activities on the landscape linking watersheds to lakes and oceans; thus integrating environmental change across spatial scales. Forms of human-induced disturbance we will focus on are (i) chronic nutrient enrichment, (ii) altered frequencies of floods and droughts, and (iii) alteration of food-web structure. Humans have roughly doubled the availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in stream networks, leading to eutrophication of streams and downstream water bodies (Meybeck & Helmer 1989, Kemp et al. 2005). As the climate changes over the next century, streams will experience a greater frequency of floods and droughts due to an accelerated hydrologic cycle (Poff et al. 2002). Furthermore, extinction rates of freshwater biota (particularly at top trophic levels) exceed those for most marine or terrestrial fauna (Allan & Flecker 1993, Ricciardi & Rasmusen 1999). Streams are ideal ecosystems for the proposed research because they (i) have well delimited inputs and outputs, allowing quantification of the resistance and resilience of the focal ecosystem-level processes (Peterson et al. 2001), (ii) are dynamic systems that respond to disturbances over periods of weeks to years - time scales amenable to observation and experimentation (Poff et al. 1997), (iii) can be studied with comparable methods across the entire continent, (iv) are important sites of nutrient retention (Alexander et al. 2000, Wollheim et al. 2006) and (v) integrate watershed processes that occur on the same scales as those investigated by NEON network sensor platforms. Many of these attributes are unique to streams and allow some types of cross continental research that are not feasible in other ecosystems. II.1. Our overarching question: How will chronic nutrient inputs (nitrogen or phosphorus), higher probabilities of extreme events (droughts and floods), and simplification of food webs (loss of consumers) impact the resistance and resilience of stream ecosystem function (whole ecosystem respiration, production, and nutrient retention)? We define resistance and resilience as the proportional change in ecosystem functioning following a disturbance and the return interval, respectively. Strong justification exists for linking our proposed ecosystem drivers 4 (independent variables). First, theoretical and empirical work has shown that community structure and ecosystem function are jointly influenced by disturbances, and nutrient loading can regulate rates of recovery (Wilson & Tilman 1993, Amarasekare et al. 2004, Cardinale et al. 2006). Similarly, nutrients and consumers often interact because top-down and bottom-up controls have opposing impacts on community structure and function (Kneitel & Chase 2004, Borer et al. 2006). Furthermore, biodiversity and ecosystem function are inherently linked because resource capture and community production can depend on the number and types of species as well as their resources (Tilman 1999, Chapin et al. 2000, Swan & Palmer 2006). This prior research leads to at least two related predictions that have not been tested at the continental scale or across major biomes as we propose. First, the biomass and dynamics of aquatic basal species (autotrophs and microbial heterotrophs at the base of food webs) are influenced by the relative impacts of two opposing forces: (i) hydrologic disturbance and primary consumers that reduce biomass and mediate species coexistence, vs. (ii) nutrient loading that promotes biomass production and favors basal species with high turnover and growth rates (traits that favor resilience). Second, through their influence on basal species, (i) and (ii) modify ecosystem functions, such as productivity, respiration, and nutrient retention. As such, they can also alter the relative importance of the two dominant pathways of energy flux through a food web – the producer vs. detrital pathways. II.2. Hypotheses and expected results H1 Interactions among key drivers: The resistance and resilience of ecosystem functioning (stream productivity, respiration, nutrient cycling and retention) are jointly determined by the frequency of extreme hydrologic events (droughts/floods), the rate of nutrient loading, and food web structure. We expect both nutrient loading and pulsed hydrologic disturbances to decrease nutrient retention. Primary and secondary production should increase with greater nutrient loading as should rates of microbial decomposition, leading to more rapid recovery (resilience) from pulsed disturbances compared to an undisturbed state. However, with greater flood and drought frequency, primary and secondary production and consumer control on basal system ecosystem functions will decrease. Interaction between loading and disturbance will thus amplify ecosystem variability. Increasing the frequency of extreme events will promote dominance by a subset of disturbance resistant taxa or resilient species with high growth and colonization rates. Increased nutrients will make detrital food sources more available to consumers, shifting the food web to a more heterotrophic state (Johnson et al. 2006). H2 Time scales of ecosystem feedbacks and regime shifts: Long term nutrient loading and increased frequency of hydrological disturbance interact to promote irreversible ‘regime’ shifts that alter resistance and resilience of ecosystem functioning to droughts/floods (hydrologic disturbance). Nutrient loading will shift algal community structure to favor taxa that are less palatable to herbivores (mostly invertebrates and fish), while also increasing the quality of detritus that is consumed primarily by fungi and bacteria (e.g., C:N detrital ratios decrease with nutrient loading, Dodds et al. 2004). Loss of primary consumers may be further exacerbated by increasing frequency of hydrologic disturbances that preclude the recovery of larger primary consumers. As top-down control by herbivores is jointly reduced by nutrient loading and hydrological disturbances, ecosystem-level processes will shift from producer to decomposer pathways, the resistance of ecosystem functioning to hydrologic disturbance will decrease, and the resilience increase (see H1). Regime shifts resulting from the extinction of consumers may 5 take years to occur, and long-term studies are required to detect more than just the transient phases of ecosystem response. H3 Spatial scales of response: The resilience and recovery of ecosystem functioning over large (continental) scales will vary with regional context including local species composition and diversity, climate and hydrological disturbance regime. Community structure and ecosystem function vary with both local conditions, as well as across biogeographic scales. Thus, a continental-scale observational and experimental network is needed to elucidate the context dependency of ecological responses. Nutrient loading and flow disturbance vary greatly across the gradient of sites we have selected, allowing us to test hypotheses that would be impossible to test at single sites. We predict that sites with chronic nutrient loading (e.g., U.S. farm belt) are closest to critical points for regime shifts in response to added loading. We also predict that sites with historically variable flow regimes (Poff et al. 1997) will show little response to experimental increases of hydrological disturbance frequency. Development of broadly applicable predictive frameworks of ecological resilience can only be accomplished using comparative studies at large scales as well as experimentation (Palmer and Bernhardt 2006) because both ecological contexts and human impacts vary. For example, streams with closed canopies have detritus-dominated food webs while open-canopy systems have prominent algal producers supporting food webs. Evolutionary context also matters; herbivorous fish and invertebrate grazers dominate in southern and northern streams respectively and are expected to react differently when exposed to floods and drought. II.3. Our hypotheses are directly related to both of NEON’s Grand Challenges. By assessing the direction and pace by which stream ecosystems respond to and recover from human-induced stressors (nutrient loading & altered hydrology), H1 squarely addresses Grand Challenge I. We even go a step further to examine interactions among drivers that may limit ecosystem response. H2 and H3 are directed at Grand Challenge II because our experiments manipulate the drivers of ecosystem change in factorial combination with community structure (the consumers) that influence ecosystem functioning. We will not only elucidate the effects of 3 main drivers but also will compare the direct vs. indirect effects of each on ecosystem functioning. To clarify the feedbacks between ecosystem function and community structure we have proposed to experimentally sever feedbacks between community structure (consumers) and processes performed by their resources (production and respiration) using consumer exclusions. Importantly, our cross-domain approach will capture patterns of responses across most major biomes in North America, as well as sites within biomes that differ in terms of historical context. II.4. Why is NEON required for the proposed work? The interaction between altered flow regimes and biotic communities under chronic nutrient pollution (Peterson et al. 1985) has received little attention and has not been studied broadly across systems; yet understanding this interaction is critical to identify management and restoration strategies for the nation’s aquatic resources. A long-term and continental-scale experiment is necessary because effects such as nutrient saturation and changes in species composition may take decades to manifest themselves (Slavik et al. 2004) and historical and existing differences influencing ecological response (context-dependency) typically occur over broad geographic regions. These differences include many human impacts (e.g. atmospheric vs. terrestrial N loading), as well as gradients of precipitation, temperature and hydrologic regimes that form the adaptive template freshwater 6 organisms have experienced over evolutionary time (Poff 1996). Our decade-long experiment in combination with a simultaneous NEON observational program is designed to specifically capture the pace and extent of human impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Finally, there are no existing broad-scale funding mechanisms to approach these challenges at continental scales, or even at more than a few sites at a time. III. Experimental Design III.1. Spatial design and overview Our experiments will take place concurrently at 19 sites, a subset of 30 observational sites that have been organized along continental gradients in nutrient loading, climate (e.g., arid to humid), and hydrologic regimes (e.g., stable groundwater, intermittent flashy). While the inferences about patterns from our observational network will be quite strong, our ability to distinguish the processes underlying these patterns will be enhanced considerably by experiments that will directly manipulate 3 of the most important drivers of ecological change (chronic nutrient loading, frequency of extreme hydrologic events, and extinction of top consumers). Our experimental network is also specifically designed to create vital infrastructure for future experiments that could examine microbial biodiversity, cycling of minor elements, stoichiometric analyses, effects of invasive species, efforts to scale to larger watersheds (e.g. by linking to USGS sites or future CUAHSI or CZO sites), and other human stressors on freshwaters. Ultimately, the conceptual framework for our experiments will help us evaluate how and why streams respond to global change and, in turn, how these responses are tied to valuable goods and services produced by these ecosystems (e.g., water purification, biodiversity, production of exploitable species, nutrient cycling and retention). Community structure Flood and drying (numbers and types of species) (pulses driven by climate and land use) Value of ecosystem goods and services Ecosystem functions Resource supply rate (primary production (press N & P addition) and nutrient retention and cycling) We have proposed that our network of experimental sites be coupled with a continental observational network because the complex interactions and potential feedbacks we will identify require long-term data collected via complementary approaches. While we have identified potential primary drivers of stream and wetland ecosystem function in our hypotheses, context dependence is expected to play an important role in mediating stream ecosystem response, and thus it is necessary to array sites across a variety of gradients to ensure that alternative explanations for ecosystem and community properties are not discounted. Therefore, we have arrayed our sites along biogeographical gradients that span our focal independent variables, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (high rates in the northeast and lower in many areas of the rest of country), and hydrologic regime (intermittent flashy in the southwestern desert US, snowmelt in many western states, etc.). Our sites also span other gradients that might influence context-dependent responses, such as gradients of precipitation and temperature (north-south, east-west transects), elevation (sea level to 3200 m), and evolutionary history (species-poor areas in northern glaciated areas, species-rich areas in the southern and eastern US). 7 Our observational and experimental stream sites were chosen to span all the NEON domains and to include two or more sites within several NEON domains, so that for these domains we could view some drivers as ‘constant’ while others vary. For example, parts of the Northern Plains and Great Basin domains have similar hydrologic regimes but differ with respect to elevation and snowpack; sites within the Prairie Peninsula domain have similar annual temperatures but differ in terms of N deposition; and sites within the Pacific Northwest and the Atlantic Tropical Domains have similar precipitation but differ in temperature. This design will allow us to elucidate the context-dependence of our results and thus contribute to the development of general predictive frameworks for ecological response and ecosystem resilience. We have also ensured that some of our domains include considerable variation in human impact (urban, cropland, hydrologic modification). These sites were chosen to be in areas of rapid ecological change (urban sites such as Phoenix, Midwest sites in regions of rapid groundwater withdrawal, and agricultural sites in the Central US). Core wild land sites will be interspersed with human impacted sites to assess more localized gradients of human impacts. Detail on the array of sites is included in the site selection section below, and substantially greater detail is contained in the companion response describing our observational network. III.2,3,4. Replicates, site characteristics, experimental protocol and measurements Manipulation of independent variables (controls and treatments) This experiment will entail continuously fertilizing streams for 10 years, doubling background concentrations of the limiting nutrient(s) and comparing impacts to an unfertilized reference reach (observational site). Limiting nutrients for microbial heterotrophic and autotrophic growth will be established by initial nutrient enrichment bioassays (Tank & Dodds 2003). We have identified two study systems at each experimental site (one for the observation of reference conditions and one for nutrient enrichment), each with at least 300 meters of stream channel and in secure locations. Each site will effectively serve as one replicate in the continental-scale experiment (i.e. across NEON domains). Experimental locations have been chosen where moderate amounts of fertilization or hydrologic manipulations are allowed, and where streams are reflective of “typical” regional geomorphology and vegetation. Nested within each nutrient treatment (reference vs. 2x nutrient addition), we will manipulate the presence/absence of top consumers from the benthic habitat in smaller plots by utilizing cage or electrical fence exclosures. Each exclosure will be paired with an “open side” or non-electrified control such that top-down effects can be calculated as the difference. These manipulations are meant to simulate extinction of top-consumers in a food web, which are generally most vulnerable to human impact. Because sites will have inherently different food webs, it is important to note that the top consumer at individual sites may represent different trophic groups (e.g. the top consumer is some streams is carnivorous fish, while in others it may be invertebrate herbivores). The important point is not that all sites will be manipulating the exact same group of organisms; rather, that all sites will be removing the top consumer in that systems, and this will, in turn, alter the magnitude of top-down control over ecological processes (either increasing or decreasing it). This flexibility allows many different sites that are inherently different to participate in the study, while still ensuring that we have a common framework that allows us to test our hypotheses Hydrologic manipulations at a subset of our experimental sites will be performed by using sudden water releases from stored tanks or tanker trucks. We will pump water into the tanks over a period of time and then release the water rapidly into the stream to simulate 8 scouring floods that cause bed movement. For hydrologic manipulation of intermittence we will focus on increasing frequency and magnitude of drying events in sites where it is possible to control diversion of flows from the site. As with flood treatments in streams, these drought manipulations will allow us to assess responses to predicted increases in the frequency and magnitude of drought. These experiments will assess the potential response of more stable groundwater systems to the predicted increased probability of flooding inherent in a more energetic climate under global warming. III.5. Measurement of response variables Key ecosystem-level processes will be measured at the inflow and outflow of each experimental reach. This two-station approach is required to account for transport of materials and to assess the importance of in-stream processing (Bernhardt et al. 2005, Darracq & Destouni 2005, Wollheim et al. 2006). Ecosystem functions to be measured include ecosystem metabolism (productivity and respiration), secondary productivity, nutrient retention and cycling (uptake, denitrification), and decomposition rates (Table 1, see Table 2 for methods). To help us interpret changes in the resistance and resilience of ecosystem functions, we will also measure a number Table 1. Independent and Dependent Variables to be Assessed Independent Variables Obsevational network (existing gradient) Climate – temperature, precipitation (mean, variation) Nutrient deposition Extreme events (magnitude, frequency) # sites 30 30 30 Dependent Variables (level and resilience*) for both observational and experimental networks Nutrient retention (N,P) Decomposition # sites Denitrification Respiratory Metabolism and Ecosystem Production Secondary Production (inverts, fish) 30 30 30 30 Ecological context (e.g., geomorphology, 30 30 biogeography, temperature, elevation) Native and non-native species diversity 30 Experimental network (direct manipulations) Nutrient additions 19 Food web structure (stable isotope studies) 30 Consumer exclusions 19 Extreme events (magnitude) 10 *each dependent variable will be evaluated in terms of magnitude (e.g., rate of denitrification or primary production, number of native species) and resilience following flow disturbances (e.g., rate and magnitude of recovery following flow disturbances). of response variables that describe food-web structure, including species composition and diversity of algae (and macrophytes where present), macroinvertebrates, and vertebrates, as well as food web structure (e.g., degree of omnivory, reliance on detritus versus primary producers, length of food chain) (Table 1). We will use standard core biodiversity measurements as outlined in the ISEP, with more intensive sampling where necessary as noted below (Table 2). More frequent measurements will be required to assess resilience to flood and drought, and to estimate secondary production of aquatic invertebrates. Contemporary methods (e.g., stable isotopes) will be used to trace food webs and ecosystem process rates. Food web structure will be established with gut analyses and by natural abundance of stable isotopes (C, N, and sometimes S and O). Facilities and equipment To account for in stream ecosystem processes, each observational site will require two sets of measurements, including two aquatic sensor arrays, and each experimental site 9 will have two study reaches (one reference equivalent to the other observational sites and one with manipulations, each with two sets of measurements (four aquatic sensor arrays) (a total of 60 + 38 sensor packages and 30 aquatic biodiversity units). Two sensors packages are required to characterize in-stream ecosystem rates. We need additional samples that cannot be measured with the standard sensor packages to be analyzed at central facilities for biodiversity and chemical assessment. Dissolved gas measurements are required for calculation of denitrification rates (dissolved N2) as well as production rates of greenhouse gases (N2O, methane, CO2). Total nutrient concentrations are needed to estimate ecosystem transport, retention, and nutrient cycling. Natural abundance of stable isotopes in chemical fractions is required to establish differences in biogeochemical cycling pathways. Stable isotope abundance will be particularly important in the enrichment sites using nitrogen because the fertilizer will have a distinct isotopic signature and thus will serve as an isotope tracer addition. Stable isotope abundance in organisms and food sources will also allow quantification of food web structure (e.g. path strengths in food webs, not just linkages) and movement of nutrients into and through biota under different experimental and observational conditions. We propose to use central facilities for all analyses of water chemistry, isotope analyses, and identifications of macroinvertebrate and algal species. Jan Stevenson at Michigan State University is willing to oversee algal taxonomy, Matt Whiles at Southern Illinois University Carbondale will oversee macroinvertebrate taxonomy and analyses, and Walter Dodds at Kansas State University will oversee water chemistry and isotope analyses. Relationship to observational network The observational and the experimental networks are complementary in their effort. The observational network will allow us to assess whether our hypotheses are supported by correlative long-term patterns documented in sites across the continent. On the other hand, our experiments allow us to verify whether those hypotheses are, in fact, the true explanation of data (not just a correlative relationship) in more than half of the observational sites. While either of the initiatives (experimental or observational) would yield important information on their own, both initiatives are designed to complement each other and provide maximum information for less cost and effort. Linkage of experimental and observational efforts across the continent is almost unprecedented in ecological research. Some observational efforts have been targeted to larger streams or lakes (e.g., EMAP or the USGS stream gauging network), but none toward the small, shallow aquatic habitats that form the key interface between terrestrial and other aquatic habitats. 10 Table 2. Measurements specified in the Integrated Science and Education Plan that will be performed concurrently across all sites. Spatial Distribution Measurement Water level in reach and nearby groundwater Bottom of each reach Dissolved organic carbon concentration Sampling Frequency Direct or Aggregate Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Top and bottom of each reach Every 10 minutes Daily Nutrient concentrations bys sensor: NO3stream Riparian groundwater levels Top and bottom of each reach Daily Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum In groundwater wells Weekly Conductivity Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate to mean monthly plus minimum and maximum Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Turbidity Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Chlorophyll Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Surface PAR and UV Middle of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Automated water sample collection for additional chemical profiles (dissolved and particulate N, P and C) Dissolved oxygen Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate flow weighted daily Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Temperature Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum pH Top and bottom of each reach Hourly Aggregate mean daily plus minimum and maximum Direct 11 Table 3. Additional measurements using manual methods. Measurement Type Post-Processing Skill Level Spatial Distribution Sampling Frequency Direct or Aggregate Stream geomorphology Isotope natural abundance in water Isotope natural abundance in biomass compartments Biomass of compartments In situ Grab Data entry Extensive chemical All of site 1 sample Once after every major flood From daily combined water sample Direct Aggregate Grab Dry, grind, weight Field tech BS chemistry Lab tech Seasonal (every 4 months) Direct Grab Dry, grind, weight Lab tech Seasonal (every 4 months) Direct Dissolved and particulate N, P and C Benthic chlorophyll Grab Digest, autoanalzye From daily combined water sample Aggregate Grab Collect and extract BS chemistry Lab tech Grab Trace gas flux (diffusive evasion of CO2, CH4, N2O) Grab Field tech Combined across reach Monthly plus every 3 days after a disturbance Direct N2 flux (15N tracer studies) Grab Field tech Combined across reach Monthly plus every 3 days after a disturbance Direct Nutrient limitation bioassays In situ incubation Field tech/ lab tech 1 set each reach Once per site per season Direct Leaf decomposition rate Field tech Triplicate each reach Combined across reach Macroinvertebrates Grab Lab ID Combined across reach Seasonal (every 4 months), and more frequently for secondary production Direct Fish Grab Field ID and release Field tech/ systematic expert Field tech/ systematic expert Field tech Every fall using on replicate riparian leaves and “standard” leaves Seasonal (every 4 months), and more frequently after disturbance Direct Algae In situ incubation Grab Extract gas from water, send to central lab to analyze gas on GC Extract gas from water, send to central lab to analyze gas on GC Extract gas from water, send to central lab to analyze gas on MIMS Measure metabolic rates of substrata, analyze for chlorophyll Incubate leaf packs, weigh before and after Lab ID Monthly plus every 3 days after a disturbance Over a range of discharges for each site, redone after major floods Direct Reaeration rates using SF6 tracer gas release Combined across reach Combined across reach Combined across reach Combined across reach Combined across reach Combined across reach Seasonal (every 4 months), and more frequently after disturbance Direct Field tech Aggregate Direct 12 III.6. Remote sensing needs Streams and wetlands are the vital interface between terrestrial and aquatic habitat which is sensitive to land use, disturbance and climate change. Trends in land use/ land cover in the watershed above each observational point will be a key explanatory variable of ecological conditions, as will more detailed information on riparian vegetation characteristics. Remote sensing can serve two different purposes relative to our stream experiments. First, results at experimental and observational sites will be influenced by changes in watershed land use and cover. We propose to use Landsat NLCD data to characterize catchment cover for each experimental stream site. Additionally, we posit that riparian vegetation can dictate light availability for aquatic primary production, provides a key energy source to stream food webs, and will respond to longterm fertilization experiments. Vegetation greenness, LAI, above-ground biomass, and canopy density are variables of interest that could be sensed remotely. We therefore request a subset of the remote sensing coverage associated with the “Continental Prime Package” outlined in the document “Remote Sensing and Spatial Data Acquisition for the NEON Network and Integrated Thematic Gradient Studies” (Ustin et al. 2006). Our specific request appears in the Table below. These data are requested for permanent transects oriented along and upstream of the experimental stream reaches. In many cases the watershed remote sensing will also serve for other NEON purposes. Table 4. Sensor Type Resolution Spectral Spatial Temporal Spatial Extent Landsat5 or alternative 400-2500nm 5 Bands 30m 1/year Drainage Basin Hyperspectral Imager 400-3000nm 2m 2 times/growing season 1km 0.5m 1/year (peak growth) 1km No. Bands: 200-350 Full Waveform Lidar (flown with VNIR imager or camera) NIR, 1 band Image Processing Level Most Important Variable/Meas. OrthoGeoregistered Radiance Standard products OrthoGeoregistered Radiance Surface Reflectance Standard products NLCD Land Cover OrthoGeoregistered Calibrated Elevation 3-d data cubes Biomass LAI Tree density 3-d land cover (topography of ground and canopy) Aboveground biomass Tree density Leaf area density Species maps % cover, LAI , fPAR Land cover classes Species/community maps BGC states (pigments, water content, dry plant matter; soil minerals, clay, organic matter) 13 III.7. Expected duration of the experiment We will carry out the experiments for several decades using funding from NEON to support at least the first 10 years. Prior long-term fertilizations in streams have yielded unpredicted responses on longer time scales (Chambers & Prepas 1994, Peterson et al. 1985, Slavik et al. 2004). Such effects may be particularly notable where larger animals or long-lived primary producers play important roles. For example, stimulation of heterotrophic activity by nutrients in a forested headwater stream ultimately led to increased growth rates of a dominant large consumer (larval salamander, Johnson et al. 2006). Short-term nutrient additions (acute) lead to different responses in nutrient retention than long-term, chronic, additions (O’Brien 2006). Finally, long term changes in flood or drought frequency are expected to have very different impacts from those found from the many short term experiments conducted by stream ecologists (Fisher & Grimm 1991, Palmer et al. 1996). III.8. Administration and review plan We will model our administrative and experimental planning after the cross-site LINX I and LINX II projects, which represent a highly successful long-term collaboration among a large group of stream ecologists. The original LINX I project ran from September 1996 through August 2001 and resulted in 26 publications, 7 theses and dissertations, and 69 presentations. The LINX II project started in 2001 and has generated 14 peer reviewed publications as of 2005. Thirteen synthetic manuscripts are now being prepared. Our group will include prior LINX participants, but also expand to include other sites and investigators. In the first year we will have three, two-day workshops to finalize protocols and plans, start pre-sampling, and establish publication policies. We will meet annually to review progress of the experiment to assess the possibility of unexpected interactions resulting from the treatments. This will allow for interpretation of results, assessing the possibilities for unforeseen movements of experimental or observational sites, and revision of protocols. We think a flexible approach is necessary considering that replicates occur across the continent. We will establish an executive committee to make decisions on hiring, and more importantly on the planning of auxiliary experiments that occur at our sites. This long-term experiment will provide very strong infrastructure and we anticipate numerous requests to perform experiments and complementary studies using the extensive background data and manipulations. We will hire a doctoral-level scientific project coordinator to deal with day-to-day decisions on scientific direction. The executive committee will oversee the project coordinator. We will also require laboratory personnel for core analytical facilities, water chemistry, isotope analyses, algal taxonomy and macroinvertebrate taxonomy. 14 IV. Site Recommendations and information . (see attached ESRI shapfile in Arc/Info E00 export format) Figure 1. Proposed sites for the Stream Experimental and Observational Network (STREON). These sites will serve as the foundation for a comprehensive, 10-year study of the resistance and resilience of aquatic ecosystems to global change (also see Table 5). Table 5. Names and information about STREON core sites- Experimental sites in italics in shaded rows. Name of location Property owner Latitude Longitude Primary property access point Andrews Experimental Forest Arctic US Forest Service BLM Research Natural Area University of Alaska City of Boulder, CO Nature Conservancy USFS State of Wisconsin US Department of Energy 44.207340 68.633333 -122.256965 -148.283333 Road Road 65.160000 40.042875 39.103807 18.316330 46.012000 35.573168 -147.500000 -105.592296 -96.595539 -65.748020 -89.672000 -84.164504 Road, ATV trails Road Road Road Dirt road Road BLM US Forest Service 34.3358 32.953200 -107.0392 -87.409000 Road Road Caribou Poker Creek Green Lakes Valley Konza/ Kings Creek Luquillo/ Bisley Northern Lake District Oak Ridge Reservation / Walker Branch Rio Salado Talladega Forest 15 Noncore site candidate gradient sites- Experimental sites in italics in shaded rows. Name of location Property owner California Sierra Nevada Los Angeles Dept of Water & Power, Nature Conservancy UDSA Forest Service American Chestnut Land Trust USGS NPS, Department of Interior Commonwealth of Kentucky/TVA Sam Houston State University numerous private and municipal Michigan State University National Tropical Botanical Garden Cole Spring Branch Coweeta Eastern coastal plain Entrada Field Station Everglades Hancock Biological Station/Ledbetter Creek Harmon Creek Indian Bend Wash Kellogg/ Augusta Creek Limahuli Stream, Kauai, Hawaii Middle Mississippi River Wetlands Field Station Plum Island Red Butte Creek in Red Butte Canyon RNA Saline River San Pedro River Sycamore Creek University of Oklahoma Biological Station Upper Snake River Williston Research Extension Center Illinois Department of Natural Resources (managed by SIUC) Town of Ipswich Conservation US Forest Service Fort Hays State University Grayhawk Nature Center Tonto National Forest Army Corps of Engineers and University of Oklahoma Commonwealth of Kentucky/TVA North Dakota State University Lat. Long. Primary property access point 37.611900 -118.872700 Road 34.677423 35.058633 38.525000 -86.323447 -83.445144 -76.525833 38.800000 25.468206 36.739484 -109.270000 -80.853276 -88.154249 30.744800 -95.471500 Road 33.631261 -111.890227 Road 42.366200 22.21993049 -85.356300 -159.5765763 Road Road 37.266666 -89.450000 Road 42.722128 -70.847136 Boat 40.800000 -111.780000 Road 39.070000 31.625833 33.694100 33.982240 -99.115000 -110.173889 -111.541000 -96.432000 Road Road Road Road/trails/boat 43.658300 -110.711300 Road/boat 48.160000 -103.630000 Road Road Road Road/trails Road Road/boat/helicopter Road 16 V. Budget Estimates This budget indicates additional costs that would be required over and above the observational network (see related response to RFI) costs. We require 60 aquatic sensor units from the ISEP standard aquatic sensor package for observational sites and an additional 38 aquatic sensor units to instrument experimental sites. We need the equivalent of 30 aquatic biodiversity sentinel units (the costs of biodiversity sample processing are included in this budget). These estimates are for first year costs; replacement of these units or their components will be necessary over the 10-yr lifespan of the project. We have not estimated fringe benefit rates for any salaries, nor have we estimated overhead rates. We suggest that salaries and operating costs should increase by 5% per year. We attach standard NSF forms for the first year including building and operation costs, and for the 2nd year that includes only operation costs. V.1. One time costs, overhead not included Cost Ea. Item OI flowsolution IV nutrient autoanalyzer IC with nutrient regenerator Millipore SuperQ water purification system Shimadzu TOV-V combustion analyzer SpeX Certiprep 8000 mill Cahn C-35 microbalance Metler Toledo analytical balance Metler Toledo pan balance Thelco precision drying oven Thermolyne muffle furnace Thermo electron IRMS Delta V MS-200 membrane inlet mass spectrometer Varian CP3800 gas chromatograph Compound microscope/ image analysis system Dissecting scope/ image analysis Dissecting scopes M11 Ultraclave steam sterilizer Use Analyze dissolved nutrients Analyze nitrate and phosphate Provide water for nutrient lab Analyze dissolved carbon Mill solid samples for isotope analysis Weigh solid samples Reagent preparation Weigh fertilizer, field samples for biomass Process biomass samples Dissolved carbon sampling gear/ ash free dry mass Mass spec natural abundance of dissolved and particulate materials Analyze dissolved N2 concentration Analyze dissolved gasses Algal identification Macroinvertebrate identification Macroinvertebrate picking Digestion Cost # Exp $70,000 # Obs 1 Observ Experi $70,000 $0 $45,000 1 $45,000 $0 $13,000 1 $13,000 $0 $40,000 1 0 $40,000 $0 $6,000 1 0 $6,000 $0 $16,000 $3,500 1 1 0 0 $16,000 $3,500 $0 $0 $2,500 30 0 $72,500 $0 $2,718 30 0 $78,822 $0 $4,000 30 0 $116,000 $0 $2,000,000 1 0 $2,000,000 $0 $75,000 1 0 $75,000 $0 $70,000 1 1 $70,000 $70,000 $25,000 1 1 $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 1 1 $15,000 $15,000 $1,500 5 5 $7,500 $7,500 $4,000 1 0 $4,000 $0 17 Turner fluorometer aquaflour Pipettes Nutrient release equipment Computers Site preperation Power (solar or extensions) Enclosure materials Sampling gear Innova 2350 shaker table Chlorophyll, rhodamine $2,500 30 19 $72,500 $42,500 Calibration standard preparation Add nutrients at controlled rate Data storage/ download Site and secure equipment Variable across sites, averaged here Consumer exclusions Nets, seines, corers Dissolved nitrogen isotope chemistry $1,000 30 19 $29,000 $20,000 30 19 $580,000 $340,000 $2,500 $5,000 30 30 19 19 $72,500 $145,000 $17,000 $85,000 $5,000 30 19 $145,000 $85,000 $2,000 $1,000 $7,000 30 30 30 19 0 0 $58,000 $29,000 $203,000 $34,000 $0 $0 $3,991,322 $721,000 V.2. Annual costs, upkeep, materials and supplies overhead (not included) Individual sites Materials, supplies, shipping, upkeep, probe replacement Individual sites Travel (to site, to annual meetings) Materials, supplies, upkeep Materials, supplies, upkeep Materials, supplies, upkeep Materials, supplies, upkeep Algal identification facility Macroinvertebrate facility Water chemistry facility Isotope analysis facility $15,000 30 19 $450,000 $285,000 $2,000 30 0 $60,000 $0 $4,000 1 1 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 1 1 $3,000 $3,000 $5,000 1 1 $5,000 $5,000 $7,000 1 1 $7,000 $7,000 $529,000 $304,000 Total Annual personnel needs: note fringe rates not included Project director Data managers Education coordinator Individual sites Individual sites Algal identification facility Algal identification facility Macroinvertebrate facility Macroinvertebrate facility Water chemistry facility Water chemistry facility Isotope analysis facility Isotope analysis facility Full time, doctoral level scientist Full time data managers Full time Field tech half time Lab tech half time Taxonomist Lab tech Taxonomist Lab tech Analyst Lab tech Analyst Lab tech $70,000 1 0 $70,000 $0 $50,000 $40,000 $15,000 $15,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $50,000 $30,000 1 1 30 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 19 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $50,000 $40,000 $450,000 $450,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $50,000 $30,000 $1,350,000 $50,000 $0 $285,000 $285,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 $30,000 $50,000 $30,000 $910,000 18 VI. Other considerations Future research directions - Our experiments are specifically designed to encourage participation by, and interaction among, the broadest possible group of scientists. Aside from the projects we have proposed here, our goal is to establish a long-term set of experiments with a flexible infrastructure that facilitates the future addition of experiments. Indeed, we are already discussing collaborations with colleagues, and are preparing to seek additional funds for studies that will consider the functional importance of stream microbial biodiversity, the impacts of community structure on the cycling of minor elements, stoichiometric analyses, feedbacks between drivers of ecosystem changes and probabilities of species invasions, and theoretical efforts to scale our results to whole watersheds (e.g. by linking to USGS sites or future CUAHSI sites). Interactions with other NEON proposals – This RFI is closely related to the STREON stream observational proposal. Also, we have developed these responses to the RFI in conjunction with Consortium for Connectivity at Continental Scales. Most of our sites match the location of their core or gradient sites. We are addressing key issues of connectivity at continental scales, explicitly how terrestrial systems connect to aquatic ecosystem as streams are one of the dominant routes of material transport on all but the most xeric landscapes. The stream sites are considering watersheds that integrate the footprints of the proposed terrestrial sensor units. We note that a separate response to the RFI proposes a continental-scale network of instrumented lakes and reservoirs (GLEON). Like streams, lakes and reservoirs are sensitive to changes in climate, landuse, and biotic structure. They function as sentinels and integrators of environmental change in their airsheds and landscapes downstream. We view our proposed network as complimentary to the lake network, yet able to examine a different set of questions. Some of the central laboratory analytical facilities would be similar across the networks, and should both networks be supported we would expect to combine facilities wherever possible to make resource use rates the most efficient. References Alexander, R. B., R. A. Smith and G. E. Schwarz. 2000. Effect of stream channel size on the delivery of nitrogen to the Gulf of Mexico. Nature 403:758-761. Allan, J. D. and A. S. Flecker. 1993. Biodiversity conservation in running waters. BioScience 43:32-43. Amarasekare, P, M. F. Hoopes, N. Mouquet and M. Holyoak. 2004. Mechanisms of coexistence in competitive metacommunities. American Naturalist 164:310-326. Baron, J. S., et al. 2002. Meeting ecological and societal needs for freshwater. Ecological Applications 12:12471260. Bernhardt, E. S., et al. 2005. Can't see the forest for the stream? In-stream processing and terrestrial nitrogen exports. BioScience 55:219-230. Borer, E. T., B. S. Halpern, and E. W. Seabloom. 2006. Asymmetry in community regulation: Effects of predators and productivity. Ecology 87:2813-2820. Cardinale, B. J., H. Hillebrand, and D. F. Charles. 2006. Geographic patterns of diversity in streams are predicted by a multivariate model of disturbance and productivity. Journal of Ecology 94:609-618. Chambers, P. A. and E. E. Prepas. 1994. Nutrient dynamics in riverbeds: the impact of sewage effluent and aquatic macrophytes. Water Research. 28:453-464. Chapin, F. S. I., E. S. Zavaleta, V. T. Eviners, R. L. Naylor, P. M. Vitousek, H. L. Reynolds, D. U. Hooper, S. Lavorel, O. E. Sala, S. E. Hobbie, M. C. Mack, and S. Diaz. 2000. Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature 405:234-242. 19 Darracq, A. and G. Destouni 2005. In-stream nitrogen attenuation: model aggregation effects and implications for coastal nitrogen impacts. Environmental Science and Technology 39:3716-3722. Dodds, W. K., E. Martí, J. L. Tank, J. Pontius, S. K. Hamilton, N. B. Grimm, W. B. Bowden, W. H. McDowell, B. J. Peterson, H. M. Valett, J. R. Webster, and S. Gregory. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry and nitrogen cycling rates in streams. Oecologia 140:458-467. Fisher, S.G. and N.B. Grimm. 1991. Streams and disturbance: are cross-ecosystem comparisons useful? In: Cole, J., Lovett G. and S. Findlay (eds) pp 196-222. Comparative Analyses of Ecosystems. Springer, Berlin. Johnson, B.R., J. B. Wallace, A. D. Rosemond and W.F. Cross. 2006. Larval salamander growth responds to enrichment of a nutrient poor headwater stream. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-006-0272-3. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton and 16 others. 2005. Eutrophication of Chesapeake Bay: historical trends and ecological interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 303:1-20. Kneitel, J. M. and J. M. Chase. 2004. 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Disturbance and patch-specific responses: the interactive effects of woody debris and floods on lotic invertebrates. Oecologia 105:247-257. Peterson, B. J., J. E. Hobbie, A. E. Hershey, M. A. Lock, T. E. Ford, J. R. Vestal, V. L. McKinley, M. A. J. Hullar, M. C. Miller, R. M. Ventullo and G. S. Volk. 1985. Transformation of a tundra river from heterotrophy to autotrophy by addition of phosphorus. Science 229:1383-1385. Peterson, B. J., W. F. Wollheim, P. J. Mulholland, J. R. Webster, J. L. Meyer, J. L. Tank, E. Martí, W. B. Bowden, H. M. Valett, A. E. Hershey, W. H. McDowell, W. K. Dodds, S. K. Hamilton, S. Gregory, and D. D. Morrall 2001. Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams. Science 292:86-90. Poff, N. L. 1996. A hydrogeography of unregulated streams in the United States and an examination of scaledependence in some hydrological descriptors. Freshwater Biol. 36:71-91. Poff, N. L., J. D. Allan, M. B. Bain, J. R. Karr, K. L. Prestegaard, B. D. Richter, R. E. Sparks and J. C. Strolmberg. 1997. The natural flow regime. A paradigm for river conservation and restoration. BioScience 47:769-784. Poff, L., M. M. Brinson, and J. W. Day Jr. 2002. Aquatic Ecosystems and global climate change. Potential impacts on inland freshwater and coastal wetland ecosystems in the United States. Prepared for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change 44 pp. Postel, S. L., G. C. Daily, and P. R. Ehrlich. 1996. Human appropriation of renewable fresh water. Science 271:785788. Ricciardi, A. And J. B. Rasmussen. 1999. Extinction rates of North American freshwater fauna. Conservation Biology 13:1220–1222. Sala, O. E., F. S. Chapin, J. J. Armesto, E. Berlow, J. Bloomfield, R. Dirzo, E. Huber-Sanwald, L. F. Huenneke, R. B. Jackson, A. Kinzig, R. Leemans, D. M. Lodge, H. A. Mooney, M. Oesterheld, N. L. Poff, M. T. Sykes, B. H. Walker, M. Walker, and D. H. Wall. 2000. Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100. Science 287:1770-1774. Slavik, K., B. J. Peterson, L. A. Deegan, W. B. Bowden, A. E. Hershey, and J. E. Hobbie. 2004. Long-term responses of the Kuparuk River ecosystem to phosphorus fertilization. Ecology 85:939-954. Swan, C. M. and M. A. Palmer. 2006. Preferential feeding by an aquatic consumer mediates non-additive decomposition of speciose leaf litter. Oecologia 149:online first. Tank, J.L. and W. K. Dodds 2003. Nutrient limitation of epilithic and epixylic biofilms in 10 North American streams. Freshwater Biology 48:1031-1049. Tilman, D. 1999. The ecological consequences of changes in biodiversity: a search for general principles. Ecology 80:1455-1474. Wilson, S. D. and D. Tilman. 1993. Plant competition and resource availability in response to disturbance and fertilization. Ecology 74:599-611. 20 Wollheim, W. M., C. J. Vörömarty, B. J. Peterson, S. P. Seitzinger, and C. S. Hopkinson. 2006. Relationship between river size and nutrient removal. Geophysical Research Letters 33:L06140-06144. Zachos, J., M. Pagani, L. Sloan, E. Thomas, and K. Billups. 2001. Trends, rhythms, and aberrations in global climate 65 Ma to present. Science 292:686-693. 21 FOR NSF USE ONLY 54 Year 1 Build out Costs SUMMARY BUDGET PROPOSAL NO. ORGANIZATIONSTREON Stream Experimental and Observational Network DURATION (MONTHS) Proposed Granted AWARD NO. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Walter Dodds A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates NSF-Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR Funds Funds Requested By Granted by NSF Proposer 1. Project coordinator 12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 7. ( ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( ) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 2. (68) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 12 3. ( ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) assume 35% TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) 70000 (If Different) $ 2190000 2260000 791000 3051000 Detail in response, does not include sensor packages or biodiversity sampling TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 1. DOMESTIC (INCL. CANADA, MEXICO AND U.S. POSSESSIONS) 2. FOREIGN F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS $ 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( ) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS 3608000 60000 TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 1877332 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. 8596322 INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) unknown? J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ $ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG FOR NSF USE ONLY 54 Continuing costs SUMMARY PROPOSAL BUDGET ORGANIZATION PROPOSAL NO. DURATION (MONTHS) STREON Stream Experimental and Observational Network Proposed PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR Granted AWARD NO. Walter Dodds A. SENIOR PERSONNEL: PI/PD, Co-PIs, Faculty and Other Senior Associates NSF-Funded List each separately with name and title. (A.7. Show number in brackets) Person-months CAL ACAD SUMR Funds Funds Requested By Granted by NSF Proposer 1. Project coordinator 12 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( ) OTHERS (LIST INDIVIDUALLY ON BUDGET EXPLANATION PAGE) 7. ( ) TOTAL SENIOR PERSONNEL (1-6) B. OTHER PERSONNEL (SHOW NUMBERS IN BRACKETS) 1. ( ) POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES 2. ( 68 ) OTHER PROFESSIONALS (TECHNICIAN, PROGRAMMER, ETC.) 12 3. ( ) GRADUATE STUDENTS 4. ( ) UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 5. ( ) SECRETARIAL - CLERICAL (IF CHARGED DIRECTLY) 6. ( ) OTHER TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES (A + B) C. FRINGE BENEFITS (IF CHARGED AS DIRECT COSTS) TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS (A + B + C) D. EQUIPMENT (LIST ITEM AND DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR EACH ITEM EXCEEDING $5,000.) 70000 (If Different) $ 2190000 2260000 791000 3051000 Detail in response, does not include sensor packages or biodiversity sampling TOTAL EQUIPMENT E. TRAVEL 60000 F. PARTICIPANT SUPPORT 1. STIPENDS 2. TRAVEL 3. SUBSISTENCE 4. OTHER TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ( ) G. OTHER DIRECT COSTS 1. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 2. PUBLICATION/DOCUMENTATION/DISSEMINATION 3. CONSULTANT SERVICES 4. COMPUTER SERVICES 5. SUBAWARDS TOTAL PARTICIPANT COSTS 773000 6. OTHER TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS H. TOTAL DIRECT COSTS (A THROUGH G) I. 3884000 INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) (SPECIFY RATE AND BASE) TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS (F&A) J. TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS (H + I) K. RESIDUAL FUNDS (IF FOR FURTHER SUPPORT OF CURRENT PROJECT SEE GPG II.D.7.j.) L. AMOUNT OF THIS REQUEST (J) OR (J MINUS K) $ $ M. COST SHARING: PROPOSED LEVEL $ PI/PD TYPED NAME AND SIGNATURE* AGREED LEVEL IF DIFFERENT: $ DATE FOR NSF USE ONLY ORG. REP. TYPED NAME & SIGNATURE* DATE NSF Form 1030 (10/99) Supersedes All Previous Editions *SIGNATURES REQUIRED ONLY FOR REVISED BUDGET (GPG III.C) INDIRECT COST RATE VERIFICATION Date Checked Date of Rate Sheet Initials-ORG