Do MaleBreeding Displays Functionto AttractMatesor Defend Territories?The ExplanatoryRole of Mateand Site Fidelity RICHARD B. LANCTOT1, BRETT K. SANDERCOCK2'4AND BART KEMPENAERS3'5 'Alaska Biological Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey 1011 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, USA Internet: 2Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6, Canada 3AustrianAcademy of Sciences, Konrad Lorenz-Institute for Comparative Ethology (KLIVV) Savoyenstrasse la, A-1160 Vienna, Austria 4Present Address: Centre for Applied Conservation Biology, 3rd Floor, Forest Sciences Centre University of British Columbia, 3004-2424 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada 5Present Address: Research Center for Ornithology of the Max Planck Society P.O. Box 1564, D-82305 Starnberg (Seewiesen), Germany Abstract.-Many shorebirds show elaborate breeding displays that include aerial flights and ground displays accompanied by song. The mate attraction hypothesis suggests that breeding displays function to attract mates and maintain pair bonds, whereas the territory defense hypothesis suggests breeding displays function in defining and defending nesting and feeding territories. We tested these hypotheses in the Western Sandpiper (Calidrismauri)by contrasting the duration and level of male breeding displays among pairs that differed in their mate and site fidelity. As predicted by the mate attraction hypothesis, males performed the highest number of song sequences during pair formation, and males paired with their mate of a prior year sang less than males paired to new mates. Further, sitefaithful males mated to a new but experienced mate displayed significantly more than remated males or males new to the area. This suggests a male's prior familiarity with an area and his neighbors does not lessen his display rate as was predicted under the territory defense hypothesis. Limited support for the territory defense hypothesis came from observations of males performing breeding displays with neighboring males along nest territory boundaries. This behavior was short-lived, however, as males abandoned nesting areas after pair-formation and used adjacent or disjointed feeding areas during egg-laying and incubation. Male aggression (i.e., aerial and ground chases), as opposed to breeding displays, appeared to be the principal means of maintaining territory boundaries. Indeed, the rate at which males chased other males remained fairly constant and high throughout the breeding season. Male chasing behavior may also serve as a paternity guard to protect against extra-pair copulations. Our study also found that a female's prior breeding experience in an area correlated with a reduced display rate by her mate, particularly if that mate was new to the area. This indicates female characteristics may not only drive nest initiation, as has been shown in other studies, but are important in determining the duration and extent of male display. Received:7February 2000, accepted10 March2000. Key words.-Breeding displays, Calidrismauri,mate attraction, mate guarding, territory defense, song, Western Sandpiper. Waterbirds 23(2): 155-164, 2000 Shorebirds exhibit some of the most elaborate breeding displays of any avian group. In monogamous shorebirds, breeding displays frequently include elaborate aerial flights and ground displays that are commonly accompanied by song (Parmelee et al. 1968; Heidemann and Oring 1976; Sordahl 1979; Miller 1979; Byrkjedal et al. 1989; Byrkjedal 1990). Such displays are typically performed by males and are thought to function primarily in mate attraction and pair bonding (Holmes 1973; Miller 1979; Blom- qvist et al. 1997). We call this the "mate attraction" hypothesis. Support for this hypothesis comes from studies that indicate recently paired male shorebirds show reduced levels of breeding displays relative to unpaired males (Miller 1979; Whitfield and Brade 1991). This decrease in display frequency may be due to males diverting their energies to mate-guarding to prevent females from copulating with extra-pair males (Birkhead and Moller 1992). Breeding displays may also function in defining and de- 155 This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 156 WATERBIRDS fending territories;which we termed the "territorydefense"hypothesis (describedin Armstrong1973). Under this scenario, declines in displayrate maybe associatedwith male establishmentof a territory.Maleswho have successfullyestablisheda territorymay be able to advertiseless frequently(Holmes 1973;Whitfieldand Brade 1991;Pierce and Lifjeld1998). It is also possiblethat male display has a 'dual function', helping males to attractfemales and defend their territories (Catchpoleand Slater1995). Determining the relativeimportance of the above two hypotheses is difficult given that mate attractionand territoryestablishment occur simultaneously(Table 1). Some insight can be gained, however,by comparing the rate and duration of breeding displaysperformedby malesreunitedwiththeir mate of a previousyear to males paired to a new female. Males exhibiting mate fidelity may displayat a lower level relativeto males pairedwith an unfamiliarfemale if breeding displaysfunction primarilyin mate attraction. This assumesthatfemalespairedto previous mates should require less information regarding male and/or territoryquality.If displaysfunction to provide such information, then males are likely to reduce display intensityto save energy.It also assumesthat females provide males with honest signals that theyarewillingor likelyto matewith the Table 1. Evidence that suggests breeding displays function in mate attraction or territory defense in monogamous shorebirds. References for each item are identified by capital letters within parentheses. Instances where our study supports, does not support, or does not test a line of evidence is indicated with an "+", "-", and "na", respectively. I. Evidence for Mate Attraction Hypothesis A. Display Phenology 1. Male display declines shortly after pair-bonds are formed or when incubation starts. (A, C, F, H, I, J, K, P) + 2. Males perform the most displays during pair formation. (B, E, I) + 3. Males begin displaying again if his first nest is lost or his mate abandons him. (K) na B. Male Characteristics 1. Paired males display less than unpaired males. (E, F, M) na 2. Remated males display less than experienced or new males paired to new mates. (J, L) + C. Context of Display 1. Males display toward or with potential mates. (F) + 2. Displays are given only by males. (E, I, K, P) + 3. Male display does not induce neighboring males to display. (E) 4. Males display over large areas that overlap other male areas. (B,J) + 5. Males ignore other males displaying on territory once clutch is completed. (J, K, M, O) + II. Evidence for Territory Defense Hypothesis A. Display Phenology 1. Males display into incubation and/or brood-rearing. (D, E) B. Male Characteristics 1. Males continue to display after forming pair bonds. (D, E) + 2. Males familiar with their territory display less than males unfamiliar with their territory. + if with prior mate C. Context of Display 1. Males display toward conspecific neighbor males. (C, F) + 2. Displays are given by males and females. (I) 3. Males display with one or more other males. (D, P) + 4. Male display restricted to distinct areas that do not overlap across males. (A, N, P) 5. New males takeover vacated male areas when experimentally removed. (G) na A = Ashkenazie and Safriel (1979), B = Blomqvist et al. (1997), C = Brown (1962), D = Byrkjedal (1990), E = Byrkjedal et al. (1989), F = Cairns (1982), G = Holmes (1970), H = Holmes (1971), I = Holmes (1973),J =Jehl (1973), K = Miller (1979), L = Nethersole-Thompson (1951), M = Parmelee (1970), N = Pitelka et al. (1974), O = Tuck (1972), P = Whitfield and Brade (1991). This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SANDPIPERBREEDINGDISPLAYFUNCTION male in question. A decrease in display rate with faithfulness to a mate is unlikely, however, if male breeding displays function primarily for territory defense. In a similar way, a male's experience in a particular nesting area may reduce the extent and duration of his breeding displays. Here an "experienced" male's greater familiaritywith an area and his surrounding neighbors may make his territory easier to defend or less likely to be invaded (the "dear-enemy" effect, see Fisher 1954; Falls 1982; Ydenberg et al. 1988; Godard 1991, 1993). This relationship may not hold, however, if male breeding displays function primarily in mate attraction. Little is known about how a female's familiarity with an area will influence her mate's display rate. The proximate effects of mate and site fidelity on the rate and duration of breeding display has rarely been quantified in shorebirds. Most researchers have simply related male displaysto breeding chronology or male pairing status, and have not considered the potential explanatory effects of mate and site fidelity (Heidelman and Oring 1976; Miller 1979; Byrkjedal et al. 1989; Blomqvist et al. 1997). Two exceptions include studies byJehl (1970, 1973) on Stilt Sandpipers (Calidrishimantopus)and Nethersole-Thompson (1951) on Common Greenshanks (Tringanebularia). They suggested that territorial and courtship behavior was reduced in old pairs (i.e., remated from a prior year) relative to new pairs, but provided little quantitative support. Western Sandpipers (Calidrismauri) are an excellent species to investigate these relationships. After undertaking a long distance spring migration from Equatorial regions to Alaska (Butler et al. 1987), males arrive on the breeding grounds before females and immediately begin performing elaborate aerial displays accompanied by vocalizations (Holmes 1973; Wilson 1994). Intra-male chases and fights are common and may continue until young hatch (Holmes 1973). Local survival ( =0.57) of adult Western Sandpipers (Sandercock et al., MS) is relatively low compared to most other shorebirds for which values are available (Sandercock and Gratto-Trevor 1997). This may require many adults to pair with new mates from year-to-yearand opens 157 territories to yearling or inexperienced males (Holmes 1971; Sandercock et al. MS). Thus there is the potential for breeding displays to function in both mate attraction and territory establishment. In this study, we used a marked population of Western Sandpipers to document how mate and site fidelity affected the duration and frequency of male breeding displays (i.e., singing and chasing rates). We used these results to support or negate the mate attraction and territory defense hypotheses for why males perform breeding displays. We also measured male mate-guarding behaviors throughout the breeding season to provide a better understanding of the role of intra-male aggression as a paternity guard. Because the relatively synchronous breeding and low number of renesting attempts recorded for this species provide little opportunity for obtaining additional matings (Sandercock et al. 1999), we predicted we would see little variation in mate guarding behavior amongst males differing in mate fidelity. METHODS We studied Western Sandpipers on a four km2site located 21 km E of Nome, Alaska (64020'N, 164056'W) during May-June 1996. The study site is located along the Bering Sea coast and contains shallow tundra ponds interspersed with low dry ridges. The breeding ecology of this population had been studied during 1993-1995 and consequently many individuals returning in 1996 were already uniquely marked with color bands. Nesting densities were relatively high at the study site, with 16.5 nests km2 observed in 1996. Nests were located by observing individuals visit their nest sites during behavioral observations, by opportunistically flushing parents off their nests or by watching birds return to their nests. Locations of nests were plotted on aerial photographs (scales: 1:1250 to 1:1600). Nests with less than 4 eggs (modal clutch size) were revisited daily until clutch completion. If the nest contained 4 eggs when discovered, we used the buoyancy and angle at which eggs floated to estimate hatching date (Sandercock 1998a). Nests were subsequently visited every 6-7 days during incubation and daily near expected hatching date. Date of clutch initiation ("laying date") was back-calculated by (1) the observed egg-laying schedule (0.8 eggs dayl), (2) date of hatching (assuming 21 day incubation period) or (3) stage of incubation, based on egg flotation (for nests that failed to hatch). Adults were captured with walk-in traps placed over their nests and sexed by culmen length (males < 24.2 mm, females >24.8 mm; Page and Fearis 1971; Cartar 1984; Sandercock 1998b). This method had ca. 95% accuracy for individual birds and 100% for pairs. We aged individuals by the coloration of the inner This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 158 WATERBIRDS tertial and wing coverts. Yearlings were distinguished by their buff or chestnut edges, whereas adults had white edges (Prater et al. 1977; Sandercock 1998b). Behavioral Observations We conducted behavioral observations on banded males and females from their arrival on the breeding grounds until shortly after clutch completion (11 to 26 May). Observations were then categorized into pre-fertile, fertile and post-fertile periods, based on clutch initiation dates. We assumed females were fertile from days -5 to +2 when day 0 was equal to the date when the first egg was laid. It is very likely that females can store sperm for a longer time and are thus already fertile before day -5. However, the average number of days (? SE) from the first observation of an adult to the first egg was relatively short (males: 6.2 ? 0.7, N = 30; females: 4.6 + 0.6, N = 25), so for practical reasons we defined the pre-fertile period as starting before day -5. Behavioral observations were usually terminated shortly after egg-laying (i.e., 4 days into incubation) because only one adult was visible (the other was incubating) and this bird primarilyfed. Useable focal observations totaled 44 hrs on 33 different pairs. Behavioral data were available on 14, 24, and 9 pairs during the pre-fertile, fertile and post-fertile periods, respectively. Each pair was observed for 47 ? 6.6 min (mean ? SE) during the pre-fertile, 72 ? 9.6 min during the fertile, and 26 ? 4.3 min during the post-fertile period. Observations were conducted on a daily basis by three people who dispersed throughout the study area. Focal observations were started whenever a marked individual was detected, and each pair was followed for 30 min if possible. During each focal observation, we recorded male vocalizations, male-male aggression, and distance between males and females. As a measurement of male breeding display rate, we quantified the number of "trill"songs per minute (Wilson 1994) and the number of song sequences (defined as a series of consecutive trill songs without interruption) per minute. Songs are performed during display flights and on the ground and are frequently used during aerial chases (see description of display flights in Brown 1962; Holmes 1973). Because both the number of trills min-' and the number of song sequences min-' were highly correlated during the fertile period (Spearman r24= 0.91, P < 0.001), we used the latter variable in further analyses. The number of song sequences min-' was converted to song sequences hr' for presentation. As an index of male-male aggression, we recorded the number of aerial and ground chases made by the focal male towards intruding males. The intensity of mate guarding was determined by recording the distances between males and females on a continuous basis to the nearest meter. We then calculated the proportion of the total observation time during which males were less than or equal to 5 meters from their mate as a mate guarding variable. Efforts to record other measures of mate guarding, such as whether males respond more often to female movements during the fertile stage than during non-fertile stages, proved unsuccessful because of low sample sizes. Statistical Analyses For all analyses we used the pair as our sample unit. Focal observations where males were followed for less than 5 min were excluded from all analyses. For pairs that were observed more than once during a day, we summed observation time and the recorded variables. For each pair, we then averaged the observations during different days within pre-fertile, fertile, and post-fertile stages and used these averages in further analyses. By summarizing the data this way, each day of each stage was given equal weight. Not all pairs were observed in all three breeding stages, and we could not perform an analysis of variance (repeated or single factor) to evaluate changes in male behavior through the season. Consequently we performed paired comparisons of male behavior with those pairs observed in more than one breeding stage. We contrasted pairs which differed in pair status to evaluate the effects of mate and site fidelity on male breeding behavior. These analyses were limited to the fertile period where our sample sizes were sufficiently high. We characterized males and females based on whether (1) they had bred with the same mate as in 1995 (i.e., "remated"), (2) they had bred at our study site before, and (3) their mate had bred at our study site before. Males and females who were site faithful were considered "experienced" in the study area, whereas adults first captured in 1996 and yearlings were considered "inexperienced". Adult birds first captured in 1996 represented 27.3% of females and 18.2% of all males, whereas yearlings represented 12.1% of females and 3.0% of males. The assumption that these birds were "inexperienced" at our study site seems reasonable, given our intensive banding efforts between 1993 and 1996, and the high recapture rates between years (>80%). Recapture (i.e., resighting) rates were different than local survival rates (see above) because the former depends on the probability of breeding, the probability of detecting a nest, and the probability of capturing the bird, whereas the latter depends on true survival and local site-fidelity (Sandercock et al. MS). We used SYSTAT7.0 (1997) to conduct analyses. We relied on non-parametric statistics for most analyses because data were non-normally distributed and sample sizes were small. Sample sizes became limited in this study because behavioral observations were restricted to banded birds whose nest initiation date could be determined, and because many analyses used only a portion of the breeding population (e.g., a particular pair and site-faithful group). Tests were two-tailed and considered to be significant at the 0.05 level. Data are presented as medians and ranges unless otherwise noted. RESULTS The first Western Sandpiper male performed aerial breeding displays on 10 May 1996 and within two days there were numerous males displaying. Females initiated nests almost immediately (median laying dale and range were 21 May, 13 May-3June; Sandercock et al. MS). The first remated pair was recorded on 11 May. Males performed aerial displays accompanied by vocalizations over a large area but their energies were focused over tundra heath habitat in which their nests were subsequently found. Displays were occasionally performed with one or two This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 159 SANDPIPERBREEDINGDISPLAYFUNCTION other males simultaneously, but not in a duetting fashion. Aside from their nesting territory, pairs also had either adjacent or separate feeding areas along wetland edges that they used during and after egg-laying. Males rarely sang over feeding territories, and these areas typically did not overlap among pairs. After clutches were completed, it was not uncommon for new, late-arriving males to display over nesting habitat in which females had previously initiated nests. 40 30 S2010 0 N= 14 N=24 Pre Fertile N=9 Post Breeding Stage Mate Fidelity Between and Within Seasons Of 48 banded birds resighted in 1996, only 18 (37.5%) birds paired with their mate from the previous year. Nine (69%) of 13 pairs, where both members were observed on the study area in 1996, remated (i.e., 4 pairs divorced). This was similar to the mate fidelity rates in 1994-1995 (65.2% N = 23; Sandercock et al. MS). We observed three occasions where adult females, and once where an adult male, nested twice within the same year after the first nest failed. Two of the three females had nested on the study area in previous years. They first paired with their mate from 1995, and then one mated with another experienced male and the other mated with a new male. The third female was new and sequentially mated with two males that had previously bred on the study area. The single male that renested had bred on the study area in a previous year, but we could not determine whether he changed mates because his first mate was unbanded. exhibited Figure 1. The number of song sequences hr-' by male Western Sandpipers during the pre-fertile, fertile and post-fertile breeding stages. See text for definition of breeding stages. Sample sizes are listed above the x-axis. Box plots include the median (solid line), 25th and 75th quartile (box outline), and 5th and 95th quartile (bars with caps). stages (fertile: 12.5, 3.2-16.7; post-fertile: 2.7, 0-13.1, N = 8; U= 55, P= 0.02). Observations of male chases revealed little to no change between six males observed in the pre-fertile and fertile stages (pre-fertile: 2.2, 0-28.0, chases hr'; fertile: 1.4, 0-24.1; U = 19, P = 0.87), and eight males observed in the fertile and post-fertile stages (fertile: 7.9, 0-16.0; post-fertile: 1.7, 0-21.1; U = 45, P= 0.17). Male chases during the pre-fertile stage were directed at other Western Sandpipers that frequented the nesting territory of a pair. Chases during the fertile and post-fertile stages, in contrast, were directed at both conspecifics and heterospecifics and were concentrated at the feeding territory of a pair. Other species that were chased included Semipalmated Sandpipers (C. pusilla), DunMale-Male Breeding Displays, Aggression, lin (C. alpina), Red-necked Phalaropes and Mate Guarding (Phalaropuslobatus),and Lapland Longspurs Male vocalization rates were highest at (Calcariuslapponicus).Males also chased oththe beginning of the breeding season and er male Western Sandpipers when they atappeared to decline thereafter (Fig. 1). Pair- tempted to copulate with their mate. These wise analyses, however, limited to males ob- attempted extra-pair copulations occurred served in both the pre-fertile and fertile stag- primarily at feeding territories. Females also es indicated no significant decline in song chased away intruding male Western Sandrate (median and range of song sequences pipers from feeding areas on eight occahr'; pre-fertile: 13.1, 4.9-32.7, fertile: 7.3, 5.0- sions. Males spent about 70-80% of their 12.4, N = 6, Mann-Whitney U test statistic = time within 5 m of their females during the 28, P= 0.11). There was a significant decline, pre-fertile and fertile stages (N = 9 and 23, however, between the fertile and post-fertile respectively), and 30% during the post-ferThis content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WATERBIRDS 160 tile stage (N = 2). Sample sizes were too small to test for changes among breeding stages for this parameter. Only six copulations were observed during the study. These occurred between 14 and 21 May at -9, -2, -1 and +2 days (breeding day for two of the six copulations was not known) of the female's egg-laying cycle. An additional five attempted copulations were observed between 14 and 23 May (on days -6, -6, -4, -1, and +3). In all the attempted copulation cases, the female moved awayfrom the advancing male. Only two attempted extrapair copulations were observed in this study on the 17 and 22 May (on day +7 for one female). On both attempts, the female's mate chased the intruder away. Copulations and attempted copulations were observed between 1136 and 2218 h, but were most common in the afternoon (median = 1359 h, N= 11). Pair Status Effects on Singing, Chasing, and Mate-Guarding Males who remated with their mate of 1995 sang significantly less than did males paired with a new mate (whether experienced or not), having roughly half the median song sequences hW (Table 2, P = 0.04). Pairs where both the male and female were experienced, but were not former mates, exhibited the highest song rate of any pair status group. This male-female group sang significantly more than pairs in which only the female was experienced (P = 0.01) and nearly significantly more than pairs in which only the male was experienced (P = 0.06, Table 2). There were no differences between any of the pair status groups in chase rate or mate guarding (Table 2). Given the significant differences in song rate exhibited by males among our treatment groups, we con- Table 2. Statistical comparisons of male song sequence rate, chase rate, and mate-guarding by male Western Sandpipers with different mate and site fidelity during the fertile stage (-5 to +2 where day 0 is equal to the date when the first egg was laid). Birds were considered "experienced in area" if they had bred on the study area prior to 1996. Similarly birds were considered "new to area" when they had not been captured and banded in prior years. This included yearlings (8.3% of all males and 4.1% of all females) and a small number of adults (20% of all males and females, respectively). Bolded areas indicated significant differences with an alpha level of 0.05. Experienced male paired with: Variable Male song sequences hr-i Median Range N Experienced female paired with different male from 1995 who was: same mate as 1995 new mate experienced in area' new to area experienced in area' new to area 5.8 2.4-14.0 8 12 3.3-20.7 15 16.3 15.7-20.7 4 12.3 3.3-17.4 6 16.3 15.7-20.7 4 8.1 4.9-12.0 5 "U = 91.5, P = 0.04" Mann-Whitney Experienced male paired with different female from 1995 who was: "U = 21, P = 0.06" "U = 20, P = 0.01" Male chases hr-i 5 0-16.0 8 Median Range N "U = 58, P = 0.90" Mann-Whitney Percentage of time with mates Median Range N Mann-Whitney 4.7 0-23.6 15 81 10-98 8 70 40-100 14 "U = 47, P = 0.54" 6.4 0-20.7 4 8.4 0-23.6 6 "U = 9.5, P = 0.59" 64 42-92 4 64 42-92 5 "U = 11, P = 0.81" 6.4 0-20.7 4 2 0-4.7 5 "U = 15, P = 0.21" 64 42-92 4 73 60-100 5 "U = 8, P = 0.62" 'These two columns represent the same group of males. These data are presented twice so that the role of male and female breeding experience may be explored separately. This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SANDPIPERBREEDINGDISPLAYFUNCTION ducted an a posterioricomparison between remated pairs and pairs in which both the male and female were experienced but not previously paired to each other. This test indicated remated pairs sang significantly less (U= 32, P= 0.007). DISCUSSION Function of Breeding Displays The relationship between a male's conspicuous breeding displays and his territory are poorly understood, especially among monogamous species, despite the efforts of researchers during the past several decades (Miller 1979; Byrkjedal et al. 1989; Whitfield and Brade 1991; Blomqvist et al. 1997). A review of the literature for shorebirds indicates researchers rely on breeding display phenology, male characteristics, and the context of the displays to determine whether breeding displays function in mate attraction or territory defense (Table 1). Most of our data supported the mate attraction hypothesis. First, male display was highest during pair formation and then declined significantly from the fertile to post-fertile stages (Table 1, I, Al-2). Second, males paired with their mate of a prior year performed fewer song sequences than experienced or new males paired with different mates (Table 1, I, B2). Third, the high singing rates of males with previous site experience (unless they remated) suggests that this experience does not reduce their need to defend territories, as was predicted under the territory defense hypothesis (Table 1, II, B2). Instead, the familiarity of a male's mate with her breeding area seemed more important in determining how much a male sang (see below). Fourth, only males performed breeding displays (Table 1, I, C2; although this fact does not negate the territory defense hypothesis). The mate attraction hypothesis also was supported by several other lines of evidence for which we had no quantitative data. Anecdotal observations indicated male displays were not restricted to their nesting areas but overlapped with neighboring male nest sites (Table 1, I, C4). Males also stopped displaying over their nest- 161 ing territories and began defending nearby feeding territories from both conspecific and heterospecific species once clutches were completed. This allowed late-arriving males to display over previously defended nesting territories without retribution (Table 1, I, C5). Males are unlikely to allow such intrusions under the territory defense hypothesis. There was some evidence, however, that suggested males used breeding displays in territory defense. First, displays were frequently performed with neighboring males along territory boundaries (Table 1, part II, C1, 3). Brown (1962) also observed male Western Sandpipers singing to one another and suggested these songs might serve to repel intruders. Our data suggest males may use other mechanisms besides singing to maintain territories. For example, males performed aggressive behaviors, such as aerial and ground chases, throughout the breeding season. This aggression consisted of males chasing intruders from nesting territories during the pre-fertile stage, from feeding territories during the fertile and postfertile stage, and from their mates after attempted extra-pair copulations. Such aggression was directed at both conspecifics (male and female) and heterospecifics. Holmes (1973), studying Western Sandpipers on the Kolomak River 350 km south of our study area, did not dismiss the mate attraction hypothesis, but suggested that the decline in breeding displays could as easily be explained by the establishment of territory boundaries. This seems unlikely given that nest territory boundaries were frequently violated once a pair had completed laying. Holmes also indicated declines in breeding displays might occur as males moved to feeding territories and adults began incubating clutches. While we cannot refute this possibility, it also seems unlikely given the constant rate of male chases observed throughout the breeding season, which suggests that conflicts were not decreasing. Taken together, our observations support primarily the mate attraction hypothesis, with weaker support for the territory defense hypotheses, as explanations for male breeding displays in Western Sandpipers. This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WATERBIRDS 162 A Role for Female Site Experience A female's prior breeding site experience had a strong effect on the singing rate of a male. This was particularly true when experienced females were paired with inexperienced males. It seems likely that the lower song rates exhibited by these inexperienced males are a direct result of when birds arrived on the study area. Resighting data suggests that experienced birds typically arrived earlier than inexperienced birds (R. Lanctot and B. Sandercock, unpubl. data), and that experienced females typically laid earlier than inexperienced females (Sandercock et al. 1999). Should experienced females lose their first nest and choose to renest with another male (as did the three renesting females observed in 1996), then these late-arriving, inexperienced males may need to display very little (or chase intruders) before females are ready to pair and lay their eggs. An alternative explanation for the low rate of singing by inexperienced males may be that they lack the capability or have not learned the consequences of not displaying vigorously. The high song and chase rates of experienced males paired to experienced females may also be explained by arrivaltimes. Experienced adults generally arrived early in the season when competition for sites and high quality mates was high. Such a situation may require intense male display and aggression to successfully acquire a territory and mate. Alternatively, the high levels of display may be an artifact of the male trying to attract the female to his territory while the female prefers to settle on her territory of a previous year. Whatever the explanation, prior female site experience appears to control not only nest initiation (Sandercock et al. 1999), but also to have a strong influence, whether direct or indirect, on the level of male display and aggression that precedes it. Benefits to Site and Mate Fidelity Sandercock et al. (1999) found that only female familiarity with a breeding area, not mate fidelity or female age, significantly affected timing of laying. Nesting earlier may benefit males by reducing their probability of being cuckolded, as late-nesting females have greater access to extra-pair copulations via early nesting males on incubation breaks and late-arriving males. Our data on mate guarding and copulation behavior suggest, however, that the risk of cuckoldry is low in this population, despite the high breeding density. Mate and site fidelity of the male and female did not affect the percentage of time males spent near females during the fertile period, and females resisted extra-pair copulations and even chased conspecific males away.Further, the low copulation rates in this species suggest frequent copulation was not used as a compensatory paternity guard (Birkhead and Moller 1992), another indicator that extra-pair fertilizations are rare. Other studies on monogamous shorebirds also documented consistent mate guarding levels across breeding stages and low rates of extrapair copulations (Heg et al. 1993, Pierce and Lifjeld 1998; Zharikov and Nol 2000). Mate fidelity may also benefit males by allowing them to reduce the amount of energy they invest in performing breeding displays. Remated males had the lowest song sequence rate relative to any other pair status group. New males paired with experienced females also sang less, and had the lowest chasing rate of any group. Unfortunately, we could not measure breeding display rates of inexperienced males paired to inexperienced females (i.e., those in which both the male and female were new to the study area). These males might be expected to use the most energy establishing territories among previously settled males and then competing with these males to attract mates. Reducing energy needs may be particular important to male shorebirds breeding at high latitudes because they must arrivewith sufficient reserves to establish and defend nesting and feeding territories, attract a mate, and then defend this mate from other males-all at a time when food is limited. Breeding displays may thus act as honest signals of a male's quality because of their high energetic costs and inefficient production (Reid 1987; Ryan 1988); maintenance of such displays could then occur through the actions of female choice. This content downloaded from on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:31:33 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SANDPIPERBREEDINGDISPLAYFUNCTION Natural selection, in contrast, may lead to lower breeding display levels, through direct and indirect mechanisms which promote remating (Choudhury 1995; Ens et al. 1996). This study illustrated the important role mate and site fidelity can play in understanding the function of male breeding displays. The majority of our data indicated male breeding displays functioned primarily to attract mates, with less evidence supporting territory defense. Of particular note was how female experience in a breeding area reduced the display rates of males, especially if these males were new to the study area. Obviously other factors may influence male breeding displays as well, including time of day, weather (Miller 1979), territory characteristics, and the prospects of mate or site improvement (Ens et al. 1996). Future studies would benefit from collecting detailed behavioral data over several years so that between-year comparisons of individual male behavior under similar and different socioecological conditions can be conducted. This would help remove many confounding variables, such as differences in male and territory quality, unaccounted for when males of different status are compared within years. Alternatively, mate removal experiments or experimental presentations of song (see e.g., Eriksson and Wallin 1986) may be useful for clarifying the role of breeding displays in mate attraction and territory defense. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank L. Edwards and S. Hall for help in the field. Erica Nol and Cheri Gratto-Trevor provided insightful comments that improved earlier versions of the manuscript. The Sitnasauk Native Corporation permitted access to their lands to conduct this study. R. E. Gill, Jr. (U.S. Geological Survey), R. Harris (National Park Service), and Mark Webb (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) provided logistical support. The research was funded by the Belgium Fund for Scientific Research, the CWS/NSERC Research Chair in Wildlife Ecology, the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Comparative Ethology, an NSERC Operating Grant (to F. Cooke), Simon Fraser University, and the U.S. Geological Survey (Alaska Biological Science Center). LITERATURECITED Armstrong, E. A. 1973. 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The Explanatory Role of Mate and Site Fidelity Author(s): Richard B. Lanctot, Brett K. Sandercock and Bart Kempenaers Source: Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology, Vol. 23, No. 2 (2000), pp. 155-164 Published by: Waterbird Society Stable URL: Accessed: 30-10-2015 19:31 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Waterbird Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology. 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