Research Facilities and Resources Showcase Exhibitors Advanced Landscape Immersion and Visualization Environment Laboratory Brent Chamberlain | | 785‐317‐7655 Helps students and collaborators better understand the relationships between people and the environment using state‐of‐the‐art immersion technology. Geographic information science, geovizualization, and artificial intelligence methods are developed and applied to support better decision‐making and landscape planning. Advanced Manufacturing Institute Matt Molz | | 785‐532‐1653 The 22,000‐ft2 facility near campus is a combination of engineering design labs and machine shop where custom components and machines can be designed, fabricated, and tested. Supports engineering and development efforts; fabrication and prototyping efforts; creating custom machines, automation, or controls; system integration and implementation; commercial development planning; and transitioning technology into the marketplace. Beocat/Institute for Computational Research in Engineering and Science Daniel Andresen | | 785‐532‐7914 | One of the largest academic research clusters in Kansas, Beocat consists of approximately 2PB of storage and ~3100 processor cores on machines ranging from dual‐processor Xeons with 128GB RAM to six 80‐core Xeons with 1TB RAM connected by 40Gbps QDR Infiniband. Beocat acts as the central computing resource for multiple departments across campus, and heavy users can "buy in" through adding computational or personnel resources for the cluster. Any researcher in the state of Kansas can access Beocat for free. Biosecurity Research Institute John Webster | | 785‐532‐1333 | http://www.bri.k‐ Unique facility provides K‐State scientists and their collaborators with a safe and secure location to study high‐consequence pathogens affecting plants, animals, and food products. The facility provides research, education, and training space to support animal disease scientists, food safety researchers, plant pathologists, entomologists, and those studying the basic molecular biology of high‐consequence animal, human, and plant pathogens. Biotech Core and Proteomics Lab John M. Tomich | | 785‐532‐5956 The Core labs provide a number of services that include oligonucleotides, peptides, small molecule synthesis, separations by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or gel electrophoresis, and mass spectral analysis of small molecules and peptides (proteomics). Bulk Solids Innovation Center Kurt Barnhart | | http://bulk‐solids.k‐ A newly constructed standalone applied research center in Salina that houses bulk solids testing and training equipment. Career and Employment Services Kevin Mokhtarian | | 785‐532‐1655 | www.k‐ Provides career advising, training, employment connections, and resources to K‐State students, alumni, administration, employers, and members of the community. Cargill Feed Safety Research Center in the O.H. Kruse Feed Technology Center Anne Huss | | 319‐230‐6348 | 785‐532‐0824 A pilot‐scale feed mill with the ability to operate under containment as a biosafety level‐2 laboratory. Contains general animal feed processing equipment, with space for other equipment to be brought in and used. Operation under BSL‐2 containment includes controlled access with negative air pressure, HEPA air‐filtration system, and concrete construction, all of which allow intentional contamination of animal feed, raw ingredients, and manufacturing equipment with BSL‐2‐level pathogenic bacteria or viruses and evaluation of mitigation strategies during subsequent processing. Civil Infrastructure Systems Laboratory Mary Madden | | 913‐901‐7727 | One of only six such facilities in the nation; capable of testing large‐scale asphalt and concrete pavement sections under full‐scale loading. Equipment consists of a test frame in which a bogie with a dual wheel assembly repeatedly moves forward and backwards on the test pavement while a load is applied on the axles through two overhead longitudinal girders. Lateral traffic wander can be applied to simulate highway truck traffic distribution in the lane, and the pavement temperature can be controlled between ‐10°F and 140°F. Also houses the Kansas Outdoor Concrete Exposure site built to measure the durability of concrete materials under long‐term, realistic exposure conditions. College of Architecture Planning and Design ‐ Fabrication Shop Richard Thompson | | 913‐558‐3267 Assists with digital fabrication and houses a 3‐axis CNC router and CNC plasma cutter. Confocal Microscopy Core and Molecular Biology Core Philine Wangemann | | http://www.k‐ The Epithelial Function in Health and Disease center is an association of researchers at Kansas State University that operates the Confocal Microscopy Core and the Molecular Biology Core, which are funded by the college of Veterinary Medicine. Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students, and staff are trained and use the equipment in support of a diverse portfolio of investigator‐initiated research. Department of Art Andrew Casto | | 785‐532‐4994 | Has a number of area‐specific tools and machines, such as 3D printers, and research areas are applicable to many non‐art disciplines. Developing Scholars Program (DSP) Anita Cortez | | 785‐532‐5385 Provides structured, faculty‐supported opportunities for selected students who typically have not been well represented in higher education in Kansas. Scholars receive academic, social, and financial support while becoming integrated into the intellectual climate of the university through participation in the discovery and creation of new knowledge at Kansas State University. Digital Humanities Center (DHCenter@KSU) Karin Westman | | http://www.k‐ A scholarly initiative developed by the Department of English to explore the application of computing technologies in the humanities by bringing together faculty and students from across the university to promote humanities teaching and research in the digital environment. Facilitates the study of computing in humanities research and pedagogy by creating and supporting digital applications of significant scholarly importance and broad public impact. Electron Microscopy Facility, Nanotechnology Innovation Center of Kansas State (NICKS) Ravi Thakkar | ravithakkar@vet.k‐ | 785‐210‐6108 |‐microscopy Offers analysis for a variety of samples from diverse fields (biological science, food science, chemistry, nanotechnology, etc.) that require nano‐ level imaging and characterization. The facility has an FEI Tecnai12 Transmission Electron Microscope equipped with a Gatan Digital Microscopy suit, an Oxford EDS and HAADF STEM detector, and a Hitachi S‐3500N Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an Oxford EDS detector and sample preparation accessories. Energy, Behavior, and the Built Environment Laboratory Julia Day | | 785‐532‐1758 The newly formed laboratory engages in interdisciplinary research and outreach surrounding human behaviors and interactions within the built environment, including high‐performance design strategies (such as daylighting) and resulting energy use in buildings. Equipment includes: (1) a chroma meter, which measures the color temperature, illuminance, chromaticity, excitation purity, and dominant wavelength of various light sources, and (2) a luminance meter, which measures the amount of light that strikes a surface (indicator of glare). These tools are valuable for understanding the quality and quantity of light and may be useful in both post‐occupancy studies and human factors/health‐related research. Engineering Extension Bruce Snead | | Engineering Extension provides technical assistance, training, and outreach for the College of Engineering by disseminating knowledge to citizens of Kansas and the nation in service of the land‐grant mission. Expertise focuses on the issues of pollution prevention, environmental compliance, radon, and energy. We provide technical skills, training capacity, and information delivery experience. Flow Cytometry Core Research facility Melinda Wilkerson; wilkersn@vet.k‐ 785‐532‐4818‐‐cytometry/ Multi‐user flow cytometry facility at the College of Veterinary Medicine houses multiple benchtop flow cytometers, a cell sorter, and Magpix (multiple bead based technology) for many applications, including immunophenotyping, apoptosis, cell proliferation studies, DNA content and ploidy, and multiplex serology and cytokine profiles. Functional Intensity Training Laboratory (Kinesiology Department) Katie Heinrich | | 785‐532‐7771 | http://www.k‐ | www.k‐ Focused on researching the effects of high‐intensity functional training (HIFT) on fitness, health, and psychosocial outcomes delivered in a group‐ based context. FIT Lab researchers investigate these factors for different populations, including active duty military, cancer survivors, youth, overweight/obese adults, and athletes. Fungal Genetics Stock Center Kevin McCluskey | | 785‐532‐1420 | A living microbe collection and a research resource repository that was established in 1960 and moved to Kansas State in November 2014, when it joined the Department of Plant Pathology. We primarily serve the fungal genetics research community by providing strains and other material with a simple MTA and low fees and are now leading the transition into the genome‐enabled microbiology era with new approaches to material and information resource integration and management. Geographic Information Systems Spatial Analysis Laboratory (GISSAL) Shawn Hutchinson | | 785‐532‐3414 | Combines faculty expertise and trained graduate and undergraduate student technicians with advanced geospatial technology and sophisticated spatial analysis capabilities. GISSAL offers a modern computing infrastructure, state‐of‐the‐art data visualization tools, and the most powerful GIS, satellite remote sensing, digital mapping, database, and statistical analysis software packages; also offers contract services including GIS database design and construction, digital cartographic support and production, web‐servable maps, and design/deployment of distributed geographic information services. IGP Institute Brandi Miller | | 785‐532‐4053 | http://www.grains.k‐ Provides innovative and relevant education and technical programs to enhance the market preference, consumption, and utilization of U.S. cereal grains, oilseeds and their value‐added products for the global grain industry. We also have professional meeting space without main‐campus parking constraints. Innovation Mapping and Analytics Jeff Tucker | | 785‐532‐3421 | | http://www.k‐ Developing the capability to construct integrated IT‐based innovation ecosystem platforms that combine diverse data sources and employ a number of methodologies such as innovation assessments/profiling, data mining/analytics, information visualization, social network analysis, open innovation, and opportunity scouting. Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy David Procter | |www.icdd.k‐ Engages in research, education, and facilitation of civic communication processes that promote an informed citizenry and community‐based decision‐making, ultimately strengthening public understanding and enhancing democracy. We can assist with public outreach, engagement, or broader impacts components of grant applications and can convene and facilitate focus groups, panel discussions, town hall meetings, and public forums and analyze the discourse from public meetings. Institute for Environmental Research Garrett Mann | | 785‐532‐2285 | www.k‐ Occupies 6,500 square feet of laboratory and office space and offers eight computer‐controlled environmental chambers that can simulate essentially any indoor thermal conditions as well as extreme thermal environmental conditions. Chambers are supported by instruments for measuring and recording thermal‐environmental parameters and human physiological responses. Institute of Personal Financial Planning (IPFP) Financial Therapy Clinic Kristy Archuleta | | 785‐532‐1474 | http://ipfp.k‐ Offers clinical rooms for training in financial planning, financial counseling, and financial therapy or for conducting related clinical research. Kansas Lipidomics Research Center (KLRC) Ruth Welti | | http://www.k‐ Provides comprehensive, quantitative profiling of lipid molecular species with high sample throughput using mass spectrometric technologies. Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KS‐LSAMP) Brenee King | | 785‐532‐6054 | http://www.k‐ National Science Foundation program that aims to increase the quality and quantity of students successfully completing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degree programs, thereby helping to diversify the workforce. We offer undergraduate research experiences and promote recruitment and retention programs to assist underrepresented students throughout their undergraduate tenure. Faculty can utilize our resources by hosting KS‐LSAMP students in their labs. Kansas State Research and Extension ‐ 4‐H Youth Development Aliah K. Mestrovich Seay | | 785‐532‐5800 | http://www.4‐ The youth development program of the Cooperative Extension System of land‐grant universities and the nation’s largest youth development organization. 4‐H reaches every corner of our nation — from urban neighborhoods to suburban schoolyards to rural farming communities — with a network of more than 6 million youth and 611,800 volunteers. Kansas State University Research Foundation (KSURF) Indira Mohanty | | 785‐532‐3916 | http://www.k‐ Encourages and aids scientific investigation, research, and technology transfer at K‐State by assisting faculty, staff, and students in developing and protecting their discoveries and inventions to return the greatest advantage to the creators, K‐State, and the general public. KAWSE ‐ Kansas State Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering Sara Heiman | | 785‐532‐6088 | Works to increase the participation, retention, and advancement of girls and women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The office serves as home of the ADVANCE, SUCCEED, EXCITE!, and GROW programs. Knowledge Based Economic Development Rebecca Robinson | | 785‐532‐3955 | http://www.k‐ Supports new and growing companies in Manhattan. This integrated community economic development program seeks to recruit companies by leveraging the capabilities and expertise available at K‐State. We commercialize faculty‐generated intellectual property, form strategic partnerships with the private sector, and attract private‐sector partners to collocate near the university. Konza Environmental Education Program Jill Haukos | | 785‐587‐0381 | Reaches approximately 4,000 annually by providing environmental education to students in grades K‐12 on the biology, geology, history, and overall ecology of the tallgrass prairie using trained docent volunteers to lead groups on hikes, tours, and hands‐on science activities. K‐State Engineering Other Resources (CE, ECE, MNE) Noel Schulz | | 785‐532‐5844 In addition to the centers and other engineering facilities highlighted in other areas, the College of Engineering has specialized equipment in the areas of Civil Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering. Civil engineering equipment includes testing equipment and machinery from the asphalt laboratory; Electrical Engineering has general electronic instrumentation, equipment for RF/microwave measurements and semiconductor characterization, a Smart Grid laboratory, electric machines/wind turbine facilities, and power electronics; and Mechanical Engineering has an electron microscope and vapor deposition equipment. K‐State Global Campus Conferences and Noncredit Programs Debbie Hagenmaier | debbieh@k‐ | 785‐532‐2560 | http://conferences.k‐ Assists K‐State faculty and staff with the coordination, registration, and delivery of professional and educational conferences, workshops, and other noncredit offerings. Services include program development and budgeting as well as planning, coordination, and execution of events. We can assist with developing public outreach budgets to include in grant proposals, as well as coordination and registration assistance for formal planning and delivery of workshops, conferences, seminars, symposia, and other outreach and engagement initiatives. K‐State Integrated Genomics Facility (IGF) Alina Akhunova | | 785‐532‐1393 | IGF provides services, expertise, and technologies for ultra high‐throughput sequencing and gene expression analysis and organizes workshops in these technologies. K‐State Research and Extension Daryl Buchholz | Lauri Baker | | 785‐532‐5820 | Provides practical education to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future. Our focus in Kansas is on solving grand challenges in our state around water, health, global food systems, vitalizing our communities, and developing tomorrow’s leaders. We are the outreach and engagement arm of K‐State that is designed to champion our land‐grant mission mandate. Faculty members across three colleges have defined responsibilities to engage with the people of Kansas through local extension agents and offices located in every county in Kansas. K‐State Speech and Hearing Center Jane Garcia | | 785‐532‐1493 | http://www.he.k‐ Research affects multiple disciplines involved in patient care, including speech‐language pathologists, registered dietitians, and nursing. We merge expertise in the physiology of swallowing (communication sciences and disorders) and human nutrition, encompassing the physical properties of modified beverages, including factors that impact viscosity (thickness); sensory analysis of flavor and texture characteristics; and ways to minimize health and safety risks for patients who consume them. K‐State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (KSVDL) Gary Anderson | ganders@vet.k‐ | 785‐532‐5650 | Develops and delivers accurate, innovative, and timely diagnostic and consultative services to the veterinary and animal health community in Kansas and the nation. Two highlights are digital imaging, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization through our Histology Lab and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of infectious agents (viral, bacterial) in animals. KSU Bioinformatics Center Sue Brown | | 785‐532‐3935 | http://bioinformatics.k‐ Provides training and support for genomics, transcriptomics, and NGS approaches to address biological questions. As the US‐certified service center for BioNano Genomics, we produce genome physical maps based on imaging of ultra‐long DNA molecules. KSU Family Center Nancy T. O’Conner | | www.he.k‐state/familycenter Mental health clinic providing clinical services, outreach, and research, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to deal with depression and trauma and development of an app to help emerging adults understand relationship needs and expectations. KSU Institute for Commercialization Rebecca Robinson | | 785‐532‐3955 | http://www.k‐ Provides opportunity assessment; strategic partnership design; technology acquisition, management, and licensing; business development; and technology transfer support activities for entrepreneurs to commercialize capabilities and intellectual property emanating from basic research at K‐ State and other intellectual property portfolios. KSU Microscopy Facility, Division of Biology Daniel l. Boyle, Ph.D. | | 785‐532‐6647 http://www.k‐ Boasts 50 years of experience in optics, microscopy, LASERs, and visual sciences and expertise in biomedical research, food science, food safety, meat science, EDS, FRET, FRAP, material science, nanoscience, viral, microorganism, insect, fluorescence, soil, plant, and geology (and more) imaging and analysis and outreach. We have an FEI CM‐100 transmission electron microscope equipped with an AMT digital capture system, acceleration voltages from 40‐100 kV, low‐dose capabilities, electron diffraction, 65° tilt, Gatan cryo‐holder, and resolution of 0.34 nm. An FEI Company Nova NanoSEM 430 scanning electron microscope includes low‐vacuum capability and is ideal for the diverse imaging, analytical, and sample preparation demands found in research labs, semiconductor and data storage labs and fabs, industrial applications, and related industries. We also have an Oxford X‐Max Large Area Analytical EDS silicon drift detector (SDD) (80mm²) and a Zeiss LSM 5 PASCAL (Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope). National Agricultural Biosecurity Center Adrian Self | | 785‐532‐3284 | Extensive experience developing, implementing, and managing research projects and training programs for multiple state and federal agencies. NABC functions as a clearinghouse for the university to match academia, government, and industry with university resources. The center also facilitates collaborations of campus expertise, resources, and opportunities with funding sponsors to design and develop partnerships for the university. National Gas Machinery Laboratory Cody Catlin | | 785‐532‐2617 | An Institute of the College of Engineering at Kansas State University, NGML is home to the Turbocharger Test and Research Facility, which is capable of full‐performance turbocharger testing and research and houses two fully instrumented test cells for engine research. Office of Educational Innovation & Evaluation (OEIE) Maggie Reder | | 785‐532‐5930 | Provides a variety of independent evaluation services for an extensive range of projects in the fields of science, agriculture, education, health, and workforce development. Clients include local, state, national, and international researchers, faculty, and administrators working within universities, government agencies, foundations, and other organizations. OEIE works with K‐State faculty and clients nationwide to develop the evaluation approach and strategies needed for competitive and successful grant proposals and designs and implements innovative, efficient evaluation plans that support data‐driven decision‐making. Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry (OURCI) Anita Cortez | |785‐532‐5385 | http://www.k‐ Serves as a conduit for undergraduate research at K‐State and promotes collaborations and awareness across campus. PANalytical Empyrean Multi‐Purpose X‐Ray Diffractometer (XRD) (Department of Geology) Pamela Kempton | | 785‐532‐6743 Enables study at pressures and temperatures relevant to reactions of interest, rather than being limited to ambient conditions, and is ideally suited for interchangeable optics, flexible measurement mode (reflection or transmission), and sample stages for specimens such as bulk powders, large samples, inclusions in large specimens, small particles, fluid inclusions, air filters, and liquids. Physical Activity and Nutrition Clinical Research Consortium Sara Rosenkranz | | 785‐532‐0170 Clinical research facility (6,400 ft2) helps researchers investigate how food and physical activity affect human health, from young children to older adults. We have the capacity to conduct randomized clinical trials with individuals and trials within communities. Studies are either acute or longitudinal in nature and measure numerous biomarkers found in biological specimens (blood, urine, muscle, feces, saliva, breath, and sweat) and behaviors via surveys and focus groups. Piestar, Inc. Aaron Schroeder | | 785‐410‐1129 | Founded in 2014 as a spinoff out of the Office of Educational Innovation & Evaluation (OEIE). Our core product, also named Piestar, is robust evaluation and impact reporting system used to track project data, streamline evaluation efforts, and automate reports. Our system runs as Software As A Service (SaaS) application and can be quickly customized to the specific needs of a wide variety of grant programs and projects. Piestar has been successfully used to collect and manage data for an NSF EPSCoR state, several USAID Feed the Future Innovation Labs, and USDA NIFA programs. Plant Cell Biology and Cytogenomics Lab, Throckmorton 4208 Barbara Valent | | 785‐532‐2336 Live cell four‐dimensional imaging (3‐D imaging over time) is the next research frontier in plant‐microbe‐vector interactions. Our lab contains a Zeiss LSM 780 laser scanning confocal microscope together with other microscopes. The LSM 780’s ultra‐sensitive detector and unparalleled spectral deconvolution capabilities allow imaging of up to 10 different fluorescent probes in single scans. This capability facilitates live cell imaging of microbes inside other microbes and microbes inside plants and insects by minimizing host autofluorescence, photobleaching, and phototoxicity and by maximizing detection of weak fluorescence signals. Prairie Studies Initiative (Beach Museum of Art) Linda Duke | | 785‐532‐5149 | 310‐869‐7398 Includes researchers and scholars from a range of departments, including Landscape Architecture, Art, English, Plant Biology, Horticulture, Konza Prairie, K‐State Libraries, and more. An experimental interactive touch screen table program called "Touch the Prairie" allows users to explore connections between research and research sites (such as The Meadow and Konza Prairie) with art in the museum’s collection. The interface programming itself is experimental and will eventually include advanced visualization/animation components; the game‐like interface aims to help both children and adults find useful connections between STEM research and the work of artists and writers. RG Domestic Mediation Services Terrie R. McCants | | 785‐532‐1477 Our clients are court‐ordered couples needing conflict resolution assistance, the majority of which are "high‐conflict" people. In addition, we have a strong military sub‐group and are doing virtual and online mediation. Semiconductor Materials and Radiological Technologies (SMART) Laboratory Douglas McGregor | | 785‐532‐4093 Occupies over 6,000 ft2 of space, including two clean rooms (class 1000 and class 100). The SMART Lab has semiconductor processing equipment, sample preparation equipment, materials analysis equipment, and more than 70 processing furnaces. The furnace assortment includes high‐ temperature Bridgman and Stockbarger furnaces, EDG furnaces, purification furnaces, and medium temperature vapor phase furnaces. Preparatory equipment includes crystal slicing/dicing saws, wafer polishing systems, neutron and x‐ray diffractometers, SEM with x‐ray fluorescence, and Auger electron spectroscopy. Semiconductor processing equipment includes a 6‐pocket e‐beam evaporator, dual‐filament evaporator, ion mill, sputtering system, ICP‐RIE system, parylene coating system, two plasma ashers, rapid thermal annealing system, four point probe, IV/CV analysis system, ellipsometer, mask aligners, and microscopes. Sensory & Consumer Research Center (K‐State Olathe) ‐ Sensory Analysis Center (K‐State Manhattan) Tegan Jepsen | | 913‐307‐7368 | Experience with a wide range of consumer research, from simple paired product comparison testing to category reviews. We assist in all aspects of consumer testing, including consumer screening/recruiting, test design, questionnaire development, sample preparation and evaluation, qualitative sessions and quantitative data analysis. The Sensory Analysis Center has provided confidential, effective solutions for more than 100 domestic and international companies, with experience evaluating foods, beverages, cosmetics, fabrics, packaging, paints, health care, personal care products, and fragrances with a wide range of methodologies. The Writing Center Cydney Alexis | | 305‐570‐8483 | http://www.k‐ Free resource available to all K‐State students. At the main Center and its satellite locations (Hale Library, Radina's in Leadership Studies, the Veterans Center), trained undergraduate, graduate, and instructor tutors give holistic feedback to students on their writing and writing projects. Students from all disciplines are welcome to bring projects such as presentations, lab reports, essays, personal statements, theses, and dissertations, although students may also come to brainstorm or improve their writing practice. The Writing Center hires students across the disciplines as tutors. The Outreach Coordinator can provide short presentations on the Center delivered by tutors or instructional sessions collaboratively designed by the faculty member and the Outreach Coordinator. University Libraries Adriana Gonzalez | | 785‐532‐5760 | http://www.lib.k‐ Your partner in research with tools such as data management plans, data sources, databases, New Prairie Press, and KREx. Librarians can help enhance research by discovering or identifying more substantive information that will strengthen articles, grant proposals, etc. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) lab Kurt Barnhart | | http://www.salina.k‐ Standalone applied research center in Salina that accommodates student training.