2014 Annual Campus Security Report for 2013 Background—Kansas State University Olathe The Kansas State University Olathe Campus is located in a park-like setting on 38 acres in the Kansas Bio-Science Park, just east of Kansas Highway 7 on College Boulevard in Johnson County, KS. The Olathe campus presently consists of one building sitting on 6 acres; the remaining acres are for future campus development. The Olathe campus is a community of approximately 70 students and 40 faculty and staff, as of Fall 2014. Attendance for on-campus classes, events and programs averages 1,200-1,500 visitors per month. In 2004, Kansas State University began making plans to expand with the creation of the Kansas Bioscience Park in Olathe, KS. The new Olathe campus was envisioned as a muchneeded bridge to connect education directly with global industry in the animal health corridor, which stretches from Manhattan, KS to Columbia, MO. The goal of the Olathe campus is to teach students, but also be a place where professionals come to continue their learning. It is home to graduate-level students as they prepare for careers in the biosciences and biotechnology, with opportunities to work with faculty from Kansas State University as well as industry scientists. Those already in the business world benefit from the presence of the campus, which trains the future workforce in the latest industry technologies and recent research developments by holding seminars and workshops. The Olathe campus also houses collaborations between researchers and companies, both public and private, so that the technology being developed is what the businesses in the industry are demanding. Kansas State University is a four-campus system. Kansas State University Olathe, which officially opened on April 26, 2011, is the newest member of the family. Complementing the main campus in Manhattan, the Global Campus, and the College of Technology and Aviation in Salina, the Olathe campus is the academic research presence within the Kansas Bioscience Park, leveraging K-State's broad capabilities and its many resources. The academic programs offered at Olathe campus are supported by strong partnerships among units within K-State, including the university's Graduate School and the K-State Global Campus. Kansas State University Olathe started offering on-campus academic classes in fall semester of 2012; therefore, this is the first Campus Security Report published for the Olathe campus. Starting with the 2015 report, future security reports will contain information for the previous years, as required. Developing a safe and secure environment at an academic institution is the responsibility of the entire community. The Department of Public Safety on the Kansas State University main campus and the Facilities Department and Security Department on the Olathe campus have the responsibility to identify programs, methods, and approaches to help the campus maintain a reasonably safe and secure environment. Additional administrative units that assist with campus safety at Kansas State University Olathe are the Student Services Office and Human Resources Office. Security Department The Kansas State University Olathe Security Department helps preserve a safe campus environment where diverse social, cultural, and academic values are allowed to develop and prosper. The Olathe campus Security Department consists of two fulltime security officers from G4S Security that monitor and patrol the campus from 7:00am-11:00pm Monday-Friday, and on weekend days when the campus is open for scheduled activities. The campus, which currently consists of just one building, is equipped with 37 security cameras, and an access control system, and emergency code blue phones in the front and rear parking lots . The Olathe campus Security Department communicates and coordinates with the Police Department on the main campus in Manhattan, KS, and also maintains a close working relationship with the City of Olathe Police Department in an effort to maximize the services provided to the University community. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Olathe Police/Fire/Rescue Police Non-Emergency Olathe Fire Dept. Non-Emergency Poison Control Local Hospital: Olathe Medical Center Johnson County Health Department 911 ( WHEN CALLING FROM CELL OR OUTSIDE BLDG) 9-911 ( WHEN CALLING FROM LANDLINE INSIDE BLDG) 913- 971-7455 913-971-7900 913- 588-6633 913- 791-4224 913- 894-2525 IN-HOUSE AUTHORITIES Security Office (7 a.m. – 11 p.m., weekdays) Security (After hours, weekends, and holidays) Security Officer Cell Day Shift 7am-3pm M-F Security Officer Cell Night Shift 3pm-11pm M-F Facility Manager – Andrena Keesee Facility Assistant – Andy Stout Student Services – Dana Reinert Human Resources – Roberta Robinson Office Cell Cell Day Cell Night Office Cell Office Cell Office Cell Office 913-307-7318 913-953-6050 816-365-2036 913-481-0575 913-397-7309 913-953-6050 913-307-7374 913-210-9594 913-307-7340 785-341-4228 913-307-7316 INFORMATION SOURCES Information Technology Services-Olathe Campus 913-307-7359 Weather Hotline 540-6021 Local Radio Stations Radio 100.9 FM Local TV Stations ABC, CBS, KSHB, KCPT Utility Company: Kansas City Power and Light 888-471-5275 Gas: Atmos Energy 888-286-6700 Water: WaterOne 913-895-5500 LOCAL RESOURCES Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) http://www.mocsa.org/ If you or someone you know is the victim of sexual violence, call the MOCSA (Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault) 24-hour crisis line for help. MOCSA offers therapy, support and advocacy for victims of rape and sexual assault, for sexually abused children and families, for adult survivors of child sexual abuse and for others affected by sexual violence. Advocates will accompany victims of sexual assault to emergency rooms to provide support during forensic evidence exams. They'll also accompany victims to file police reports and to police interviews and legal hearings or trials. Kansas 24-hr crisis line: 913-642-0233 Missouri 24-hr crisis line: 816-531-0233 National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Main location: 3100 Broadway, Suite 400, KC, MO 64111-2591 Other locations: hospitals in Olathe, KS and Greater KC Area SAFEHome http://www.safehome-ks.org/ SAFEHome is one of six domestic violence shelters in the KC Metro, and is the only program of services for victims of domestic violence in Johnson County, KS. In addition to temporary shelter, SAFEHome also provides transitional housing, women's and children's counseling, community outreach counseling, housing, court and economic advocacy, court advocacy, substance abuse assessment and rape prevention education. 24-hr crisis line: 913-262-2868 Main location: Johnson County, KS (Specific location is not disclosed in order to protect victims.) Johnson County Mental Health Emergency Services http://www.jocogov.org/dept/mental-health/emergency-services/contact-information 24-hr emergency services: 913-268-0156 Daytime business hours: 913-826-4200 Main location: 111 South Cherry Street, Olathe, KS 66061 Additional Resources in Johnson County http://www.jocogov.org/dept/human-services/publications-and-directories/myresource-connection NOTIFY JO-CO Johnson County offers a broad range of services to residents. For example, Johnson County residents have the opportunity to sign up for NOTIFY JO-CO at Notifyjoco.org. NOTIFY JOCO is an emergency alert system that allows fast notifications about local emergencies, including tornado warnings, evacuation notices, and public health alerts. Responding to Calls Olathe campus security officers carry cellular telephones and can be reached in case of emergency anytime Monday-Friday (during day shift 7am-3-pm dial 816-365-2036, during night shift 3pm-11pm dial 913-481-0575. Emergency calls received by security officers are promptly referred to Police, Ambulance, or Fire Departments, as necessary. Security officers also notify the appropriate campus administrator and provide a written incident report on all emergency situations. Criminal investigations, vehicle accidents, and moving violations are referred to the Olathe Police Department. City of Olathe Police Department officers drive through the Olathe campus as part of their routine patrol practices. The City of Olathe Police and Fire Departments respond to all police and fire calls on the campus. Offenses occurring off campus are recorded daily in the Olathe local newspaper. The City of Olathe Police Department provides information to the Kansas State University Olathe about crimes occurring adjacent to the campus. The University monitors off-campus incidents, and alerts the University community of incidents that may be of concern to the safety and welfare of University community members. Crime Prevention Crime prevention demands constant interaction and outreach to the community. The Kansas State University Olathe Security Department and Facilities Department coordinate to distribute materials intended to familiarize students, faculty, and staff with their responsibilities in reducing criminal opportunity. Crime prevention brochures, posters, and handouts are used to help make all members of the campus community aware of the potential for crime. Olathe campus Security Department and Facilities Department relies on the local media to present information to the community about situations that may pose a potential threat to its members. The Olathe campus Student Services Office, in coordination with the Office of Student Life on the main Manhattan campus, offers programs, information, and resources to students, faculty, and staff in order to provide further opportunities for campus community members to educate and protect themselves while helping to prevent crime. Emergency Notification System Kansas State University officials use the following means of communication to alert the university community about a crisis, danger, or natural disaster: Reverse 911 telephone calling system. A thirty-second recorded message from Kansas State Police is sent to cell phones and land lines. The message provides a summary of the situation and instructions. Text messaging. Kansas State Police send a brief text message to cell phones of students, staff, and faculty to provide a summary of the situation and instructions. Webpage override. All web pages at www.k-state.edu and www.olathe.k-state.edu are automatically redirected to emergency information page. E-mail advisory. An email is sent to students, staff, and faculty to provide a summary of the situation and instructions. Tornado warning sirens. The City of Olathe siren system is clearly audible on the Olathe campus. Local media. Kansas State University Olathe Communications Office provides information and updates to local radio and news stations. Campus Security and Facilities Dept. Monitors local news and weather alerts and disseminates information, as appropriate. Emergency Guide: Kansas State University Olathe also provides an Emergency Response Guide to the entire campus community that provides Emergency Numbers, Evacuation Procedures, Medical Procedures, Fire, Tornado and Severe Weather Information, and information for other emergency situations. This guide can be accessed at the campus Security Office, Reception Desk in main lobby and also found at on the campus website at http://olathe.k-state.edu/about/EmergencyProceduresGuide.pdf Facilities Office, Security Dept., and Student Services Office In the event of a crisis situation or in the effort to prevent future crimes, the Kansas State University Olathe Facilities Department, in coordination with the campus Security Department, will proactively inform the campus community via the text message alert system (K-State Alerts), an all campus email, or campus memo. When appropriate, a Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT) will be formed with key representatives from the Olathe campus Student Services Office, Facilities Department, Security Department, and Human Resources. The goal of the CIRT is to assess and coordinate the response to significant campus situations and events that require intervention to assist the community and its members in order to return to a more normal state of functioning and to suggest future preventative measures. How to Report Crimes and Other Emergencies Occurring On Campus Preventing campus crime is a shared responsibility between Kansas State University Olathe and its campus community members. Public apathy is a criminal’s greatest ally. Campus community members should not assume that someone else has reported suspicious or criminal activity. Suspicion is the only reason anyone needs for calling the police. Crimes, suspicious activity, or other emergencies on campus should be reported immediately. If a campus community member suspects a crime has been or is being committed, s/he should immediately call the Olathe campus Security Department at 913307-7318, the Facilities Department at 913-307-7309, or the Olathe Police Department at 9-911. The Olathe campus Security office is located in the main lobby, and a security officer is always available by phone, even when on patrol. Olathe campus security officers will immediately report to the scene of a reported or suspected crime, and then follow procedures to resolve and report the issue. Campus Crime Statistics and Crime Rates In accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, statistical data on criminal incidents (reported to City of Olathe Police) and arrests (on the campus) is provided as public information. The data covers a 12-month period, from January 1 through December 31, for each year listed. The offenses listed are the types of offenses included in the statistics compiled in the Uniform Crime Report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The definitions of these offenses are in accordance with the Uniform Crime Report Definitions. It should be noted that the data included are only those offenses reported to the Kansas State University Olathe Security Department and the City of Olathe Police Department that have occurred on the Olathe campus. Statistical data on incidents off the campus involving students are not included, as they are not retrievable from local law enforcement. Additional information regarding crime rates in the community may be obtained from the City of Olathe Police Department. Kansas State University Olathe Crime Statistics by Year January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 Criminal Offense Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter Negligent Manslaughter Sex Offenses – Forcible Sex Offenses – Non-Forcible Robbery Aggravated Assault Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Hate Crimes Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter Negligent Manslaughter Sex Offenses – Forcible Sex Offenses – Non-Forcible Robbery Aggravated Assault Motor Vehicle Theft Arson Simple Assault Larceny-Theft Intimidation Destruction/damage/vandalism of property Arrests Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc. Drug Abuse violations Liquor Law violations Disciplinary Actions Weapons: carrying, possessing, etc. Drug Abuse violations Liquor Law violations On-Campus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On-Campus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On-Campus 0 0 0 On-Campus 0 0 0 Public Property 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Public Property 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Public Property 0 0 0 Public Property 0 0 0 *** Data reflects only the offenses that have been reported to K-State Olathe Security Department and/or the Olathe Police Department.