Digital opportunities: innovative ICT solutions for youth employment and entrepreneurship Digital Strategies for Development Summit 2015 Cebu City, the Philippines 22 September 2015 Susan Schorr Head, Special Initiatives Division ITU, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) Youth unemployment – a global and regional challenge • • • 74 MILLION YOUTH ARE UNEMPLOYED GLOBALLY WITH 621 MILLION NEETs Youth: 17% of the world’s population and 40% of the world’s unemployed (ILO, 2013) YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE ARAB REGION IS HIGHEST IN THE WORLD Job listings Jobs enabled by the digital world Digital Opportunities Most jobs require digital literacy Microwork Crowdsourcing Online Job Matching Services ICTs are creating jobs for youth ICTs are transforming old professions… 5 The EU has a growing deficit of ICT professional skills, forecast to reach 900,000 by 2020. Despite the strong positive evolution in the employment of ICT professionals in the EU over the past decade, the employment potential of ICT is underexploited. Evidence shows that there is a growing gap emerging between the demand and supply of ICT specialists in Europe. This gap has been projected could reach 900 000 by 2020 if not addressed. It is the purpose of the Commission's Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs initiative to address this issue of lacking ICT professional skills. Currently the largest ICT professional skills gap is to be found in Germany. However, latest forecasts suggest that over the period up to 2020 the ICT professionals skills gaps will be severely aggravated in the UK and Italy in particular; largely due to the insufficient production of ICT graduates to keep up with strongly increasing demand for ICT professionals in these countries. Vacancies for ICT professionals in the EU – main forecast 2012-2020 1000 900 Other 15 800 ES PL 700 AT FI 600 DK BE 500 NL 400 SE FR 300 IT DE 200 UK 100 0 2012 2015 2020 Source: Empirica model forecast 6 Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2014 – Digital Inclusion and Skills The top 25 professional skills that recruiters searched for on LinkedIn in 2014 7 Coding boot camps Action for Policy Makers Digital skills in school curriculum Collaborative innovation spaces Skills development for out-of-school youth Text-to-speech engines in local languages Alternative certification models App contests and competitions Government procurement from young entrepreneurs 9 Thank You!