Core Physical Education CORE

Core Physical
Core PE Fund Application Form
This document should be used when making
an application to the 2015/16 Core PE Fund.
As you progress through the application you
will see notes and guidance that will help you
to complete the form. This should be used
alongside the Guide for Applicants document.
Application Form
Core Physical Education Fund:
Before you start filling in this form make sure you have read the Guide for Applicants
There are also help notes next to each question that explain how to answer it.
For some questions we have a maximum number of words, to give you an idea of the amount of
detail we need. You may well be able to answer these questions in fewer words than the
If you have any questions or communication needs please:
● visit our website: Education Scotland: Core Physical Education Fund
● call our advice line: 0141 282 5000
● send us an email:
● contact us using a textphone if you have a hearing impairment: 01506 600236.
Sending us your application
The deadline for applications is March 27th 2015 at 12pm. Failure to meet the deadline may
render the application invalid.
We prefer to receive applications by email but we will also accept them by post.
When your application form is complete, email it to:
Please put the name of your organisation in the subject field of your email. You will receive an
automatic email from us confirming that we have received your application.
Or send your application to:
Core PE Fund
Education Scotland
The Optima
58 Robertson Street
G2 8DU
Please do not send any other documents or a covering note. If we need more information we will
ask you for it during our assessment.
Core Physical Education Fund
Before proceeding with your application please answer the following
Help Notes
Does your application include transport?
Does your application include hall lets or facility hire?
Does your application include PE kit or clothing?
Does your application include equipment usually
purchased through department or school funds?
Have you been funded previously for the Core PE fund
and not returned your evaluation form?
Have you discussed your application with your PE Lead Officer?
About You
Early Years
If you ticked other, please tell us the main activities of your
If you are not an
establishment that is
funded or operated
by a local authority,
then you cannot
apply to the scheme.
Name of Organisation
Local Authority
This must be
someone that knows
about the project and
who we can contact
during office hours.
Name of main applicant and primary contact
At least one of these
numbers must be a
Y High School
Organisation Website
Did you receive funding in either of the last two grant schemes?
This will help us to
check and ensure
that all conditions of
a previous award
have been fulfilled.
Name of Senior Contact for this application (this must not be the
same person as the main contact).
Position held in organisation
This could be the
head teacher or
deputy head teacher
that has line
responsibility for
your department or
Local Authority Contact
Please provide the following information for the QIO who has
responsibility for your curriculum area in your LA.
This information will help
us to process any grant
award made to your local
authority, in the event
that you are successful.
Name of LA Contact
This will help us to
distinguish between
different applicants.
About Your Project
Give your project a short title
Spin Stars
When are you planning to start and finish your project?
Start Date
Finish Date
Interim report will be due January 2016.
Final report will be due September 2016.
Education Scotland will send report formats prior to these deadlines.
Any funding you
receive must be used
by the end of the
current financial year
i.e. by 31st March 2016.
Tell us in no more than 75 words per question:
What your project is
We are looking to create a new activity option for pupils in the BGE
and Senior phase to enhance pupils cycling skills and fitness levels.
With an increasing school role and the need to improve levels of
fitness amongst young people this new venture will allow us to
transform a regular classroom into a fantastic indoor cycling/spin
facility. As a PE department we are looking to broaden learning
experiences and lifelong skills for pupils as they transition from
How you will deliver it
It will be a compulsory lesson as part of the S1 and S2 course to
begin with to compliment our current urban fitness offerings. By
addressing personalisation in the S3-S6 core programme pupils will
be able to opt for a block of 5 weeks of indoor cycling/spin. It will be
delivered in a variety of ways to meet the needs of each pupil group,
healthy low impact exercise, high intensity fitness development and
creative and team building activity. An extra curricular club will also
be offered to all.
Anybody you will work with to implement it.
We will work with our local fitness studio that offers spin classes as
part of their membership programme to provide taster sessions for
pupils. Link with our active schools coordinator to provide sessions for
the P7 pupils in line with our FIP priorities in terms of transition. Cycle
safety presentations may be sought from external providers for pupils
to progress onto outdoor cycling as an activity. (Local cycle
hub/active schools have been approached to assist with this)
This is to give us the
bigger picture of what
your bid is, the
process and any
potential partners that
will be involved.
You should assume
that we have no
knowledge of your
project or the school
How much will your project cost?
Item or activity
21x£179.00 bodymaxB2 spin bike
Global gizmo disco light
Total Project Cost
Total from other sources
Total Cost
Give the total cost of each
item or activity in column A
and put how much you
want from us in column B.
If you want us to fund all
your projects costs then the
figures in column A and
column B will be the same.
Make sure the costs are
accurate and based on
quotes where possible.
You must not include any
VAT that you can claim
back from HM Revenue and
The total requested from
Education Scotland must
not exceed £3000.
Amount you would like from us
List all the individual items
or activities that make up
your project. Include
everything you will need for
the project, even if you are
not asking us to fund it.
If you have money allocated from other sources, who are they and
when will they allocate the funding to you?
Date funds will be
School fund
Aug 2015
Please check that you
have added up the totals
In no more than 200 words:
What Core Learning will be developed if you receive a grant?
Lifelong health knowledge and habits by promoting the physical,
social, emotional and mental benefits of indoor cycling through
planned delivery of specific lessons. Not all pupils may have
access to a bike at home and may well not have been on a bike
for along time therefore this project will allow us to provide an
opportunity for all pupils in the school with this experience,
developing their coordination and gross motor skills. Primarily
pupils will be developing their physical competences and fitness
in every indoor cycling session, but as the sessions progress we
will be raising the awareness of pupils personal qualities by
getting them to demonstrate determination, intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation and resilience to reach personal, group targets set up.
Pupils will also develop their cognitive skills (creativity, decision
making...) eg. by working cooperatively in small groups to plan
and deliver a 5 minute session to their peers. With part of the
plans to feature music throughout each of the sessions as a
motivational tool for pupils we would also be looking to develop
their creativity skills by creating sequences to music tracks.
Outdoor learning with our school bikes will also be used to
provide a transfer of skills learned in indoor cycling but within an
unfamiliar setting for those looking to choose cycling as a core PE
option in the senior core PE programme.
How will staff capacity be increased if you receive a grant?
We will be sending a member of PE staff (hopefully 2) on training
for indoor cycling/vibe/spin to improve their knowledge and
confidence to deliver it. The trained teacher/s will then lead an in
house CPD session with the remaining PE staff to ensure all staff
are comfortable and confident with the delivery of indoor
cycling/spin. The planning process for LI and SC for lessons will be
developed by a small group of staff (identified in FIP) ensuring
progression from S1 to S3 to ensure challenge as learners develop
their movement skills, fitness and physical and movement
competences. This will be reviewed and updated annually in line
with dept procedures to keep lesson content fresh. As part of our
FIP we have identified the need to broaden the experiences of
pupils in outdoor learning and with the current school resource of
20 bikes and 3 trained cycle leaders. We would be looking to build
pupils cycling skills, coordination and confidence through indoor
cycling in preparation for them transitioning into outdoor cycling in
the Senior core PE programme/extra curricular club.
This might be how you
will develop the Skills for
Learning Life & Work in
your curriculum or how
you will embed the
Significant Aspects of
Learning in your lessons
leading to increased
personalisation and
choice for the learner.
This may also take into
consideration wider
achievement courses or
the development of
pathways for learners.
This might consider the
impact of Career-Long
Professional Learning,
mentoring, collegiate
working and leadership
through learning for
There should be some
consideration given to
how this will support
improvement plans on a
school, department or
personal level.
How will your project support or use national and/or local
priorities to inspire and enhance learning?
The profile of cycling in Scotland has vastly increased, since the
recent Commonwealth games and the numerous achievements of
our national hero Chris Hoy, therefore this will be our initial
platform for building our project from. Research shows that
'although over 30% of children say they want to cycle to school,
only around 3% actually do'. We would like to be a driving force in
helping this % age increase. Cycling Scotland also say: 'The
number one reason most people don’t cycle is lack of confidence'
therefore by providing pupils with indoor cycling skills this will
boost their confidence and provide them with valuable life-skills
that will stay with them whilst they are at school and then beyond.
To upskill those pupils looking to cycle outdoors/to school we
would work with external providers to ensure pupils are aware of
road safety when cycling.
To inspire and raise awareness of our new indoor cycling project
we will use 'Bike Week', an annual event each year held in June,
by providing core PE classes and lunch sessions to keep the
profile of cycling high within the school and local community, to
help increase a cycling culture amongst pupils and staff.
This could include
examples of how
Women’s Football World
Cup, Multi Sport Special
Olympics or the World
Walking Initiative have
inspired your project or
how a need identified
locally has helped to
inspire learning or the
development of a
particular skill set.
How will you measure the impact that your project has had and
will continue to have?
Each member of staff will complete a personal feedback sheet to
provide an evaluation of the content and impact on pupils and their
learning to assess their experiences in order to adapt and review
course delivery and resources.
A sample of pupils across each year group will also be given a
short questionnaire to complete before a session and then at the
end to gauge any knowledge gained, fitness areas developed and
level of enjoyment to also provide feedback to make changes
where needed.
The whole project will be included within the departmental/Faculty
Improvement plan which will also be audited in Jan then June
2016, where I will be reporting and measuring the success and
impact of the project with the Depute in charge of HWB.
As with other areas of our core PE programme it will feature as an
agenda item at departmental meetings on annual basis in order to
maintain it's effectiveness with the core PE programme.
We will also advertise the project by using school
newsletters,school website and twitter to inform parents of the
experiences and skills pupils are gaining during their core PE
You will need to consider
how you will monitor and
measure the impact of your
project over the funding
period and beyond.
This might include:
Pupil voice
Parental voice
School QA
Partner views
How will your project challenge inequality and help to ‘close the gap’
for learners in your school or associated school group?
Cycling is a low impact form of exercise that can be accessed by all
abilities and ages, ensuring an inclusive physical education for all.
Therefore due to the accessible nature of indoor cycling to all
learners, the activity can provide a safe and inclusive learning
environment where pupils can be supported both by the teachers
and their peers. Pupils can also work at their own pace/resistance
during the lesson without it being obvious to other classmates that
they be finding the task challenging. Also with the bike being
stationary pupils will feel safe and balanced when taking part in the
session without dealing with fear or anxiety of possibly falling off
and therefore drawing attention to themselves. This then allows
them to focus and concentrate on their fitness development and/or
rhythm, timing and coordination on the bike. As part of our pupil and
parent HWB group that meets weekly after school (targets
LAC,LAAC, young carers etc) we would be including the indoor
cycling into this programme so that these pupils become familiar
and confident with indoor cycling within the school to aid their self
esteem in preparation for working as part of a whole class
environment in core PE lessons or indeed cycling outside of school.
You should consider the
following and highlight
how you intend to
address some or all of
these issues through
your project:
Living in the 20% most
deprived data zones
Looked after children
Young carers
Children / young people
with additional support
Before submitting your form please ensure you have done the
Completed all questions
Read and agreed with the data protection and freedom of
information criteria
Signed the form using a digital signature.
Your Statement
I confirm that I have completed all the questions on this form.
I confirm that all the information in this application is true and
I confirm that I will tell you immediately if anything changes
which could affect this application in any way.
I confirm that I am happy for you to provide copies of this form to
any person or organisation you need to consult about this
I note that any grant awarded will be subject to standard and
specific conditions.
I note that if successful, I must return everything we ask for
within 20 days of the date of our offer letter.
Name of primary contact
Any sections that are
incomplete may
impact on our
assessment of the
If you do not return
everything by our
deadline we will
withdraw our
conditional grant
offer (although we
may agree a short
extension if you
contact us before
our deadline).
Information on grants awarded may be made public by Education Scotland.
Images submitted in support of your application may be stored electronically by us. If we later seek to
use these for publicity purposes, we will contact you in order to obtain permission to do so.
Openness and Accountability
Reports from information you supply within your application and from comments made on your
application by external assessors and staff members will be held digitally. The information you supply
will be made available to those assessing your grant application. For the purposes of the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) Education Scotland is obliged, as a Scottish public authority,
to make your information (which will include your application) available to anyone making a Freedom of
Information request.
By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of legal proceedings against
Education Scotland as a consequence of, or in contemplation of, any disclosure of the contents of your
application in response to an information request made under FOISA.
Your application form, regardless of outcome, will be shared with the PE Lead Officer in your Local
Authority in full.
Information that we may release
If your application is successful we will release the following information from your funding application if
we receive a FOI request:
Your name
The amount of funding requested
Your 75 word project description.
If more detailed information is requested, we will consider this request under FOISA and apply the Act’s
exemptions and the public interest test appropriately. In the case that more detail from your funding
application is to be disclosed we will contact you and advise you of this.
For further information on FOISA, please see the Scottish Information Commissioners website:
Data Protection
Information supplied by you in support of your application will be stored on our records system. The
data we hold may be used for the following purposes:
To report statistics
To assess applications
For accounting purposes
For contacting you.
Your name, address and contact details will be held on our records system. We will use this information
to correspond with you. We will not forward your details onto any other organisations.
The details of your application may become public information (see Openness and Accountability
above). However, your personal details will be held by us and only our staff, appointed auditors and
those involved in assessing or monitoring grants will have access to them.
You have a right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to see the information we hold on you. By signing
your application form you are agreeing that we can use your information as shown above.
For more information on the Data Protection Act 1998 see