FA! FISH PONT) PROT)UCTION £ TI4FLUENCED BY CL]MATIC CONI) IT 10143 !iJ.I4ø4 A THESIS OGON STATE COLLEGE in partial fulfil3nint of the requirozients for the degree of MASTER OF SCfl!NCB Jim. 1956 Redacted for privacy Aesitant ?rofessor of Flah arid Game Management in Charge of Major Redacted for privacy of fleparizueut of FISh nd C-ama Managoient Redacted for privacy Chajmn of $choo1ie Coiiitteo Redacted for privacy Dean oi Graduate School Date theeia ts presented Typed by Barbara Oakley Ajn'i1Z7 156 ACKYVLED(EENT Sre thanics d appreciation is ex,resaed to Mr. C Bond for assistance, helpful oritioisn, and ad'rioe in preparation of this nanuscript. Appreciation is extended to ltr, Ralph Grenfell and Mr. Andrew L*ndforcs for cooperation in. naking scale esmplea aTailable far analysis, Excellent laboratory facilities, made amilable by the Oregon State Game tosnie.sion at Camp Aclair, were ixrluable during this study. AB1Z OP CONTENTS Pag I METfOD8 OF DATA ANALYSTS Farm Pond Questionnaire Evaluation 6 , . a a ., s a 6 a 6 7 a a a a a a 9 . a. a s . ClimologilData .*a.as.a* a...... Soalo Analysis a a a a a a LIFE HISTORIES OP BASS AND BLUEGILL a a s a a a j . . Hsbits and Requirements of Largenouth Blok Ba Habits and Requirements of Blugi1I . a a a a Adaptability to Farm Pond Life . . a a a a a a a a a * a a a 9 11 12 GIONAL PRFFFRENCE AND SUCCESS OF BLUEGIlL ANT) BASS IN FAIN PONDS a a a a a . a a a a a a a. a a Results from the Farm Pond Questionnaire a a a a Suoeess of the Bluegill nd Base Stocking TroutFarm Panda a a.. a * a asS S a a a 14 a , a., Combination5 17 MNAGE1TT OF TFIE BLUEGILL AMP BASS STOC1ING CIATION , Farm Pond Management Principles Farm Pond Life Cycle a. . a a a a a a a a a a a * a a S Balance of the Fish Population a a a a a Productivity of Water a a a a a a a a a a Productivity of the Bluegtll and Bass Combixiation in FarxnFjehPonds ..aw,aa.a,a5,.** a * a a. as * aa a a a., hrinPondrertilization Stocking Ratios; Stocking Rates; and the 8ie of Fishat Liberation,. a ...a..a.. . a. PhysioaflyIJnauitedPonds .,.,,...,.,., . . The Closed Season in Warm Water Game Fish Hanagement Mortality of Young Bass and Bluegill * . . a a .* a 19 19 a a . a a a . a a Chemical and Thermal Stratification of Ponds Angling Pressure and the Results of Underfiehing . 14 15 a 20 20 22 23 24 28 31 32 33 36 38 CLT'ATIC CONDITIONS WFTCH AFFECT TCE SUCCESS OF FAR! FISHPO1 ... a S aa a Effect of Annual a rature Sunmr Temperature a a a . Frostfree Period ., . a a.. a a a *0 s a a a s . a a, a* a . a a , a a a a a AnnusiRainfell .....,...,.,....,,,. 8rzerReinf1l a* a... Ice Cover of Ponds .aSqaa*aS*ss * a a .. AGE AND UGTU RElATTO!SflIP OP BLUEGILL AND BASS ,. a a a a . 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 45 Rage fl BASS A]T) BLDGILL TN OREGON , , Lit4Wb JLJZL a a,.. Bfl3LIO(RAPllT APNDIX . S. , S a a . . , 55 a 50 a * a..... a.. p a . .. . . ...,- 5* . ... .. Clin*tio conditions for Stwtes in the CliL,).0 ConditiOnS for OT5OU a a a ,0 . . . * St*8 a a s , a Teratre Conditions for Oreon From 1950 to 19&6 Spotos Rec ra.ded for 3totki Farm FISh Ponds and S atmiriiç oL raa ,,,a ,,,..,., and Bluegill Farm Pond Quostionaire . ... . . ... s.., .ntheie1ttes a a * 59 66 69 78 78 80 82 88 8? LIST OF ILLErSTEAT IONS Fiure 3: II ITT IV Page 4 ifl ft fts pond in teot Co'mty,, Oraço G.owth raes of )rgeit Uriok 1ez fouratate . . . . . . . . fl1ue1i soale B'uegtil oe1e yj 4Ø auli hovin three snnuli 4 tram . * , . : 54 . . . . . 54 LIST OF TABLES TABLE Pate FA. im PONDS m L2TALING 3AL&'ICE I SUCCE3S 2 P"11)UCTT7TTT I'?!? J] PO1DS 3 4 . .. * 'E USE OF C 7 8 . ., . . .. .,. .. ., ... 24 ERCIAL INORGANIC F1ILIZER IN ?AR . EFflCTS (F PCT JWfTLIZAON ON LANCE I . a,*... .. .. * 1 . 25 PAThI . .... , MORTALITY OF !OUc,G BLUEGILL AND l'ASS T±EN STOCKED T A NET 6 26 OF LLU$GTLL AKI) DABS Th , 1rSHPOSITHEUN1TED3TAT!S FIS}TPON..S S . , , PO D.BT a a * a . a a p a 38 a G?OVE RATES OF 65 LARGOUTH BLACK BASS COLlECTED Fn FA1 POES, :AKEs flTD !SF&OTRS IN VESTERN O1iGON . ... . . . ..,. 4... . .. . 47 GROWTH RATES 01 160 BU)EGILL COLLECTED FEO LAKES, AND SER'TOIRS TN STERN OREGON 47 PONDS, , i... G1TH RATES OF 53 LARGEUTH LACK AS COLIICTED FR1' PONDS, LAKES, Afl) RDSERVOIR& IN TIlE WILLETTE VALLEY p p p a a a p p p p p p * . p a a p p. 9 30 11 (P1T RAT'S O * 48 S * PONDS, . , GPTT?rU RATES OF 22 BLUEGILL COLI1CTED FR(1 LAKES pp i.* p p p -i p pp *4ppp VARIOUS GROVITH RATES OF LARG1OUTh BLACK BASS FR( CL1.ATTO AREAS OF OREGON , , . , . , , , 80 AGE AND LEIT GTE RELATIONSU IFS 0? BLUEGILL FROM VARIoUS STATES 14 . a a GROflI RATES OF 138 BUIEGILL COLLECTED FR( PA1 LANES ANT' PSE1?7OIRS TN NE ILL!ETTE VALLEY - 13 13&SS COLI2CT'ED 12 1LAPGFITN FlLLA3OTThORNCOkT GY'' J4j rj' 12 48 p a p pp p 5 p p p p 51 p AGE MID LEIGTH RELATIOUSBIPS OF LARG!1OUTH BLACK DAS FI VARIOUS STATES., a p a a p p * 15 CLATIO 16 .CL.TIO CONDITIONS FO? OREGON , ., , iDITts FOR * T9E tiITEr STATES , , , , . 52 78 , . 80 TABlE Page RTYJT1 CO1!TIO1S FOR ORE GO 17 C'TS 18 OP)?1) FOR STOCKPT T.T19T' '..L 19 AC FRCt 1980 TO 1955 ., 82 , 8. FAR FT$R P01108 .JJ ' j1 ,ANT) 8PAN!1O OF BASS ANT) BLTIEGILL S S S ., , . S PAW FISH POND PRODUCTION AS INFLUENCED BY CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Thousands of acres of new water are being added to our inland water resource by construction of farm pomie. Farmers and ate ekmen all over the United States are benefiting materially by the additIon of a farm pond to their property. Water conservation is currently Important to farm production, and 'will play a leading role in the productivity of a farm or ranch in future years An adequate farm pond is a reservoir for stock water, means for irrigation, safeguard for fire potootIon, source of fish food, piece for relaxation and recreation, and an excellent habitat for farm game. Prior to 1935 farm pond construction in the United States was negligible, Fron 1935 to 1948 approximately 1,103,400 farm ponds ware oonstruoted in the United States under inpervision of the Soil Conservation Service (78, p. 295).. Many other snail fern ponds were constructed by individual farmers or by groups of farmers, This figure is about one hundred tines as many ponds as were con stx*uoted during the entire two preceding centuries. By January, 1952, the Fish and Wildlife Service estimated that there would be approximately 1,666,000 farm and ranch ponds In operation (2, p. 239). The exact number of farm ponds recently constructed in Oregon is not Irnown, Conservative estimates by several specialists at Oregon St*te College working with farm ponds indicate that there are at least eight thousand farm ponds in Oregon, The reason for this isrge-.soale construction of farm ponds is apparent, Our soils wexe being wssted away at an unbelievable rate, aM it was qutte obvious to conservationists that various soil ooniervatthn measures had to be taken. The construction of a farni pond is a good soil conservation measure, and through the sffort of several agencies the farm pond program nsterialized, The 1nited States Departeent of £grioulture inittate a program orein farmers would be retburaed proportional amounts of the initial eot for the construction of farm ponds on their land if the pond was constructed under the supervision of the Soil Con-. aervation Service. The Production and Marketing Mtinistration, formerly the Agricultural Ad.jusiment Administration, is the agency that aide farmers nd toeknien in their i,ond construction programs. This agency, plus the Fish snd Wildlife Service and Stet Oneervatton agencies, h*ve shared the responsibility of the recent farm pond program. This program started in the southesatorn and midwestern states, and has now gpread to the Paoifio Coast States. The construction of these new inpouncbents provides a new habitat of thousands of acre. for fIsh production that formerly dd not exist. 3y 1949, 629,500 sore. of new water area were added to our natural waters by the construction of these farm ponds (78, p, 295) With the coning of this largescale construction of farm ponds, research has been Initiated in various sections of the country to find suitable fish for for ond life, The Fish and Wildlife Service, State. Game and Fish Commissions, end experimental stations have done much to provide farmers with suitable species of fish for Most of the farm pond research has been started after 14O as before then there was no great damand for fish suitable for pon4 life. The majority of research has been conduote& in the south eastern end midwestern statei, Important studies have also been conducted in Michigan, Texas, and some Atlantic Coast States. The farm fish pond is indeed a microcosm, hero a continuous life eye1. is in effect with the desired end product being harvested on a sustaiied yield basis, The preferred fish are the largemouth black bees, Mierqpterus sa]xaotdee (Ioop.d,), and the bluegill, Leomia macrochirus (Rafine.aqu,), Thi° study deals a)most exclusively with the two species mentioned. Trout production wtfl be briefly discussed, Growth rates, production of fish pounds per acre of surface water1 and climatic conditions shall be used as criteria to evaluate the auoces etates. of the bluegill and bass stocking combination in v rious Oregon, because of wide climatic variances, is divided into areas for more efficient analysis. A farm pond questIonnaire was sent to a conservation agency in each state requesting information concerning fish stocking policies for farm ponds in the state, A one hundred per cent return of the questionnaire factlita.tes complete analysis of information from each state. Figure I. A snail farm fish ond in Benon County, Oregon. scale analysis to determine the body-scale relationship of sixty-five largeinouth black bass scales and one hundred and sixty bluegill scales was made possible by excellent facilities made available by the Oregon State Game Commission at their office at Cemp Adaip, The length-age relationship of bais and bluegill was oa1culatd, and is shown in Tables 6 and 7 Baok-.ealoulations of the age of bluegill and bass at aimuli formations were used to estimate the rate of growth of both species. Additional bass growth rate informat±on from Oregon was obtained from Becker (7) and Herm,mi (si), and is included in Tables 12 and 14. ThO1)S CF D.TA A1ALYIS a Poid Queet1onia1re Evaluation ti August, 1q55, a one-psge 4ue3ttonnaire wa. sent to the h yOd conservation ageioy in eaoh flato respi11e for farr reGomdattons, A aample que3tIomlalrG i3 ahow of the aptoia1x, 3, 18, anc t±rn from eiuh itate i To facili4at 3.9, ab1es 18 and i9 oi p 9 oor..ipiled iii Tab1s reon botwa.en Ta10 i the states are und nd in tdontioi1 orde: frorn. highest to loweat annual trtrc C1imatoiojoej ata able oes (90, ip cah sta4 of j re oir.e from to f th l) (8.9, pp. 685-1209), Tese 5-i; peMix. ep ear in Table 15 of th ep1emix incIu The *tIj1m of e& wa (se, p 1imatoloic*1 dete. for the Stste of Oregon. Wf3 anc 68&49o2).. tained rrn ebiQns" (90, pp 4.nor pr ipiation and bhe durticn C1i ao1ogici Data o 5-7). T Cuirnate The imua1 to'erture of eeh tste aier av! eaoh stee wore ca1cu1ated fron t The winter to att for 11ea 16 md 17 of the frost freo rertod for each sttte were cc11ed frc. d avai1 ;no atro is an avraro winter months of Deoember, January, ar the 1Jn1t,d Scte 1y intsr teriperturea for cnwee rak.ur for the. three Febriary, while tho tmer temperature was calculated fr,ai the months of June, July, and August, Cre.pnis dtded into four oThtatic areas in Table 16 of the appendix. Data used to cp late this table were obtained fron C11totogiea1 Data of the United States by Sections" (91, p. 439; 9, vol, 6). Table 17 is composed of tentperature conditions for Oreon from 19) to 1956, tnoludi data from the Wi11ette Valley and the Oregon Coast, Soale Analysis AU bass and bluegill scales were cleaned with tenporarily mounted between slides e1orcx,' and Scales were then projected by an berbach Scale projector at the Oregon State Game Omission office at Canp Adair, The scale radius and length at each armulus was recorded with a magnification of 901. The Lee method of bodyscale relationship to calculate regression of body length to scale length was used to determine the regression line for both bass and bluegill (47, p. 121). Baecs1oulations of fish lengths at *nriuli formation were aeoczapliehed by the formula recommended by Lagler (47, p. l2). 81(L2..a) ¶here * * length of fish at any annulus length of scale at any corresponding annulus length of fish at capture length of peale (center of focus to scale margin) at capture a The a constant, detemined previously (Y intercept of regression line) constant for 1areatouth black bass and bluegill was oalculated to be one inch nd eight-keuths of an inch, respectively. All 1ass and bluegill scales were collected during the spring, milnner, and fall of 1955. Lm HISOEIES OF B8S )'T) BLUEGIlL O manage a species properly, a thorough understaMin of the life history of that particular species must be known. This knowledg, also helps the biologist evaluate eoologioal factors of importance which affeot the fish in their natural entrcmtent, sbits and equirenete of Largouth Black Bass Z*rgexnouth black basa were originally foimd east of the Roc1 Mout*jn frcn Southern Canada to Florida end iexioo. !Ir, Gjdgo Steiner of Salem (48, p. 83), in 1885, was the first man to introduce bass into Oregon waters Re obtained largemouth black bass from the Msee River, Ohio, and planted them in the Wilismette River near Salem, Th largest release of bass on record for Oregon was made In the Willamette River near Salem in 1892 (48, p. 88) Five hundred yearling fish were rolased here in July of that year by the Tlnited Sttea Fish Contiss.ou0 Sp*wning temperatures vary with geographic distribution. - In northern states bass spawn around $30 F0, and at approxlnate2y 700 F in many southern states (82, p. 298). Surber (73, p. 3) found that nest building occurs at 600 F,, and spawning at 60 to 640 F, A single female may spawn more than once each year. The incubation period i* two to five days., depending upon the water temperature, The spawning season usually extenda over a two.'week period. 10/ The male fans the eggs i*ii.e guarding the nest. tenpersture drops below 5 If the water F1 the male deserts the nest, and the eggs are subsequently destroyed by silting wh1oh smothers the eggs. The eggs require ft relatively long period of tine to develop within the ovary. The ovary first begins to swell in September, and eggs are distinguishable in October, The eggs continue to develop all winter, nd spawning occurs during March, April, May, June, or July, depending upon the geographic location, Redde are dug in water ix inches to six feet in depth, and are utmily two to three feet in diameter, Bass are capable of apning on almost any hard surface or hard ojeet in the water The average tnsle may deposit from 6,000 to i),0OO eggs. Large- mouth black base never spawn at less than ten months of age Or 1es than five to six ounces in weight (so, p. 4). Adult bass must have food fishes to eat during the spawning months, and will not successfully spawn in overcrowded ponds because the young Will eat the eggs, L3rdeil (54, p. 50) found that young bas swa rrn up fr*a the meat into a school tvelve or thirteen days after batching. Hi studies shav that bass reach two inches in length in forty days. i.ehesn (56, p, ii) studied the growth of young b*ss, end obtained the same results as did Iqdell. Meehean also found that after this first ftiat initial growth of the young, growth levels off to a slower rate. E1 In southern states bass Will feed down to 470 F, end Will gz'ow slowly until water temperatures reach 800 F, (78,. p. 296) Thia species is not adapted to oolder waters, and most of the growth is made in the itner months, This. fish will not spawn or exist in waters hioh remain muddy for long periods of time, Swingle and Smith (86, p. 335) found that bass coneutas one third as much food at 5Q0 P. as. they do at $80 P, Juwentle bass. feed on insects., crustaceans, aM small fishes, They are eometimes very cannibalistic on fIsh of the seno age ol*ss. Adults will eat a]most any small fish, They are wery predaceous. and voracious. Frogs and crayfish are a preferred food of base, and will be readily consumed if syllable. King (44, p. 248) states "that Swingle, Esohiieyer, and the author hare all carried out research in southeastern states found that bass seldom liwe longer than s.ix years nd However, bass 'sill live longer than six years in most states, Hablt and Requirements of Bluegi3.l The bluegill sunfish were originally distributed fron Southern Canada and 1oth Dakot* south to Florida and Arkansas been 'widely introduced west of the Rocky liountains, they have The exact date that bluegills. were first introduced into Oregon is not Irnown, but first records of thaa appearing in catches were in 1895 (48, p. 116). Young bluegill feed mos.tly upon aquatic insects end s.m.all crustaceans. As. soon ** their mouths are large enough they begin to eonano insects which are the majority of their diet for the rest of their jives. They will also eat their own eggs if food is LIL**i 7 As contrasted to bass, bluegill eggs need a relatively short period of time to meture. There is no egg development in the fall. During Deeeber wellfed adults will begin to develop eggs, Tb. first spawning usually occurs in May or Jime, Bluegill will spawn at intervals throughout the sunrier months tmtil October if food is plentiful end water temperatures are high enough (0, p, 3), Bluegills are very prolific usually spawning In water from six inches to four feet in deh. An eight to ten-'inch female is capable of layIng from 15,000 to 58,000 eggs. They reach sexual maturity In less then one year, and will sawn after four months in areas whore growth is very rapid, They are colony spawners being tolerant of nearby redda, The males guard the nest and protect the yotmg for a short period of time after hatching. Bluegill Will feed down to 39° F,, but most of their growth is made when water temperatures range from (78, p, 298). Above 800 600 to 800 1. 1, almost all of the bluegill's energy is expended in spawning (78, p. 299), they require surface tempera tures of 75° to 80° F, to spawn, Adaptability to Farm Pond Lite When considering a species to stock in any body of water the following requirements must be fulfIlled, The fish in question must be from a similar habitat, must be able to spawn successfully in the ner habitat, and. nuat be able to irIilize the food a'-ailable in the *ev habitat, Furthermore, it is imperative that the species be regarded highly as good food, good sport, and be capable of reaching a balanced condition with other fish in the pnd. Both pretousiy mntioned species do well in farm ponds as they are native inhabitants of lakes, slougha, and slow mcrving waters They are capable of reproduction without the help of artificial aids, and Muatto food is similar to their original habitat . Furthermore, they are considered fine food, and in most st*tes consIdered excellent sport fishes, The one serious condition that they fail to nest is that of attaining a well". balanCed condition in many ponds. and will be adequatelr treated in This factor merits dIaonsion, another section, important very ometim.s are perch arid Crappie states. midwestern and southern our of some in catfish are as catch, the in inportant are pickerel states northern some In species, preferred the are they found, natively were trout where states northern moat In appendix, the of 1 Table in listed also are ratios varying in catfish channel appendix. the of and crappie stacking reooimend 1?htoh states The 18 Table in listed are ponds fish farm their in use for combination bass and bluegill the reccnrtend that states thirtyseven The Indiana.. and Mexico, California, Oklahoma, are ,onds fer!n recommend that states Other iew Kentuoky, Tennessee, their in sunfish redesr of' use the use, their With Texas in attained is balance population better and bluegill4 the as spawner a prolific as not is surflsh this as bluegill to preference in rnicrolophus, Lpomi sunfish, shelloreeker or redear stocks now tate, midwestern, southwestern end southeastern in species twc these on greatest is pressure Angling Tennessee, and Carolina, Morth Georgia, Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, in most for angled are Bluegill twentyfive in fish e Indiana4 ard Jersey, after sought most the of' ?A flT }ASS T) 8oth states, other one are Ne Delaware, Kentucky, Texae3, in fish game water want after sought most the aro bass black Questtoare PONDS lamouth Pond Faiti the from Results 3LTEGThL OP SU(XSS Mfl) FEPE!WE P PEGIOMAL 15 in different 1oca1ites, bvt without a doubts nationwide, riore angling effort is expended on bass and hluegtll than any ether warm water game fish, The state coyxserv'ation agencies that reoomien1 the stooking of trout in the tarn ponds in thetr states are licted in Table 18 of the appendix, Success of the Bluegill and Ba*s Stocking Cnbinet1on Bass nd bluegill are stocked in varying ratios In thIrtp* seren states with the reernendations br the ?ih and Vildlif* Service or the particular stats conservation agency r.spon.i1e for the farm pond program in that state, are listed in Table 18 of the appendix, These recomnendations Success of these stocking eonbixiatlone in. different arena of the United States neets With rarring results, as shom in Table 1. R*sults from the following Investigators are compiled in Table 1. Iteehean surve,red po,e In the Southwestern United Statefl and in the Midwest. Fuqua made his study of farm ponds in Ok1ahia, Texas, and New Mexico. anderson analyzed ponds in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa.. Fessler investigated ponds In Iowa, Carlandor and Sharp checked ponds in North and South Takota, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Indtn, Ohio, and Michigan, Holloway studied ponds in Kentuokr, South Carolina, Arkansas, Mississippi, (eorgia, and Tennessee. Rawson and Rutton (65, p. 28?) hare reported that all bluegill and bass plants in Saskatchewan have died. TABI4E 1 SUCCESS OF FAr FISH PO!S IN AffiTAINIE BALMC ED Per cent f .53 4* ponds in a 64.0 4;1 balaned condition 45.5 65.0 48.5 56.8 45.0 6.1 6,3 10.0 304 15.3 21.0 30.2 44.0 39.8 24.0 27.6 - 28.3 36.0 Per cent o'verpopulated with bus 7.0 Per cent oerpopu1ated with bluegill Per cent owerpopulated with other No fish it ill 1.8 3.3.9 Ferti. used ponds (N) Unfertilized ponds (No.) 178 39 Fertilized status not loiown (No,) (No,) ( * ) . 99 111 33 306 323 Indicates ntmther f ponds analysed br eh investigator. Thsber inside of parenthesis indicates rferenoe uther in the bihliograpby. eehean oiloulated per cent of ponds in balanced condition. for both fertilized and unfertilized ponds. First asterisk is per cent of fertilized ponds in balance in southwestern states, The second asterisk indicates the per cent of fertilized ponds in balance in the Midwest, Data in Table 1 show that from t ty-eight to fifty-seven per cent of the farm ponds investigated wire in a balanced condition between bass end bluegill, 1ive to ten per cent were overpopulated with bass, hile ton to fort$our per ont were overpou1ated with bluegiU, Twenty to thirty-six per cent were overpopulated with other sneoles of fish, Trout zm Pondø Trout tarn nortda are xunnerous in many of our more northern states, Good gro'sth does occur in most suitable trout ponds, end fair yields occur in one year in many of the ponds, Most state conservation agencies do not reoomaend stocking trout in ponds ssner water temperatures range between 70° to 800 F iere State eoniervstion agencies that recommend stocking of trout in farm ponds are listed in the appendix, Table 18. Reproduction in those ponds iS hardly poaib1e unless suitable inlets make spawning areas available for adult spainera. artificial spawning aids Sometimes an be successfully utilized to obtain reproduction in these ponds. This is the one serious handicap of trout ponds as they must be managed on a "put and take" basis, and this is not considered feasible by some pond owners. In Oregon, trout are stceked at the rate of 300 to 600 fingerling per acre of surface water, $chrxoider and Griffith (6?, p. 151) found that the survival of trout in a small pond in weetern Oregon for one year was 71,3 per cent. With only natural feei3.n, they obtained a yield of 46.5 pounds per acre eith cutthroet and ratri,ov trout To T)roduoe a 8etisftetory ling return of two fish per hour, it was nccesary to have a population den$.tty of one hundred fish per surface tore of water0 Eipper (31, p, 1) obt*ined yields of trout fron 89 to 151 pounds per surface acre in New York ponds Ie estinisted that the tVe?$ge production was 119 pounds per surtaco acre. stoakin water, The normal rate in New York is 350 finerlinge per acre of surface 1J MANAGE OF Tfl BWGILL A111 BASS SOCXING CBINATION Prm Pond Management Princlp3as The following three important fish management concepts mentioned by Mayle (60, p. 283) ha've don, muoh to develop recent trends in farm pond management. 1, "The concept of carrying cspeoityj that i, the fertility and basic productivity of any wster slices the maintenance of a fish population or standing fish crop of a oertaln maxintrn poundage, and usually the else of the fish population in a 'water tends to be close to this carrying capacity1 2. "The concept of population balance, There is a certain balance of poundage ratio between species of fish in a water, especially predaceous nd forage fish, that can be expected to result in 'best growth for all species, 5, "The cow*pt of sustained yield. With proper management there ri11 be an annual crop of fish of a fairly constant size that can be harvested or replaced each year by population growth." The following principles have been found by Swingle (81, p. 3-1o) nd other research workers to be cessary for a healthy population which 'will produce sustained yields of harvestable fish. 1. Stocking should be determined by the natural carrying capacity of the pond. 2. The production of a pond can be increased by the use of fertilizer; however, only ponds on whIch a very intensifiód fehing program is planned should be ferti1ted, 3. Fish grow rapidly if toed is plentiful, but slowly if food is scarce. 4. Tøo many fish in a pond cause stunted fish and poor fishing, 5, Within one year after atooldng, a pond is usually supporting clo8e to the maximum weight of fish for which there is food. After the first spawning more small fish are present than can adequately b supported by the food in the pond. 8. If the rnber of fish lxi a pond is reduced, the average size of the raintng fish increases. 7. Blneill cannot be raised successfully in ponds oo.taining only bluegill, Largenouth black bass should be uod in ponds with bluegill. The bass wili eat enough young bluegill to keep the poulation in balance if enough bass are in the pond, 8, Adequate angling pressure on both bass end bluegill must be maintained, Farm Pond Life Cycle rood in a farm pond life cycl, is in continuous oirculation, Aquatic plants and phytoplankton convert mineral salts, nitrogen, phosphorous, and carbon dioxide tnto foodstuffs that are consumed by protozoens, Small crustaceans and insects eat these protosoans, and in turn are eaten by young game or forage fIsh which become the prey of the larger predaceous gem. fish, The *dult fish die, and their flesh is broken down by b*oteria and other organisms into inorganic salts to oonplete the cycle. B*lextoeof the Fish Population One of the well established principles of pond management is that the fish suet reach some form of blanee between species In a pond In order to insur, maximum production. Axi unbalanced population will propagate stunted populations with one of the rn species completely do mating the pond. Dr, E S S irle of labaa hae de ueh of the pioneer aork in population halnoe for lilue.gifl and bass ponds. He found that all ponds should be checked the secnct sner after stocking to see if the pond has achieved a balnoed condition (is, p, 246) Swingle (18 :. 263) suggests the followin, reasons as explanations why many rie balance, ponds & not achieve a satisfactory "(1) Competition with wild fishes already present in the pond before the hatchery fish are stooked cause of pond fat lures (2) Thoughtless stocking of ne ponds with adult fish before the hatchery fish arrive, overstocking. This is the most comnon This mispractice causes (3) He*'vy ncrtality anong the hatchery fish after they are introduced into the poud (4) Removal of baas by fishing before they have already spawned for the first tin," A emp1e method for testing ponds to determine if they are in a balanced condition has been devised by wingls, This test is composed of a eple taken from the pond by seining which is followed by en exsination of fish caught, Tf both bluegill and bass young of the 5uD year class are present, and if there is not an OYe? abundance of medium sized bluegill, then the pond is considered to be in balance, If both bass young aaid bluegill young are numerous, the spawning members of the populations are &uudant enough olessify th pond as balanced, Swingle (82, p. 9) reports that in a balanced population the ratio of forage fish to carnivorous fish (Fft) should be from 22 e a10 uses S to 6*1 pounds. Y/C, and 'E" values shen working with rth populat!.ons In faia yrtds (75, p The 'A' value i.s the eromsge h fish in the total p0ulatlon. of the popult1'n, balance, end tibos elht o: westable ThIS viiue measures the offiolencty lAtN values below 40% indicate unsatisfactory helow 3% indicate unbalanced oulations. values should range between 40% end p35% with 60% to 85 the nost destrabla range, The mininmm size used to detertine the "Ag' value fo bluegill is six inohea and fo hss ten Inches, The Y1t value is the weight of eaall forage fishes to the total weight Of oartdirorous fihoa, The desirable Y/i range is one to three pounds of siall forage fish for each pound of carnivorous fish, The !f" value. Is the percentage by weight of all the different species in -the total population, At least 55%, and preferably 60% to 70%, of the total weight of the bluegills should be usable size fish, Produetiviy ot Water It is a well Im.own tact that the productivity of any body of water is directly related to the aol? productivity of the surround ing watershed There is a definIte carrying caoity for the fish population of any given body of fertility, Fish production is dependent upon the smount of food available in a pond, fish, ater depending upon this soil This food roqutroaent varies with differezr If a acil Is rich in basic nutrients, then the body of water wiU also be rioh in the iutrients necessr'y to maintath good popul*tion of flab, These basic inorganic nutrients are necessary to produce lan1d. and algae for indirect and direct fish consumpwi tion... The most important constitutents for production of platon and algae are phosphate, nitrogen, and potash, A pond rich in these elements will produce much plankton and algae for microcrustaceens and small fish to feed upon, This factor is an important one in u standth and managing a farm pond because with a lack of this food, fish will not grow, mature correctly, or maintain a balanced populations Productivity of the Bluejj.0 and Bass Combination in Fai Piah Ponds Productivity of farm ponds is measured by poid8 per acre of surface water. The weight includes the total number of fiøh captured by pond draining or poisoning, A comparison of fis1 production n different states is shown in Table 2. kvailable infornmtton from three states makes It possible to compare production In natural waters to production in fertilized ponds. Results from one experimental farm pond in Oregon show that productIon of bass and bluegill in Oregon is equal to or greater than four of the other states listed in Table 2., 3lnoe the fish population In this pond was considered unbalanced,. it is possible that a balanced poimilation of bass and bluegill could yield more pounds per acre than did this one experimental pond. m TABT TocrvtTY P'Pi ACP! OF Stit. Investigator 2 LJ8GILL AND !3AS Firti1ized IF FA1{ ?ONI)S nfer1'Id Ye ponde (lbs.) Aabna Illinois Indiana S*ingle Bennett 400 000 40 - 200 70 - 3.45 1947 1952 1952 Keneu T1eeier 250 - 600 (400 ave.) 200 500 Kentnoky Michigan Missouri New York Oregon Cleric 200 - WOO 3.952 196 - 579* 364** 270* 260** 137 - 239 1952 1952 1953 1953 1950 1947 'West Virginia Xruathols Ball Barniokol Eipper Orenfell Brown 193 - 721* Surl,.r 200 248 - m Pond Fer11tation There are currently twentp'4our states that re .end the use of oaneroiei inorganic ferti.liser to increase the productivity of ponda in infer tie areas of their atates, These states are listed in Table 3, All of these fertilizers are chiefly ompoeed cf phosphate, nitrogen, end potash. When ferttltzer is added to a pond, phosphate, nitrogen, and potash go into solution end becone readily available for food for phytop1anLtcn, The increaee in available food causes an increase in the plankton vhieh results in bloon in nest ponds With the abundance of this food, insects, crustaceans and enall fish flourish, and the food for larger fish also proportionally increases resulting in increased pond production as illustrated in Table 2. TABlE 3 TIlE USIl OF C !EPCIAL rloRaANrc IRTTL!ZER !N FAW F!STI PONOS IN TIlE 1JNflE1) STATIS M,atei whtchdónot Staces 'ehich reocmnend fertilizer F.orida Mis3iseippt Georgia South Carolina Arizona North Carolina Tennessee Missouri -. Maryland West Virginia recozmiend fertilizer New Jersey Tez* Oklahoma California Kentucky Pennayi'vstha Kansi Rhode Island Delaware New Mexico fllincis Ohio Nevada Oregon Washington Iena Coneøtjut Massachusetts New York Colorado Vermont Iowa Utah Id*hc South Dakota Michigan Wisconsin Montana $ew H&tpshire Maine Wyordn Minnesota North iDakota The best fertilizer recoamended for farm pond.s is one hundred pounds of 6.ie-4 (nitrogen.hosphatepotash), plus ten poun.a of nitrato of soda rer surface acre of water (ir, pp. 20-21), Th fertilizer is aplied around the edges of the pond in 'water one to six feet in depth. The first application is in the spring as soon as warm weather arrives, sxz then about every three or four weeks depending upon the microscopic life in the pond, cost is approximately The usual per surface acre of water (76, p. 247). Ponds that stay muddy end those 'which have exceszi'v'e amounts of water pass in through them during the growing season onnot economically be fertilized, SWinla (76, p. 247) lIsts the followbi advantsres derived from. the use of feti1izer in ponds in the southe*atern states, 26 '(i) Increases fish production, (2) cor.trols water weeds, (3) reduces or prevents rosquitos from reprothrntion, (4) Increases the catch of fish, and (5) makes use of oe stocking rate," That proper fertilizer in ponds will produce greater yields is il1uetrated by 3a1l (5, p. 17) as he obtained yields in three fertilized. ponia varying from 193 to 721 pounds pr acre as compared vvith three unfertilized ponds varying from 196 to 379 pounds per acre, winrle (81, pp. 3.4) found that properly fertilized ponds In L1aimaa will roduoe between 400 to 600 pounds per sore as compared to 40 to 200 pounds ner acre for unfertilized ponds. Parniokol and Campbell (6, p. 273) evaluated the changes that fertilization causes in Missouri ponds, end found that growth of bass and bluegill in fertilIzed ponds was faster than In unfertilIzed ponds with other thIngs being equal, They show that fertilized ocnds produce much more plankton than do unfertilized ponds, and that second year algae blooms of the sane speoles reappesz in only fertilized ponds, BalI (3, pp, 222223) (5, pp, 1922) lists the following disa&vantages of farm pond fertilIzation In Michigan waters. FertilIzation results in a winterkili of warm water fishes in shallow ponds; ircieasee the synthesis of organIc matter in the form of bacteria, phytoplsnkton, filamontous algae, *nd higher aquatic plants (the letter two ioIn a derimental eoudition in any' pond); and. most pond owners do not conscientiously continue a good fertilizatIon program whIch results in 'neted effort and time, Thea. sadveritea 'ten11y eaus a poid to beoe oveoDu1.tet with oe peie or the ether, Zeller (g5, p Z31) stuie the effeote of fertilizer.. In ponde *nL found that the presenoe f ttiemtots a1g bt ponds ,reat1y recluoed the efTeots of the fezttli.r, Ie oonoludes that the f11tontoua algae absorhe the nutrients aMe to the water from the ferti1izer States that not reooimend the ise of coaerote.1 fert1Uzezs the harvestable fish oróp i if over, fished to the eorreet Meehean (58, pp, 235-236) states thst n t1 ntheastern TABU 4 O Ai LTA!ON ON ?O!1 LACT flT FAT. TTZR PWDS e1iaor !r[1iT pt Per <,ent in bsianoe Per tie 8oiwetern in .-J-.--. bai*rc.-.--- 1.ehean 64,0 53,4 srL (8$) 8outheastn !(o11wai 30,3 (38) States 84,5 (33) Mjwest.ru ehsn 45. 69,0 (se) Statea rY !okinZ P ti ej att3dn R*t.; an of Piah Lwmiri areas it (1e r*tio bass and nrit sat to *ke sny diffarene. at what begi11 are stoeked initially, Dr, win* (76, p. 245), throh m*i .xpertts at Anbt Alana, fcmd. Li;j :.--- '. Lii MI r1cr BiuogUl nd bu ratios ar. stooke per acre of water surface, Rates v*rr with natural or f.rbili*ed ponds, an states hrne the A with stockb ratios, states vry in the size of ftB fingerling baa *nd binegill are stocked. 8evral tete now stock new faru ponds with fry as the inoztaitty in hatc1eres fron the fry to fingerling stage is relatively large, end base fry Adult fish are aeldon used, except in several states s in Table 18 of the appendix, Adult b3.'ueg&U tre stocked here to grown (14, p, 2)) at Sen. arcue, Texas, found that high Li! bus per acre i.e decreuea as the sto*ng rsito ot blusgilis is increaset. The a.rage w.igh at bZu.gtU was touM o iry irrvwrss1 vtth the nber stocked, by added nutrients of distribution vertical a noticed They hpolinicn.. and thermooline, epilimnion, defined clearly a of absence frequent a is there that and months, sumner the during depth in feet eight to six ponds In warming pronounced a show Missouri. in ponds that found 270) p. (6, Cwrtpbell and Barniokol poulattons. fish stuntød nd growth slow to oontributed has season spawning the after space living in reduction this that believes He monha, sumser the during life fish for oxygen dissolved sufficient holding water surface of feet five to three on]y with stratified ohfsio*lly and ermally t be to found been have Iowa in ponds some that reports 261) p, (18, Carlender Ponds of Stratification Thermal and ChemIcal crop," fish adequate an roduoe erious1y to expected be cannot irrigation for used pond a and West, Far the in out carried been has work investigation pond farm Little out, pointed adequately been not has production fish significant any for suitable not are these of most that fact The Nevada, and Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, of districts conservation soil the in constructed be to scheduled were ponds 12,000 1953, in "that states 1) p (4, Kinsey this than further dawn feed net will bluegill as feet fifteen than deeper ponds in and 0.5%, of salinity a having waters brackish in spawn to tailed have bluegill and baas that found also Swingle waters.. alkaline highly or silt,, of loads 32 3. ferti1iation (6, p. 271). Thia distribution was related to thermal itratifloation as bottom concentrations of phosphate phosphorus were two to ten times as great as were surf ace concentrations, I3yrd (15, p. lsz) studied stratification of farm ponds in Alba and fornd that there was a definite stratified condition during the suner months Fish traps were ueed in the study. Byrd foim that bluegills could not efficiently utilize the colder and deper waters because of law concentrations of dieeoled oxygen and high concentrations of carbon dioxide., During this sn*r stratification, bluegill were found in greatest numbers in shallow' water, Byrd states 'bluegills were unable to live for extended periods of 6 to 45 hours at water depths where the diaolved oxygen concentration was 0.3 p, or lees accompanied by a carbon dioxide concentration of 4.4 p, or more. The critical depth ziere chemical stratification occurred was at f5ve feet in a two-acre pond and at seven feet in a 22w.sore pond (15, p. l62). M1in Pressure end the Results of Underfthin The following statements ha-va been included to demonstrate the complete agreement of fishery workers in different areas of the United States as to the importance in farm pond management of adequately harvesting the species stocked. This is a re1atively new concept in the manac',ement of warm water pond species, and conclusive evidence of the merits of this concept is illustrated I:z;u Ilk;L flqtt (ze, p. 234) ttudted the deere sportin catch on m ti U5O Bennett (, p. 231) reper±o from a nn.tr sttdy of an aig the following reslta een-aoru lake in flhinoi*, 8iia11 bass were r.v,d b'3r anglers as well as by use of a drain pipe, a high Ieel, in spite of this so osll.d "misp,aotiee" of diøartftxt 'tbat the eisa limit is no talua i ba.i oenservation.5 Ba1ujckol and CapbeU (8, p, 214) dratn*d a 3,5 sor. lake in j fishing pressure during the this lake .d*r sin, The total toh trom s 1,24 fish weighing of 155,5 pod; At K') 4.2 pounds, hioh is $ yield *cr of srfaee water, the e3cse of the season a stsnin. rop of 4?, 185 fish weighing T is ad,rjsahle to renvc about bale of this orp snonally in order wi EJ is e-tt erh to water ie t thL rte cthar means to thiz the pop1stion ex'1odtafly art n.oeuary," Kansas, ft.mei.z' (8?, . 24) state* ttat 'the greatest ! C3osed Seaeon in Warn Water Gavis !bh ifl 142 Svrthgle nd ith foid fy research that in m*t oese* it is i posti1 to take than fifty par cent o eziatin stock of catchable fish in s pond by en1ing (81, p, 23), A1so the tsilure of * 1ixit as a tool for nanagin ma*y ET species of fish has resulted in a continuous open season for base end bluegill in neny states. The current warn wator game flab regulations were retewed Twenty states now hawe no in Field and Sfl (8, pp.. 34-39)., closed season on lergenouth black bass, and th ry states hove no closed season on bluegill. In 1949 the number of atatse permitting and bluegill was fifteen (62, p.,. 243), year aromid angling for In 1947 ing (44, p. 247) is quoted as writing HSinoe worth Carolina, Alabama., Geargia South Carolina, and Florida have abolished the closed season warm-ivater species, except bass, there are mOre fish being ta. with no evidence to indicate that any harm is resulting from the removal of the cloeed seaeon, He further iointe out that the open season has resulted in a doubling of the ostob of fish from TVA reaeroirs arid is credited with bring Ing an additional 5,OOO,OOO worth or related busineas to the eomities serin the reservoirs, Murphy (az, p. 247-248) studied ebdence of fingerling bass in an area closed to angling the spawning season in compariSon to the abundance of fingerlings in an area open to angling during the spawning season. During his threeyear study he found the ;survival rate to be oeitiely correlated with the abundance of forage fish present, arid not correlated with the angling pressure on the adult fish during J4 spewnin season. IC a1itj of Yow has d 1ue&U of fish stocked should be krxos., Thj info,tion enab1e the TABLE MOtTALITY O TOJ1G LtGILL iTh STOCKED IN A lEN Surber* (174) Swin1* (as5 p POUNTLENT 86,3% 15 xnthe Ci p. .8) of !i1ig beouso f ndor&e the took.np of bsa survie hette wtead moa'ti1ity fror fry to fthriing is high ii h+øherie8, n4 th* co Ls greater irt arin1e (is, pp. zi-) C.eteriiiiied tte *atwrl iorta1it far bøa, hea no tih1n wee aUowcd, vege4 M first *f 15.4% Gt i and 6% ur&zig 'the bluegill tGakd &t. it 4ditioxwl 194% ieti irt grix tbe hetr eeon& veer, CLIMATIC CONtITIONS HIH AFFECT T SUCCESS OF FA1A FISH PONDS James (41, p. 3) states 'The climate of a section of th. country in which water areas are located nay, in a general way, determine the climate within these bodies of' water, but there is much 'variation between water areas in the same region., It is upon these climates, of habitat conditions within each body of water, that the natural distribution of fishes dependa, It is these factors which determine what species of fish grcw best and produce best fishinp, and, therefore, should determine the fishes to be stocked. "One of the fundamental climatic factors is temperature, It determines, in a broad way, the general types of fishes to be found, or to be atoked, in a bo4y of water,0 The annual temperature, as previously mentioned by James., is responsible for the types of fishes found in any one area. Air temperatures govern to a large extent water temperatures, and certain water temperature limits restrict any species to certain areas where this requirement is fulfilled. Successful introduction can sometimes be accomplished if tem perature conditions are similar between two areas, other factors being equal, In the complex scheme of ecology, every species has certain tem,erature requirements which it must have for sucoeasfu.1 existence, On the periphery of this temperature range, the species in question can barcfl be expected to be as successful ss in the center or optimum of its range. The average temperature for each state in the United States has been compiled from the most accurate source available, and presented in the pt>endix, Table 16. climatic conditions, States vary greatly in Thees are the most accurate data available for comparison. Winter Temperature Wjnte temperatures are exceedingly important because they are the limiting factor in the distribution of some fishes. The annual temnerature for tao gten areas could be almost identical1 yet one area could hare a much colder winter and warmer summer than the other area This would confuse the true climatic picture by giving the same annual teinnereture as the other area, Winter kills from some northern states have completely destroyed fish populations in farm ponds in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, and probably other northern, states. This makes a stat&s winter temperature of importanoe to the warnwater fish biologist. Winter temperatures ar. also listed in Table 15 at the apendix. Summer Temperature Summer temperatures can *lso Inhibit the distribution of some Froetfree P,rid The kno1edge ot srnival ratuta11 for & given 1oc3alit ifl ice have States United the of half northern the in atatoz )(ost appendix.. the of 15 Table in availaile also are data These fish, of populations good support er atm The to great too be would fluctuation level water they that fishing pond Thrm exc,llent the roduee southeestern the rainfall rror this !Ytthout do, not could states rainfl1, eurater of amount the with and states different with varies that factor another is ovaporatou &nner levels, eonvtait maintain to sufficient be not would rainfall winter their because rainfall auixer adequate without nsiutained be not c,uld ponds fish f.arn states sante In Rainfall Stmmer area, ain,e watershed desired calculating when subregions and regions ferent di the in use to charts published has service conservation soil The varied the to due misleading states, ny of o1ittes h could and a"eregee, state are appendix, the of 15 Table in listed are figures rainfall Average pond, thictusting violently a or surmer the in pond drying a either into develop could calculations in error this froa Dangers fov unsuited physically pond a to lead could fish, runoff watershed necessary eorioerning ca1eultions incorrect beaizse esirod fishing good if important is This is 2ooality.. that in ponds sised different for neoeasary area watershed the determining in aid. greatly AG iP IEI.r(TH RELTO1S1rTY' CF BLUEGILL ATh) BASS The enalyais of scales has prow'en a 'very effective tool in determtnin the growth rate of some fIshes, Scsi-es are used to determine the age of the fish at capture, the length at any avmlua during the fish' a lit., and the eve nge growth mede by the fish during each year of life (47, p. The growth rates of aixtyfive largenouth blao)c bass and one Pth lenthe at each hundred and sixty bluegill were estimated annulus formation were calculated by the use ci' the formula described on page eight. AU of these scales were collected in western Ozegon by Mr. ialph Grentell and Mr. Andrew Lmdforce, Scsi-es were not a'vaileble from the ether climatic arosa in the state. The results of these ostiictea are compiled in Tableø 6 and 7, T*ble 8 and 9 are a comparison betesen the growth rates of bass from the Willanette Valley and those fr coastal lakes, A ainilar comparison of growth rte of bl-xegtll heieen these tro a'eas is computed in Tables 10 and 11, Tables iS and 14 are a comparteom of growth retes of bluegill and bass from 'various states, The position of the states in these tables is based upon theIr annual tenperature as in. Table l of the appendIx, Table 22 is a suiary of bass growth, which was calculated by different authors, in Oregon, Banker studied f fiy-eeven bass scales that were collected in 1954 from lakes, ponds, end rivers in Oregon, and his results are tnelud.d in Table 12, In 1965 H,rmann calculated the growth rates of aixty.stx bass collected during 1953, 1954, *nd 1955 from Oregon lakes, reee.roire, and farm ponds. listed in !t&s results are also Table 12. Bees growth iii Oregon is ecmrarsble with that made in New York, Uichigen, Wisoonsin, Montana, and Linnesota, as shown in Table 14. Bass growth for all other states listed is much faster than experienoed in Oregon. Bluegill g rowbh in Oregon during the first three years of life is approximately equal to or greater than growth in all other states, except California, Teunessee listed in Table IS. Kentucky, and West Virginia, which are After three years, bluegill growth in Oregon decreases someat to that ealculated in other states. It is aperent from Table 12 that largenouth black bass grow more rapidly in our coastal lakes than in the Willarnette Valley. flowever, one instance of has attaining the length of 14.2 inches in 'three year ha been recorded in one of the experimental onda of the Oregon State Game Conmilasion, iecker end the author found that growth is loss in coastal lakes durinr the first year, but greater ever year after the initial year of life than growth of Willamette Valley bees. Becker (Table 12) tound that growth of bass in eouthern Oregon was slower during the first four years of life than in other olitriatic areas of Oregon. Bluegill growth, estImated froni the scale sample, is approxintely the same between coastal lakes and reservoirs, lakes, and farm ponds in the Willaaótbe Valley. 4, P * .D *ge group TIlt!! 3.9 30 4 I 2J 6.6 7,8 30.6 11,? 13.6 18 34 V Ue1en1at rerk length 1flCh*$) et tte of ennulue formation *yer*ge fork length n**ber I II III XV I) 3.0 3,9 2,9 3,1 kverag length 3.0 3.0 65 Increment of growth Total number 5.8 7,8 6,6 6,4 9, 9,5 9,8 6.? 3,? 9.1 3.0 33 4? 20,9 1Z7 12,9 U, 3.2.9 -1.6 4 14 T31Z? I* Age group It III IV 1 VII oti1 number i41UE Avir*g. fork length (inek.i) 19 55 63. 3.5 3 7 Aereg. length Increment of growth Total number 3,7 4,8 6,1 8.9 7,0 8,0 E *1ciatatórk lengtm (thes1 at thee of I 3.1 3,2 3.6 5,4 3.5 3.4 5.4 3,4 160 It ITT 4,4 4.9 8,0 4,4 4.8 5.7 8,3 8,2 5,9 4,7 1.3 5,9 1.2 142. 86 aimulus ta'Uon XV V Vt IL! 6,1 6.5 6.5 8,8 7.0 1,4 1.8 6,6 6.9 1,4 7,8 .1 .3 .5 25 20 .4 1 TABLE 8 .1 1. 4. aom iwrgs op ia x r,. O1fltFI BUCK fl&s8 I4AXES ON RE OREGON OOAS UAg* TotaT group nuntbsr ----I II III 0 I 5 $ 3 iigi tori 1.ngt 8.7 10,6 127 144 sJ1J 1b at tiza. of 1,9 2,9 $4 3,1 iength o.i) anmilue fonaation 6,7 6.8 6.9 8,6 10,1 20,5 12,3 12,3 6,8 4,0 12 10.2 5,4 11 12.3 9,9 3.3,6 - Average length Inerøxient of giowth Total nber 2.8 2,G - 24 6 13.8 1,3 3 cautsd Total fork length Jtttohe*) 2'oUp 1 T 16 51 57 12 2 II TI! IV V fO of at ti t1ue foxwb ion iv ns -----*_..-t 1.1. 1.8 4,8 8,2 4,3 4,9 73 1,2 3,8 8,4 54 5,8 8,2 '7.0 3,4 4,2 84 3,3 3,3 4,8 8,0 1,4 6,7 6,8 3.38 122 11 14 2 *verag. length Inerenent of growth ott1 tz*r 6,8 6,5 3 GRO7I fiAS O' 22 I3LUEGTLL C0LICED FR T4$ 0 ?iE 01GON COAS? g* group 1 II TI! 3 XV 3 1 VII *lot rdr e't Uo.i) at time of aimu1ia for*ttom si number 4 4 7 fork length (inohee) X 3.9 5,3 5,2 8,8 3.2 3,8 7,1 8,0 34 3,3 3.7 $4 IT III 4.9 3.9 4,8 5.0 4,8 5,7 8,2 5,9 V IV 6.3 6,8 8,6 VI XI 6,' GJ 7,4 '7.8 - Average length Increnent of growth 3,4 3,4 4,7 1,3 5,8 6,5 .9 .9 Total rnber 22 19 15 -r 11 -- 6,9 .4 8 1,4 .5 7,8 .4 7 50 TAI31E 12 GR1H ATFS OF LARGFL OUT}! i.4CK ±?.SS Fl vTous CLiTTc and anther T time or ann1us formation VI TII TV V IT VII r - -t State of 3ecker * 5, 8.5 57 o6 35 2,5 3.b 3.0 5.!. Averc 3,7 3.7 Jnriia1 Increment 9.0 8,1 13.9 12.6 11.0 12,9 13.4 14.3 16,0 14,9 6,3 ,6 87 9,7 11.2 10,4 10,3 11,5 6,7 8,8 2.1 10,8 2,0 12,5 ,? 13,9 1.4 15.5 1.6 14.1 14,9 14.1 2.4 14,9 3.0 Willanette Valley 42 !(errnaxn * Oakley 58 Average rmua1 Trcrcer.t Becker 8 * Oakley 12 .Aveø Anual Increment 2,1 $, 3,3 8.5 f.4 9.0 10,6 10,3 10,2 12.4 8,4 6,6 3,0 3,0 6.2 3,2 6,6 2.4 10.4 11,7 1.3 2.2 3,9 2,8 5,9 5,4 6.8 I2.8 1PJ,6 9,9 10.2 13,6 12.3 2,9 2,9 6.0 3.1 10.9 4.9 13.9 3.0 13,6 1,5 4,5 8,6 10,1 11.7 14,6 2,1 3.6 1,6 2,9 5, 1,6 10,9 13,6 Soirthern Oreou 12 Artua1 ltrement * Nr of ,aie eiiple 1,6 nottkxown, 3.0 .8 TABlE 13 AGE £t IEIT1i State I or st Ok1h (4) North Carolina ki7 california (&r) Tcnessee (1) Tenneeee (45) Kentuelcy (cc) (19) Vtrgini Mj6ourj (4s) 'Ie8t Virgin1 (17) IlIiuoie (45) !flinoi (45) Illimoia (45) Iute.a (45) Tnajaja (17) Ohio (45) ATajjTf63Eflneheij 12345 6 4,1 3.3. 4.1 5.6 3.1 4.b 4,? 5,3 14 3.1 3,4 1, Oregon (0Jdey) 0reou (48) taw (4s) 3,5 3.3 1,4 Iowa (46) .1,7 I 1.' Nw YGtk (8) Aehtn (5?) Uichtgau (2) iooiain (3.9) taua (ig) !Ltnnesot (17) .6 3,o 3,1 2,5 1,3 2.8 1,8 1. Ohio (57) (46) 4,9 3.9 6,5 6,7 3.7 4.1 4,2 6.3 3,5 4.5 4.8 3.0 4,1 3.0 5,2 5.1 4.8 4.8 3.4 3. 3,4 4.3 4,3 4.2 2,2 2,5 1.3 4.0 5. 0M (45) YAI!OUS STATES ATiOI'ISHIPS OF BLUEGILL ?R 1,9 7 8 6,1 5, 73 8.b 8 I 7,6 4,5 6,3 6.4 5.6 8,9 8.4 4.9 6.8 8.0 6.6 .1 9,5 9.2 10.2 7.8 8.9 9.8 6.8 7,4 7.1 7.6 8.0 .5 6,6 6.7 7g.: 7,2 7.0 7,2 7.5 8.1 7. 93 4,9 5,3 6.4 4.8 5,9 4.5 6.6 5,9 6.1 6.0 6.1 c. 64 6.o 5,4 6,0 5.6 74 6,5 6.9 5.7. 3,$ 86 &,d 6.4 1.3 li.4 83 ,9 6.2 5.4 4,9 7,4 6.6 6.1 7,6 8.1 7.8 7.8 6,8 73 10,3 rO 8,5 8.3 74 flhmeaurecn4., 14.0 12,9 13,7 lo,u 13,7 15.1 13,3. 15.1 17,3 16,9 20.7 21,9 15,6 21.3 23,0 23,.5 1,C 19.5 14.5 16,8 16.1 17.3 1.2 13.4 17.6 18,4 16.0 18.9 20.1 17,7 13.8 18.9 20.2 14.3 14,9 15,8 16.2 21,4 20,5 17.5 23,9 26,6 1G,o 15.4 17.D 19.0 3.6,3 3.7,6 16,0 19,8 17,3 14,8 14,7 11,0 12,3 12.9 13.9 15,8 11.5 10,8 12.s U.S 12.1 14,5 13.7 12.9 10,3 10,4 11,3 11,2 13,5 14,6 12,b 14,3 2O7 19.3 21,& 20,8 20.7 14,9 20.6 17.6 16.9 17,4 19.0 17.5 19,3 11.0 18,9 14.9 15,8 21,0 6,7 6.4 7. 9,3 8,7 7.4 9.5 8.2 8,3 6,3 5,1 6,1 8.b 7,6 7,2 8.1 13,4 3.6,2 18,3. 13,4 10.1 13,0 9.4 11,4 13,3 14,6 15.9 1o,1 15.6 16.2 16,7 13,7 12.7 10,4 10.4 1,1 1 15.0 13.2 3 oafItchin 12.6 7.0 11,0 10.8 10,0 14.0 14.0 14.5 l.8 14,6 lc:,O 4 5 9,3 10,3 13,o 10,6 10,0 30.2 12,5 10.9 1(,7 8.6 6.1 9,7 9,0 10.9 '.5 119 14.6 22.1 19.0 18.6 19,8 23,6 20 7 $ inohesj - 115 12.2 12.2 10.1 10,8 7.8 7.6 11.3 11,0 2 ciasoa for used 'tai 3,5 2,1 1enth rk * (17) Miiesota (19) Montana () 5.9 Wjsooj (2) Miohigan Miohigan (28) Thrk 5.2 (137) 64 5,3 (46) (46) 4,4 New Ia Io ($7)* Creon (7)* Oregon (Oakioy)* Oreo 3,5 2,5 3,0 Cnticut 5,1 5,9 5,6 10.3 3.5 7,E 4.0 3,6 10.7 3.7 5.6 5.8 5,9 6,9 6.7 6,9 8.0 5,7 4,6 7,7 7,0 (17) (48) Oregon (17) Nebraskn (27) Nevda (17) Ohio (13) Jerae; New (17) Indiana (3.') Illinois (ss) Mexioo New (19) ouri (10) Virgtnia (ce) Kentuc3y (19) entuoly (57) (57) Clifornja aUforn (27) (19) Carolina North Teese Ok1abo (19) (19) Oklahoma (57) Loniaja (19) florida 1 Invettgator L A State ?t BASS STITES V!TCUS ULAC iA.RGourE OF iI.kTTONSIIIPS LENGTH AN!) AGE 14 TABLE 52 53 FIGURE 1[ LEGEND GROWTH RATES OF LARGEMOUTH BLACK BASS FROM FOUR STATES LOUISIANA OREGON -- TENNESSEE----- WISCONSIN-- DATA FROM TABLE 14 23 22 20 19 18 I? 16 15 14 (-A IJ I z 0 13 12 II I0 9 I z Ui 8 7 6 -J 5 4 3 2 0 1 II IlL IV AGE IN YEARS V VI VILVIII - 54 Figure III, Figure IV, Bluegill scale showing -1wo annuli. Bluegill scale showing three annuli. TTÜ BASS ET) i LTJEc.!IL !! M wa O! trevios1y mantloned, bees nd blUer4U were introduced Until recent into Oregon waters in the late nineteenth century, years very little ang3.iup. pressure has been exerted on warm water species becaus of the wonderful s*Lmon end trout fishing areas in Oregon 'shi oh have lured people fron all over the world, ever, with increased angling pressure exerted an sa3manid fish paralleled by the rapit. I reese in Oregont a populace, demand fOr good warn watr angling has increased. In 3.950 the Oregon State C-ama Cojt.i&Ion began to expend its warm water gama fish program (51, u. 151). Same of the early projects included stomach analysis of large2nouth black bass, bass spalxib studiea along the tllemette hiver, and angling anocess on warn vthr fishes.. eerel lakes In the vicinity of Salem were ueed to determine the success of angling for warm water ame fish, The everg catch by anglers In these lekee was approximately one fish per hour (51, p. 154). fish.,. This is a rlatIve1y low return for water em* Crappie were the most abundant fish taken in trap nets1, but ahed a poor return to anglers, poasibly because o1 the angling thoda employed en these lakes, Th. order of importance., as shown by this creel census program, vies bluegill, bass, and orapie. The construction of a hatchery for the propagation of warm water g fish was oonsideed, but decided against as the cost of 66 i ur}Ijx ii!T luitial recoc1tians for r asnt praotiees o wa te In 1951 the growth uteri of warn water gene tiehes in Oregoa -K hi1e aimiiar fish retained in the pond produced ry (55, p. 270). The latter fish reproduced without the aid of fora.e species. Reoetiv hatched trr hve been observed as early as June 15 aM e* late as August 1 j Orgo, In Oregon bluegill normafly spawn in their second numer, !lazinum growth of bluegill in Oregon in their third suwer is. approzite1 eight inches (, p 271). Reproduction extends over a considrabic period of time when surface temperatures reach T5 to 80 F It is believed that in some bodies of water, low temperatures prevti1ing throughout the urer may inhibit bluegill reproduction (es, p. 271). In 1951 a two-acre tarn pond in Marion county was atocked at th. rate of 200 yea.r1in bluegill to 100 yearling bass per acre. This pond was drained in 1953, and 50 oums of bass end bluegill were recovered for a yield of 280 pounds per sore of water.. Ipproxinsteiy 90 pounds per acre were adult fish. This pond wa.s considered to be otxt of balance. Grenfell feels that this stocking ratio of 2*1 is in need of modification to reeuit in a balanced popu3.stion for the bluegill end bass (34,. p. 344) onda in the WIUam.ette Valley Four additional farm ponds were stocked in several different ratios to obtain a good ratio that will result in bslancd poplations in the WillaThOttS Valley. 1n ISM another creel census study was. conduoted by Grenfoll. He found an average return of 1.18 warm water fish per angler (32,. p 213) The catch was composed ot bluegill (43%), buiTheads [] fui1y q*wnd *t ti* Wo The total wigbt o1 fiøh Was 1Z4,1'$ pouu&s, or 64,2 pounda per acre, ND CBirDATIONS New Mexico, is at least twenty Inches, States that meet the prooedinp. climatic conditions should have good fish production beoause bass and bluegill grow and mature rapidly hen ex'oaed to tbeo conditions * The majority of these conditions Is fulfilled by states from Florida to Yest VIrginis in Table 15 of tie appendix, Dakota tn Table 15 of the States from Pennaylvatha to torth endix wUl not have optIti bees and bluegill production beauee the majority of l&metic onditicns necessary for rood production is not tu1t11ed, The state of Oregon has sr inual temperature of 48,90 F, Th average suner and winter temperatures are 64,10 F., and 33,9° F, The frostfree perIod varies f row 62 to 2?5 dsv*. Suuner rainfall varies from 6 to 22 Inches, Oregon has the nineteenth hirhest winter teeratns and the next to lowest euer temuerature of all states, The Milamette Valley has en annual temoerature of 52,70 F., en average winter tesrnerature of 40.80 F,, and am ave.rae sumr teiereture of 64,4 F, There are en everee of 19 frostfree days each year in this area, Wart season precipitation I inches, with a total precipitation of 39,08 inches,.. first after two years, and 8.15 Bass spawn aning flrrt bins in !ay,. Bluegill spawn after one year, and June 18 the month when they first epawn in the Willamette Valley, $cuthern Oreron has am annual temperature of apuroximstely 53.60 F, The average winter tenieratv.re Ia 40.70 F,, and the average anner temperature Is 67,80 F, for this area, Annual precipitation is 24,32 inches, with 6,61 inches dewing the warn eeaso., The frost-free period is 180 days. The Oregon Coast hss an average winter teiperature at 46,10 F. The suser te,pereturs averages 58,10 F, This area has en. annual f 590 F, The frost-free period extends for 241 days, ot1 precipitation is 76,75 incb.es, of which 16,45 inches is warn season precipItation. Eastern Oregon has an annual temperature of 50.10 F.,, an average IIsIei temperature of 68,30 P., and an average winter temperature of 32.80 F, 131 days, The. frost-free period is approximately &nnua1 precipitation i.e 11,29 inches, of which 3,78 inches is warm season precipitation. Growth rates of bans froii various states are oomperod in Table 14 of the text, in three years of growth., bass in Oregon average approzlnately 8,0 inches., fluring the same period of tima bans in 1en'tucky, Tennessee, VirgInia, Now exioo, end Louisiana grow to lengths of 14,5, 14 .. 6, 14.0, 16,2, and 14.6 Inches respoo' tively. These state.s have annual tar erturee of 56.8° F, 53,$0 F,, 55,gO F., 68.70 F,, and 67.0° F. respectively, has an annual temperature of 48.90 F, gø Oregon Theze five states that obtain bau rovth have summer te.ratures higher 'than 71° F, end winter temperatures higher then 35° F, These s1ates also haie frostfree seasons that extend for at least 170 days. The Wiflamette Valley, southern Oregon, and the Oregon Coast nfl have mild winters which should eliminate winter kills of bass ;j-v pr ) \4'i 3.79 inohés snd short trost-free JLI :w r t) IL or spprox1nt.1y 131 ds Li the WjUsm.tte Tslley $ end. 9, afls growth then in the WiIlen.tt. Vs11er, The Willamette Yelley has a auizvner temperature of A oompartson of b1i*gU.1 IJ- oirbh betwe 1b Wt1*tte Ts11ej states., several in conditions balanced attain which ponds of number the increase not does fertilization pond that indicate 4 Table from flata conditIons, soil poor offset to ueed be must fertilizer states, outheastern In h*rvested. seldom is created surolus the as expense extra an is eases most in but 2), (Table fish of production the increase does FertilIzation states. midwestern and eastern, southern, mostly are states Tbe. ponds. farm in production fish increased for fertilizers commercial inorganic of use the recommend states i'wentyfour F, 7Q0 then higher tuiea terpera-' summer surface have not do that ponds farm in stacked be should Trout stocking the states, individual their of ponds fern in trout of reoomnd agencies conservation state Fourteeu days, 140 approximately of period frosttree a by led eacompan F,, 20° approxiteli is temperature winter the where areas in stops probably bluegill F, 48.9° than lowór are and bass of distribution northern Th* which temperatures ennual have ratio stocking hass and bluegill the reoommnd not do that states ten the of Tine states, their in ponds farm for ratio stocking bass and bluegill the reeomrnd states thirtyseven that show qucion,nire tho from Results intenity. au.lin to proportion in production fish for eiiough fertile are waters natural because Oregon in recommended not is Fertilization Oregon. western of tomperture summer low the considering when information fevor&-'le is pond one from production 84 The age *nd tine f spawning of baso end lnegiU are direotly Gemerally, bass epirn after correlated with temperature conditions, One year in states with a minir3rzit amual temporture of 53,QO , in states with lees than 550 F, annsl teaperature, bass require two years or longer to spun.. Bluegill spawn in approdisate3y four nonthe in atate having a minimum annual temperature of 63F. Vest Virginia is the exception to this spawning age. gill spawn after oe year in states which range in annual temperature from 45.5° F, to 63.0° F. to spawn to in all other st*te Bluegill require two years The age of spawning is important roçerly managed bluegill and hess farm ponds. Only 28 to 57 per cent of all farm ponds analysed by other authors were in a bal*ne.d condition. improper stocking ratios, unfavorable elimtic conditions, stocking of phystcal] unsuited ponds, leek of interest tn ponds expressed by owners, and under ftshing are the main factors which eanee this high percentage of pond failurea The correct stocking ratio is necessary for a productive fish population, Tabulations from the questionnaire ebow that the most need ret&c is ten bluegill for each largemouth black bass stocked, Seventeen states ut&lie this ratio in stocking fern pon:ls in their *tatee, Th1 is based mainly on results obtained by :r. Swingle, and evidently the ratio works well in the fertilised ponds of our southeastern states. ilcwever, the ratio has failed in other states where climatic conditions vary greatly from those of the hetern statq, 't'e states that roneud athlt b1ue.1ll stooked with &ri11 bass to insure an iiztsdiatc food supply for the snail base are listed in Thble 19 of the ifornia, K.ntuoy, Iowa, bluegill in proi,ortion to ppcnd1x iehigan, and '!isooriatu. baac are planted as They are Cal'In general, inore porature.a iru,reue, The Oregon State Cae Coir'isa ion currently endorses the atookin ratio f three to six Ctroriin bluegill for each finerl ing bass stocked. Research is to determine an thg conducted y the ()a'e Coisdasion adequate stocking ratio for Orego& a farm ponds The stocking ratio of 2l failed in cue pond, and perhaps a ratio of one h].uetll to one bass stocked would give better resuits kother ossihiltty is that of atoøkin one adult bluegill with ten bass fin!erl,. l. Lr auter t,nneratire in western Oregon i a 1idting factor in 1*sa and bluegill groith, and consequently affects the produoMvitr of theie species in farm ponde. Hcevor, farm rds in western Oregon are naturally fertile, and the correct stocking ratio with adeouato pond mnagnent should sonewhat compensate for the low er temperature. lore extensive research should be conducted to determine proper sise, ratio, and rake of fish to be *teokd. This owledge i inperetive beesuse the demand for these two recies TSI increase in future years. eo Eaterri 2. than does esto ro:ts iore etherse olinatic conditions ar*3as east of the aacde are Oregon, probebly just too cold for oo bass md luegill produotio.i. H,vor, cc of the low elevation roes could feasibly produce good bass and bluetll angling, $iuoe there ?.s a wide ar1etion between vresterr and oesterxi Orego, research should be carried out in this area of the and bluegill, the tcte to determine the growth rates of ba.s too1d ratio, he rate which will produce ncT the boat yisld there. 3, Tyo'tt should l's stocked in fazt vonds that maintain temperatures too low for bass nd bluegill. It the surface tem perature stays below 70° F, durinp most of the su!sner months, trout should be utilized,. The majority of these ponds are in. higher elewation areas of the state end on the coast, Trout can also be utilized in some ponds 4, in the Wiflarnette Valley, ?ertiliatiou of fanti ponds ifl Oregon is not neoessry to produce aorage rctuz'xs to pond oniers. ponds in atural fertility ci fans Ort!gon Ic ualr good, and most owners would not harvest enonh tteh to merIt the usc of ooirnerctal fertilizers, 5, Bluegill should be stocked with base in ponds to obtain greeter fish yields, unless the owner is definitely interested only in baøs, A pond stocked only with bass produced 54.2 pounds of fish per surface acre of water. Mother pond in Marion county, stocked with Sasu aid l"eill3 proteod 260 pond per zurfaoe acre rf water. 6. The pond owner should be encouraged to catch as many fish as possible during all seasons of the year. Both bass end bluegill should be angled for intensively, Pond owners should be encouraged to allow pu"lio angling if they do not adequately catch the fish poulation, After the fish ha'ce spawned for the first time, all email fish should not be returned to the pond alive. 7 LII pxz should be ocei per dicall to ktsrtime the oondttIcn of the fish nopulatian. A th-ain Installed nin pond &s the bst tool ir po'uietion maeiat in farm ponda 8. PhysIcally unsuited ponds should not be stocked with bluegill end bass. These ponds are those in which surface temperatures stay below 750 F during the suisner months, carry excessive loads of siltation for lons periods of time, have extreme water fluctuations, have inadequate depth or size, and are subject to overflow by streams. 1. Anderson, W L Results of en analysis of farm ponds in the midiest. ogreaate rie olturit (3)tlflir4l7. 1948. 2. p1eget., Vernon C end W. F, Carbine. The fish population ranssetiona of the American , ttehigan. of Deø fisheries society 5s200.42?, 1945. Farm pond menagenent in Michigan. Journal. of si.1d1ife namaganent 16(3)t26B'269, 1952. S. Bali, Robert C, 4, . Ter.e. The bto1oiosl effects of fertilizer on a wana.ater lake. East Lansing, ichin state college,, 1.51, Sip.. (!Tiehian state college. Agricultural experiment station. Technical si1,, Ro1-trt C, anti Roward bulletin 223) and. and EowaM P. Tait. Prodw*.ion of bluegill in Michigan ponds. B*t Lansing, )ichigan state o1l.ge, 1962* 24p. (ichigan state college. Agricultural experiment station. Technical bulletin 5. Dali, ?ohert C 6. iery- of selected !3arnio?o1, Paul B, and R., 8 eapheU. S pond studies in Wissonri. Journal of wildlife z*nngement 18(3) 27OT4. 1152. Becker C1nrence P. 7npublshed rawroh on growth studies of the largemouth 'clack bass, Micropteru* *1mo ides oapcve), in Orccn, Co1s, ()1'eór staocllege, Pept. of fish end geire ansgenent, 1954, xperimental 1argeuth bass management 8. Bennett, George W in Illinois, Transwtions of the )meroan fisherIes sooietr 8O23l-237. 1950. 9, Journal of Bennett, George W, Pond management in Illinois wildlife ann tent 1$(S)*249255. 1952, eorge '. The .ro!ith of the iergemouth blank bass, Huro aelmoides, in the waters of Wisconsin. Copeis, no 2, l937,, p.. 104-118, 10. Bennett, 11, Blosa, John. Pr ation of lereiuth black bass and. bluegIll sunfish in federal hatcheries of the sout)nreet. Proressi've fish cultirist 14(2) *61-67, 1952.. 1. ron, C, J, n4 e1s A, Thørosøn lontana. 14. Rnnch frm ponds in. Journal of wildlife management 16(8) p276-278. Brown, Wi11ie B. Rmszlta of stookiiig gwAorth black bass and cbal].el catfish in ,t1mentl T.xs farm ponds. ransstion$of the 23O..2l7. 18, 3yrd, I te'iaU fishers society 80 1950. B, Vepth distribution of the bluegi 110 4pGttt$ o.&iria (Rafinesue), in farm pona during saster stratification. Transsetiona of the Amerioan fisheries el16248, 1951. 17, Carlander, Kenneth 0. Rendboo of freshwater fishery bte1or. C Br 1)nbuque, I*wa, Wtlli Company, 3.950. 283. p. 18, Carlande?, Kenneth 0, Farm fish pond z'.se.reh in I. Journal of wildlife magetent 18(3) iZ*461, 1952. 19. Carlsuder, Ksnneth 0, First supplement to bandbook of free1reater Ushery biology, Dn.u., tows, William C Brm Ccmp*ny, 1953, 429p. 20. Clark, Minor. nasa production in a Kentucky pond. Progresstca fish culturist 12($)*147-151, 1950, 21, Kentucky' a farm fish pond progrmn, Journal or wildlife management is(s) s262*86. 1952, C lark,. Utnor, 2. Cempton, 0, U, Farm and ranch ponds. nagement 3J(3)s2$8-244. 2$. Journal of wildlife 1952. Compton, Lawrence V. Tsohn.iuee of fishpond nnaenent, Washington, , 8. Govern et printing otttee, 1942, 22p. (U, 8, T)ept. of agriculture. )!tacellaneouz publication no. 24, Cooper, Kdwin L.. Small ponds for fishing. Wisconsin oortaervstton bulletin 20*1.4, 3.955. P. rovrkh, *M bs1,tts, r*1e esnnibs1tm of yog 1mrge.uth b1a. bus in stats reartri ponds in th1 tiuring 1936, Progressive ttsh oult*rtet p, 156, , 1.1.31., 1.936, no. 23, ) 38, Hollcnvay, not1 1), M v*3ustion of fish pond stooking policy mid siec in the sathecteyn ettes. Progrsive fish oulturist 13(4)*ifl.a181, 3981. 39, Eo13.ow*y Mcii 1), Tans ponds, Progreestre fish eu3.turist 1947, . 41. Jenes, M, C, Propgtton of pond fishes, In the Bire ef fisheries document no, 1088, Washington, Ooyernmenb printing office, 199, pp. 4'80, Jtee, . C,, L1od 0, Meh*n, mid E., J, Dot1a, Fth tbooking as r1at.d to the noiagement of inland waters, Washington, U, 8, Gore't ttting office, 1944, 22p, (U, 8. t).pt, of the interior, TLsh end wildlife servte, Conservation bulletin no, 38) awk4I Yarn pond mmtageaant probis in the far st, Pesmitd as * talk at the western aooiettc. of tabs and fish comnissiamers meeting at Ls Vegas, evsd*, Msv 4, 1Q4, , 43, 1tmsey, J, .8, 44, sing, Willis. R can we provide more s essfi1 fishing trips in the southeast'? Transaction. of the Iorth 4mertcan wi 341ire feenee 12 t*43-85, 194?, 61, )tnupbr, Garth T, Fishery of Cle*r Lake, Lake County, California. California fish and gene 439.485, 1951, 62. Murry, Garth r, The closed season in warnwater fish mtagent, Tranaactins of the North American wildlife sonferinee 351*35-249. jg, 03, Murphy, Garth I, The food of young 1argenuth black bass in Clear I.ke, CalifOrnia, California fish ant game 36(3)s189464. 19, 64, Percy, Tiosca Jr. Phsncnenal growth rates of largenouth black bass in Lonisisus water's, Transactions of the American fisheries society 72s8843. 1942, 65, R*vc, D, 8, end B., A, Rubton, Pond fish studiø* in Saskatchewan, Journal of wildlife maziagemsnt 18(3) *282.288, l92. 66, Sails, Saul B, Some results of farm pond managenent studies in Mew !ork, Journal of wildlife management 18(3) z 279482. 1952, 57, Schneider, Phili.ip W, *nd Francis P, Griffith*, Production of trout in a snail artificial pond in western Oregon, Journal of wildlife manngiiient 7(2) * j49454 1943. 71. Sprue1, Geor. Jr. Gyowth of the b3egt11 in a n with particular reference to a false arnuU, Transactions of the American fisheries soeiet U* 953 88'75. 73, Surber, Euens W, Production of 'bass frj. Progreseiie fish culturiet M, I43l no, 8, pp, l4, 74, Surber, Euge W, R*sults of vs.ring the ratio of largenouth bleok base and bl'cegills in the stocking of experimental farm ponds, Transactions, of the American fisheries society ?7,l41.151. 1947. 75. Swingle, K, 8, Exnents with 'riou* rats. of stdelcing bluegills, tspomis merochirus Eafinesqme, and lergmeoutb bass, Ntaropterus s soidee Lacep.d., in ponds. Transactions of the Amertcen fisheries society 80,2l8-'229, 76, 3,950, Swingle, B. 8. Vera pond investigations In Alobena, Jce1 of wildlife mas 16(3),24249. 77 1982, Swingle, B, 8, Ptsh populations in Alabana rims and impoundnt,nta Transactions of the American fisheries society 83s47Y, 1953. 78. Swingle, B. 8, Sea. recet developments in pond managenez. Transactions of the North American wildlife conference 14s29&$11, 1949. 79 Swingle, N, 8, end E T, 8*ttb, Experiments on the stocking of fish ponds, Transactions of the ortb kierioan wildlife eonferenoe 5t2612?8, 1940 and E, V. 8mith P*ctørs attesting the reproduction of b3x*gttl and b1ck bass in ponds, Auburn, Alabama, 2943. 8p, (Alabama polytechnic institute, Agricultural experiment station, Circular no, 80,. Swingle, 11, $ 2 82, uAg&ng ponds tor tisb $v&g1e, R, 8, snd Z, V, Seth, produotton, P'egrsut'-e fiah on1turtt Mon, I431 1941, no, 88, ppo 8'43. 881b SWtngl*, , S tutd 2, V, Ith, Tb. m*usgant of ponds 89. U, 8, Depsrbn.nt of Jiiou1ture, C1t. and , Agrioultur. 11 APP1DYZ a a -a a LI 1T 17I Z J1WI j LT4 :* : J* : :1 h Fill B 6kI ____ IlL 999 pegt go'z - owI 09'8 96 zoot 9tt 09t (s.qou) z1 (øqouT) a U4etPUJ 00L r9. 9o 99'Z rn Itt (.aZOp) 9'6Z O'12 22 Z.8, (óó.zep) (Raoip) )Z9 dT&*L LnUET TM (nM7Uo3) 9t 21gm t!tULV Amiusi Wtnt.r Sumner Wjby 3uter Wjutei' . Tp, Teinp, T*p. Sumner 1950 48.S 12,7 64.8 31.9 65.9 42,8 58,8 3.951 48,4 83.0 84.3 44.0 66,0 41,3. 57,2 3.952 48.5 33,0 83.1 39.5 64.6 43,7 57,8 1953 49.5 38. 61,8 44,0 63,1 1954 48.2 35,6 60.? 42.1 63..3 46.8 57,1 1055 48,3 51.9 82,1 4C,2 62,8 44,2 56,6 58.3 TAB1 SPECIES 18 'OR STOCKING flR FISR PON)S tN T1fl! N!ITED SAE8 in oonbi ton lnegt11:Basi Florida Ye 10:1 Loutetana Yes 15:1 Ntss&uippS. Yes 10:1 Georgia Yes No Cattish liberation No No No No No Yes No No Fingerling No No No No 10,1 Fingerling No No No No Redear :Basi Fry No No Tee Yes Bass try No No No No Fingerling Fry 14, 5:2 Alabama Ys 101 Fingerling bg,. South Carolina Yes 10:1 Fingerling No No No No Arneae Yea 10:1 Fingerling No Tea Yes No 0k1abo Ye 3:4 Ftugerling No No Tee Yes Arisona Yea 2*1 Fingerling No No No No North Carolina Yes ** - No No No No Calitornia Yes 1210 Adult bg. Bass try No No No Yes. TIBZE 18 (coNr1nJn) Stabe Bae & BliegiU Stooldng ratio in combination 11uegi11s}ass ze at liberation trout Crappie C1iü,1 Ridd*r Catfish Terxnesse, Ye 10:1 Fingerling No No Te Yes Kentucr Yea 4:10 Adult bg Bags No No No Yes Virginia Yøs 10:1 1iuger1ing No No No No Nznsas Yes 3:]. Fingerling No Yes Yes No Delevare Yes Fingerling No No No No Tea 3.0 j Fingerling No No Toe No Toe 10.1 Fingerling No No No No v Merico Yea 10:1 Fingerling No Tee Yes West Vtrgln5.a Tee 10:1 Fingerling Yo No No Illinois Yes 1:1 Fingerling No ho Yes No Tog 1:1 Fingerling ho Tog Yes No New Jersey Yes 1-8:1 Fingarling No No No ho Ohio Yea 1,1 Fingerling ho No No No Nevada No Bass only Fingerling Yes Na No No Th1U lB (oN'mn) Rod* Tslsn4 Orogott Comeetiou4 Yea 10*1 Finger1tn Tea !o NO Yea 1O1 Ftzcrlb Yes No No No Yes 1*1 1.rlJ No Tea Yes No Yes 34U r1nger3.iu Yes o Na No * - Tea No No No Ira * Yes Na No No ITO No Yes No Na Mo Yes 1*1.0 Adult b, fry eyjj T b 8o4 York I)skoI* LItehtti No ** Yes No * NO No N Yea 'O1 xerling No No Ya Yea 4,1 Fie1t. No Tea Tos Yes 1*20 Adult bg Base try NG No No No is (CONTnWED) - -: - igT'Stong lfie I Stat. - in oonbinstion - -. eons in rt[o is t B1ue'i11:I3a - -_ liboretion 1 10 Adult b, Trout C&ti1eimet CatXish - -. No No No No Finger1in Yes No No No Finer1ing Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Baes fry 10*1 Montana Tea 25:1 N No * Main No * Wyoming No Ninnesota No * North Oakota Ys 6*3. Eanpahire Bass alone i'inerling ngeriin No No No No * te not reootend the biuegill*bass stocking ratios *11. Rasesroh in progressto determine the best species and oorreet nbers for stocking. AGE ANI SPTINt OF 2ASS A1m StItó Florida Louisiana Mississippi Georgia Texas Alabtn South Carolina Arkansas Ok1ahis Arizona !Iorth Carolina Calitornia &ge at first spawning tyeare) Bluell Bass On. One One One One One One One Two Two One One ne entuey Virginta Manna 1)elivare Missouri Mary1an New Mexico 1est Virgin&s Illinois Indiana flew Jersey Ohio Nevada Pennsylvania On. One Two One One One One One wn Two Two One Two Three Less Less Lese Less Lees Lees Lees One One One One One than than than than than then than one one one one one one one One One One One Two One Two One Lees than one One Two Two One Two Two LUFC ILL Lont Tlen spawning nrst occurs Bais Bluogill March May May May June April March April May March May May May March April April April March April April April M*y May May May April April May May May April April May April May May May May Nay May May May May May May May May May May May May June May * * * * oa. vqorucj ZO O4LL * * .zpdizi GUfl U$UoQ eunr utwflt w&1 qio * Ufl °ci * 0110 * * * * unr 0110 Ar * * nooauuoo Otto 11ous ca 0110 0w1 Otto - -- - - LZfl090 FA1 P()N1 IOIME D* you reoomtteM the largemeuth black bass end bluegill conbinetion for jng fflrm Tonds ir your state? (Yes or No) That stocking r*tio gives the best results? Do you reccimnexii the .stoókizzg of fry! or fingerling in the tuitisi stocking? Do you recommend other stocking oobtnations1 or the stocking of other individual fish species in the tarn ponds of? your state? Do you reoomnend the sate stocking combination and ratio for ponds located in every area of your state? (Y. or No) If you recoisitend different specils, or different ratios, please briefly explain why you do, Do you recoeiád cotirtorcial fertilizers for use your state? (Yes or No) 'Why? in the fern ponds of As a gems rule, when (whet mont'n) do largeimnztb black bass spawn in your state? Does this data differ in the northern nd southern areas of your state? (Yes or &o) How old are largenouth black bes in your state when they become sexually meture? Do they spawn successfully at this age? (Yes or No) Nov long is the growing sasou for largemouth blàk bass in your state? ?or bluegill? A* a general rule, when (what month) do bluegill first begin to spawn in your state? Do they continue to spawn all swner in your state? (T or No) Now old are bluegill in your state when they become sexually mature? Do they spawn aucoesstully at this age? (Yes or No) Is the largenouth black hss one of the most sought after gene fish in your state? (Yes or No) ! it the it sought after game. fish in your state by anglers? (Yes or No)