– External review (8 April 2016) Dumfries and Galloway College

Dumfries and Galloway College – External review (8 April 2016)
Excellent practice
Reablement and Partnership Working
College staff worked in partnership with NHS and Dumfries and Galloway Regional
Council to devise the NPA in Health and Social Care: Promoting Reablement. The
programme is at SCQF level 6, and is approved by the SQA. It is recognised by
University of the West of Scotland as part of articulation from the Scottish Wider
Access Nursing Programme.
The qualification is designed to meet the changing needs of a health and social care
support worker role. It seeks to provide currency and transferability alongside
up-to-date skills within a health and social care context. Learners attend college for
four three-hour sessions over a six-month duration. Teaching approaches include
joint delivery by college staff and NHS personnel to full-time learners. The
contribution made by health care workers is considered to be particularly useful and
very relevant to workforce needs. This approach enables learners to meet and
speak directly to individuals in their workplace and this motivates them further and
encourages learning choices. This partnership working provides a very useful
platform for learners to negotiate mandatory work placements which are key
components of their programme and equip learners well for future employment.
The programme commenced in 2013 and three cohorts of 22 health care workers
have undertaken the provision. As a result of their experiences, almost all health
care workers achieved the NPA Reablement qualification. The qualification
enhances their professional development and most learners articulate on to HE level
study or gain employment in the health or social care sector.