self-evaluation using indicators from How good is our third sector Guided

Guided self-evaluation using indicators from How good is our third sector
organisation? Spring – Winter 2015
As part of the piloting and embedding of a new Education Scotland self-evaluation
framework, HGIOTSO, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scotland (DoES) undertook
a guided self-evaluation during 2015. A Education Scotland guided self-evaluation is
where an organisation undertakes a self-evaluation with input from Education
Scotland in a mentoring role during the process.
DoES used two indicators from the HGIOTSO? framework;
2.2 Impact on the organisations that we work with, and
5.1 Delivering services.
They evaluated against these two quality indicators through a series of interviews
with stakeholders, staff surveys and discussions. During the period of the selfevaluation an HM Inspector from Education Scotland undertook the role of critical
friend, discussing both the findings and process of the self-evaluation with key staff
from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Scotland. The HM Inspector also attended a small
sample of the interviews.
This self-evaluation progressed slower than originally planned however the process
was informative to both the DoES and in terms of the future potential use by other
third sector organisations of HGIOTSO? The attached report was written by DoES
and includes information on both the self-evaluation process and their findings.
Their key findings were;
Quality Indicator 2.2
1. Use of data to target participation and completion
2. Increased use of SIMD data to ensure that provision is equitable at centre and
authority level.
1. Review annual statistical report with network to ensure information is
impactful and relevant.
2. Increase training for local authority staff on reporting suite to increase capacity
for data analysis at local level
3. Work closely with network to ensure that any financial barriers to participation
are removed
4. Review of policy briefings to ensure that policy connections to DofE can be
made more easily at local authority level.
Quality indicator 5.1
1. Close engagement with local authority network partners
2. Flexible approach to partnership to match operational need
1. Develop models of commissioning for dissemination across the network, but
particularly with License Holders.
2. Review DofE Managers annual survey, reduce scope and target feedback on
specific rather than all services
3. Co-produce development plan with each local authority areas to highlight
priorities and areas with future funding requirements.
Education Scotland is confident to endorse the findings DoES staff made through
this self-evaluation. DoES staff demonstrated growing skills in self-reflection during
this guided self-evaluation. They showed commitment to continuous improvement of
the service they offer and to involving stakeholders in their self-evaluation.
Alona Murray
HMI Education Scotland
January 2016