“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!” www.SDL-Task-Force.org

“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
The SDL Task Force
Define the simplest, useful, enhanced SDL-subset
Consortium of founding members
Contributing members
Editorial board
Review and comment on work of editorial board
Recognized by the SDL-Forum
A.4 qualified member
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Editorial Board
William Skelton
SOLINET, Stuttgart
Vangelis Kollias
Alkis Yiannakoulias National Technical University of Athens
Contributing members review and comment on
the work of the editorial board.
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Foundation: July 2003
www.SDL-Task-Force.org launched: August 2003
Version 1.1, 1st draft document: August 2003
Version 1.2 (internal)
Version 1.3, 3rd draft document: March 2004
1st Release: SAM’04 Workshop June 2004
Update with SAM’04 comments planned 3Q2004
Graphical representation planned 1Q2005
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
SDL has become big and complex
SDL not designed for testing
Implementation of tools is expensive
New users need to be skilled software engineers
No support for test related needs
SDL includes ASN.1 types but not PDU encoding
External tools needed, e.g ASN.1 compilers
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Identify the simplest, useful SDL-subset
Add the simplest, useful enhancements for
Test Specifications
PDU Encoding
Ensure automated graphical presentation
Cheaper for tool suppliers to support
Easier for new users to learn
No need for users to format their designs
Promote SDL
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Decision Making Process
Pragmatic, fast-moving, target driven approach
Start from simplest requirements
Consider essential features
Applications not possible without these
Remain compatible with SDL if possible
Avoid constructs with difficult implementation
Include constructs used in common applications
Focus on completeness, symmetry, simplicity
Encourage good style, i.e. data-hiding, scope
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Significant Results
Prototype language
Innovative Breakthrough
Only one language for implementation and testing!
Already at least one compatible tool available
Limited features covering all goals
Working name for SDL Task Force work:
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
Significant Results
SDL Forum votes to recognize the current status of
the SDL Task Force work and to build on the
identified subset in any work done by an SDL Forum
Society work group
Subset syntax
Subset syntax with extensions for encoding of PDUs
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.
More help needed!
The SDL Task Force works on a voluntary basis
The project is getting larger & larger
‘Never ending story’ 
Contributors and reviewers needed
No funding
No reward, no thanks, only blood, sweat & tears 
But… members names are published 
Join us at: www.SDL-Task-Force.org
“The documentation is the design, the design is the system!”
Copyright © 2003-2004 SDL Task Force Consortium. All rights reserved.