AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION Degree Audit Review AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION What is the Degree Audit report ? • A tool that can assist you with short term and long term academic planning • A tool that you can use to review degree requirements (major, minor, University, General Education, etc.) • A comprehensive audit of credits/classes in progress and completed (including AP, CE, TR, etc.) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION How to find your Degree Audit Report • Go to your portal and login • Click on ‘Academics’ on the far right hand side • Click on ‘Degree Audit Report’ (This list is alphabetical) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION How to view your active degree program • To see your current academic program click the appropriate program under ‘Choose an active program’ • This will only show things that are in the system as actual majors or intended majors in the system AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION The Degree Audit will show you information about your current program - Intended Graduation Date, Academic Catalog Year, and Intended Major. The Program Summary section will help you determine: -How many credits you have earned, in progress (anticipated additional), and the anticipated remaining in order to meet the minimum 120 credit hours for graduation requirements -Your Cumulative GPA (major GPA listed above Program Summary box) -Credits completed in residence at American University AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION College Writing Requirement: This student is currently enrolled in WRTG-100 for the fall term. This student will need to complete WRTG101. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION University Mathematics Requirement: This student is currently enrolled in STAT-202 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION Your Degree Audit will detail the five areas of the General Education Program. This student has completed the FA4 and is in progress with FA2. Students must complete two courses per foundational area. As you can see, a list of the approved courses for each area are listed in each block. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION Hours Outside of SOC SOC students are required to complete credits in hours outside of COMM (72-80 depending on major) Film and Media Arts/Foreign Language and Communication Media majors are not required to complete hours outside of COMM Liberal Arts (LA) ACCT, EDU, FIN, HFIT, IBUS, ITEC, KSB, MGMT & MKTG are not LA. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION SOC Related Course Requirements SOC students are required to complete approved courses in both U.S. History and Economics Journalism students must take Economics. Other SOC majors may choose Marketing 250 instead. Foreign Language and Communication Media majors do not have this requirement. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION As you can see, this student is a film major. This part of the degree audit shows all major requirements needed and which ones have been completed. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION Major requirements include choices from our special topics list. These are electives in the major that change each semester. They are posted on our SOC Undergraduate Advising website under “curriculum” and “special topics”. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION 45 of your last 60 earned credits must be in residence: AU courses in any instructional modality are considered in residence AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION This student is pursuing a minor in Marketing. Your minor or second major will show below your first major. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION The last part of your degree audit will show a section called “Other Courses”. Courses that are not meeting specific requirements will fall in this area. As a note, special topics courses will automatically fall in this area. Please make sure you contact your academic advisor to move the course to the appropriate place. Below the “Other Courses” section is a list of all courses you have taken each semester. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of COMMUNICATION What if I changed my program of study? • In the portal click on ‘Academics’ • Click on ‘Degree Audit Report’ • Choose a program of study from the drop down box • Do not click on one of the active programs if you are running a ‘what-if” • You may only choose one major, not a second major and/or a minor • Choose the catalog year of the year you started at AU • This does not change your major