UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Committee



Present: Professor R Lindley (in the Chair), Ms J Abson, Mr R Cave, Dr K Flint,

Professor J Hutton, Mr D Kelley, Mr C J McClelland, Ms A Preston,

Ms M Melville

In Attendance: Ms L Aspinall, Ms J Coleman, Mrs E Harrison, Dr J Read, Ms H Spittle

Apologies: Mr D D Beaton, Dr J Burns, Dr H Dennis, Dr E Hines, Dr C Jones,

Dr P O’Hare


Equality and Diversity Committee

Minutes of the meeting of the held on Wednesday 17 May 2006



That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 th January 2006 be approved.

28/05-06 Matters Arising on the Minutes

(a) Race Equality Policy and Action Plan (Minute 16/05-06)


(i) That, at its meeting held on 15 February, the

Campus Life Committee had considered the existing provision of small prayer facilities across the University and resolved that these met the needs of staff and students.

(ii) That the Academic Quality and Standards

Committee, at its meeting held on 22 February, had considered assessment methodology and whether it may have a differential impact on students whose first language is not English and resolved that:

(A) While unfair barriers to demonstration of learning achieved should be removed, the use of criteria establishing the student’s ability to communicate in written English was legitimate and proper in a British Higher Education


(B) The University continue to ensure the availability of excellent support facilities for students whose first language is not

English including preparation for examinations.




(C) The International Office be invited to reflect on the suitability of current minimum language requirements for admission to Warwick courses.

(D) The Centre for Academic Practice be consulted on the inclusion in training courses for academic staff of material exploring the importance of the careful phrasing of examination questions and other assessment tasks, and on the development of a generic campus-wide assessment criterion on the use of


Statistics (Minute 17/05-06 referred)


That discussions were ongoing regarding the

Committee’s requirements on the inclusion and presentation of data in future statistical reports.

Communication to Heads of Department (Minute 25/05-

06 referred)


That the communication sent to Heads of Department would be circulated to members of this Committee for information.

Harassment and Bullying Policy (Minute 16/05-06 referred)


An oral report from the Assistant Director of Personnel

Services on feedback following the launch of the

Harassment and Bullying Policy.


(i) That following the launch to Heads of

Department in February, feedback had been very positive.

(ii) That the policy was being communicated to staff in various ways, including leaflets and briefing sessions around the campus.

(iii) That generally it was felt that the new policy was easier to follow and it would be reviewed in one year with necessary amendments being considered at that time.



Age Discrimination


An oral report from Leonie Aspinall (Personnel Adviser) on the impact of the forthcoming age discrimination legislation.


(a) That the legislation would affect issues such as recruitment, retirement, succession planning and training affecting both staff and students.

(b) That justification for age restrictions or length of service qualification for any matter including annual leave, long service awards and entrance to degree courses would need to be robust.

(c) That academic departments would be made aware of the legislation and the impact that this might have on the course material and advertising literature currently in preparation.

Disability Issues

(a) Disability Equality Scheme


A paper (Paper EDC 18/05-06) outlining progress with the disability equality scheme.


That following a consultation process with staff and students an action plan was now being formulated by Personnel

Services with input from the Disability Interest Group. A draft would be presented to the next meeting of the Equality and

Diversity Committee.


Reports on consultation with disabled staff and students

(Paper EDC 19/05-06 and Paper EDC 20/05-06).


(i) That clarification be sought to ascertain whether

Departments were currently responsible for funding adjustments required for disabled students within the department and that this be communicated clearly to

Heads of Department.

(ii) That further consideration be given to how the

University could encourage students to declare their disability and apply for the disabled student allowance.



That QUAD be asked to re-analyse some of the data contained in their report as there were conflicting figures.

That priority be given to the following issues highlighted in discussion that were either being addressed or could be resolved without too much expense being incurred:

(A) The purchase of wheelchairs for use on campus.

(B) Consultation with a local taxi company for transporting disabled staff/students to

Leamington Spa as Stagecoach buses did not currently have disabled access on certain routes.

(C) An investigation into the allocation of car


(E) parking permits for disabled staff and students together with the allocation of disabled parking spaces across the campus.

Preparation of accessibility maps showing disabled toilet facilities and access points; these would need to be provided in various formats.

The possibility of decorating pillars in buildings to make them more visible for staff/students with visual impairments.

(F) The development of guidance notes for departments on support for disabled students.

(G) Information to be requested from Estates on the number of lifts out of action and the length of time taken to repair them.

(H) Information to be requested from Estates on the testing and repair of induction loops.

(b) Disability Interest Group


(i) A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Disability

Interest Group held on 26 January 2006 (Paper EDC


(ii) A copy of the Disability Services Annual Report

2004/05 (Paper EDC 22/05-06).




(i) The Chair thanked members of the Disability

Interest Group for their continued input into issues surrounding disability and in particular, the disability equality scheme.

(ii) The Disability Co-ordinator reported that, according to the statistics included in the Disability Services Annual

Report, disabled students appeared to be underrepresented in the student population of the


Equality and Diversity Network


A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Equality and Diversity

Network held on 2 May 2006.


The following issues which the Equality & Diversity Network wished to be referred to the Equality & Diversity Committee.

(a) That information on the impact of Age Discrimination legislation and good practice issues should be made available to all staff in advance of the introduction of the legislation.

(b) The introduction o f a framework outlining the University’s obligations to overseas students in the area of disability.

(c) Suggestions for encouraging a common culture of diversity embracing all areas of discrimination legislation. This may be achieved by encouraging the introduction of sub-groups across schools and forum for sharing best practice.

Date of Next Meeting


That the date and venue of the next meeting of the Equality and

Diversity Committee would be included in the University Committee

Timetable for 2006-07 and confirmed with members of the Committee during the summer vacation.
