UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK Equality and Diversity Committee Minutes of the meeting of the held on Monday 5 February 2007 Present: Professor R Lindley (in the Chair), Ms J Abson, Dr J Burns, Ms G Frigerio, Dr E Hines, Ms J Horsburgh, Professor J Hutton, Mrs E Meininger, Ms M Melville, Mr M Potter, Professor S Singh, Mr K Sloan, Mr D Wright In Attendance: Ms L Aspinall, Mrs E Harrison, Ms H Spittle Ms A Chambers and Mr J Wylie attended for Agenda Item 3 Apologies: Dr T Allen, Dr E Mason, Mr P Ptashko 17/06-07 Minutes RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 30th October 2006 be approved. 18/06-07 Matters Arising (a) Membership of the Committee (Minute 1/06-07 refers) REPORTED: (b) (i) That the Reverend Stuart Jennings had replaced the Reverend Mark Bratton as the Co-opted Member of the Committee. (ii) That Mr Ken Sloan was now a member of the Committee as the recently appointed Director of Campus Affairs. (iii) That Mr Peter Ptashko was a member of the Committee as the Post Graduate Student appointed by the Students’ Union. Disability Equality Scheme (Minute 5/06-07 refers) REPORTED: That the University Disability Equality Scheme and Action Plan was approved by the Senate and the Council at their meetings held on 6 December 2006 and 13 December 2006 respectively. (c) Equality & Diversity Action Plan 2006/07-2008/09 (Minute 6/06-07 refers) REPORTED: That the Equality & Diversity Action Plan 2006/07-2008/09 was approved by the Senate and the Council at their 1 meetings held on 6 December 2006 and 13 December 2006 respectively. (d) Equality Impact Assessment (Minute 13/06-07 refers) REPORTED: That the Chair of the Committee had contacted those Departments who had not yet completed their policy templates to remind them of their statutory duties. 19/06-07 Equality and Diversity Issues Relating to Students CONSIDERED: A report from, the Academic Office, presenting equality and diversity statistics for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student admissions. REPORTED: (a) That the University attracts a lower proportion of disabled students than the national average. (b) That a paper had been presented by the Assistant Registrar (Undergraduate Studies) to the November 2006 meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies on the implications of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 for Undergraduate Admissions. (c) That data on socio-economic factors were unavailable for Postgraduate Students. RESOLVED: 20/06-07 (a) That the Director of Campus Affairs give a presentation to the next meeting proposing priority areas for consideration by the Committee in respect of equality and diversity issues affecting students. (b) That the Academic Office, in conjunction with the Disability Coordinator, review the questions relating to the declaration of disability on the Postgraduate application form to ensure that relevant information was collected. (c) That the Academic Office consider modifications to the presentation of the next annual statistical report as discussed at the meeting including an executive summary with key issues and recommendations. Job Evaluation CONSIDERED: A report, presented by the Information Manager (Personnel Services), summarising the results of the Job Evaluation Project and new pay arrangements. 2 REPORTED: That further investigation would be undertaken on specific areas, particularly where there was an apparent pay gap of greater than 5%. RESOLVED: 21/06-07 (a) That the Committee concluded that full overall effects of the exercise have yet to be assessed but it had clearly been beneficial for manual staff. (b) That the Job Evaluation report be forwarded to the Senate and the Council for information. Gender Equality Scheme CONSIDERED: The draft Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan for the University. REPORTED: (a) That changes would be made to the structure of the report, resulting in the detailed research data being presented as appendices. (b) That the Action Plan contained the key points raised during the consultation process with staff, students, trade unions and external stakeholders. (c) That there was currently discussion regarding the resourcing of the Disability Equality Scheme which may have implications for the Gender Equality Scheme. (d) That further consultation be undertaken at the Senior Womens Network meeting. RESOLVED: (a) That the data, demonstrating degree classification by gender, be presented by faculty level rather than University level so as to make the data more meaningful. (b) That there were apparent crossovers between the action plans currently in place for each of the Equality Schemes and that the University may, in the future wish, to consider introducing a single Equality Scheme following review of other organisations and guidance from the Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) when it is established in October 2007. (c) That, where necessary, the report and action plans be amended, subject to Chairs Action, prior to being forwarded to the Senate and the Council for final approval. 3 22/06-07 Race Equality Annual Report CONSIDERED: The annual report on the University’s progress on Race Equality during the academic year 2005-06. RESOLVED: That subject to minor amendments, the report be forwarded to the Senate and the Council for final approval. 23/06-07 Equality & Diversity Network RECEIVED: A copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Equality & Diversity Network held on 17 January 2007. 24/06-07 Date of Next Meeting REPORTED: That the next meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee would be held on 21 May 2007 at 2.00pm in the Council Chamber. EDC5Feb07/EAH 4