COM 19 – R 5 – E PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR August 2006 English only STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 Original: English Question(s): ALL STUDY GROUP 19 – REPORT 5 Source: Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) Title: Report of the Geneva meeting (19-27 July 2006) Structure of the report R 5 of the fifth meeting of the SG 19 (Geneva, 19-27 July 2006) COM 19-R 5 Annexes to the report R 5 REPORT OF OBSERVATIONS Study Group 19 (Mobile Telecommunication Networks) Contains list of liaisons SG19 Questions 1, 3, 4 and joint 2, 5/19 and 6/13 Annex 3 contains SG19 Work Programme Attention: This is a document submitted to the work of ITU-T and as such is intended for use by the Member States of ITU, by ITUT Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU-related work. It is made publicly available for information purposes but shall not be redistributed without the prior written consent of ITU. Copyright on this document is owned by the author, unless otherwise mentioned. This document is not an ITU-T Recommendation, an ITU publication, or part thereof. -2COM 19 – R 5 – E Table of contents Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... 2 1. General .......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Documentation for the meeting .................................................................................... 5 3. Approval of Draft Recommendations ........................................................................... 5 4. Reports of Interim and Related Activities .................................................................... 7 5 Open Access to SG 19 Documentation ........................................................................ 8 6 Meeting Timetable, Appointment of Rapporteurs, Coordinators and Editors.............. 8 7. Approval of reports of individual Questions ................................................................ 9 8 Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role .............................................................. 11 9. Updating the NGN work plan on mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence .................................................................................................................. 11 10. Future meetings ............................................................................................................ 14 11. Approval of outgoing liaison statements ...................................................................... 15 12. Work Programme for SG 19 ......................................................................................... 16 13. Planning for Workshops and Seminars......................................................................... 16 14 Other Business .............................................................................................................. 16 15. Closing of the Meeting ................................................................................................. 16 Annex 1 - Agenda .................................................................................................................... 17 Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary ...................... 19 Annex 3 - SG 19 Work Programme ......................................................................................... 21 Annex 4 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture ................................................................................................................... 24 Annex 5 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 ......................................... 27 Annex 6 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems ........... 34 Annex 7 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 ....................................... 38 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -3COM 19 – R 5 – E 1. General 1.1 The fifth meeting of ITU-T Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks” in the 2005-2008 study period took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in the ITU Facilities from 19-27 July 2006. The meeting was convened by TSB Collective Letter 5/19 dated 2 May 2006 and was chaired by Mr John Visser (Nortel Networks, Canada), assisted by the following SG 19 Vice-Chairmen: Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Spa, Italy); Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil); Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan); and Mr Konstantin Trofimov (NIIR, Russia). 1.2 One Vice-Chairman was not able to participate in this meeting, extended apologies for his absence, and designated a representative to take his place: Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) represented by Mr Kees den Hollander. 1.3 Two Vice-Chairman were not able to participate in this meeting and extended apologies for their absence: Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon), due to the current situation in his country; and Mr Patrick Masambu (Communications Commission, Uganda). The participants expressed the hope that Mr Ghazal and his family are safe and secure. 1.4 The meeting began on 19 July with joint sessions of Q.5/19 and Q.6/13. The Chairman formally opened the meeting at 0930h on 24 July 2006 and welcomed the participants. The Chairman invited Dr Houlin Zhao, ITU TSB Director, to provide some opening remarks. Dr Zhao gave a warm welcome to the delegates, and then noted a number of points: He noted the 50th Anniversary Celebration of CCITT / ITU-T that had taken place on 20 July where a number of very senior people from government and industry had come to Geneva to help mark the occasion, together with a substantial number of CTO level executives from the membership. Looking forward to the Plenipotentiary Conference in November 2006, he noted that his second term as TSB Director was coming to an end and that he would be stepping down. He expressed his desire to see administrations and companies continue to provide, and expand, their support for ITU-T. In support of this, he had provided to TSAG a document with his thoughts on areas that might be explored to this end1. He noted that, consistent with decisions taken at WTSA-2004, TSAG had considered the need for adjusting the organization of the three key study groups involved in NGN, and had reached a consensus view that the working arrangements that had been developed were functioning well, and that therefore there was no need to make any changes to the structure for the remainder of the study period. Mr Zhao reported that Council had decided to conduct a trial of free public access to ITU-T Recommendations beginning 1 January 2007 and continuing to the subsequent Council meeting in September 2007. The details of how this will be done continue to be worked. He noted that a number of adjustments had been made to the working procedures of the ITU-T, 1 This was made available to the participants as TD 388 (GEN/19). ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -4COM 19 – R 5 – E and that revised Recommendation A.12, which includes a number of procedural adjustments that participants should be aware of, was now in force. He noted one in particular, namely that the deadline for submissions of contributions had been adjusted from seven working days to ten calendar days. He observed that SG 19 was of unique importance to ITU-T because it represented the main point of contact with wireless access and mobility, key dimensions of telecommunications today and going forward. He noted the relationships with ITU-R WP 8F and the 3GPPs, and noted that a relationship with organizations such as IEEE should be developed, especially in regards to networking in support of rapidly emerging wireless broadband access technologies. Mr Zhao concluded by wishing the participants a successful meeting and said “good-bye” since his term of office would end prior to the next meeting of SG 19. The participants expressed their appreciation for his work as the TSB Director with a round of applause. 1.5 The SG 19 Chairman provided his opening remarks and stated his overall objectives for the meeting. These are summarized here: Continue to play an essential role in and actively contribute to the progress of the Next Generation Network - Global Standards Initiative (NGN-GSI) by progressing our work on Mobility Management, and on Fixed Mobile Convergence, as essential aspects of the NGNGSI initiative; in particular: o progress the work on Mobility Management in Q.2/19 towards completing the deliverable Q.MMR (“Mobility Management Requirements for NGN”) at this meeting; o progress the work on Fixed Mobile Convergence, building on the significant momentum established in the last SG 19 meeting and in the Rapporteur activities leading up to this meeting; and o advance the work on “Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT2000” while also providing a better description of its positioning with respect to NGN; Progress the work on the next iterations of Recommendations Q.1741 and Q.1742 and, in particular: o progress the work in Q.3/19 towards completing the draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5 “IMT-2000 References [approved as of 31 December 2005] to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” at this meeting; Progress the next version of the Handbook for IMT-2000 and systems beyond, and consider where else we could usefully develop guidance documents for the benefit of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, and how we should go about doing so successfully; Continue to assert and promote SG 19’s mandate and role in the NGN-GSI context, including our position that SG 19 should handle the approval of NGN-GSI deliverables that fall within its mandate, while ensuring that progress on defining the NGN is maintained in order to meet the needs of end users and operators; and 2 Recommendation A.1 “Work methods for study groups of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)” ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -5COM 19 – R 5 – E Consider future directions for the effective handling of the topics and work areas allocated to SG 19 in this study period, and noting the issues encountered and the level of coordination required, begin consideration of how the work should be organized in the next study period in order to optimally utilize the time and energy of the participants while minimizing the effort needed for coordination. 2. Documentation for the meeting 2.1 The agenda, as provided in TSB Collective Letter 5/19, is available as TD 320 (GEN/19) and has been attached to this report as Annex 1. It was accepted as proposed. 2.2 The meeting considered two contributions (COM 19-C 3 and C 4) and twenty-four delayed contributions (COM 19-D 42 through D 66 with one contribution withdrawn.) The meeting considered twenty-six liaison statements, listed in TD 368 (GEN/19). One series of Temporary Documents was assigned. A proposed document allocation was made available as TD 386 (GEN/19). TDs generated during the meeting are not included in this allocation. 2.3 The list of participants was distributed as TD 406 (GEN/19). 2.4 All documents for the meeting may be downloaded from the SG 19 web page: with TIES access. Documents designated for public access may be downloaded from 3. Approval of Draft Recommendations 3.1 AAP Consent of Draft New Recommendations 3.1.1 A draft new Recommendation entitled “Mobility Management Requirements for NGN” was proposed for AAP Consent at the closing plenary. 3.1.2 During the discussion, an additional paragraph was proposed to be added to the end of §1 Scope, and was agreed: “Administrations may require operators and service providers to take into account national regulatory and national policy requirements in implementing this Recommendation.” 3.1.3 During the discussion, two instances of “shall” were noted in §8.3.5. The Rapporteur indicated these could be changed to “should” without affecting the intent of this section. This was agreed. 3.1.4 A question to the plenary on patent information related to the candidate draft Recommendation elicited no response. It was noted that there is a cross-dependency on SG 13’s draft new Recommendation Y.FRA, “Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN”, which is anticipated to be AAP Consented or TAP Determined at the SG 13 closing plenary and to enter the AAP or TAP process in parallel with this draft new Recommendation. The meeting felt it appropriate to proceed on the basis that any issues identified in the AAP for this draft new Recommendation, or the AAP or TAP review period for the SG 13 Recommendation, would need to be satisfactorily addressed from the point of view of both study groups in order for approval to be declared. With this understanding, the following Recommendation has therefore been consented for AAP. The Q-series number allocated to this Recommendation is Q.1706. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -6COM 19 – R 5 – E ITU-T Document Recommendation Q.1706 Title Mobility Management Requirements for NGN Editor(s) TD No. Mr Hee Young Jung, ETRI, Korea TD 397R1 (GEN/19) Mr Seong Gon Choi, CBNU, Korea Also available as TD 190 (PLEN/13) Mr Seok J. Koh, KNU, Korea 3.1.5 A draft new Recommendation entitled “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2005) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” was proposed for AAP Consent at the closing plenary. TD 383 (GEN/19) provides links to Recommendation A.5 information for the referencing of CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC and ARIB documents in draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5. This document was approved by the meeting and the decision was taken to include the references to these SDOs’ technical documents into draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5. A question to the plenary on patent information related to the candidate draft Recommendation elicited no response. The meeting noted that “square brackets” ([ and ]) were used in a number of places in TD 379R1 (GEN/19), “Draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5: IMT-2000 References [approved as of 31 December 2005] to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network (For consent)”. This is normally a method used to indicate text that is not yet fully agreed. It was confirmed this is not the case in this draft new Recommendation. An editorial exercise will replace these with parentheses except where they enclose a number identifying a reference. The following Recommendation has therefore been consented for AAP. The Q-series number allocated to this Recommendation is Q.1742.5. ITU-T Document Recommendation Q.1742.5 3.2 Title IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2005) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network Editor Mr Charles Teising Jr., Lucent Technologies, United States of America3 TD No. TD 379R1 (GEN/19) Translation of Text of New Recommendations 3.2.1 The meeting considered the matter of how best to translate the text of newly AAP Consented Recommendation Q.1742.5 to ensure that the results would be useful and meaningful to those using other language versions while minimizing the amount of translation effort required. SG 19 recommends that the entire contents of Recommendations in the Q.174x.y series should be translated with the following exceptions: • Translation of the titles of references of other SDOs that exist in English only should not be done. • Translation of the tables listing references should not be done. • Translation of the list of acronyms and abbreviations should be handled in a special way. Since acronyms and abbreviations often do not translate well, all language versions should 3 Mr Teising has been ably assisted by his colleague behind the scenes, Ms. Carolyn Klein. Her support is appreciated. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -7COM 19 – R 5 – E include both the English as well as the translated list of acronyms and abbreviations in order to provide a common reference point for all readers. 3.2.2 It is estimated that the above approach may save some of the translation effort that would otherwise be required with no loss of value to the users of these Recommendations. It is suggested to the TSB that it considers proceeding accordingly. 3.2.3 It is recommended that normal translation be carried out on draft new Recommendation Q.1706. 4. Reports of Interim and Related Activities 4.1 An interim e-meeting of Q.1/19 was scheduled to take place 23 May to 6 June 2006. This meeting was cancelled due to lack of sufficient participants although there were a number of contributions available for discussion. The membership is kindly requested to note the need to allocate time for participation in e-meetings, and to recall the practical considerations of no time away from home and no travel cost made possible through use of the facilities provided by the ITU. 4.2 The report of the Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 Rapporteurs meetings that took place in Kobe, Japan, 22-27 April 2006 are provided in TD 349 (GEN/19). These meetings progressed the work on mobility management and on fixed-mobile convergence. This was presented and approved. TDs 362 through 367 provided the outputs of the Kobe meeting in the form of updated draft deliverables per the SG 19 work plan. These were proposed as baseline documents for progressing the work at this meeting and this was approved. 4.3 TD 329 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement entitled “Reply to the request on Recommendations relevant for Conformance and Interoperability Testing” which was generated after the previous SG 19 meeting in order to respond to a SG 17 request with a due date before the current meeting. It had been drafted and circulated for review and comment. No objections had been received and so it was submitted to SG 17. The meeting confirmed this liaison statement. 4.4 A listing of other meetings and events of interest to the membership of SG 19 that have taken place since the previous meeting of SG 19 is provided here together with URLs and TDs where further information may be found: ITU-T Workshop “Networked RFID: Systems and Services” (Geneva, 14 – 15 February 2006) ITU-D WTDC (Doha, Qatar, 7 – 15 March 2006) ITU-T Workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization (Las Vegas, USA, 19 – 20 March 2006) SPU Workshop “What Rules for IP-enabled NGNs?” (Geneva, 23 – 24 March 2006) ITU-T Workshop “NGN and its Transport Networks” (Kobe, Japan, 20 – 21 April 2006) 3G - Russia Workshop (Moscow, 5-7 June 2006: TD 374 (GEN/19) which provides information on this event where the SG 19 Chairmen represented the ITU-T TSB Director ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access for Broadband Applications for the Arab Region, (Algiers, Algeria, 19 - 22 June 2006) ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -8COM 19 – R 5 – E and TD 373 (GEN/19) which provides information on this event which the SG 19 Chairmen chaired ITU TSB Director’s IPR Ad Hoc (Geneva, 27 - 28 June 2006): TSAG TD 267 SG Chairmen’s meeting (Geneva, 29 – 30 June 2006) TSAG TD 246 TSAG meeting (Geneva, 3 – 7 July 2006): TD 375, TD 376, TD 377 and TD 378 (GEN/19) 4.5 As part of the above, a presentation on the activities of ITU-R WP 8F was provided by Mr Konstantin Trofimov: ITU-R WP 8F meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, 25 January – 1February 2006) and WP 8F meeting (Biarritz, France, 3 – 10 May 2006): TD 358 (GEN/19) ITU-R 4.6 Notes on the remaining documents identified in the opening plenary are provided in Annex 2. 5 Open Access to SG 19 Documentation 5.1 The SG 19 Chairman noted the continuation of the trial of public access to SG 19 documents. He is also required to report to TSAG on SG 19’s experience with respect to the conduct of this trial. All the publicly accessible documents, including public versions of previous meeting reports, are available at 5.2 No issues or concerns of any sort have arisen as a result of the open and public access to these documents to date. The Chairman had so indicated to the TSAG meeting of 3 - 7 July 2006, and anticipates continuing with the same feedback to the next meeting of TSAG. 5.3 The Chairman encouraged contributors to continue to strive for greater openness and public accessibility for their documents within the agreed guidelines in order to obtain the fullest possible experience in this area. The Rapporteur and participants for each Question should also consider which TDs of their Question might be made available for public access within the agreed guidelines. Specifics of the trial and the guidelines referred to here may be found at 6 Meeting Timetable, Appointment of Rapporteurs, Coordinators and Editors 6.1 The SG 19 Management Team proposed a meeting timetable in the Collective Letter and this was provided in TD 321 (GEN/19). This timetable includes joint sessions of various questions as referenced above. The work plan for this meeting was approved as proposed except that the presentation on the NGN Database tool was moved from Monday lunch time to Tuesday lunch time. 6.2 Owing to the absence of the Q.4/19 Rapporteur, Mr Maurice Ghazal, the meeting agreed to Mr Konstantin Trofimov’s nomination to handle this Question for this meeting and thanked him for his willingness to do this. 6.3 The meeting noted that there had been some changes in editors. The Rapporteur for Q.2/19 advised that Mr Seong Gon Choi, CBNU, Korea, was an additional editor for draft new Recommendation Q.1706, and the Rapporteur for Q.5/19 advised that, for draft new Recommendation FMC-PAU, China Telecom has offered to replace Mr Minrui Shi by Ms. Lin Wu. The meeting agreed to both editors and recognized the value of their contribution to the work. 6.4 The following table provides the updated list of SG 19 Coordinators. Mr Oscar LopezTorres (Interdigital, USA) was nominated and confirmed as the SG 19 EDH Coordinator at the closing plenary. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC -9COM 19 – R 5 – E Function Coordinator EDH Mr Oscar Lopez-Torres (Interdigital, USA) IETF, IEEE 802 Mr Young Kyun Kim (Samsung Electronics, Korea) ITU-D Q.18-2/2 Liaison Mr Maurice Ghazal (MPT, Lebanon) ITU-R WP 8F Liaison Mr Konstantin Trofimov (Russian Federation) assisted by Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Spa, Italy) Liaison Mr Konstantin Trofimov (Russian Federation) Meeting Scheduling Mr Motoshi Tamura (NTT DoCoMo, Japan) NGN Mr Leslie Graf (Australia) OPs of 3GPP and 3GPP2 Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen (Nokia, Finland; Q.3/19 Rapporteur) Project Plan Mr Bruno Ramos (ANATEL, Brazil) Publicity Mr John Visser (Nortel, Canada) Security open (SG 19 Chairman by default) Seminars and Workshops Mr Kiritkumar Lathia (Siemens Spa, Italy) 7. Approval of reports of individual Questions 7.1 Q.1/19 “Service and network capability requirements and network architecture” 7.1.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q1/19 in TD 405R1 (GEN/19), attached as Annex 4. A public version of this TD will also be posted. 7.1.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q1/19 are: substantially progressed draft new Recommendation “Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000 (Q.FNAB)” found in TD 403R1 (GEN/19), based on contributions to this meeting; and reviewed and agreed on a work plan for Q.1/19 which aims to bring the work on Q.FNAB to completion per the current schedule. 7.1.3 Proposed interim activities were approved and details are included in §10 below. 7.1.4 Q.1/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as listed in §11 below. 7.2 Joint Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 - Mobility management 7.2.1 Questions Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 met jointly. The titles of these Questions are: Q.2/19 Mobility management Q.5/19 Convergence of evolving IMT-2000 networks with evolving fixed networks Q.6/13 NGN mobility and fixed-mobile convergence 7.2.2 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of the joint meetings on mobility management in §5 of TD 396 (GEN/19), attached as Annex 5. A public version of this TD will also be posted. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 10 COM 19 – R 5 – E 7.2.3 Key results extracted from the report are: many contributions were submitted which resulted in a very active and productive technical discussion on draft new Recommendations Q.MMF, Q.LMF, and Q.HMF, and Q.MMF was restructured to improve its coherency completed draft new Recommendation Q.MMR (“Mobility Management Requirements for NGN”) and agreed it is ready to be proposed for AAP Consent in the SG 19 plenary (see §3 above); and progressed draft new Recommendations MMF, LMF and HMF and these are on track for completion per the work plan. 7.2.4 Proposed interim activities were approved and details are included in §10 below. 7.2.5 The joint meeting proposed one outgoing liaison statement as listed in §11 below. 7.3 Q.3/19 “Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems” 7.3.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.3/19 in TD 393R1 (GEN/19), attached as Annex 6. A public version of this TD will also be posted. 7.3.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q.3/19 are: prepared draft Recommendation Q.1742.5 to be proposed for AAP Consent in the SG 19 plenary (see §3 above); and initiated development of draft new Recommendations Q.1741.5 “IMT-2000 references to Release 7 of GSM evolved UMTS core network” and Q.1742.6 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2006) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” 7.3.3 No interim activities were proposed. 7.3.4 Q.3/19 proposed two outgoing liaison statements as listed in §11 below. 7.3.5 The SG 19 Chairman noted that the Recommendations in the Q.1740-series provided a valuable encapsulation of the core network aspects of particular releases or “snapshots” of the work on IMT-2000 Family Members, and encouraged participants to examine these Recommendations to better understand their content and value. 7.4 Q.4/19 “Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000” 7.4.1 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of Q.4/19 in TD 392 (GEN/19), attached as Annex 7. A public version of this TD will also be posted. 7.4.2 The key results extracted from the report of Q.4/19 are: baseline text towards the second edition of the Handbook on Deployment of IMT2000 Systems was reviewed and adopted a new chapter on billing received from ITU-T WP 1/3 was adopted 7.4.3 An interim e-meeting was proposed but the discussion identified that the target date for the Handbook should be moved out to January 2008 to allow time for the Radiocommunication Assembly 2007 to take place so that its results could be taken into account in developing the section of the Handbook on spectrum matters with appropriate inputs from ITU-R. Therefore, there would not be a need for an interim meeting at this point. 7.4.4 Q.4/19 proposed one outgoing liaison statement as listed in §11 below. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 11 COM 19 – R 5 – E 7.5 Joint Qs.2, 5/19 and 6/13 - Fixed-mobile convergence 7.5.1 Questions 2, 5/19 and 6/13 met jointly. The titles of these Questions are indicated in §7.2.1 above. 7.5.2 The meeting reviewed and approved the report of the joint meetings on fixed-mobile convergence in §4 of TD 396 (GEN/19), attached as Annex 5, and the joint meeting report as a whole. A public version of this TD will also be posted. 7.5.3 Key results extracted from the report are: progressed draft new Recommendation Q.FMC-PAU to the point where it is considered to be a stable draft; and <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> progressed draft new Recommendation Q.FMC-REQ which is on track for completion per the work plan <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> progressed draft new Recommendation Q.FMC-IMS which is on track for completion per the work plan <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 7.5.4 Proposed interim activities were approved and details are included in §10 below. 7.5.5 The joint meeting proposed two outgoing liaison statements as listed in §11 below. 7.6 Note of Appreciation for Effective Cooperation on MM and FMC 7.6.1 It was noted by the SG 19 Chairman that the Rapporteurs for the three Questions making up the joint activity of SGs 19 and 13 on mobility management and on fixed-mobile convergence are working together very well and are moving the work forward in an effective manner. Several delegates echoed the Chairman’s remarks and the meeting wished to emphasize the very good results coming from the excellent cooperation and teamwork that is evident, and to formally record its appreciation for this. 8 Next Generation Networks and SG 19’s Role 8.1 In the meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity for NGN (JCA-NGN) that took place on Tuesday, 25 July, SG 19 continued to assert its view that it should have approval responsibility with respect to mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence deliverables, based on the mandate assigned to it at WTSA-2004. 8.2 It was subsequently agreed that SG 19 would conduct the approval process for mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence deliverables being worked in the joint activities of Qs.2, 5/19 and 6/13. This recognizes the joint work and the effective teaming demonstrated by the three Rapporteurs involved, the strong spirit of cooperation and desire to progress the work shown by the participants, and the applicability of the work to the overall effort in the NGN-GSI. It also assists in distributing the approvals logistics work load. Should such jointly worked deliverables require comment resolution as part of the approval process, this would be handled by all the involved Rapporteurs. 9. Updating the NGN work plan on mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence 9.1 Consistent with §8 above, the deliverables for mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence are relabelled as follows (a subset of the table at Annex 3): ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 12 COM 19 – R 5 – E Rec. ST Q. SG Q.MMF N 2/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 Q.LMF N 2/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 Q.HMF N 2/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 Q.FMC-Req N 5/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 Q.FMC-PAU N 5/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 Q.FMC-IMS N 5/19 joint with Q.6/13 19 9.2 Consistent with the above, the SG 13 work plan at should be updated to show exactly the same information as above, plus the deliverable Y.FMCArc presently listed for Q.6/13 should be deleted since this has been absorbed into the other fixed-mobile convergence deliverables as indicated in §4.2 of TD 396 (GEN/19). 9.3 The same information and updates need to be entered into the ITU-T NGN Project Management Tool at 9.4 NGN-JCA documentation includes document ngnjca-doc030 which is the “NGN RELEASE 1 ROADMAP with initial assignment of the Questions”. In this document, the updates on the following page are needed as shown with mark-up against the current text after marked-up changes in that text have been accepted. SG 13 is also requested to review the appropriateness of the heading in the table “Release 1 (Target completion: mid of 2006)”. 9.5 On completion of these tasks, the work plan documentation for NGN mobility management and NGN fixed-mobile convergence will reflect the true status of the work. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 13 COM 19 – R 5 – E Category Sub-category Release 1 (Target completion: mid of 2006) Items Recommendation Stage 1 Capabilities Basic capabilities Mobility management Post Release 1 Stage 2 Q.2/19 joint with Q.2/19 joint Q.6/13 with Q.6/13 Q.MMR (nomadicity) Q.MMF (nomadicity) Q.LMF (nomadicity) Q.HMF (nomadicity) Fixed- mobile convergence Stage 3 Q.2/19 joint with Q.6/13 Q.MMR (beyond nomadicity) Q.MMF (beyond nomadicity) Q.LMF (beyond nomadicity) Q.HMF (beyond nomadicity) Q.5/19 joint with Q.6/13 Q.FMC-REQ Q.FMC-IMS ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 14 COM 19 – R 5 – E 10. Future meetings 10.1 The next meeting of SG 19 will take place as part of the next NGN-GSI study group level event scheduled for 16-27 April 2007 in Geneva, during the same period as SGs 13 and 11. Further details will be provided by Collective Letter and will be posted on the SG 19 web site in the usual manner. 10.2 The SG 19 Meeting Schedule Coordinator, Mr Motoshi Tamura, presented TD 369R1 (GEN/19) which provides information on the schedule for selected meetings of other groups relevant to the SG 19. This provides an excellent overview of meetings of interest to SG 19 and will also be used by the SG leadership and Rapporteurs in planning meeting schedules as noted above. An update reflecting SG electronic meetings and Rapporteurs’ meetings, etc., will be provided after the meeting as TD 369R2 (GEN/19). Mr Tamura’s efforts are much appreciated. 10.3 Interim meetings were proposed and approved as listed below. Electronic meetings will take place using the electronic discussion board facilities at supplemented by meeting document access on TIES. Guidelines for the conduct of electronic meetings may be found at • Q.1/19: • Electronic: 10-24 October 2006 • Terms of Reference: to progress the work on Q.FNAB • Electronic or face-to-face4: 9-23 January 2007 if electronic or January 2007 as part of planned the NGN-GSI Rapporteurs meetings (dates to be decided) • Terms of Reference: to progress the work on Q.FNAB • Joint Qs.2/19 and 6/13: • Part of NGN-GSI Rapporteurs; 30 Oct-2 Nov (PM sessions) • Terms of Reference: progress the work on the three draft stage 2 (Q.MMF, Q.LMF, and Q.HMF) mobility management Recommendations • Part of NGN-GSI Rapporteurs; January 2007 (specific dates tbd) • Terms of Reference: progress the work on the three draft stage 2 (Q.MMF, Q.LMF, and Q.HMF) mobility management Recommendations • Joint Qs.5/19 and 6/13: • Part of NGN-GSI Rapporteurs; 30 Oct-2 Nov (AM sessions) • Terms of Reference: progress the work on the three draft fixed-mobile convergence draft Recommendations (Q.FMC-PAU, Q.FMC-REQ, and Q.FMCIMS) • Part of NGN-GSI Rapporteurs; January 2007 (specific dates tbd) • Terms of Reference: progress the work on the three draft fixed-mobile convergence draft Recommendations (Q.FMC-PAU, Q.FMC-REQ, and Q.FMCIMS) 4 The decision on whether this meeting should be an e-meeting or a face-to-face meeting will be made during the 10 - 24 October 2006 e-meeting, taking into account budget aspects. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 15 COM 19 – R 5 – E 11. Approval of outgoing liaison statements 11.1 The following table provides a list of the liaison statements that were proposed. All the listed Liaison Statements were reviewed and approved during the presentation of the individual Question reports. The work of Mr Konstantin Trofimov in coordinating these liaison statements is much appreciated. 11.2 In TD 112 (GEN/19), received at two SG 19 meetings ago, TSAG had requested that study groups provide information on tracking outgoing LSs to non-ITU-T organizations. A report to TSAG was provided from the previous SG 19 meeting in TD 298 (GEN/19). A current report to TSAG is provided in TD 395 (GEN/19). LS No. TD No. Title 33 TD 391R2 (GEN/19) Development of the Handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 Systems 34 TD 394 (GEN/19) 35 For Action Addressed to Source ITU-R WP8F; for info to ITUD SG 2 SG 19 Request for new Action information for draft Recommendation Q.1741.5 (referencing of 3GPP Release 7) 3GPP Q.3/19 TD 395 (GEN/19) Tracking of liaison statements with non-ITU-T organizations Information TSAG SG19 36 TD 401R1 (GEN/19) Response Liaison to WP8F on the development of PDNR ITU-R.M [IP CHAR] Action ITU-R WP8F SG13 & SG19 37 TD 402R2 (GEN/19) Response Liaison to TISPAN on FMC and NGN mobility management Information TISPAN SG13 & SG19 38 TD 404 (GEN/19) Request for information on Action Recommendation Q.1742.6 ARIB, CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC Q.3/19 39 TD 407R1 (GEN/19) Additional Recommendations related to Conformance and Interoperability Testing SG 17 SG19 Action All Liaison Statements are available at ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC Copy to: CCSA, ETSI, ATIS, TTA, TTC, ARIB - 16 COM 19 – R 5 – E 12. Work Programme for SG 19 12.1 Mr Bruno Ramos produced an updated SG 19 Work Programme which is provided at Annex 3 and is also available as TD 322R2 (GEN/19). Mr Ramos’s work is much appreciated. 13. Planning for Workshops and Seminars 13.1 Initial discussions are underway within the SG 19 Management Team towards a possible workshop on mobility management and fixed-mobile convergence for NGNs, potentially adjacent to the April 2007 NGN-GSI event. Information will be posted on the SG 19 web page as this is further developed. 14 Other Business 14.1 Anyone who wishes to be on the FG IPTV mailing list is kindly requested to inform Mr Georges Sebek of the TSB. 15. Closing of the Meeting 15.1 The Chairman thanked the TSB Secretariat (Ms. Tatiana Kurakova and Ms. Maite Comas Barnés) for their excellent support to the meeting, and all the participants for their hard work, proactive input and cooperation. 15.2 The delegates expressed their appreciation for the SG 19 Chairman’s efforts in guiding the meeting. 15.3 The meeting was closed. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 17 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 1 - Agenda 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Welcome by TSB Director 3. Chairman’s comments and key objectives for this meeting 4. Approval of agenda 5. Brief reports of interim meetings 5.1 Questions 2/19, 5/19 and 6/13 Joint Rapporteurs meeting and NGN GSI event (Kobe, Japan, 22-27 April 2006) 5.2 Q.1/19 E-Meeting (23 May – 6 June 2006) 6. Related activities 6.1 ITU-T SG 13 (Geneva, 16 – 27 January 2006) 6.2 Others as identified 7. Information on other events of interest 7.1 ITU-R WP 8F meeting (Bangkok, Thailand, 25 January – 1February 2006) 7.2 ITU-T Workshop “Networked RFID: Systems and Services” (Geneva, 14 – 15 February 2006) 7.3 ITU-D WTDC (Qatar, Doha, 7 – 15 March 2006) 7.4 ITU-T Workshop on Next Generation Network Technology and Standardization (Las Vegas, USA, 19 – 20 March 2006) 7.5 SPU Workshop “What Rules for IP-enabled NGNs?” (Geneva, 23 – 24 March 2006) 7.6 ITU-T Workshop “NGN and its Transport Networks” (Kobe, Japan, 20 – 21 April 2006) 7.7 ITU-R WP 8F meeting (Biarritz, France, 3 – 10 May 2006) 7.8 ITU-BDT Regional Seminar on Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access for Broadband Applications for the Arab Region, (Algiers, Algeria, 19 - 22 June 2006) 7.9 ITU TSB Director’s IPR Ad Hoc (Geneva, 27 - 28 June 2006) 7.10 SG Chairmen’s meeting (Geneva, 29 – 30 June 2006) 7.11 TSAG meeting (Geneva, 3 – 7 July 2006) 8. Organization of the work 8.1 Working methods 8.2 Appointment of Rapporteurs, Editors and Coordinators as required 8.3 Others as identified 9. Approval of Meeting Work Plan 10. Document allocation 11. Meetings of Individual Questions ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 18 COM 19 – R 5 – E 12. Examination and approval of the reports of the Questions 12.1 Consent of Recommendations in accordance with the rules of Recommendation A.8 13. Future activities 14. Miscellaneous 15. Closure of the Meeting ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 19 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 2 - Notes on Additional Documents Identified in the Opening Plenary TD 338 (GEN/19) and TD 339 (GEN/19) are related liaison statements from SG 17 on WTSA Resolution 50 obligations, and on Summary of ITU-T Study Groups security related activities based on input provided by the SGs. These were reviewed in the assigned Questions and no response was felt to be required. TD 375 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement from TSAG emphasizing the need to follow the Author’s guide for drafting Recommendations to ensure both consistent formatting and help ensure high quality. The Rapporteurs and Editors were reminded to make use of these guidelines which should be strictly adhered to unless problems were identified in which case they should be brought to the attention of the SG Management Team. No issues were identified during this meeting. TD 378 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement form TSAG informing all the study groups about modifications to the practice of providing printed copies of temporary documents after a successful trial in SGs 15 and 19. Reference may be made to Report COM 19-R 4, Annex 8. TD 337 (GEN/19) provides information on the NGN Project Management Database and TD 348 (GEN/19) provides information on the NGN Project Management Tool. These were covered in the lunch time session provided by the TSB (Ms. Tatiana Kurakova) on Tuesday, 25 July. TD 344 (GEN/19) is a SG 16 proposal for a workshop on NGN multimedia. This was noted. TD 350 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement from SG 4 which provides information on the progress of the NGN Management Focus Group. This was noted. TD 325 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement providing an accessibility checklist for use in ITU-T standardization work. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 341 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement from SG 16 to the IPTV Focus Group, copied to SG 19 for information. It was noted. A presentation on the FG IPTV was provided by its Chairman, Mr. Ghassem Koleyni of Nortel Networks, at lunch time on July 26. TD 346 (GEN/19) is an information liaison statement from SG2, the Lead Study Group on service definition, numbering, routing and TDR. It was noted. TD 352 (GEN/19) provides information for participants on meeting facilities and related matters. It was noted. TD 354 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement from SG 12 on the creation of a Focus Group on "From/In/To Cars Communications". This was noted. TD 361R1 (GEN/19) provides a list of “white” and Delayed contributions related to the current SG19 meeting. This was noted as being of assistance to the Rapporteurs in planning their agendas and meeting time allocations. TD 368 (GEN/19) provides an incoming liaison statement list. This was noted as being of assistance to the SG Management Team and the Rapporteurs in planning their work and ensuring all necessary responses were handled. TD 372 (GEN/19) provides an invitation to the CCITT/ITU-T 50th Anniversary event, 20 July 2006, Room1, CICG. This took place during the Q.5/19 and Q.2/19 discussions the previous week. Further information on this event is available on the ITU-T web site at ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 20 COM 19 – R 5 – E TD 353 (GEN/19) provides information on upcoming ITU Workshops. Interested persons are encouraged to participate and to submit proposals for presentations at these events. TD 377 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement from TSAG. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 21 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 3 - SG 19 Work Programme Recommendation Stat Ques SG Q.1701 R 1/19 Q.1711 R Supplement 30 to Q-Series Recommendations Pri Pag 19 M 1/19 19 M R 1/19 19 M Q.FIFB N 1/19 19 TBD H Q.FNAB N 1/19 19 2Q 2007 Q.MMF N 2/19, 6/13 19 2Q 2007 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC Timing Liaison Area Domain References Subject 27 15,37 99 29 15,37 99 15,37 00 Specifications of International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 ITU-T SGs 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, ITU-R WP 8D and 8F (WG-Vision), ITUD SGs, SDOs (TTA, TTC, ETSI, TIA, ATIS, ARIB, CCSA) 15,37 27 Long-term high-level network functional information flows for beyond IMT 2000 systems H ITU-T SGs 2, 11, 12, 13, 16, ITU-R WP 8D and 8F (WG-Vision), ITUD SGs, SDOs (TTA, TTC, ETSI, TIA, ATIS, ARIB, CCSA) 15,37 27 Long-term high-level network architecture for systems beyond IMT 2000, including definition of functional entities (FEs), allocation of functional capabilities to FEs, and interfaces model among FEs H ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs 15 Framework for IMT-2000 networks COM 11-R 116 Network functional model for IMT-2000 Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2) - 22 COM 19 – R 5 – E Recommendation Stat Ques SG Timing Pri Q.LMF N 2/19, 6/13 19 2Q 2007 Q.HMF N 2/19, 19 6/13 Pag Liaison Area Domain References Subject H ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs 15 Location Mobility Management Framework (Stage 2/3) 2Q 2007 H ITU-T SG 19 Q. 1, 3, 5, relevant SDOs (IETF), relevant ITU-T SGs, ITU-R SGs and ITU-D SGs 15 Handover Management Framework (Stage 2/3) Q.1741.5 N 3/19 19 2Q 2007 H 500 SDOs, ITU-R WP 8F 15 27 Develop contents for Q.1741.5 draft Recommendation: architecture and specifications of release 7 of “GSM evolved UMTS core network” Q.1742.6 N 3/19 19 2Q 2007 H 160 SDOs, ITU-R WP 8F 15 27 Architecture and specifications of each release of IMT-2000 family members, making reference to specifications produced by SDOs. Q.1742: “ANSI-41 evolved core network with cdma2000 access network”. Handbook on IMT-2000 (2nd Edition) N 4/19 19 1Q 2008 H 299 All ITU-T SGs, SDOs 15,37 00 The Handbook of evolving IMT-2000 Systems Q.FMC Req N 5/19, 19 2Q 2007 H ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 16-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum 15,37 27 FMC general requirements from NGN point of view, identifying the fundamental characteristics, requirements and capabilities that a FMC should be able to support. 6/13 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 23 COM 19 – R 5 – E Recommendation Stat Ques SG Timing Pri Q.FMC PAU N 5/19, 6/13 19 2Q 2007 Q.FMC IMS N 5/19, 6/13 19 2Q 2007 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC Pag Liaison Area Domain References Subject H ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 16-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum 15,37 27 FMC service scenario by using PSTN as the fixed access network for UMTS network H ITU-R WP 8A, 8B, 8D and 8F, related questions 77/8, 215/8, ITU-R JTG 16-8-9, ITU-T SGs 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, SDOs, IETF, ATM Forum 15,37 27 Stage 2 of fixed mobile convergence with a common IMS session control domain - 24 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 4 - Q.1/19 Report: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture 1 Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.1/19: Service and network capability requirements and network architecture. Q.1/19 met in Geneva, during the SG19 Meeting, 19-27 July 2006. The meeting was chaired by Mr Bruno Ramos, Q.1/19 Rapporteur, and by Mr Atsushi Minokuchi, Co-Editor of Q.FNAB. The meeting was attended by 12 participants from 7 countries. 1.2 Meeting Agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document TD 385R1 (GEN/19). It was reviewed and approved. 2 Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed Discussions and elaboration of the 5th Draft of ITU-T PDNR: Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000 (Q.FNAB), based on the Delayed Contributions COM 19-D 42, D 62, D 65 and D 66. Reviewed, and agreed to the work plan for Q.1/19. 3 Meeting Documentation Documents considered at this meeting are available at 4 Liaison Statements The meeting resulted in the preparation, with Qs.2, 5/19 and 6/13, of one Liaison Statement to ITUR WP 8F (TD 401 R1 (GEN/19)). This LS is a response to the LS from WP 8F. The LS from WP 8F contains the draft document towards PDNR ITU-R M. [IP CHAR] from WP 8F Bangkok meeting. It was reviewed by Q.1/19 and during a joint meeting of Qs.2, 5/19, and 6/13. 5 Recommendation Status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall Study Group work plan (Annex 3). ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 25 COM 19 – R 5 – E 5.1 Future Work The next activity of Question 1/19 will be in the form of two Rapporteur Meetings before the next SG19 Meeting, as described bellow: 1st Rapporteur Meeting (e-meeting) Duration: 10-24 October 2006 At: Terms of Reference: To progress the work on Q.FNAB. 2nd Rapporteur Meeting (e-meeting or face-to-face meeting) Duration (e-meeting)*: 9-23 January 2007 Duration (face-to-face)*: (during SG 19 Rapporteur [NGN-GSI Event], January 2007) At*: TBD Terms of Reference: To progress the work on Q.FNAB. *: the decision if this meeting should be an e-meeting or a face-to-face meeting will be taken during the 1st Rapporteur Meeting, taking into account budget aspects. SG 19 Meeting Duration: At: Terms of Reference: 6 19-26 April 2007 Geneva To finish the work on Q.FNAB. Detailed Report of Discussions Q.1/19 met during 24-26 July 2006. 6.1 Opening Plenary The Q.1/19 session was called to order at 11:00hrs on 24 July. The proposed agenda for the Q.1/19 plenary was adopted and approved. The terms of reference for this meeting are to continue the work as assigned to this question. 6.2 General Items The following provides a brief summary of the discussions on and dispositions of input documents that were assigned to the work item “General Items.” Work item Documents 4a) General Items TD GEN: 321; 323, 324, 326, 328, 338, 343, 345R1, 347R1, 351 TD 321 (GEN/19): Timetable for the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 19 “Mobile Telecommunication Networks” (Geneva, 19-27 July 2006). For information. TD 323 (GEN/19): NGN and satellite work; and Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite (ICGSAT) Matters. For information. TD 324 (GEN/19): Requirements and framework for CGOE components. For information. TD 326 (GEN/19): LS on NGN Protocol Sets. For information. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 26 COM 19 – R 5 – E TD 328 (GEN/19): Development of a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] “Key technical and operational requirements for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems” in response to Question ITU-R 223-1/8. The Q.1/19 Meeting has prepared a LS in response to WP 8F, in collaboration with Qs.2, 5/19, and 6/13. The LS is in TD 401R1 (GEN/19). TD 338 (GEN/19): TD 338 is a LS from ITU-T SG17 titled “Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities”. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 343 (GEN/19): LS on new working arrangement in SG 16 for ETS/TDR/EW and progress report. For information. TD 345R1 (GEN/19): LS on NGN Work Item on Media Coding Requirements for the NGN. For information. TD 347R1 (GEN/19): TISPAN NGN Release 1. For information. TD 351 (GEN/19): SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 6.3 Functional Network Architecture for Systems Beyond IMT-2000 (Q.FNAB) Work item Documents 4b) Q.FNAB D.42; D.62; D.65; D.66; TD 357 The Q.FNAB version 4.0 (Revision 1) is in TD 357 (GEN/19). <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> The Q.FNAB v.5.0 is in TD 403 (GEN/19). 6.4 Review of Work Plan for Planned Deliverables The Work Plan for Q.1/19 was reviewed and is provided as portion of the overall Study Group work plan (Annex 3). 6.5 Closing Plenary of Q.1/19 Q.1/19 held its closing plenary at 16:00hrs on Wednesday, 26 July 2006. The Q.1/19 report, including all annexes, was reviewed and agreed to. The delegates were thanked for their participation in the Q.1/19 activities at this meeting. Q1/19 discussion meeting was closed at 1730 hrs. 6.6 Review of Meeting Report. The draft meeting report in TD 405 (GEN/19) was reviewed and approved as TD 405 R1 (GEN/19). 7 Acknowledgements Participants - for their participation at this meeting. Mr Atsushi Minokuchi, from NTT DoCoMo, for work as Co-Editor of Q.FNAB. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 27 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 5 - Report of Joint Meetings of Q.2/19, Q.5/19 and Q.6/13 1. Organization of Meeting This is the combined meeting report of the joint questions of 6/13, 2 and 5/19 that was held during 19 – 27 July 2006. It covers the following sessions: Joint meeting of Qs.5/19 and Q.6/13 on Fixed Mobile Convergence – 19 & 21 July 2006 Joint meeting of Qs.2/19 and Q.6/13 on Mobility Management – 24-26 July 2006 Joint meeting of Qs.2, 5/19 and Q.6/13 to review output documents and the meeting report – 26 July 2006 The meeting agenda was published in TD 359R2 (GEN/19) and TD 165R1 WP2/13. 2. Meeting Documentation Documents considered at this meeting are listed in TD 396 (GEN/19). 3. Liaison Statements 3.1 Incoming Liaison Statements TD 376 (GEN/19), TSAG, LS - Liaison statement on Conformance and Interoperability Testing <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 347R1 (GEN/19), ETSI TISPAN, LS - NGN Release 1 <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 345R1 (GEN/19), SG16, LS - NGN work Item on Media Coding Requirements for the NGN Disposition: Noted TD 343 (GEN/19), SG16, LS - New working arrangement in SG16 for ETS/TDR/EW and progress report Disposition: Noted TD 342 (GEN/19), SG16, LS - Comments on LS on SG17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing Disposition: Noted TD338 (GEN/19), SG17, LS - Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 328 (GEN/19), ITU-R WP8F, LS - Development of a PDNR ITU-R M.[IP CHAR] "Key technical and operational requirements for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems" in response to Question ITU-R 223-1/8 <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 327 (GEN/19), SG11, LS - Response to SG17 - ITU-T guidance on conformance and interoperability testing Disposition: Noted ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 28 COM 19 – R 5 – E TD 326 (GEN/19), SG11, LS - NGN Protocol Sets Disposition: Noted TD 324 (GEN/19), SG13, LS - Requirements and framework for CGOE components Disposition: Noted 3.2 Outgoing Liaison Statements TD 401 (GEN/19), TD 202 WP2/13 contains a response liaison to TD 328 (GEN/19), a LS from ITU-R WP8F on the development of a PDNR on “Key technical and operational requirements for access technologies to support IP applications over mobile systems”. TD 402 (GEN/19), TD 203 WP2/13 contains a response liaison to TD 347R1 (GEN/19), a LS from TISPAN on NGN Release 1. TD 407 (GEN/19) will contain an LS to TSAG in response to TD 376 (GEN/19) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 3.3 Future Meeting The next meeting of Qs.2, 5/19 and 6/13 on MM and FMC will be held during the next NGN-GSI event. The FMC sessions will be held in the mornings and the MM sessions will be held in the afternoons of 30 October – 2 November. A second meeting is planned for January under NGN-GSI event. Exact dates to be announced later. The Terms of Reference are to progress the 6 deliverables. 4. Fixed Mobile Convergence The meeting was chaired by Kees den Hollander, Q.5/19 and Baofeng (Felix) Zhang, Q.6/13 Rapporteurs. 4.1 Key results The meeting achieved the following results: Q. FMC-REQ was updated. The resulting output draft can be found in TD 382R2 (GEN/19) and TD 173R2 WP2/13. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> Q. FMC-IMS The resulting output draft can be found in TD381R1 (GEN/19) and TD 175R1 WP2/13. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> Q. FMC-PAU was updated. The resulting output draft can be found in TD 384R1 (GEN/19) and TD 174R1 WP2/13. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 4.2 Recommendation status and work plan Good progress was achieved at this meeting. Q. FMC-PAU includes all aspects that are intended to be covered and is considered to be a stable draft. Recommendations FMC-REQ and FMC-IMS are ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 29 COM 19 – R 5 – E still far from complete and contributions are urgently required to maintain the current workplan. The target dates remain as follows: Q.FMC-REQ: 2Q 2007 Q.FMC-IMS: 2Q 2007 Q.FMC-PAU: 2Q 2007 It was agreed to delete Y.FMCarc from the workplan, since the intended contents will be covered in Q.FMC-IMS and Q.FMC-PAU. 4.3 Contributions TD 146-WP2/13, TD 349 (GEN/19), Rapporteurs Qs.6/13, 2 and 5/19, Joint Rapporteurs Groups meeting report, Kobe, 24-27 April 2006. Discussion: Was introduced by the rapporteurs to highlight the results of the Kobe sessions on FMC. COM 13-D 855, Nortel Networks (Canada), Principles and comments related to the further development of Y.TERM <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 4.3.1 Q. FMC-REQ TD 152-WP2/13, TD 364 (GEN/19), Editor, Draft Recommendation FMC requirements, Kobe, Japan, 24-27 April 2006 Disposition: This output from Kobe was accepted as baseline text for the current meeting. COM 13-D 606, Huawei Tech Ltd. Co., Proposal to specify the FMC-related Network Environments in Q.FMC_Req <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 685, China Mobile, Proposed Some FMC Network Capabilities <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 686, China Mobile, Proposed Some FMC Network Environments <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 711, Korea (Republic of), Converged voice service scenario in FMC environment <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 45, MII (P.R. China), Proposal for section 9 in Q.FMC_Req to categorize the FMC type according to the core network <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 61, China Telecom, A proposal to classify FMC approach in Q.FMC_Req <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 4.3.2 Q. FMC-IMS TD 153-WP2/13, TD 365 (GEN/19), Editor, Working Draft of Q. FMC-IMS: Fixed Mobile Convergence with a common IMS session control domain, Kobe, 24-27 April 2006 Disposition: This output from Kobe was accepted as baseline text for the current meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 30 COM 19 – R 5 – E COM 19-D 43, ZTE Corporation, Text for section 7.0 of Q.FMC Disposition: The proposed text on IMS based FMC scenarios and applicable types of service continuity was accepted with the following changes: - remove the distinction between a mobile only IMS and an IMS that also supports fixed broadband access; only refer to the latter and simplify the tables accordingly, - clarify that Multi-media Service Continuity consists of some combination of data, voice and video components and includes the synchronization between these components It was agreed that service continuity between a PLMN-CS and an IMS domain may be limited to Voice Service Continuity and reflect this back into FMC-REQ. COM 19-D 44, ZTE Corporation, Section 7.1 of Q.FMC_IMS text Disposition: This contribution was discussed together with D.63 from Samsung which proposed text for the same section. It was agreed that the suggested roaming scenarios needed clarification, in particular related to user registration and the presence of multiple P-CSCFs. Combination of the two contributions was referred to drafting where it was decided that the required detail would not be appropriate for a section on high level architecture. The contributor was requested to submit a more detailed contribution on roaming to the next meeting. COM 19-D 63, Samsung, IMS based FMC architecture (section 7.1) Disposition: The proposed text was accepted with the following changes that were referred to drafting: - also show service transfer between a fixed terminal and a mobile terminal connected to a CS-PLMN, - re-label the Gateway between CS and PS cores as an Interworking function, - clarify in the text that PSTN/ISDN emulation is not shown in the figure. COM 19-D 64, Samsung, High Level Design Principles for Fixed Mobile Convergence (section 7.2) Disposition: The proposed additional text for section 7.2 was accepted with the following changes: - rephrase the 2nd bullet to make it clear that the difference with the first bullet is the use of one rather than two public identities, - draw the gateways functions between CS and PS core and session control domains as interworking functions outside of the PS domains to better reflect that these functions are not FMC specific, - clarify that FMC functionality at different levels may be combined to support certain FMC scenarios. COM 13-D 710, Korea (Republic of), Some texts on section 10.4 “Global Roaming & Interworking Scenario” in Y.FMC-IMS <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 4.3.3 Q. FMC-PAU TD 154-WP2/13, TD 363 (GEN/19), Editor, The Updated New Draft Recommendation Q.FMCPAU, Kobe, Japan, 24-27 April 2006 Disposition: This output from Kobe was accepted as baseline text for the current meeting. COM 19-D 59, China Telecom, Proposed texts for chapter 7 of draft Q.FMC-PAU ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 31 COM 19 – R 5 – E <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 60, China Telecom, Proposed texts for chapter 8 of draft Q.FMC-PAU <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5. Mobility Management The meeting was chaired by Farrokh Khatibi, Q.2/19 and Baofeng (Felix) Zhang, Q.6/13 Rapporteurs. 5.1 Key results Q.MMR is ready for AAP Consent. It is available in TD 397 (GEN/19) and TD 178 WP2/13. Many contributions were submitted to Q.MMF, Q.LMF, and Q.HMF which resulted in a very active and productive technical discussion. Some of the documents were agreed for inclusion in the output documents and a few were requested to be brought back for future meetings with additional details. Q.MMF was restructured to improve its coherency. Several sections in all the output documents were updated. Updated output documents are available as: Q.MMF: TD 398 (GEN/19) or TD 179 WP2/13 Q.HMF: TD 399 (GEN/19) or TD 180 WP2/13 Q.LMF: TD 400 (GEN/19) or TD 181 WP2/13 5.2 Recommendation status and work plan The target dates for deliverables for MM remains unchanged: MMR (Stage 1) AAP Consent in July 2006 Plenary MMF (Stage 2) Stable document by 2Q2006 and AAP Consent 2Q2007 LMF Location Management (Stage 2) 2Q2007 HMF Handover Management (Stage 2) 2Q2007 5.3 Contributions 5.3.1 General TD 146-WP2/13, TD 349 (GEN/19), Rapporteurs Qs.6/13, 2 and 5/19, Joint Rapporteurs Groups meeting report, Kobe, 24-27 April 2006 This is the report from the Kobe meeting. It was presented and approved in the SG opening plenary. COM 13-D 855, Nortel Networks (Canada), Principles and comments related to the further development of Y.TERM <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5.3.2 Q. MMR COM 13-C 20-E, TD 366 (GEN/19), Recommendation MMR (version 1.0), Editors This is the output of the Kobe meeting for the Recommendation MMR. It was approved at the SG opening plenary as the baseline document for the work progress during this meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 32 COM 19 – R 5 – E COM 19-D 47, ETRI, Proposed text for the revision of Recommendation.MMR 1.0 <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 700, ETRI, Proposal to modify texts for Recommendation MMR (version 1.0) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 840, NEC, Proposed Modifications and Clarifications to Recommendation MMR <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5.3.3 Q. MMF TD 155-WP2/13, TD 367 (GEN/19), Editor, Recommendation MMF (version 1.0), Kobe, Japan, 24-27 April 2006 This is the output of the Kobe meeting for the Recommendation MMF. It was approved at the SG opening plenary as the baseline document for the work progress during this meeting. COM 19-D 49, Korea (Republic of), Base Text of Draft New recommendation MMF (version 1.1) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 55, Korea (Republic of), Additional and modified title for MMF` <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 51, Korea (Republic of), Clarification of User ID and Location ID in MMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 52, Korea (Republic of), MM Functional Entities for NGN in MMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 53, Korea (Republic of), Procedure of location registration flow in MMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 54, Korea (Republic of), Procedure of location deregistration flow in MMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 56, ETRI, Proposed revision to Section 6, 7 and 8 of MMF (Generic framework of mobility management for systems beyond IMT-2000) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 688, China Mobile,Huawei Tech Ltd. Co., Some Proposed Modifications in Section 5 of Recommendation MMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 5.3.4 Q. LMF TD 156-WP2/13, TD 362 (GEN/19), Editor, Recommendation LMF (version 0.1), Kobe, Japan, 2427 April 2006 This is the output of the Kobe meeting for the Recommendation LMF. It was approved at the SG opening plenary as the baseline document for the work progress during this meeting. COM 19-D 48, ETRI, Considerations on the mapping between LLM and ANs <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 33 COM 19 – R 5 – E 5.3.5 Q. HMF TD 157-WP2/13, TD 370 (GEN/19), Editor, Recommendation HMF (version 0.1), Kobe, Japan, 2427 April 2006 This is the output of the Kobe meeting for the Recommendation HMF. It was approved at the SG opening plenary as the baseline document for the work progress during this meeting. COM 19-D 50, Korea (Republic of), Base Text of Draft New Recommendation HMF (version 0.2) This is the output of the Kobe meeting and the same as TD 157-WP2/13, TD 370 (GEN/19). COM 19-D 57, ETRI, Proposed Texts on Cross-layer mechanism at Mobile terminal for heterogeneous access networks in HMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 19-D 58, ETRI, Proposed Texts on Candidate Protocols for Handover Management in HMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 687, China Mobile, Huawei Tech Ltd. Co., Proposal to introduce common logical model for the Handover in Recommendation HMF <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> COM 13-D 756, ETRI, Contribution for classification of handover management for Recommendation HMF (version 0.1) <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> 6. Acknowledgements The Rapporteurs of Qs.6/13, 2 and 5/19 would like to thank all the contributors and participants for their hard work and dedication during the course of the meeting. Also, thanks go to TSB for their support before and during the meeting. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 34 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 6 - Q.3/19 Report: Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems 1 Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.3/19, title: “Identification of existing and evolving IMT-2000 systems”, met in 2 sessions on 25-26 July 2006. The meeting was chaired by Mr Ilkka Hyvärinen, Nokia Corporation, Finland. 1.2 Meeting agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document 387. It was revised and approved as TD 387R1 (GEN/19). 2. Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed Meeting prepared draft Recommendation Q.1742.5 for consent in the SG19 plenary and initiated development of new draft recommendations Q.1741.5 “IMT-2000 references to Release 7 of GSM evolved UMTS core network” and Q.1742.6 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2006) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network”. 2.2 Recommendation being submitted for Consent Q.3/19 agreed to propose the following Recommendation for Consent by the Study Group 19 under the Alternative Approval Procedure in accordance with the rules of Recommendation A.8 (WTSA2004, Florianópolis): Table 1 – Recommendation being submitted for Consent Rec. # Recommendation Title Editor Document Q.1742.5 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2005) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” Charles Teising Jr. Lucent Technologies United States of America TD 379R1 (GEN/19) 2.3 Recommendations planned for Consent at the next meeting The following Recommendations are planned to be submitted for Consent under the Alternative Approval Procedure at the 19-26 April 2007 meeting of the Study Group 19. Table 2 – Recommendations planned for submission for Consent at the next meeting Rec. # Recommendation Title Editor(s) Q.1741.5* IMT-2000 references to Release 7 of GSM evolved UMTS core network To be appointed later ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC Document - 35 COM 19 – R 5 – E Rec. # Recommendation Title Editor(s) Q.1742.6 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2006) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” Charles Teising Jr. Lucent Technologies United States of America Document * timing subject to the confirmation from the 3GPP 3 Meeting Documentation Documents considered at this meeting are available at 4 Liaison Statements The meeting resulted in the preparation of Liaison Statements as summarized in Table 3. Table 3 – Outgoing Liaison Statements Addressee Documen <body> For t number Question Title/ Subject 3GPP TD 394 (GEN/19) Q.3/19 Action Request for new information for draft Recommendation Q.1741.5 (referencing of 3GPP Release 7) ARIB, CCSA, TIA, TTA,TTC TD 404 (GEN/19) Q.3/19 Action Request for information on Recommendation Q.1742.6 5 Recommendation status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall plan for the Study Group (Annex 3). Q.3/19 meeting made the following changes into the work plan: Removed Recommendation Q.1742.5 (Q.1742.5 subject to consent 27 July 2006) Added new draft Recommendation Q.1742.6 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2006) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” with expected consent 2Q2007 Included the timing of the new draft recommendation Q.1741.5 “IMT-2000 references to Release 7 of GSM evolved UMTS core network” as 2Q2007 5.1 Future work Q.3/19 does not propose intermediate meetings. 6 Detailed report of discussions 6.1 Item 3a: General TD 338 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 titled “Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities”. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 36 COM 19 – R 5 – E <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 340 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 titled “Reply on Guidance on conformance and interoperability testing workshop in January 2006”. Noted. TD 342 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG16 titled “Comments on LS on SG 17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing”. Noted. TD 351 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG4 titled “SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management”. Noted. TD 376 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T TSAG titled “Liaison statement on Conformance and Interoperability Testing”. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 387 (GEN/19) is the agenda for Q.3/19 sessions. Document was reviewed, revised and approved as Rev 1. 6.2 Item 3b: Progress of Recommendation Q.1742.5 Contribution C3 from China provides inputs of CCSA for Q.1742.5. Contribution reviewed and the presented input information was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. TD 330 (GEN/19) is the covering letter of TTC’s inputs for Q.1742.5. Noted. TD 331 (GEN/19) provides inputs of TTC for Q.1742.5. Document reviewed and the presented input information was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. TD 332 (GEN/19) provides permission to use texts of TTC in Recommendation Q.1742.5. Noted. TD 333 (GEN/19) provides inputs of TTA for Q.1742.5. Document reviewed and the presented input information was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. TD 334 (GEN/19) provides permission to use texts of TTC in Recommendation Q.1742.5. Noted. TD 335 (GEN/19) is the covering letter of ARIB´s inputs for Q.1742.5. Noted. TD 336 (GEN/19) provides inputs of ARIB for Q.1742.5. Document reviewed and the presented input information was approved to be included into the draft Q.1742.5. TD 379 (GEN/19) is the Draft new Recommendation Q.1742.5 with SDO referencing information included. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 383 (GEN/19) provides A.5 –information of CCSA, TIA, TTA, TTC and ARIB. According to the meeting the presented information in TD 383 (GEN/19) including documents behind links is correct and valid for Recommendation Q.1742.5. TD 322 (GEN/19) is the work program of SG19. Q.3/19 meeting made the updates recorded under clause 5 of this report. 6.3 Item 3c: Start the work on Recommendation Q.1741.5 Q.3/19 meeting proposes Liaison Statement in document TD 394 (GEN/19) in order to request inputs for the draft new Recommendation Q.1741.5 “IMT-2000 references to Release 7 of GSM evolved UMTS core network” 6.4 Item 3d: Start the work on Recommendation Q.1742.6 ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 37 COM 19 – R 5 – E Q.3/19 meeting proposes Liaison Statement in document TD 404 (GEN/19) in order to request inputs for the draft new Recommendation Q.1742.6 “IMT-2000 References (approved as of 31 December 2006) to ANSI-41 evolved Core Network with cdma2000 Access Network” 6.5 AOB 6.6 Review of Meeting Report The draft meeting report in TD 393 (GEN/19) was reviewed, revised and approved as TD 393R1 (GEN/19). 7 Closing of the meeting Chairman closed the meeting at 1149h. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 38 COM 19 – R 5 – E Annex 7 - Q.4/19 Report: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000 1 Organization of Meeting 1.1 Meeting Identification, Chairmanship and Participation This is the report of a meeting of Q.4/19 Title: Preparation of a handbook on IMT-2000. Q.4/19 met in Geneva on 24-25 July 2006. The Q.4/19 Rapporteur Mr Maurice Ghazal, Ministry of Telecommunications, Lebanon, unfortunately was not be able to participate in this meeting, so meeting was chaired by Acting Rapporteur Mr Konstantin Trofimov, Radio R&D Institute (NIIR), Russian Federation, and was attended by 7 delegates from 6 countries. 1.2 Meeting agenda The Meeting Agenda was published in Temporary Document 371 (GEN/19). It was reviewed and agreed by the meeting as TD 371R1 (GEN/19). It was approved. 2 Key Results 2.1 Work Items Progressed Baseline text towards the Second edition of the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems was reviewed and adopted by the meeting participants. The new chapter on billing was received from ITU-T WP1/3 and adopted by the meeting participants. 3 Meeting Documentation Documents considered at this meeting are available at 4 Liaison Statement The meeting resulted in the preparation of Liaison Statement as summarized in Table 1. Table 1 – Outgoing Liaison Statement Addressee ITU-R WP8F 5 Document Question number TD 391R1 (GEN/19) Q.4/19 For Action Title/ Subject Development of the Handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 systems Recommendation status and Work Plan Status and Work Plan for Recommendations and other deliverables under the responsibility of this Question are summarized in the overall Study Group work plan (Annex 3). 5.1 Future work The next activity of Question 4/19 will be in the form of electronic Rapporteur meeting in October, 2006. The Terms of Reference for this meeting are: editing the Baseline text towards the draft Second edition of the Handbook. The results of the electronic meeting will be reviewed at the next SG 19 meeting in April 2007. ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC - 39 COM 19 – R 5 – E 6 Detailed report of discussions The Contribution COM 19-C 4 from Siemens SpA “Preface to the ITU "Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems" was presented to the meeting and adopted by the meeting participants. The text of the Contribution was included into the Handbook without any changes. TD 356 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-T WP 1/3. It contains draft new chapter for the Handbook on billing aspects. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 360 (GEN/19) contains the Baseline text towards the Second edition of the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 353 (GEN/19) is a TSB information document on the ITU Workshops. It was noted. TD 355 (GEN/19) is a Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP8F concerning the radio aspects of the Handbook. <Discussion notes are in the version of this document behind TIES.> TD 322 (GEN/19) is a SG19 Work Programme. The Q.4/19 portion of it was reviewed and minor editorial changes were made: the words “Core networks aspects” were deleted. TD 391 (GEN/19) is a liaison statement to the ITU-R WP8F. It was prepared during the meeting, reviewed and adopted by the meeting participants as TD 391R1 (GEN/19). 7 Review of Meeting Report The draft meeting report in TD 392 (GEN/19) was reviewed and approved. _____________ ITU-T\COM-T\COM19\R\R5E.DOC