EMMA J. FAWCETT emma.fawcett@gmail.com / emma.fawcett@american.edu 732-580-4433 EDUCATION School of International Service (SIS), American University Washington, DC Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations Anticipated May 2016 Fields of study: Comparative & Regional Studies; International Development Dissertation title: ¿Santo Remedio? The Political Economy of Tourism and Development Dissertation committee: Daniel Bernhofen (co-chair), Eric Hershberg (co-chair), Daniel Esser, and Eve Bratman Advanced to candidacy: March 2014 Milano New School for Management and Urban Policy Master of Science in Nonprofit Management, summa cum laude New York, NY 2010 Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Spanish, summa cum laude 2009 Certifications: Global Politics and Interpretation/Translation Study abroad: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, Mexico (2007) Community organizing/action research training: Global PACT, Mae Sai, Thailand (2007) GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS SIS Doctoral Assistantship, $53,576 per year for four years SIS Doctoral Summer Research Award, $4,000 Latin American Studies Association Travel Grant SIS PhD Conference Travel Grant, $600 GFDD/FUNGLODE Research Fellowship American University Doctoral Student Research Award, $5,000 SIS Doctoral Summer Research Award, $4000 SIS PhD Conference Travel Grant, $600 Tuliano Scholarship, $2,500 Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant, $2,500 SIS PhD Conference Travel Grant, $600 Milano Merit Scholarship, $25,200 2012-2016 2015 2015 2015 2014-2015 2014-2015 2014 2014 2012-2013 2013 2013 2009-2010 HONORS AND AWARDS Harold Davis Award: Outstanding Scholarship in Latin American Studies Milano Nonprofit Management Award Rutgers College Dean’s List Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Iota, Pi Sigma Alpha Rutgers College Academic Excellence Award Class of 1876 Prize recipient: Best Political Science Undergraduate Thesis 2015 2010 2006-2009 2008 2008 2008 LANGUAGE SKILLS Spanish: Fluent METHODS TRAINING Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Syracuse University June 2014 1|Page October 2015 EMMA J. FAWCETT RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Dissertation fieldwork on tourism policy and local development impacts Havana and Varadero, Cuba August 2015 Cancún, Mexico* August 2015 Port-au-Prince and Jacmel, Haiti May 2015 Cancún, Mexico* November 2014 Port-au-Prince, Haiti October 2014 Santo Domingo and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic** August-September 2014 Havana, Cuba August 2013 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic June 2013 *Visiting Researcher at Universidad del Caribe **Research Fellow at Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (FUNGLODE) Research Assistant for Dr. Cathy Schneider August 2012-August 2014 Washington, DC-based research and manuscript preparation for Police Power and Race Riots: Urban Unrest in Paris and New York Other assignments Marigot, Haiti January-August 2010 Research on and off-site with Fondation Nouvelle Haiti, entitled Marigot Fishermen’s Associations: Strategies for Modernization to Generate Jobs and Income Port-au-Prince, Haiti June-August 2009 Field research for World Bank and Nathan Associates’ value chain analysis of Haitian apparel industry, entitled Bringing Hope to Haiti’s Apparel Industry Oaxaca, Mexico May 2008 Undergraduate honors thesis in political science, entitled SNTE/CNTE Section 22 and Oaxaca’s Education System PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Fawcett, Emma. Tourism and Development in the Dominican Republic. Santo Domingo: Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, forthcoming 2016. Contributor to American University’s Center for Latin America and Latino Studies AULA Blog: “Haiti and Dominican Republic: No Detente in Sight.” October 6, 2015. http://aulablog.net/2015/10/06/haiti-and-dominican-republic-no-detente-in-sight/ “Dominican Republic: Heavy-Handed Migration Policies.” June 22, 2015. http://aulablog.net/2015/06/22/dominican-republic-heavy-handed-migration-policies/ “Haiti: Yet More Lost Opportunity.” May 29, 2015. http://aulablog.net/2015/05/29/haiti-yetmore-lost-opportunity/ “Haiti: Another Crisis on the Anniversary of a Crisis.” January 29, 2015. http://aulablog.net/2015/01/29/haiti-another-crisis-on-the-anniversary-of-a-crisis/ Fawcett, Emma, Adela Moreda Mora, Sanna Ojanpera, M. Mercedes Velasco, and Paul Winters. “The Challenges to Promoting Pro-Poor Tourism in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Working Paper, InterAmerican Development Bank, August 2014. 2|Page October 2015 EMMA J. FAWCETT MEDIA Quoted in Pérez, José David. “Cuba deja de representar el fruto prohibido de EU.” Excelsior, April 19, 2015. http://www.excelsior.com.mx/global/2015/04/19/1019496. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Fawcett, Emma. “Sun, Sand, and Urban Poverty: Explaining Development Outcomes in Cancun and Punta Cana.” Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the International Studies Association, Atlanta, Georgia, March 19, 2015. Fawcett, Emma. “Oro por Espejitos: Development Outcomes in Cancun and Punta Cana.” Paper presented at the SIS PhD Colloquium, American University, Washington, DC, October 21, 2015. Fawcett, Emma. “A Banker's Fantasy and Oro por Espejitos: Development Outcomes in Cancun and Punta Cana.” Paper presented at the Tourism and International Development Colloquium, George Washington University, Washington, DC, October 2, 2015. Fawcett, Emma. “Inclusive Growth Through Mass Tourism: Lessons Learned in Punta Cana.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, New York, September 23, 2015. Fawcett, Emma: “Tourism and the Caribbean Developmental State.” Invited presentation at the Universidad del Caribe, Cancun, Mexico, August 6, 2015. Fawcett, Emma. “Tourism Promotion and Poverty Reduction in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-30, 2015. Fawcett, Emma. “The Political Economy of Tourism and Development in the Caribbean.” Paper presented at the Program in Latin American Studies’ conference on Mobility and Exchange in Latin America, Past and Present, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, April 11, 2014. Fawcett, Emma. “The Political Economy of Tourism and Development.” Paper presented at the Caribbean Without Borders conference, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 20, 2014. Schneider, Cathy and Emma Fawcett. “Resisting the Privatization of Education: Political Parties and Student Movements in Spain and Chile.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Washington, D.C., March 14-16, 2014. Fawcett, Emma. “Possibilities for Bilateral Cooperation on Tourism: Haiti and the Dominican Republic.” Paper presented at the SIS PhD Colloquium, American University, Washington, DC, March 6, 2014. Fawcett, Emma. “Possibilities for Bilateral Cooperation on Tourism: Haiti and the Dominican Republic.” Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Graduate Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, November 2013. 3|Page October 2015 EMMA J. FAWCETT Fawcett, Emma. “Tourism as a Mechanism for Economic Development: Cuba and the Dominican Republic.” Presentation by Tinker Field Research Grant Recipients at the Center for Latin American and Latin Studies, American University, Washington, DC, October 2013. Schneider, Cathy and Emma Fawcett. “Resisting the Privatization of Education: Political Parties and Student Movements in Spain and Chile.” Paper presented at Latin America Conference Ireland, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, May 2013. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Graduate Level, as Instructor with American University’s Online MAIR Program Politics of Global Development, Spring 2015 and Fall 2015 Foundations of Economic Development, Summer 2015 and Spring 2016 Graduate Level, as Teaching Assistant at The New School Theory and Practice of Nonprofit Management, Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 Undergraduate Level, as Instructor with American University’s Pre-College Programs International Business and the Global Economy, Summer 2013 (3 sessions) Sustainability, Development and Design, Summer 2014 and Summer 2015 (8 sessions) Undergraduate Level, as Teaching Assistant at American University Introduction to International Economics, Spring 2014 and Spring 2015 World Politics, Fall 2015 Crime, Race and Immigration in the US and Europe, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 SERVICE Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, American University Discussant, Latin America Panel Best Oral Presentation Judge SIS PhD Program Admissions Committee Student Representative Washington, DC April 2015 April 2013 and 2014 Washington, DC January-February 2015 AU Ann Ferren Conference on Teaching, Research and Learning Panel Chair: Supporting Students with Writing Challenges Washington, DC January 2015 ADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE Una Chapman Cox Foundation Programs Coordinator & Office Manager Washington, DC 2014-present Academic Support and Access Center, American University Writing Lab Counselor Washington, DC 2013-present Pre-College Programs, American University Faculty Coordinator Six Flags Theme Parks Guest Relations Senior Supervisor and Department Trainer Washington, DC January-August 2015 Jackson, NJ 2008-2013 4|Page October 2015 Lease & LaBau, Inc. Recruiting Assistant Lord & Taylor Human Resources Coordinator VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children of DC CASA Volunteer Parker Health Center Medical Interpreter Jersey Battered Women’s Services Spanish Translator I-to-I Volunteer Teacher of English PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Association for the Study of the Cuban Economy (ASCE) International Studies Association (ISA) EMMA J. FAWCETT New York, NY 2011-2012 Freehold, NJ 2005-2011 Washington, DC July 2014-present Red Bank, NJ February 2009-August 2011 Morris County, NJ Spring 2008 Aldea Nueva Concepción, Guatemala January-April 2005 2013-present 2014-present 2015-present 5|Page