Prepared for the Rowan-Salisbury School System ! Board of Education! September 21, 2015! 2014-2015 Accountability Report! Office of Assessment and Accountability Dr. Chaunte Garre:, Director Performance Composite: Percent proficient on indicators! Growth Status: As reported through EVAAS; index created based on the state average effect of instruction! AMO Status: The performance and participation of subgroups on indicators! School Performance Grade: Letter grade assigned to school based on 80% School Achievement Score and 20% School Growth Index; on a 15 pt. scale. ! NC Ready Accountability Model! Elementary & Middle School! Grades 3-8 Reading End of Grade Assessment! Grades 3-8 Math End of Grade Assessment! Grades 5 & 8 Science End of Grade Assessment! High School! Biology, Math I and English II End of Course Assessments! The ACT & ACT WorkKeys! 4- & 5-year Graduation Rates! Math Course Rigor! Graduation Project! Indicators (Assessments)! Performance Composite! Rowan-­‐Salisbury North Carolina 2012-­‐2013 Grade Level Performance Composite 2013-­‐2014 Grade Level Performance Composite 2014-­‐2015 Grade Level Performance Composite 34.9 45.9 42.1 44.7 56.3 56.6 Elementary School Grade Level Proficiency! Assessment! Grade 3 Math! Grade 4 Math! Grade 5 Math! Grade 3 Reading! Grade 4 Reading! Grade 5 Reading! Grade 5 Science! RSS! 2012-2013! RSS! 2013-2014! RSS 2014-2015! 38.2! 32.6! 36.7! 48.8! 40.1! 44.4! 49.2! 43.9! 42.4! 38.3! 52.1! 50.1! 31.5! 47.0! 48.8! 30.9! 44.8! 41.8! 36.0! 51.5! 42.3! Elementary School " Grade Level Proficiency! Elementary Schools! Bostian! Faith! Mt. Ulla! Rockwell! Granite Quarry! Shive! Millbridge! Morgan! Enochville! Cleveland! Woodleaf! China Grove! Hurley! Landis! Overton! Knollwood! Koontz! Isenberg! Dole! North Rowan! Grade Level Proficiency! 2012-2013! 59! 42.5! 36! 40.6! 39.4! 37.5! 47.6! 41! 39.6! 46.5! 37.1! 31.8! 31.2! 24! 38.3! 33.2! 17.4! 26! 25.6! 19.9! Grade Level Proficiency! 2013-2014! 67.8! 59.5! 55! 59.2! 50.7! 50.7! 62.4! 52.7! 50.2! 57.4! 50! 47.7! 43.4! 39.1! 44.6! 40.9! 33.4! 32.3! 33.5! 27.1! Grade Level Proficiency! 2014-2015! 61.9! 60! 59.6! 59.3! 54.3! 54.3! 53.4! 52.8! 51.5! 49! 46.4! 44.3! 40.4! 38.7! 34! 32.4! 31! 30.7! 29.6! 28.3! Elementary School " Growth Status and School Performance Grades! School Name! Bostian! Faith! Mt. Ulla! Rockwell! Granite Quarry! Shive! Millbridge! Morgan ! Enochville! Cleveland! Woodleaf! China Grove! Hurley! Landis! Overton! Knollwood! Koontz! Isenberg! Handford Dole! North Rowan! GLP 2014-2015! 61.9! 60! 59.6! 59.3! 54.8! 54.3! 53.4! 52.8! 51.5! 49! 46.4! 44.3! 40.4! 38.7! 34! 32.4! 31! 30.7! 29.6! 28.3! Growth Status 2014-2015! Met! Met! Exceeded! Met! Met! Not Met! Met! Met! Met! Met! Not Met! Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Met! Met ! Met! School Performance Grade 2014-2015! C! C! C! C! C! C! C! C! C! C! D! D! D! D! D! F! F! D! D! F! Middle School Grade Level Proficiency! Assessment! Grade 6 Math! Grade 7 Math! Grade 8 Math! Grade 6 Reading! Grade 7 Reading! Grade 8 Reading! Grade 8 Science! Math I! RSS! 2012-2013! 28.0! 28.4! 26.9! 36.0! 38.5! 30.7! 49.8! 27.0! RSS! 2013-2014! 31.8! 33.5! 32.0! 49.0! 50.6! 47.3! 63.1! 46.8! RSS 2014-2015! 29.4! 26.3! 27.6! 42.8! 39.1! 38.1! 27.6! 45.6! Middle School Grade Level Proficiency! Grade Level Proficiency! Grade Level Proficiency! Grade Level Proficiency! 2012-2013! 2013-2014! 2014-2015! West Rowan! 41.7! 54.5! 47! China Grove! 39.3! 52.2! 45.9! Southeast! 35.6! 47! 41.9! Erwin! 38! 46.5! 39.9! Corriher-Lipe! 35! 42.1! 37.3! North Rowan! 28.1! 36.6! 36.6! Knox! 25.4! 32.4! 27.3! Middle Schools! Middle School Growth Status and School Performance Grades Grade Level Proficiency! Growth Status! 2014-2015! 2014-2015! School Performance Grade! 2014-2015! West Rowan! 47! Not Met! D! China Grove! 45.9! Not Met! D! Southeast! 41.9! Not Met! D! Erwin! 39.9! Not Met! D! Corriher-Lipe! 37.3! Not Met! D! North Rowan! 36.6! Met! D! Knox! 27.3! Not Met! F! Middle Schools! High School Grade Level Proficiency! Assessments! RSS 2012-2013! Biology! 36.4! Math I! English II! 4 Year Graduation Rate! ACT! 27.0! 43.4! 82.9! 54.1! 46.8! 54.5! 80.5! 53.7! 45.6! 49.4! 78.4*! 48.8! ACT WorkKeys! 65.0! 58.0! 73.7! 5 year Graduation Rate! 82.7! 84.9! 83.1! Math Course Rigor! Graduation Project! >95.0! RSS ! 2013-2014! 45.7! >95.0! Y! RSS ! 2014-2015! 41.2! >95! Y! *Expected to change pending data correction request approval from NCDPI.! High School Grade Level Proficiency! High Schools! Henderson! North Rowan! Salisbury! West Rowan! South Rowan! East Rowan! Carson! Rowan County Early College! Grade Level Proficiency! Grade Level Proficiency! Grade Level Proficiency! 2012-2013! 2013-2014! 2014-2015! 5.1! 17.9! 20.5! 33.6! 28.6! 46.8! 45.3! <5! 24.4! 41.7! 42.2! 42.3! 53.3! 56.1! 10! 22.4! 34.5! 43.3! 36.7! 45.2! 53.1! 62.2! 70.9! 70.2! High School Growth Status and School Performance Grades School Grade Level Growth Status! Performance High Schools! Proficiency! Grade! Henderson! North Rowan! Salisbury! West Rowan! South Rowan! East Rowan! Carson! Rowan County Early College! 2014-2015! 2014-2015! 2014-2015! 10! 22.4! 34.5! 43.3! 36.7! 45.2! 53.1! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Not Met! Met! Maintaining! D! D! C! C! C! C! 70.2! Met! B! Based on average effect of instruc@on across the state Growth Status ! 2014-2015! Percentage! Exceeded! Met! Not Met! Growth Status Summary! 3! 43! 54! Number of Schools! 1! 15! 19! Subgroup Par@cipa@on >95% Subgroup Proficiency as set by the state Academically Gifted All American Indian Asian Black White Hispanic Limited English ProLiciency Multi-­‐Racial Students with Disabilities Economically Disadvantaged Students Annual Measurable Objec@ves (AMO) Targets RSS AMO Targets! Percentage 2014-2015! 60.3! Based on average effect of instruc@on across the state Growth Status 2014-2015! Percentage! Exceeded! Met! Not Met! Growth Status Summary! 3! 43! 54! Number of Schools! 1! 15! 19! Rowan-­‐Salisbury School System Office of Accountability and Assessment Chaunte Garre:, Ed.D., Director 704.630.6091