Tool 1-1. Community Needs Assessment Rate of selected measures in my community Outcome Measures chosen (pick several from list in each category) Demographic measures (not an outcome) Number of children under 5 years of age Number and % of people in poverty Number of children under age 5 in poverty % of children in single-parent families Child development and school readiness Child scores on measures of cognitive development, such as the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test or the Woodcock-Johnson assessments % of homes with a positive home learning environment Preschool participation rate Measures of elementary school academic achievement; for example, test scores Rate of grade retention Rate of high school graduation Child health Rate of low birth weight Rate of preterm birth Rate of infant mortality Child scores on mental health and physical health survey scales Infant sleep environment Data sources Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Rate of selected measures in my comparison: How did the community do relative to the comparison? Priority (enter high, medium, or low) Rate of selected measures in my community Outcome Measures chosen (pick several from list in each category) Family economic selfsufficiency % of parents in education or training % of parents with high school diploma/GED % of parents employed Hours per week of parent employment % of parents receiving food stamps % of parents with income above poverty line Linkages and referrals % of families referred to services (housing assistance, Medicaid, job skills training) % of desired services that were received Maternal health Maternal scores on mental health survey scales and physical health survey scales % of mothers with access to/use of prenatal health care Rate of low birth weight Rate of preterm birth % of mothers who smoke % of mothers who use illegal substances % of mothers with access to/use of contraceptives % of mothers with adequate social support Data sources Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Rate of selected measures in my comparison: How did the community do relative to the comparison? Priority (enter high, medium, or low) Rate of selected measures in my community Outcome Measures chosen (pick several from list in each category) Positive parenting practices % of parents who read to child daily Reading frequency Scores on environmental ratings scales, such as the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scale Percentage of parents using harsh parenting strategies Child maltreatment Family involvement with Child Protective Services (CPS) Number confirmed cases of child maltreatment per 1,000 children % of children who have ever had injury needing medical care % of parents using harsh parenting strategies % of children hospitalized for trauma % of children hospitalized for ambulatory care Data sources Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Rate of selected measures in my comparison: How did the community do relative to the comparison? Priority (enter high, medium, or low) Rate of selected measures in my community Outcome Juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime Measures chosen (pick several from list in each category) Data sources Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: Rate of selected measures in my comparison: % of families with restraining orders % of families referred to family court Number of arrests, convictions, and days in jail for family members Rates of children or adolescents sent to youth corrections % of families with any domestic violence NOTE: Not all measures listed in this table will be available at the community level for all communities. How did the community do relative to the comparison? Priority (enter high, medium, or low)