Principles & Methods of Classical Archaeology T 2-5

Principles & Methods of Classical Archaeology
Dr Suzanne Frey-Kupper, Associate professor (Reader)
T 2-5 Ancient Gardens - Seminar
Themes & Questions
What role did domestic gardens play within a Roman house?
How did the design of the gardens contribute to their role?
Was a Roman garden in a religious space?
Why has garden archaeology become a distinct area of archaeological interest in the
last few decades?
5. Are there any obvious distortions or biases in the surviving evidence for Roman
6. What influences have the designs and features of Roman gardens had on the modern
Ancient Roman Gardens, ed. E.B. MacDougall and W.F. Jashemski (Washington, D.C.:
Dumbarton Oaks Trustees for Harvard University, 1981) [NA 8422.D8]
Brown, A.E., Garden Archaeology, CBA Research Report 78 (1991) [NA 8422 G2]
Carroll-Spillecke, M., Der Garten von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter (Mainz, 1995) [NA 8403
Ciarallo, A., Gardens of Pompeii (Rome 2001) [NA 8416 18]
Ciarallo, A., ‘The Garden of “Casa dei Cast Amanti” (Pompeii, Italy)’, Garden History 21
(1993), pp. 110-16
Dickson, C. ‘Macroscopic Fossils of Garden Plants from British Roman and Medieval Garden
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Dimbleby, G., Plants and Archaeology (London, 1978)
Evans, J.G., An Introduction to Environmental Archaeology (London: Granada, 1981)
Farrar, L., Ancient Roman Gardens (Stroud, Suttons, 1998) [NA 8416 G7]
Farrar, L., Gardens of Italy and the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire from the 4th
century BC to the 4th century AD (BAR, Int. Ser. 650), reprint (Oxford: Archaeopress, 1997)
Gleason, K.L., The Archaeology of Garden and Field (Philadelphia, 1994)
Il Giardino dei Cesari: Dai palazzi antichi alla Vigna Barberini, sul Monte Palatino: Scavi
dell'École Française de Rome, ed. F. Villedieu, F. (Rome: Quasar, 2001) [DG 69.G4]
@Jacomnet, S., Identification of cereal remains from archaeological sites (Basle, second
edition 2006).
Jashemski, W.F., The Gardens of Pompeii, 2 (New Rochelle, 1993) [NA 8416 18]
@Jashemski, W.F., ‘Roman Gardensin Tunisia: Preliminary excavations in the House of
Bacchus and Ariadne and in the East Temple at Thuburbo Maius’, American Journal of
Archaeology 99 (1995), pp. 559-76.
Jashemski, W.F., A Pompeian Herbal: Ancient and Modern Medicinal Plants (Austin:
University of Texas Press, 1999) [RS 164.J2]
Jashemski, W.F., Gardens of the Roman Empire (Silver Spring, Maryland, 2005)
@Jashemski, W.F. AND s.p.r. Ricotti, ‘Preliminary Excavations in the Gardens of Hadrian’s
Villa: The Canopus Area and the Piazza d’Oro’, American Journal of Archaeology 96 (1992),
pp. 579-97.
Liljenslotpe, P. And Klynne, A., ‘The Prima Porta Garden Archaeological Project...’, in
Proceedings of the XVth Int. Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17,
1998, ed. R.F. Docter and E.M. Moorman (Amsterdam, 1999), pp. 234-6, figs 91-2.
@Pinto-Guillaume, E.M., ‘Mollusks from the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta, Rome: The
Swedish Garden Archaeological Projects, 1996-1999’, American Journal of Archaeology 106
(2002), pp. 37-58.
@Pollmann, B. and Jacomet, S., ‘First evidence of Mespilus germanica L. (medlar) in Roman
Switzerland’, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21 (2012), pp. 61-68.
Renfrew, J.M. et al., First Aid for Seeds, Rescue, 6, (no date) (see photocopy in office).
The Natural history of Pompeii, ed. W.F. Jashemski and F.G. Meyer (Cambridge, 2002) [QH
@Vandorpe, P., and Jacomet, S., ‘Remains of burnt vegetable offerings in the temple area of
Roman Oedenburg (Biesheim-Kunheim, Alsace, France) – First results’, in. J. Wiethold,
Carpologia. Articles réunis à la mémoire de Karen Lundström-Baudais. Actes de la Table
Ronde Organisée par Bibracte, Centre Archéologique Européen et le Centre de Recherches
Archéologiques de la Vallée de l'Oise, 9-12 juin 2005, Glux-en-Glenne (Bibracte, 2011), pp.
Zohary, D. and Hopf, M., Domestication of Plants in the Old World. The origin and spread of
cultivated plants in West Asia, Europe and the Nile Valley (Oxford, 2000).
See also: (e.g. Pompeii)
Ancient authors on food and cookery:
Galen on Food and Diet (London: Routledge, 2000), trans. and notes by M. Grant [QP
The Roman Cookery of Apicius. trans. and adapted for the modern kitchen by J. Edward
(London : Rider, 1984) [TX 713.E3]
@Apicii Coelii De psoniis et condimentis, sive arte coquinaria, libri decem. Cum
annotationibus Martini Lister, ... Et notis selectioribus, variisque lectionibus integris,
Humelbergii, Caspari Barthii, & variorum (Londini : typis Gulielmi Bowyer, 1705).
See also :
@[King William], The Art of Cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry. With some
Letters to Dr. Lister, and Others: Occasion'd Principally by the title of a Book Publish'd by
the Doctor, being the Works of Apicius Cœlius, ... To which is Added Horace's Art of Poetry,
in Latin. By the Author of the Journey to London. Humbly inscrib'd to the Honourable Beef
Steak Club (London: printed for Bernard Lintott, [1712])