From: Sent By: To: SISGradAdvising

Sent By:
Marley Crutcher
IPCRADMIN-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU; EPGA Announcement List; SIS Masters students in International
Economic Relations
Kristin Richards; SISGradAdvising; Tamar Gutner; Anthony Wanis; Jeff Bachman; Arturo Porzecanski
Announcing Kristin Richards' departure from AU (incl interim advising breakdown)
01/30/2015 10:12 AM
Dear Students,
It is with mixed emotions that I write to announce Kristin Richards’ departure from
American University as of Friday, February 6. Kristin will be returning to New York City to
take a position at Pace University as an academic advisor for undergraduate students in
the Lubin School of Business. Her position will have a focus on transfer students and will
include teaching a freshman orientation class. Kristin has been a valued advisor to students in the International Peace and Conflict
Resolution (IPCR), Ethics, Peace, and Global Affairs (EPGA), and International Economic
Relations (IER) and International Economics (IE) programs since January 2014, as well as
a trusted colleague. Since her arrival, Kristin has also been involved in the Diversity and
Inclusion initiatives of the school, including coordinating an event on LGBTQ issues in
study abroad. SIS is sad to see her go, but we are also excited about this new
opportunity for her. We wish her all the best. A search is underway for Kristin’s replacement. In the meantime, students will be
assigned an interim advisor. The following advising structure will become effective on
Monday, February 9 and will remain in place until the new advisor has been hired. As
always, you are also welcome to direct general questions to the main Graduate Advising
office (202-885-1690, IPCR (Last names beginning with A-E): Mary Barton (
IPCR (Last names beginning with F-Q and MA/MTS): Marley Crutcher
IPCR (Last names beginning with R-Y): Mike Rosenberger (
IER/IE (all students): Marisa Rivero (
EPGA (all students): Kaitlin Capobianco (
We hope you will join us in expressing your appreciation to Kristin for her contributions to
the SIS and AU community. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
To schedule an appointment, please call the Graduate Advising Office at (202) 8851690. For advising resources, and Express Advising schedules (as applicable), please
visit the Graduate Advising website at: