Dear SIS Graduate Students,

Sent By:
Marley Crutcher
Open Positions for SIS Graduate Student Council (incl MA Task Force reps)
07/17/2015 05:13 PM
Dear SIS Graduate Students,
The SIS Graduate Student Council (GSC), official representative of SIS graduate students
within American University, is currently seeking nominations for open positions. Please see
below for position descriptions. Nominations will be open until July 31st. To apply, submit a
resume and cover letter to Either self-nominations or of others is
acceptable. According to the GSC bylaws, the Task Force representatives will then be
determined by the GSC Executive Council and the Vice President position will be open for
a general election.
GSC Vice President
Primary responsibilities: >Lead the GSC Board Development Committee to help:
-Recruit, train, and support Senator engagement in GSC throughout the academic year
-Facilitate Senator participation in the Task Force process
>Liaison with the Journal of International Studies
>Fill in for the GSC President when needed
Representatives for SIS Task Force on MA Education
A task force representing the core constituencies of SIS has been created for the 2015-16
academic year for the purposes of “recommending how SIS should be organized for
excellence in Master’s education, subject to resource and administrative constraints. It will
assess and recommend how we should deploy our budgetary, administrative, and faculty
resources to best ensure that we are offering high-quality, competitive, professional
Master’s degrees, and that we do so in a manner consistent with the schools mission of
providing outstanding education at all levels (undergraduate, masters’, and doctoral),
promoting faculty research, and fostering service.” Two graduate students will have the
privilege of being on the task force to represent the SIS graduate student body in this
important process. They will represent the GSC Senators who in turn represent the SIS
graduate body.
Required responsibilities:
>Availability to attend task force meetings every other week of Fall Semester, likely
Tuesday afternoons. Availability Spring semester, at dates and times TBD.
>Availability to attend all GSC meetings, twice per month
>4-5 hours per week Fall semester for task force assignments. Spring TBD.
Recommended experience:
>Experience with and familiarity of higher education administration.
>Second year MA student
Please email any additional questions to
GSC Executive Council