AU Graduate Language Audit Registration Process (Fall 2015-Spring 2016)

AU Graduate Language Audit Registration Process (Fall 2015-Spring 2016)
The AU Graduate Language Audit program allows graduate students to audit foreign language courses taught at AU
for a substantially discounted rate to support their development of research skills related to their chosen program
of study. Please note this program will be discontinued effective Summer 2016.
Audits earn no academic credit and may not be used as a substitute for the Tool of Research examination or to
fulfill any degree requirement.
Interested students must follow the registration process outlined below. Students should not register themselves
online for the undergraduate language course. Doing so will result in full tuition charges.
1. Graduate students interested in auditing a foreign language course for a reduced rate should consult the online
schedule of classes for the semester desired:
2. Select the language and course level appropriate to your knowledge and prior study. If you are uncertain
what your appropriate skill level is, the College of Arts and Sciences recommends taking a placement exam. For
more information please see:
3. Choose an open class section that fits your schedule. Since only classes with vacant seats will accept auditors,
you are advised to check the schedule of classes enrollment monitor. Only classes listed on the schedule as "OPEN"
are likely candidates for audit. In all cases, final determination of seat availability will not be made until after the
Add/Drop period.
4. Print a copy of the university's Request for Registration Action Form:
Bring the Request for Registration Action form to the first meeting of the class you wish to audit. Introduce
yourself to the instructor as a potential auditor and discuss the terms of auditing. (The instructor may require
minimum standards of attendance and participation before authorizing you to audit his or her class.)
5. Obtain instructor approval and signature on Request for Registration Action form. Students must obtain
instructor permission by the end of the first week of classes (Friday, September 4). Tentative availability of
seats for graduate auditors in foreign language classes will be determined directly by the instructor after
consulting the class roster. Students taking the course for academic credit are always given priority of place and
potential auditors may be displaced for these students. The course instructor may decline your audit request for
reasons such as if s/he determines there are not enough seats to admit additional students and/or if your language
skill level is not appropriate for the course level.
If seats are available and your instructor agrees to allow you to audit, complete the relevant portions of the
Request for Registration Action form including the semester and year of your audit. Complete the information on
your full name, ID number, College/School, and degree program, as well as your email address for further contact.
Under Section 1, "Add a Course," fill out the full course and section number of the class you intend to audit. This
includes the language prefix, the three-digit course number, and the full section number including any special
designators. (For example, FREN-123-001 or ARAB-202-001HB.)
The "Credit Hours" value should always be marked "0" (zero). The "Grade Type" field should always be marked "L"
(the code for audit).
Beneath the course number, write "Graduate Audit" clearly in large letters.
At the bottom of the form, print your name, sign, and date the form on the indicated line, then have your
instructor do the same on the Instructor line.
6. Submit your Request for Registration Action form no later than the last day of the Add/Drop period
(Monday, September 14). You have two methods of submitting your audit registration request:
(a) Convert your signed form to an electronic format and email it directly to
(b) Bring the signed paper form to the SIS Graduate Advising office for forwarding to the Registrar’s office.
7. PLEASE NOTE: Language audit registrations will not be processed until after the Add/Drop period has ended
and will be based on availability of seats at that time (not availability when the instructor gave his/her
approval). Students taking the course for academic credit are always given registration priority and potential
auditors may be displaced for these students. Auditors will not be registered into a class if doing so would
increase the teaching limit.
If allowed to register, your language audit will appear on your schedule under a special course designation,
LANGUAGE-025 (for example, FREN-025, SPAN-025, etc.), rather than its standard course number. This is done to
ensure the discounted tuition is properly billed to your student account. Your instructor can confirm your
registration when your name appears on the standard class roster. At the same time you should also gain access to
the class's Blackboard site.
Tuition and fees associated with language audits ($100 tuition and $40 language lab fees) are billed directly to
your existing student account and can be paid in the same methods used to pay your graduate tuition.