Chairman Mr. Josh Wagner Vice Chair Mr. Dean Hunter Mr. Travis Allen

May 26, 2015
Long Street
Board of Education Members Present:
Chairman Mr. Josh Wagner
Vice Chair Mr. Dean Hunter
Mr. Travis Allen
Mrs. Susan Cox
Mr. Chuck Hughes
Mrs. Jean Kennedy
Dr. Richard Miller
Staff Present:
Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent
Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Dr. Julie Morrow, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
April Kuhn, Executive Director for Administration and Legal Services
Kristi Rhone, Executive Director for Human Resources
Patty Overcash, Clerk to the Board
Ken Soo, Attorney
Call to Order / Roll Call
Chairman Wagner called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy officiated the
Pledge of Allegiance, and Chairman Wagner requested that everyone share a moment of
Adopt Agenda
*** Dr. Miller made a motion to adopt the Agenda.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
*Mrs. Kennedy left the meeting at 5:04 pm.
E3 Celebrations for the month of May 2015.
Communications to the Board
Superintendent’s Comments
Dr. Moody shared information with the Board of Education concerning the Impact
Summer Reading Program for Middle and High School Students. The plan is to put a
book in every middle school and high school student’s hand for the summer. This cost is
approx. $70,000.
Consent Agenda
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Board of Trustee Appointment
April 2015 Budget Amendments
April 2015 Financial Summary
Field Trips
BOE Minutes 4/27/15, 4/29/15 & 5/11/15
Proposed Policy 7730 – Conflict of Interest
Proposed Policy 6420 – Contracts With The Board
Proposed Policy 4600 - Student Fees
Mr. Hughes asked for Field Trips to be pulled out of the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Hughes asked for Policy 7730 to be pulled out of the Consent Agenda.
Mr. Allen asked for the Budget Amendments to be pulled out of the Consent Agenda.
***Mr. Hughes made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Closed Session
***Mr. Hunter moved to recess into Closed Session at 5:25 p.m. to consider personnel
action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee]
of this Board [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], To prevent disclosure of information that
is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. state 143318.11(a)(1)
and 143-318.11(a)(3)]. And To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the
public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney
and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat.#143-318.11(a)(3)]
Mr. Allen seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Report of Closed Session
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation of
Yakisha Clemons for the position of principal of Koontz Elementary.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
***Mr. Allen made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation of Karen
Anderson for the position of principal of Hurley Elementary.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
***Mr. Hunter made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation of
Tonya Brinegar German for the position of principal of Corriher Lipe Middle School.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
Discussion/Information Items - Chairman
NC Foundation for Public School Children
Marka Hamm, Director of the NC Foundation for Public School Children shared
information about the Foundation for Public School Children, and the resources that the
foundation can offer to students in the Rowan-Salisbury School System.
County Manager Recommended Budget
Tara Trexler, Chief Finance Officer, updated the Board of Education on the County
Commissioners’ Budget. Mrs. Trexler and Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent,
answered questions from the Board concerning the County Commissioners’ Budget.
Discussion/Action Items
Long Street Administrative Building and Kizer Building
Assistant Superintendent Anthony Vann recommended to the Board of Education to
declare the Long Street Administrative Building and Kizer Building surplus.
***Mr. Allen made a motion to declare the Long Street Administrative Building surplus.
Dr. Miller seconded.
Mr. Vann asked that the motion be amended to surplus both properties and that it should
be noted that the Long Street property would not be surplus until the property has been
***Mr. Allen made a motion to amend his motion to include the Kizer Building for
surplus and surplus the Long Street Administrative Building once we have vacated the
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
The Board took a 10 min break at 6:40.
Bus Driver Reimbursement
Assistant Superintendent Anthony Vann informed the Board of Education that it was
possible to reimburse bus drivers that are presently working for the Rowan-Salisbury
School System as soon as they get their bus license and 30 waive the 30 day wait. Mr.
Vann stated that bus drivers who were not presently working for the school system when
they took the course would still have to wait 30 days to be reimbursed.
***Mr. Allen made a motion to allow bus drivers who are presently working for the
school system to get reimbursement as soon as they finish their course and to waive the
30-day wait.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)
*Mrs. Kennedy arrived back to the meeting at 6:55 pm.
VIF Splash
Assistant Superintendent Julie Morrow informed the Board of Education that a decision
had been made to postpone VIF Splash until the next school year. Dr. Morrow said she
would like to have a year of planning and then bring it back to the Board of Education
next year.
Board Member Susan Cox commented on how impressed she was with the VIF Splash
program after visiting with another school system that was using the program. Mrs. Cox
stated that she would like to see another field trip planned so the Board as a whole to see
the program and hear the testimonies from teachers and students involved with VIF
Policy 7730
Mr. Hughes stated that he had requested the wording in Policy 7730 to be changed and it
was not. Mr. Hughes asked that changes be made anywhere in the policy that stated
Board premises or Board employees to RSS premises and RSS employees.
*Mr. Hughes made a motion to have the changes made and bring the policy back to the
next Board of Education Meeting to vote on.
No second. Motion Failed.
***Dr. Miller made a motion to adopt Policy 7730 with the changes of wording from
Board to RSS in the Policy.
Mr. Allen seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Field Trips
Mr. Hughes asked the question why several of the field trip requests were not complete.
Mr. Hughes stated that without the form completely filled out that the Board could not
see the education value of the trip.
Executive Director of Technology provided the Board with more information on the trip
request. Mrs. Hosey also stated that athletic trips did not have to have Board approval.
Dr. Miller, stated that the Board was still liable for the trips, and he felt the Board did
need to approve the athletic trips.
Chairman Wagner asked April Kuhn, Executive Director for Administration and Legal
Services, to have a Field Trip Policy ready for the Board Work Session on June 8, 2015.
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to approve the Field Trips.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Budget Report
Mr. Allen asked Tara Trexler to explain the 19,000 for Henderson High listed on the
***Mr. Allen made a motion to approve the Budget Report.
Mr. Hughes seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Report of Closed Session
***Mr. Hughes made a motion to approve the Personnel Report.
Dr. Miller seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
***Mr. Hughes made a motion to adjourn at 7:35.
Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mr. Josh Wagner, Chairman
Lynn Moody, Ed. D, Secretary