Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting August 24, 2009 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on August 24, 2009 at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Patty Williams, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mr. Bryce Beard and Mrs. Kay Norman. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mrs. Delores Morris, Dr. Rebecca Smith, attorney Mr. Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Williams shared an opening meditation. Mr. Beard officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopt Agenda ** Dr. Grissom requested the addition of the August 21, 2009 “Emergency” Meeting Minutes under the consent agenda, and to include the Closed Session Minutes of August 21 for Closed Session matters. Ms. Carpenter moved approval of agenda with the additions. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Celebrations Congratulations to the following staff and students of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments: Special Presentations: Presentation of Food Lion Grant - Janice Challis, Food Lion Charitable Foundation treasurer, will make the special presentation. Presentation from the NC National Guard 30th HBCT – Lt. Col. Randy Powell will make a special presentation to RSS staff for contributions during the recent West Rowan High School graduation. Customer Service Awards: RSS employees may be nominated to receive the “Customer Service Recognition,” which recognizes employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees nominated for the month of August are: 1. Willie Armour – North Rowan Middle School 2. Joanna Mayhew – Landis Elementary 3. Dawn Fox – Technology 4. Mike Howard – Technology 5. Sally Mabry – China Grove Middle School 1 6. Jennifer Hancock – China Grove Middle School 7. James Davis – China Grove Middle School 8. Mike McLaughlin – Maintenance 9. Rick Stamper – Maintenance 10. Bill Morris – Maintenance 11. Kelly Feimster – Media Services 12. Bob Lippard – Maintenance 13. Bill Stevens – Maintenance 14. Jeff Holshouser – Maintenance 15. Craig Rice – Maintenance 16. Ken Smith - Maintenance 17. Phil Hardin – Technology Communication to the Board Mr. Caldwell Rose – Mr. Rose said he presented to Mr. Miller a contract for one of his clients to negotiate the possible purchase of property owned by the school system on Jake Alexander Boulevard. He asked the Board for consideration. Dr. Emerson advised Mr. Rose that in the process of communications, the Board does not conduct business with the public, but that the request is on the agenda and would be discussed later in the meeting. Superintendent and Board Comments Dr. Grissom recognized Ms. Kathy Chaffin of the Salisbury Post, who will be our new school reporter for the Post. She also mentioned the first day of school for our students is tomorrow, and she is confident all things will go well. Dr. Emerson said he had visited Erwin during their open house, and they seem to be very ready for the beginning of school. Dr. Emerson advised that NCSBA Annual meeting coming up in November will require four voting delegates from the Board, and that Mrs. Holder will be sending more information on that meeting. He asked the Board members to be thinking of who could represent the Board during this conference. Consideration of the Consent Agenda Financial Summary for July 2009 Quarterly Purchasing Report June 29 BOE Retreat Minutes; June 29 Minutes; July 21 Emergency Meeting Minutes; August 10 Work Session Meeting Minutes; and August 21 Emergency Meeting Minutes. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Discussion Items Report on the H1N1 Flu Dr. Walter Hart said that representatives from the Health Department met with representatives from the school system to discuss the H1N1 Virus and is working with each other to develop a process to vaccinate our students when necessary. Dr. Hart introduced Mr. Leonard Wood of the Health 2 Department. Mr. Wood distributed a brochure to the Board members, and explained that the Health Department is working to be prepared for the H1N1 Flu Virus. Mr. Wood said that the Health Department will be working with the CDC and the school system in anticipation of an outbreak, and although the process is somewhat complicated, he is hoping that it will run smoothly. Mr. Wood said that school-age children are high risk because they have not been exposed to the flu virus; therefore, they are a high priority to receive the vaccination. Mr. Wood said the CDC had at one time thought schools would have to close in the event of an outbreak. However, later discussions indicated the Health Director would not be in charge of closing schools. Mr. Wood said that he has the authority to do so. However, he feels the schools will take the necessary precautions. Ms. Carpenter asked Dr. Hart and Mr. Wood how our parents, staff and children are going to receive this information. Mr. Wood said that Mr. Tim Smith would be giving out a brochure of information to principals and staff, as well as sending information home with students. Dr. Grissom said the information will also be available on our website. 2009-2010 Annual Budget Resolution Mrs. Tara Trexler gave an overview on how to understand the Annual Budget Resolution being presented. She said it not a budget the school system would have liked to have, but we will do the best we can with what we have. Mrs. Trexler said the loss of state funding is about 11% operating budget. However, the good news is that we will be receiving state stabilization money, and once that is factored in, it will reduce our loss in state revenue to approximately 6%. Mrs. Trexler continued to review the Annual Budget Resolution. Ms. Trexler recommended that the Board approve the 2009-2010 Annual Budget Resolution. **Mrs. Freeze moved to approve the 2009-2010 budget. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) First Reading of BOE Policies 8-1, 8-6 and 8-9 Amendments Dr. Hart reviewed the amendments made to the three policies. He said that amendments to two of the three policies resulted in a change in NC General Statutes. Dr. Hart said that BOE Policy 8-1, Compulsory attendance, was amended to include the new age requirements for initial entry. He said that BOE Policy 8-6, Code of Conduct, was amended because of a change in statutes that specifies that if a student is suspended beyond 10 days, the parents must receive written notice. He said our schools were already doing this, but a template has been developed for easy use. Dr. Hart reviewed the revisions of BOE Policy 8-9, Investigations and Arrests by Police. He said the current policy is that if police have an occasion to talk with students, there must be a reasonable attempt to contact the parent before questioning the student 14 to 18 years of age. Dr. Hart said language was added to say that if a parent is unable to attend or be notified, the school administrator shall be present during the interviews as a neutral observer. He also said that an additional sentence was added to say, “If a student objects to the administrator’s presence, the administrator should make an effort to substitute another staff member with whom the student feels 3 more comfortable unless the student specifically requests that neither the administrator nor the staff member be present”. Ms. Carpenter said she had some problem with juveniles being questioned by law enforcement without another adult present. She said there are any number of reasons why a parent could not be present. Dr. Hart said in some cases you do not want the parents present. Ms. Carpenter said of course, if there is an alleged child abuse. Dr. Emerson asked what would be circumstances when parents could not be notified. Ms. Carpenter said there are any number of jobs that do not allow parents to have phone access at all times during the day. Dr. Hart said that another adult could be present for the child. Ms. Carpenter said she wants the adult present to be there to have the student’s interest at heart. Dr. Grissom said administrators try to make it a rare occasion when an interview would take place. Dr. Hart said he could put a period after the word “comfortable”, and delete last sentence. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval on first reading BOE policy 8-1 and 8-6, and approval of 8-9 with the change in Section B. 4., where last sentence should read, “If a student objects to the administrator’s presence, the administrator should make an effort to substitute another staff member with whom the student feels more comfortable.” Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Mr. Beard left the meeting at 6:01 p.m. Offer to Purchase School Property Mr. Miller reviewed the Letter of Intent submitted by Mr. Caldwell Rose on behalf of his client to negotiate the possible purchase property on Jake Alexander Boulevard. Mr. Miller discussed the property being requested, and pointed it out on a map. He said the entire site is 40 acres and Isenberg sits on approximately 20 acres. Mr. Miller said by way of the Letter of Intent the request is to purchase 15+- of the property. He asked the Board if they wanted to consider selling property, and if so, for how much. Mr. Beard returned to the meeting at 6:04 p.m. Mrs. Norman said she was concerned about selling this property because at one time there was discussion that priority be given to a new Knox Middle school. She said there was discussion that there was enough property at that site to build another middle school. Mrs. Norman questioned selling property that the system may be able to use to build a middle school. Dr. Emerson asked how many acres were needed for a middle school. Mr. Miller said a middle school can be built on 15 acres plus an acre for every 100 students. He said the 40 acre track is capable of supporting a middle school. Mrs. Williams said she would like to know who the property is being sold to, and she is concerned who would be beside the elementary school. 4 Mr. Beard advised that the Board might have a use for the land later because this area has already seen residential growth, and with the new construction of Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School, there will be more traffic in that area. He said that there is room for future growth as well. Mr. Beard said we may have a reason to have something there. Dr. Emerson asked for a motion to continue further negotiations for the sale of the property. Hearing no motion, Dr. Emerson advised Mr. Miller that the Board does not wish to pursue the sale of the property. Sidewalks at Salisbury High School Mr. Miller reviewed a map of the area around Salisbury High School where the City of Salisbury is wants to add sidewalks, and is requesting two easements. He said the only tight place would be along the baseball field. However, the City has said they would not disturb our field. Mr. Miller also advised that the City would replace anything they tear up during the construction. Mr. Miller said that the sidewalks will make the area safer for students, and will beautify the landscape around the school. **Mr. Beard moved to grant the City of Salisbury the two easements requested around SHS for the construction of sidewalks. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 6:15 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1) Ms. Carpenter seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) BOE Closed Session Minutes July Personnel Report The Board took a 5-minute break. Report of Closed Session Mrs. Williams moved to approve the July Personnel Report. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Announcements 8/25 - FIRST DAY FOR STUDENTS 8/26 - Finance Standards - Supt. Eval./Ellis St./3:00 p.m. 8/27 - Curriculum Standards - Supt. Eval./Ellis St./3:00 p.m. 9/1 - Personnel Standards - Supt. Eval./Ellis St./3:00 p.m. 9/3 - BOE Finance Sub-committee Meeting/Long Street/3:00 p.m. 9/10 - BOE Building and Grounds Sub-committee Meeting/Ellis St./3:00 p.m. 9/10 - BOE Personnel Sub-committee Meeting/Ellis Street/4:00 p.m. 9/16 - BOE Curriculum Sub-committee Meeting/Long Street/2:00 p.m. 5 9/23 9/28 - NCSBA District Meeting/Mooresville Intermediate School BOE Regular Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m. Mr. Beard said he wanted to compliment Mrs. Morris because he knows she has a difficult job to do, and is responsible for a lot that goes on within our schools. He thanked her for the job she does. Adjournment ** Mrs. Freeze moved to adjourn at 6:43 p.m. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 6