Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting September 28, 2009 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on September 28, 2009 at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Patty Williams, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mr. Bryce Beard and Mrs. Kay Norman. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mrs. Delores Morris, Dr. Rebecca Smith, attorney Mr. Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy shared an opening meditation. Mrs. Williams officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopt Agenda ** Mr. Beard asked that the topic of redistricting be moved to up item #2 because there were guests in attendance that might speak on the subject with Mr. Miller. Dr. Emerson stated that the Redistricting Committee was bringing an update. He asked the other Board members if they would have questions of the guests. With no comment, the agenda remained as submitted. **Mrs. Norman moved approval of agenda as submitted. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Celebrations Congratulations to the following staff and students of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments: RSS employees may be nominated to receive the “Customer Service Award,” which recognizes employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees nominated for the month of September are: o Patricia Reece: Guidance Counselor at China Grove Middle o Gerry Steedley: Teacher at China Grove Middle o Franklin Dyson: Teacher at North Rowan Middle o Skip Kraft: Principal at Southeast Middle Three schools in our district received the USDA Grant for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for the 2009-2010 school year: 1 1. Hanford Dole Elementary 2. Koontz Elementary 3. North Rowan Elementary Congratulations to the following winners in the 2009 NC School Bus Safety Poster Contest: o Marianna Camacho / North Rowan Middle School 2nd place winner o Lucas Safrit / Southeast Middle School 3rd place winner Congratulations to the following schools for achieving ABC Recognition: East Rowan High Jesse Carson High Henderson Independent Expected Growth Expected Growth HIGH Growth School of Progress School of Progress High (alternative schools) China Grove Middle Southeast Middle North Rowan Middle Expected Growth Expected Growth Expected Growth School of Progress School of Progress Granite Quarry Elementary Rockwell Elementary Shive Elementary Knollwood Elementary Faith Elementary Koontz Elementary North Rowan Elementary Expected Growth HIGH Growth HIGH Growth Expected Growth HIGH Growth Expected Growth Expected Growth School of Progress School of Progress School of Progress School of Distinction Communication to the Board None Superintendent and Board Comments Dr. Emerson congratulated Dr. Grissom for an article she had contributed to in an NCAE publication. Mrs. Kennedy welcomed Dr. Henry Johnson and Mrs. Suzette Davis from Livingstone College who brought members of their education class. Mrs. Kennedy noted one of the students, Miss Pruell, is student teaching at Isenberg Elementary. Consideration of the Consent Agenda Financial Summary for September 2009 August 24, 2009 BOE Minutes and September 1, 2009 Emergency Meeting Minutes August 2009 Budget Amendments **Mrs. Norman moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) 2 Discussion Items Field Trip Requests for September Dr. Emerson asked the Board members if they had any questions regarding the trip requests that had been submitted. There were no concerns from the Board. **Mrs. Norman moved to approve all of the trips submitted. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) YMCA Contract Dr. Walter Hart recognized Mrs. Amanda Hesse from the Rowan County YMCA. Dr. Hart said it was time to renew the contract with the Y. Two dates have been changed. Dr. Hart said the Fit for Motion program will be expanded to include Landis, Granite Quarry and Isenberg Elementary schools this year. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the contract with the YMCA. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Mrs. Norman asked why we were taking action at this time. Dr. Hart responded that the contract was an annual renewal. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Review of Safe and Drug Free School Grant Final Year Funding Dr. Walter Hart said there had been a slight change in the application process. He said the funding will be used for an intervention specialist in one of the high schools, and for some materials and supplies. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the Safe and Drug Free Schools Grant Application. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Policy 8-28 and Regulation 8-28/ Seclusion and Restraint Dr. Walter Hart stated that the system was contacted by DPI and advised that a minor change needed to be included in our policy. He said that wording was changed to state, “The Superintendent shall designate a singular person to visit each school site and approve spaces utilized for seclusion and restraint. This person shall be the Student Services Director for the RowanSalisbury Schools.” **Mr. Beard moved to approve the language suggested to the system by the state. Mrs. Norman seconded. **Ms. Carpenter made a friendly amendment to Mr. Beard’s motion to waive the second reading for the amendments made to Policy 8-28. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Update on Testing and Accountability for 2009-10 Mr. Colby Cochran outlined the changes made to the assessment and accountability calendar for the 2009-2010 school year. Mr. Cochran noted that there were several tests that would be eliminated. He summarized the decisions that the State Board had to make so that funds could be saved in the 3 midst of the budget crisis. Mr. Cochran said that because some of these tests were eliminated, there were ramifications in doing so. Mr. Cochran noted that Washington has been reviewing some of NC’s assessments, and they determined and notified the state that they would eliminate the NCCLAS as an alternate assessment (used for LEP students). Mr. Cochran advised that one major ramification for the elimination of the computer skills test and the competency test is that students who graduated with a Certificate of Attendance are now eligible to receive a NC High School Diploma. That certificate meant that they had passed all requirements except for the computer skills test or the competency test. This will go back to the year that they graduated. Restated 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Mrs. Tara Trexler said the 457 Plan is another investment vehicle that the employees can take advantage of. She gave a review of the plan. She explained that a plan was approved in 2005 and the administration wants to reinstate the plan in order to give our employees more options. She said that we have now partnered with a third party administrator, and we will be able to do loans to our employees through their 457 plan. Mrs. Trexler noted an additional benefit is that employees will have more vendors to choose from. **Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the 457 Plan as submitted. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) BOE Policy 7-10A (1) Mrs. Delores Morris said the amendment to Policy 7-10A (1), Absences from School, was to be in compliance with the state law. She said teachers or school employees must take sick leave in the case of a death in the family. Mrs. Morris explained that if the employee don’t have sick leave, they have to take off without pay. She said the system does not have a bereavement policy. Mrs. Morris asked that it be approved on first reading. **Mr. Beard moved to waive the second reading, and to approve on first reading amended Policy 710A (1) as read to align with state law on first reading. Ms. Carpenter seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Consumer Release Form Mrs. Morris distributed a copy of the Consumer Release Form and noted the revision was the addition of an option, after an employee is hired, to select which race they are. Mrs. Morris said we have been able to keep out some unwanted volunteers by using this form and the background checks. Draft Revision of BOE Policy 5-7 (B)/ Distribution of Non-School Material – Distribution of Materials to Employees Ms. Foil reminded the Board that in May 2009, Policy 5-7 (B) was amended. She said the new wording would allow materials to be distributed in the teacher workrooms, lounges and other areas. 4 **Mrs. Norman moved approval of the revision to Policy 5-7 (B) on first reading, and waive the 2nd reading. Mrs. Kennedy. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Security Cameras for South Rowan, China Grove and North Middle Schools Mr. Miller asked that the Board approve extended the contract of C2 Contractors for $421,775.96 for security cameras to be placed at SRHS, ERHS, NRMS and CGMS. Review of 2008-09 Capital Projects and Maintenance List, and Work Order Report Mr. Miller reviewed the report for information only for the Board. Second Readings of BOE Policies 8-1, 8-6, and 8-9 Dr. Walter Hart said there had been no feedback since the first reading of Policy 8-1 last month. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval on second reading Policy 8-1. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. (7:0) Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Hart said he did not receive any feedback from anyone after approval of the first reading. **Mrs. Norman moved approval of policy 8-6. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. (7:0) Dr. Hart said that there was some slight change to Policy 8-9. He said the new wording state, “ If a student objects to the administrator’s presence, the administrator should make an effort to substitute another staff member with whom the student feels more comfortable.” Dr. Hart noted that this was a suggestion by the Board on the first reading. Dr. Hart said that our attorney also suggested two changes, which are in the last two paragraphs of the policy. **Ms. Carpenter moved to approve policy 8-9 with the noted changes on first reading, and waive the second reading. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Policy 8-10B: Corporal Punishment Ms. Carpenter said that she received an email from a parent who was concerned about our system’s policy on corporal punishment. Ms. Carpenter said she would like to propose that we don’t hit students, period. Ms. Carpenter stated that it was well documented that hitting was not an appropriate form of discipline. Ms. Carpenter read the NC Gen. Statute regarding corporal punishment, which allows for local procedures to be adopted for corporal punishment. Dr. Hart said that many of our principals do not use corporal punishment because of the legalities of using it. Ms. Carpenter said she would like to eliminate corporal punishment. Mr. Sayers said there are two things that need to be dealt with. One form of corporal punishment was to take a student with another teacher off in another area of the school to paddle a student. The other form is for a teacher to use physical contact to quell a disturbance involving a student. Mr. Sayers said he didn’t feel that we would want to eliminate that part of the policy. 5 Ms. Carpenter asked that Dr. Hart and Mr. Sayers work together to word a policy, and bring it back to the Board for the next meeting. The Board took a five-minute break at 6:30 p.m. Update on Possible Redistricting of School Zones Mr. Miller recognized Mr. Tom Cook of OR/Ed and Mrs. Kathy Austin, Rowan-Salisbury School’s TIMS Coordinator. Mr. Miller said a committee of the Board was appointed several months ago to look at the feasibility of redistricting, and that Or/Ed was hired to gather extensive data and present a report to the Board. He said OR/Ed has developed many maps to extensively look at the districts. Mr. Miller reviewed three different maps where each high school would have no more than 87% capacity. He said that every high school would have some changes in enrollment with either of the plans. Mr. Miller reviewed Study Map #3, which he said was not a plan the redistricting committee was in favor of. He then asked the Board to look at Study Map #2. Mr. Miller said this model would exclude Salisbury High School from any changes. He said this would leave SHS as it is, and redistrict the other five high schools. The committee didn’t feel is would be fair to redistrict all the other high schools, but not Salisbury. Lastly, Mr. Miller asked the Board to review Study Map #1. He said this plan would look at all the high schools once again. Mr. Miller explained the number of students would be at each high school for this map. He said that this would free up space in the JCHS and WRHS areas, which are two of the fastest growing areas. Mr. Miller said that the redistricting committee is asking for the .3Board to consider Map 1. Mr. Miller reviewed the free and reduced percentages if redistricting was done in 2011-12. Mrs. Williams asked why Map 1 was the one the committee chose because it didn’t address the equity issue. She said if you look at 1, 2 and 3, there are many similarities, but minor variations. Mrs. Norman asked about the K-8 students in our system now. She wanted to know where the greatest growth in classes would be. Mr. Miller said he could get that information to her, but did not have it with him tonight. She said she felt this was important to know as this was going to affect enrollment 6 – 7 years from now. Ms. Carpenter clarified that the information Mrs. Norman was wanting had been factored in on the first report by OR/Ed. Mr. Beard said that one of the things the report showed the committee was that we had gotten ahead of growth for now, and we don’t have capacity issues, but that we will have issues 5 – 10 years from now. He said that is why we can begin planning for the future now. Mrs. Kennedy asked how many municipalities OR/Ed visited and sat down with the officials. Mr. Cook named the ones they visited. Mr. Miller said he believes they visited all of them. Mrs. Kennedy said she appreciated the extensive background work has been put into the report by Or/Ed. Dr. Emerson asked if people in the community will know if they are affected. Mrs. Austin said that the information will be available once the map is approved. 6 Ms. Carpenter said if we are going to do something by next school year, we will have to have a decision by January 2010. She said the Board would need to make a decision on which map they prefer, and following that decision, have response from the community. Mrs. Norman said that public comment should be made before the Board makes a decision. She said it was important that the Board allow the public to speak first. Dr. Emerson said a decision should be made at the January meeting if redistricting is go or no go. Mrs. Freeze asked if the end of January would be enough time. Mr. Beard said the Board should decide in October which plan will they want to implement. Mrs. Williams said if we do redistrict, the Board will have to look and strengthen the transfer policy. Ms. Carpenter clarified that this will be the discussion item on October 5. Mr. Sayers suggested that the Board have a preferred plan, not one that is adopted before the public has input. The Board decided to postpone the October 5 meeting to Monday, October 12 at 5:00 p.m. at Long Street with a one-item agenda. Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 7:32 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1) Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) BOE Closed Session Minutes of August 24 and September 1, 2009 September Personnel Report The Board took a break at 7:15 p.m. Report of Closed Session Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Personnel Report at submitted. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Announcements 10/1 - BOE Finance Sub-committee meeting/3:00 p.m./Long St. 10/5 - BOE Work Session/5:00 p.m./Long St. 10/8 - BOE Building & Grounds Sub-committee meeting/3:00 p.m./Ellis St. 10/8 - BOE Personnel Sub-committee meeting/4:00 p.m./Ellis St. 10/14 - BOE Curriculum Sub-committee meeting/2:00 p.m./Long St. 10/15 - Rowan Partners for Education - Education Summit/6:00 p.m./Carson High 10/20 - RSSS Annual Report to the Community Breakfast/7:00 a.m./Hurley YMCA 10/26 - BOE Meeting/5:00 p.m./Long St. 7 Adjournment ** Mrs. Carpenter moved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 8