Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting November 23, 2009


Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education


November 23, 2009


The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on November 23, 2009 at the Long Street

Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean

Kennedy, Mrs. Patty Williams, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Ms. Karen Carpenter, and Mrs. Kay Norman. Mr.

Bryce Beard and Mrs. Patty Williams were absent. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr.

Rebecca Smith, attorney Mr. Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.

Call to Order / Roll Call

Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Mrs. Freeze shared a moment for meditation. Dr. Emerson officiated the Pledge of Allegiance.

Adopt Agenda

**Mrs. Kennedy moved approval of agenda as submitted. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)


Congratulations to the following staff and students of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments:

Erica Beattie, China Grove Elementary School, is the recipient of the “Bright Ideas Grant” in the amount of $1,921. John Colcord and Leon Pridgin from Energy United will make the presentation.

Customer Service Awards: RSS employees may be nominated to receive the “Customer

Service Award,” which recognizes employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees nominated for the month of November are:


Dr. Sarah Hensley


Ivy Ellis


Christine Mullins


Sabrina Eagle


Jacqueline Maloney

Director of Elementary Education

Data Manager at Isenberg Elementary

West Rowan High Teacher

Data Manager at North Rowan Elementary

Principal at Faith Elementary

Rebecca Poole, Knollwood Elementary student, is the winner of the Rowan-Salisbury School

System’s “Holiday Card Contest.” Danielle Wiles is the art teacher.


Communication to the Board

Those on the list to communicate to the Board had signed up during the November 9 Public

Hearing, but were not able to speak at that time.

Ms. Julie Whicker – not in attendance

Mr. Harold Wilhite – not in attendance

Rev. Jerome Cloninger – Serves as Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Salisbury. Rev. Cloninger was opposed to the redistricting plan.

Mr. Tyler Goodson – not in attendance

Mr. Scott Goodson – not in attendance

Mr. George Foil – Mr. Foil said that he did not believe the proposed redistricting plan is not practical for economical reasons.

Wanda Foil – Ms. Foil said that after doing some research, she came up with four things parents and students want from the Board. They want to know that you are listening. They want the

Board to come together. They want the Board to address the questions, and the number one question is why is there four small areas in the Salisbury area that are still not in the proposed plan. The last is to always remember that honesty and old-fashioned common sense is best in the decision making process.

Mr. Coleman Phifer – not in attendance

Mr. Steve Safrit – A parent of students in the East attendance zone. He is opposed to the proposed plan.

Mrs. Williams entered the meeting at 5:25 p.m.

Superintendent and Board Comments

No comments

Consideration of the Consent Agenda

Financial Summary for October 2009

October 26, 2009 BOE Minutes and Public Hearing Minutes of November 2 and 9, 2009.

November 2009 Budget Amendments

Field Trip Request - ERHS

**Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Mrs. Kennedy seconded.

Mrs. Carpenter expressed concern about the number of days that the students would be out of school. Mrs. Kennedy said she was also concerned with the number of days, and also with the amount of money ($800).

Mrs. Lowe of ERHS, the advisor/sponsor of the trip addressed the concerns that the Board expressed.

Mrs. Norman asked Mrs. Lowe how many students in the high school were represented. Mrs.

Lowe said that all students at the high school are eligible to go, but only 25 have expressed interested to go. Unanimously approved. (6:0)


Discussion Items

2008-2009 Audit Report

Mr. Pete Teague of Dixon Hughes presented the audit report to the Board. Mr. Teague reviewed the general or local expense fund. He noted the challenging year that the school system had, and said the numbers reflect just how Mrs. Tara Trexler and other staff worked very hard to be good stewards of the school system’s resources.

Mr. Teague spoke about the fund balance saying that the state has very strict rules regarding the amount of fund balance that must be guarded. He said that the amount available on June 30, represented just short of 20% of actual spending, and the state requires 8%. Mr. Teague noted that the administration had done a tremendous job at protecting the fund balance in the case of unforeseen expenses.

Mr. Teague continued by reviewing the capital outlay fund. He said that the ending balance was $4.2 million, but it is earmarked for projects that will needed. He said that over $1.6 million has been appropriated for next year’s budget.

Mr. Teague reviewed the Child Nutrition budget. He said that his firm audits many school boards, and they are seeing a trend that Child Nutrition budgets are struggling. He said that RSSS did quite well with a net profit of just a little over $348,000. He said that the Child Nutrition budget was very well managed.

Mr. Teague said that RSSS had a very positive year and that was not accidental, staff had to work very hard to achieve this.

Mr. Teague reviewed the findings, or errors in procedures. He said in the past several years there have been one to two findings, but he could remember years ago when RSSS had quite a few findings that were moderately serious. However, this year there was a small finding that was not a liability to the system. Mr. Teague said the letter of governance that they are required to send to the school system was a standard letter this year with no exceptions for our system.

Dr. Emerson said, “I am very proud of our superintendent and her team.” He said he was very pleased with the job Mrs. Trexler does with managing the school system’s money. Mrs. Freeze said

Mrs. Libby Post needed to be included in appreciation of the good job she does. The Board agreed.

Board Policy 4-16, Payment for Goods and Services, Section D., From Internal School


Mrs. Trexler reviewed the policy. She said the administration did not want to grant permission for assistance principals to sign checks in the absence of principals. Mrs. Trexler said she is requesting that the chief financial officer be the second signer with the school’s financial secretary.

**Mrs. Freeze move to accept the policy as presented. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0)

Dr. Emerson clarified that if the principal is absent, the financial secretary and chief financial officer would sign the checks. Mrs. Trexler answered that he was correct.

Mr. Beard entered the meeting at 5:47 p.m.


Presentation of the proposed 2010-2011 School Calendar

Mr. Colby Cochran said that the Calendar Committee did not receive any comments prior to the development of the calendar. He reviewed and recommended the proposed calendar for consideration.

**Mrs. Norman moved to adopt the 2010- 2011 calendar on first reading. Mrs. Williams seconded.

Unanimously approved. (7:0)

2 nd Reading of Revisions to Policy 6-17, Student Promotion and Accountability Standards

Mr. Cochran presented the policy and pointed out that after the first reading, on page 8, there was one addition and one deletion. He said the addition should read “for students in grades 3 – 8 or in

EOC exit standard courses”, and the deletion of “and the student should be promoted to the next grade or be granted course credit” should be considered.

**Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the policy on 2

Overton Elementary Roof Bids nd reading with the changes presented by Mr.

Cochran. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)

Mr. Miller reviewed the rood bids submitted for Overton Elementary. He said that Interstate Roofing of Matthews, NC has been used previously and he is recommending that the Board approve this company for the Overton roof replacement at a cost of $383,775.

Dr. Emerson asked for a representative from the company to come forward and answer the question of the skylights being closed. He said a citizen who asked about the loss of the skylights when the roof was replaced had approached him. Mr. Nelson Hall of Nelson Hall, Inc. said the skylights have been in place since the school was built. He said there had been many problems over the years with the skylights, and the energy lost in the skylights is tremendous. Mr. Hall said it is just about like having an open window in the roof.

Dr. Emerson asked if additional lighting in the hallways would be needed with the roof is replaced.

Mr. Miller said, “No.” Mrs. Williams suggested that this school could not have been the first school where skylights were closed. Mr. Miller said that they have closed most all of them during roof replacement.

**Mrs. Norman moved to accept the contract from Interstate Roofing, Inc. for the roof replacement at Overton Elementary. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)

Matching Funds Projects 2009-2010

Mr. Miller reviewed a spreadsheet showing the number of projects that were submitted by 32 of our schools. He noted that many of our schools are using their matching money for technology.

However, several of our high schools have chosen athletic projects this year. Mr. Miller said the high schools will typically alternate between the building facilities and athletics each year.

1 st Reading of Policy 8-23, Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying

Mr. Tim Smith reviewed the 1 st reading of the policy. He said the reason the policy is being replaced is because during the summer legislators added legislation toward bullying and harassment (SB 1526)


that was not addressed in our current policy. He said that the revised policy is much more inclusive.

Mr. Smith said he is asking approval of a complete replacement of the policy. He advised the Board that the state created a model policy, which was very detailed and comprehensive, and could be used by local systems,

Mr. Smith noted that he is presenting the policy that includes much of what our current policy stated with the addition of procedures to comply with the new legislation. Mr. Smith reviewed the new regulation that was developed. He said that the regulation included definitions along with processes for addressing complaints.

Mrs. Freeze said that Mr. Smith had done a very thorough job.

**Mrs. Williams moved to accept the amended Policy 8-23 on the first reading. Ms. Carpenter seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)

2 nd Reading of Policy 8-10, Student Discipline and Punishment

Dr. Hart said that he has not received any feedback since the first reading of this policy.

**Mrs. Carpenter moved the approval on second reading Policy 8-10, Student Discipline and

Punishment. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)

Dr. Emerson asked for a recess for a 5-minute break at 6:24 p.m.

The board resumed at 6:32 p.m. Dr. Emerson expressed regrets at the passing of Mrs. Delores

Morris’ mother, and that the Board’s thoughts and prayers are with her.

Discussion on Redistricting

Dr. Emerson said that he had received many calls regarding the proposed redistricting plan. He said some calls have suggested that the Board consider Plan 3. He noted that the Board has listened to

60 or more people with the majority not wanting to redistrict. Dr. Emerson said he is one of those.

Mrs. Norman said she would like to table the issue of redistricting. Dr. Emerson said that it could not be tabled, but a motion could be made to postpone it. Mr. Sayers agreed that was the order of business.

**Mrs. Norman made a motion that the Board postpone the issue of redistricting to the Fall 2011.

Dr. Emerson seconded.

Mrs. Kennedy said that in the normal process of parliamentary procedure, the minority has the right to be heard, but we should adhere to the wishes of the majority, and the majority voted to redistrict.

She said that the Board agreed that if $40,000 was spent on a study, a plan would be implemented after members listened to the findings of the agency.

Mrs. Kennedy said that if she is in the minority this evening, she will go with the minority. However, there is a lot of hysteria out there and she is going to address it. Mrs. Kennedy said she supports the developments of the mind and the body, but her first concern is for the equal educational offerings and the equitable distribution of the student population, and she has said that all along. Mrs.

Kennedy said she feels that she must express that we are a school system, not a system of schools.

She said that she has had too many emails that it is a NRHS problem, and it is not. It is a school


system problem. She said she is open to sharing suggestions as to what the Board can do. Mrs.

Kennedy said she would like the Board to be the spokesman for those students who have no one to speak for them. Mrs. Kennedy said that the Board has got to do something for our children.

Mrs. Freeze said that she personally supports redistricting, but she feels she acted too quickly in supporting Redistricting Map 2. Mrs. Freeze said after listening to the concerns, she feels that any redistricting map should force families living in the Faith community to be moved back to East

Rowan. She said they embraced Carson, and supported the school. She said she would like for the

Board, in the next couple weeks, to study all three maps and come together in a work session in the early part of December to have a candid discussion, and reach a decision at the end of December.

Mrs. Norman said that she never felt that you had to represent a particular district to represent all of

Rowan County. She said she is elected as a representative from the West area, but always considers all students of the county.

Mrs. Norman said she meant no disrespect to the Redistricting Committee appointed by Dr. Emerson, but all she saw from the $40,000 was the three maps submitted by the Redistricting Committee.

However, she reiterated that she respects the decisions of that Committee. Mrs. Norman said after talking with the administrators and others in the district, timing is critical. She said she has heard a lot of things that do not represent facts. Mrs. Norman said if there were 33 maps submitted by

OR/Ed, she would like to see all of them. Mrs. Norman said that if the Board is to make a wise decision, don’t take part of the information and show her what you want her to see. Let her see all of the information and let her make an informed decision. Mrs. Norman said she cannot support a map that includes movement of most of our schools, and the other schools stay in place. She said she would never support that.

Mr. Beard said that his understanding was that the map they used was a starting point. He said he did agree with Mrs. Freeze’s point regarding the Faith residents. Mr. Beard said this issue has come up again and again; it’s like Ground Hog’s Day. Mr. Beard said that since merger of the city and county schools, no kids that were moved from the county were moved to North or Salisbury. He said that those lines have been put into place at least on two different occasions, but the Board can’t stay together to enforce it. He said what is being said in reality, is that it is Salisbury and North’s problem, and we need to deal with it.

Mr. Beard said he wanted to share with the Board why Salisbury is being left out because he doesn’t mind people saying that they don’t understand it, but he does mind when people say Salisbury always gets their way because Salisbury has never gotten their way. Mr. Beard said that there used to be a Salisbury School System, but once it was absorbed into the county, they all but lost their voice. He said that the Board agrees that community is very important. Mr. Beard said the Board has come to agree that keeping the communities together is very important, and it doesn’t matter if that community is Salisbury, Woodleaf, Cleveland or Faith.

Mr. Beard said he is saying this because he has sat on this Board for now his 5 th year. Before that he sat on the redistricting committee, and sat in the Long Street board room into the night for a year and listened to people talk about the excuses regarding Salisbury when it was in the same place

North Rowan is right now, less than 800 students, who couldn’t have one of their students. Mr. Beard said the only thing they could get, and he voted for it and supported it, was the choice zone. He said that a lot of people didn’t think it would work, but choice works.


Mr. Beard said that by the time the bond passed Salisbury was in full use of that choice zone, and by the time it was implemented there were 130 students at Salisbury High. Mr. Beard stated that was the best Salisbury had ever been with it’s ratios. Salisbury was selling their school.

Mr. Beard said in the midst of that, from the time it was implemented and the time that it actually ended, there was a bond referendum. The Rowan County Commissioners came to the Board at that time and asked to be given something in terms of redistricting, so they knew what they were voting for and what they would have when they built three elementary schools, a high school, and the expansions of existing schools. The Board drew comprehensive maps that everyone has seen, and the bond passed 6 to 1. He said that three new members were then elected on the Board along with the 2002 bond passing, and it didn’t take two years before that Board began messing with those maps. He said the first thing that Board did was to move a neighborhood that was North’s neighborhood, but they went to elementary school in Granite Quarry and those neighborhoods were suppose to go then by the bond driven plan to Erwin Middle and East Rowan High School.

Mr. Beard said for some reason that Board, between 2002 and 2004, decided to change that and sent that neighborhood back to North. He said the lines stayed like that when, at another meeting, he and Dr. Emerson got on the Board, and at Southeast Middle School and listened to the Board change things again. He said that if the Board was going to change any kind of redistricting plan, let’s wait until all the pieces are in place, we know the money is, or we know where the seats are, and we know what’s going on so we can change what we do at the end. Mr. Beard said the Board comes to the final deal, it’s 2005, and Dr. Emerson and he come to the meeting where the other five people have gotten together and figured out that since we don’t have capacity issues driving our redistricting, then maybe we don’t need to redistrict. Mr. Beard said all he wanted was to grandfather in so that no student that was currently in any high school, whichever one it was, would be redistrict to another high school with the exception of Carson because the Board had to fill


Mr. Beard stated that in that meeting and came up with a new plan, keeping communities together, great plan. What the Board did was to take the neighborhood that they initially took out of the East district and moved them back to North, and said this will help North; we’ll move these 100 at risk kids to Salisbury. Not one person complained. Mr. Beard said Salisbury didn’t complain. However, it killed Salisbury High’s choice zone. There were 130 kids by choice, but because they got the 100 kids, Mr. Beard continued to say, that the number of at-risk kids have grown remarkably since then.

Mr. Beard noted that no one has complained because they are Salisbury High’s kids. They were sent to that school, and that principal may be the best principal in the state of North Carolina. Mr. Beard said it is about learning, it is not about the football game on Friday night. He said Salisbury High does the best job at educating minority students in our system.

Mr. Beard said another side to that coin, is that it’s not that Salisbury High doesn’t just have to take people from the country club and move them there, they don’t get anybody either. He said North is not the highest at-risk school, Salisbury High I, and they are not in the room whining.

Mrs. Williams said she appreciated Mr. Beard’s sermon, but she took offense to him saying that

Salisbury High was working harder than any school because other schools are getting results. Mr.

Beard said Salisbury is getting it done and he is saying that Salisbury has not fought redistricting in the past when they were involved.

Mr. Beard said the Board is not moving students to the schools where they are needed. Mrs.

Williams said she agreed that to jump on a plan that may not be the best plan before discussing it may be a bigger mistake.


Mrs. Williams noted another thing bothering her is that Mr. Beard said that the redistricting plan would affect no current high school student, but the Board never made that decision. Mr. Beard said that he knows the Board didn’t, but there are two people that don’t even want to redistrict. Mrs.

Williams said that Board members cannot tell the public that it’s not going to affect any high school student when that decision has not been made. Mr. Beard said, “Okay, but I bet you money that we aren’t moving any kid that is in a high school because we don’t need to.”

Ms. Carpenter said that she wanted to address what Mrs. Norman said that she did not want to disrespect the Redistricting Committee. Ms. Carpenter said she felt that was very disrespected. Ms.

Carpenter told Mrs. Norman she could have attended any of the meetings, or viewed all of the maps at any time. Mrs. Norman said she did not mean for her comments to be disrespectful, but did not believe they were given enough information.

Ms. Carpenter said some of the issues that have been raised deal with fairness. In her mind it is inherently unfair for people to say that those courses are at NRHS. She said she has continued to hear that Salisbury is left out. Ms. Carpenter asked where the complaints were when the last plan that passed where Salisbury and North were the only schools affected being moved. Ms. Carpenter asked for someone to tell her what the problems at NRHS are. Except for the fact that they don’t have the opportunities other high schools have.

She said it is time to do something now, not in 2011.

Mrs. Norman said she saw the maps. However, what was new was the plan she had not seen, which was a plan that was not part of the original discussion. Mrs. Norman stated that she had expressed before that a panel was not a good plan.

Mrs. Norman called for the question. (2:5) Motion failed.

**Mrs. Freeze made a motion that the Board, over the next couple of weeks, thoroughly review the maps and come together in a work session in early December to discuss redistricting. Ms. Carpenter seconded.

Dr. Emerson asked if the Board was going to discuss the plans at that meeting. Mrs. Freeze said the

Board would do their homework first. The Board decided to have a work session on Wednesday,

December 16 at 5:00 at Long Street.

Mr. Beard asked for a friendly amendment to Mrs. Freeze’s motion, that there will be first reading at the December 21 meeting with a final decision at the January 2010 meeting. Mrs. Freeze accepted.

Unanimously approved. (7:0)

**Mr. Beard moved that any redistricting plan that the Board put into effect would grandfather all current high schools students. Mrs. Freeze seconded.

Dr. Emerson asked if the students remaining at their current school would have to provide their own transportation. Mr. Beard said, “Yes.” Mrs. Norman said if the Board was going to permit the students to remain at their current school, we should provide them transportation. The Board agreed.

Mrs. Norman clarified that the only students being considered for redistricting would be current 8 th graders.


Dr. Emerson called for the question. Approved. (6:1) Ms. Carpenter opposed.

Initial Discussion on the Development of an Ethics Policy

Dr. Emerson said that all Board members would have to go through ethics training next year, and the

Board would have to have an ethics policy in place by January 2011.

Dr. Grissom said that Ms. Carpenter and she could draft a policy and present it at the January meeting.

Closed Session

Mrs. Williams made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 7:15 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1) Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)

BOE Closed Session Minutes of October 26, 2009

October Personnel Report

Student Transfer Recommendations

The Board took a 5-minute break at 7:15 p.m.

Report of Closed Session

**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Personnel Report at submitted. Mrs. Freeze seconded.

Unanimously approved. (7:0)


11/24 - Early Release Day

11/25 - Annual Leave Day

11/26 & 27 Fall Break

12/21 - BOE Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m.

12/23 - 31 Winter Break (Schools Closed)

12/24, 25 and 1/1 (Offices and Schools Closed)

Please check the 2010 Rowan-Salisbury Master Calendar or our website ( for district events and school programs that are scheduled.


**Mrs. Norman moved to adjourn at 7:43 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved.



Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary

