Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education “Special” Work Session December 16, 2009 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on December 16, 2009 at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Patty Williams, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mrs. Kay Norman, Mr. Beard was absent. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Mr. Gene Miller, Mrs. Delores Morris, Mr. Walter Hart and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Mrs. Norman shared a moment for meditation. Mrs. Kennedy officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Adopt Agenda ** Mrs. Kennedy moved approval of agenda as presented. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Discussion Items Review and discussion of Proposed Redistricting Plans Dr. Emerson asked Mrs. Freeze to take the floor and discuss with the other Board members the results of a meeting she had with Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Williams and Mr. Miller. Mrs. Freeze said that she, Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Kennedy had met with Mr. Miller to look at other options for redistricting. She said that four years ago, South and East had a lot of movement, and that maybe those schools should be left along. Mrs. Freeze said they looked at the following possibilities: To move Morlan Park to NRHS and Westcliff to North Rowan High School (NRHS). She said that West Rowan High School (WRHS) is at 99% capacity. Mrs. Freeze also said something needed to be done for the crowding there. She said they also looked at the 150 corridor up to Rogers Road, and from there towards Salisbury to change to the Salisbury High (SHS) attendance area. Mrs. Williams said she spoke with Mr. Durant, and he said he has some concern about their enrollment. He said it is at its lowest in 10 years, and the school lost 10 more students this week. Moving the number of students in the 150 corridor to SHS would make SHS larger than WRHS. Mrs. Freeze asked Mr. Miller to share the maps and numbers. He distributed the handouts and reviewed the capacity numbers. Mr. Miller said that if the Board wanted to consider what Mrs. Freeze discussed earlier, he had OR/Ed to develop a Study Map #4. He said it shows the Morlan Park area where there are about 90 – 110 students depending on the street that is the stopping off point. Mr. Miller said the 1 intention when developing and showing the new Map 4 was to have the Board discuss this possibility; then he would go back and identify every student with more detailed demographics. Dr. Emerson asked what the Board was shooting for as enrollment at NRHS. Mrs. Carpenter asked when was the last time the students in the above mentioned areas were redistricted. Mrs. Kathy Austin said 2006. Mrs. Carpenter said then there again the Board is looking at moving students who were moved just 4 years ago. Mrs. Freeze asked how many students were on both sides of Neda Road and on both sides of Hwy. 70. Mrs. Austin did not have the information available. Mrs. Carpenter clarified that the minutes in 2006 said that if NRHS’s enrollment dropped below 900, it was to be looked at. She noted that she thought than when OR/Ed was contracted to develop the redistricting proposals that the Board had asked for all of our high schools to be between 80 – 85% enrollment. Dr. Emerson said it seems that the Board is going to have to look again at what OR/Ed had said in moving those students. Mrs. Freeze said then Map 3 was the map to use. Mrs. Norman said that in looking at some other options, she has a concern that whatever is done to create a bubble on one end would be to eliminate it on the other end. She said there is potential of growth in the West area, but the growth is just not there now. Mrs. Williams said if WRHS has dropped to 80% and their enrollment drops to 900, then it is going to be in the same problem as other schools. Dr. Grissom noted that all of our high schools are declining. Mrs. Williams said that Mrs. Norman made an interesting point; with Freightliner closing, people are having to move. Mr. Miller said that all the high schools are going to be declining over the next several years because of loss of jobs and people moving. He said that East Rowan High School (ERHS) declined by 71 students this year. Mr. Miller said even more scary, was that NRHS declined by 40; the middle school declined by 14 and the elementary school declined by 47. Dr. Grissom said that the decline at NRES was a result of school choice. Mr. Beard joined the meeting at 5:38 p.m. Mrs. Carpenter noted another map that involved change in attendance lines of all the high schools, and that had a floor of 83% and a cap of 86% enrollment. The Board reviewed that map. Dr. Emerson asked what adjusting could be done to that particular map. Mr. Miller said that WRHS would definitely drop in high school athletic affiliation with the numbers projected on that map. Ms. Carpenter said she thought this process was going to be data driven and that OR/Ed was working with the parameters that the board gave them. If the Board is going to change all the maps, the lines will be everywhere. Mr. Beard said that the parameters might be too invasive if the maps are trying to keep enrollment between 80 – 85%. He said maybe the board should use 75-95% enrollment, as long as the Board gets NRHS at least to 75% now. Mr. Beard said the Board is trying to address one problem, and that is NRHS’s low attendance. Dr. Grissom said the one thing that OR/Ed could not factor in was the Early College. She asked the Board to think in terms of approximately 30 less students in each school because there are about 200 students that will be going to the Early College. 2 Dr. Emerson suggested to move the Morlan Park area to NRHS next year, and then see what else will need to be moved in the future. Ms. Carpenter said she doesn’t understand why people are afraid to move students from other areas. While the movement of the Morlan Park area to NRHS might address a short term need for NRHS, it does not address the capacity issues for the system, which is what she thought the Board was trying to do. Ms. Carpenter said if the plan is to move the students from Morlan Park area, then the Board should consider the plan Mrs. Freeze talked about at the beginning of the meeting. Dr. Emerson stated that Ms. Carpenter’s suggestion was one proposal, and his was to move only the Morlan Park area. Mrs. Freeze said she would like to look closer at that area to see how many students it would take. However, the area down Majolica Road was another place to look. Mr. Miller said the Morlan Park area would be 89 students. He said the area south of Westcliff would encompass four different roads, and that would be about 49 students from that area. Mrs. Freeze left the meeting at 6:13 p.m. Dr. Emerson left the meeting at 6:14 p.m. Mrs. Freeze returned at 6:14 p.m. Dr. Emerson returned at 6:15 p.m. **Ms. Carpenter moved for a proposal based somewhat on Study Map 4 - to move Morlan Park the NRHS (89 students) to move Westcliff to NRHS (49 students); 150 corridor drawn to Rogers Road to SHS; and the old Country Club area going to NRHS. Look at that map of that area to determine the street names – Mocksville Ave., down Confederate, around City Lake up to Henderson School. Dr. Emerson said that Country Club Hills would not go. He said that would make more sense. Mrs. Freeze asked for the number of students that are on the South side of 70 – Hendrix Estates and Neda Drive. Dr. Emerson said this is a proposal and Mr. Miller is going to have to look at the numbers to see what the impact is going to be. Mrs. Norman said she didn’t know if a vote could be made without those numbers. Dr. Emerson said good point. Ms. Carpenter made a motion that based somewhat on Study Map 4, moving the Morlan Park area to NRHS (89 students); move the Westcliff area to NRHS (49 students); 150 corridor down to Rogers Road to SHS; and the old Country Club area to NRHS. Dr. Emerson seconded. Mrs. Freeze said that when she mentioned Morlan Park she thought they could look at going further down toward Granite Quarry to pick up students from ERHS to NRHS. Ms. Carpenter said that based on the number the Board has now, this is a good start. Once the numbers are looked at, then we could look at extending it. Mrs. Williams asked Mr. Miller to look at the socio-economic climate is in the area being considered because she feels having those numbers is important. Mr. Miller said that information will have to be gathered. 3 Dr. Emerson asked if the numbers could be given to the Board in time to have a public hearing on January 11. Mrs. Freeze called for the question. Approved (6:1) Mrs. Norman opposed. The Board set a public hearing to be held on Jan. 11 at 5:00 in conjunction with their work session. Dr. Emerson said there would be only one public hearing for the first 30 people who sign up the night of January 11. He said the meeting will be at Knox Middle. Dr. Grissom asked when the Board wanted the numbers in order to be ready for this meeting. The Board requested that the numbers be given to them on Monday, Dec. 21. Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 6:42 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)], and to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law. [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1)]. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) The Board took a five-minute break. Report of Closed Session Mrs. Kennedy moved to accept the superintendent’s recommendations of Mrs. Kristi Dye-Rohne for the principal of Erwin Middle and Mrs. Shandra Hughes McFarlin for the principal of Hanford Dole Elementary. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. 7:0 Announcements 12/23 - 1/4 Winter Break/Christmas and New Year Holidays 1/11 BOE Work Session Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m. 1/18 HOLIDAY/ Schools and Offices Closed 1/21 & 22 Teacher Workdays 1/25 BOE Meeting/Long St./5:00 p.m. Please check the 2010 Rowan-Salisbury Master Calendar or our website ( for district events and school programs that are scheduled. Adjournment ** Ms. Carpenter moved to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 4