Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting April 26, 2010 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on April 26, 2010 at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Dr. Jim Emerson, Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Patty Williams, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Ms. Karen Carpenter, and Mr. Bryce Beard. Mrs. Kay Norman was absent due to surgery. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Rebecca Smith, Mr. Walter Hart, Mr. Gene Miller, Mrs. Delores Morris, and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Ms. Carpenter officiated the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Kennedy shared a moment for meditation. Adopt Agenda **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of agenda as submitted. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Celebrations RSS employees may be nominated to receive the “Customer Service Award,” which recognizes employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees nominated and being honored for the month of April are: 1. 2. 3. 4. James Davis – Principal at China Grove Middle School Jini Blythe – Bus Driver for China Grove Middle & Carson High schools Evette Stiller – 2nd Position Secretary at WRMS Anita Shepherd – Insurance, Finance Department SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS: RSS Administrators and Staff at Horizons received the “2010 BioAchievement in Education Award” – presented by the NC Biotechnology Center, NC BioConnect, and Discovery Place for initiatives that focus on biotechnology and life science education and workforce development in the Greater Charlotte Region. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lisa Wear, Director of Horizons Unlimited Anne Ellis, Science Specialist, Horizons Unlimited Dr. Becky Smith, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum Dr. Judy Grissom, Superintendent 1 State Reflection Winners (NC State PTA): 1. Baron Wright, from Faith Elementary, won 1st place in the NC State Reflections Competition. Baron now moves on to the Nationals. Baron is a pianist and won the "Music Composition" award at the local level. 2. Luke Miller, from North Rowan Middle, won 2nd place in "Photography" 3. Hayden Melchor, from Woodleaf Elementary, won 3rd place in "Film Production" RSS students received recognition at the NC Science and Engineering Fair. The fair was held at Meredith College on March 27th Elementary: Daniel Engwall, from Overton Elementary Young, won the Naturalist Award Senior: Joshua Price, from North Rowan High School, won the Sr. Technology and Engineering award, honorable mention, and American Meteorological Society Award West Rowan High School students have received awards presented by the “NC Masonry State Title” at an event held recently in Greensboro. The students are: o Skills USA State Masonry Competition John Jancic was named the state winner Justin Allison placed third Mike Tansey placed fifth • **WRHS had three students place in the top five in NC!!! • **John Jancic will represent NC in the National Competition in June. o State Masonry Poster Board Competition Johanna Tansey and Amanda Matlock placed third • The poster board was in memory Marc Payette • West Rowan High School FFA Marketing Team is the NC FFA Association State WINNING Marketing Plan Team, presented by the NC FFA Association. Team members are: Taylor Parker Lidia Villatoro Mack Kennedy Jason Chester, Advisor • **This team will now compete in the National Event in October • Jesse Carson High School students placed 2nd in the NC FFA Farm Business Management Competition. Students were responsible for knowing how to analyze enterprise budgets, net worth statements, time value of money, depreciation, and basically anything that deals with economics. o Senior team members: Nathan Compton 2 o Cori Charles Lianna Michaels Kathryn Long Junior Team members: Jan Sitterton Aaron Funderburke Jared Books Heather Pierce Communication to the Board Mr. Robert Boone – Citizen. Mr. Boone spoke about race relations dating back to 1946 in Anson County. He feels there needs to be more long hand writing instead of pushing buttons on a computer. Mr. Jon Barber – 335 Umberger Road, Mt. Ulla – Mr. Barber addressed the Board as a citizen, as a teacher and as a elected official (county commissioner) who cares about the education system. Mr. Barber said that these economic times demand that we continue to have one of the best educational systems in the nation. He said he is looking forward to the two boards coming together to discuss the school system’s current expense budget request. Mrs. Patricia Hedenskog – PTA President at GQES and parent. Mrs. Hedenskog said she was concerned about GQES being a school with sanctions, which needs to maintain good teachers. She said they would like to keep the teachers they have because they are making a difference at GQES. Hannah Smith – a student 4th grade AIG student at Granite Quarry. Hannah said that they have had four different teachers over the past three years in her AIG class. She spoke in support of her teacher, Ms. Mize. Megan Guzman – a 4th grade student at Granite Quarry Elementary School. Megan spoke in support of her AIG teacher, Ms. Mize. David Silverstrong – Parent. Mr. Silverstong spoke on behalf of the parents of AIG students and the students of Granite Quarry Elementary School. He discussed the possible loss of Ms. Amber Mize. He noted that before Ms. Mize came to GQES, the AIG class had not consistent instruction because of the change of teachers over the past several years. Ms. Keisha Dixon – signed up, but was not present at time she was called. Superintendent and Board Comments Dr. Emerson noted that he received the petition from the teachers of Granite Quarry. Mr. Beard said that the issue is not that the Board does not want to make sure our students get what they need. He said that what needs to be done is to get our county commissioners to step up. He said they hold the purse strings and it’s in their hands. Mr. Beard asked the teachers to vote for people who support our school system. 3 Consideration of the Consent Agenda Quarterly Purchasing Report March 2010 Budget Amendments March 2010 Financial Summary BOE Minutes of 3/22/2010 Field Trip Request/Corriher-Lipe Middle Dr. Emerson made the request to exclude the Corriher-Lipe Middle School field trip, so that it could be considered separate from the Consent Agenda. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of item number 5, Corriher-Lipe Field Trip Request. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Dr. Emerson asked Dr. Pugh and Mrs. Wooten when the field trip was to take place. Mrs. Wooten said the group would leave on Wednesday, April 18. Dr. Emerson asked how many faculty members would be going. Ms. Wooten said four teachers. She said they have always been asked to take school staff as chaperones because they know school policies and the students. Dr. Emerson said his concern was that four teachers would be out of the classroom for that amount of time. Mrs. Freeze asked Mrs. Wooten if it would be possible for one female and one male faculty member along with other adults from outside the school to chaperone. Ms. Wooten said that could be considered. Dr. Emerson asked Ms. Wooten to take the request back to reconsider not taking four classroom teachers. Ms. Wooten said that Ms. King and Mr. Rary are going because they were musicians all through their high school years, and she felt that they could help the students as they are on this trip. Mrs. Kennedy said she understands that the students will be able to work with teachers who could help mentor them. Mrs. Wooten noted that Mr. Rary teaches in his social studies class about the United Nations and was excited that they would be touring the United Nations during this trip. Ms. Wooten is to bring it back a revised request to the Board at a later date. Discussion Items Rowan County Early College Update Mrs. Misenheimer distributed a document and began to discuss the end of course testing. She said that being able to count the re-testing helped their students a lot. She said that the Early College teaches problem-based learning and are proud of what the kids are able to do. Mrs. Misenheimer said that the college passage rate has increased. She said all freshman are enrolled in a humanities class, and that sophomores are enrolled in three college classes on average. Mrs. Misenheimer noted that they have spent $35,000.00 on college textbooks so far this year. Community colleges are very entrenched in textbooks. She reviewed the summary for the Board. 4 Mrs. Misenheimer advised that there was a check list of what high school classes the students have taken, parent survey results, and letters from sophomores, and their experiences. Mrs. Misenheimer introduced Victoria Fowler, a student at the Early College. According to Mrs. Misenheimer, Victoria is a success story. Victoria said when she first began Early College she really didn’t like it, but the teachers show the students how to express themselves in a different way. She said her attitude changed, and she became more mature. Victoria said the teachers push, but help you through your class. The students are told to work ahead instead of working behind. She said she just woke up one morning and said she was going to make something of her life. 2010-2013 AIG Plan Mrs. Kelly Feimster and Mrs. Gina Durham, the new AIG lead teacher addressed the Board. Mrs. Feimster stated that every three years the state requires that a new plan be written. She said this year a committee comprised of teachers, students, parents and a board member were asked to address six standards and 12 sub standards. Ms. Durham reviewed the plan they have developed. Dr. Emerson asked if they were coming up with ways to get more kids in the AIG program, and how that would be approached. He said that some of the complaints that he is getting is that the AIG program has been watered down. Ms. Durham said she believes that is where the nurturing in K-3 would come be beneficial. Ms. Feimster said that the curriculum and communication piece was heard by many parents, and will addressed will be addressed at transition meetings. Ms. Durham said there will be videos for students to transition from elementary to middle and middle to high school. She said they were working with Wake Forest to elevate the nurturing piece. Ms. Durham said there would be more collaboration and communication with the community. **Mr. Beard moved to approve the AIG Plan as submitted, and that it be forwarded to Raleigh. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Agri-Business and Ag Summer Camp Dr. Jamie Durant distributed information outlining the objectives of the pilot course, Agri-Business. He said that 11 schools in North Carolina are piloting the course. Dr. Durant said that if the course is successful this year, they will make it available for test course next year, and the following year the course will be available for all high schools. Mr. Jason Chester distributed a summary of objectives for the Agri-Business course. He said what really ties this together is that it will take what the students learn in the agriculture class and apply it to the financial side of the agriculture business. Mr. Chester said in Rowan and surrounding counties in 2008, there are $290 million dollars in cash receipts for all agriculture commodities. Mr. Clark Adams said they would like to have 10 – 15 students for the initial enrolment. Mrs. McDuffie stated that the start up is $400 per student. This course could help some students who already are running their business. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of Agri-Business course at West Rowan as a pilot program. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) 5 Mrs. McDuffie and Dr. Durant requested that the Board consider allowing West Rowan High School to hold a four-day Ag Summer Camp. Mrs. McDuffie said that they already have an Agri-Science academy that is helping with freshman transition. However, they have found that an opportunity to advertise the Agri-Science course at the school and for students to know about it before they come to WRHS helps to get the students interested in the course. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of the WRHS Agri-Science summer camp. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Advisory/Advisee Academic Credit for West and North Dr. Durant discussed his mentoring program at West that takes place during a 25 minute period each day. He said it is grade specific. Dr. Durant stated that this mentor/mentee program creates a strong bond between teachers and students. He noted that the teachers do not necessarily teach these students, but have them for 25 minutes a day where the student focus on character traits, and have a book study. Dr. Durant said this has become a program where the students have an adult advocate on campus. Dr. Emerson asked how it was going over with his teachers. Dr. Durant said some teachers are not as strong, but no one has said they want to eliminate it. Dr. Durant said that Juniors and Seniors use a couple days during the week to work and get help with their graduation project. He said this had helped some teachers because the mentors serve as advisors for the project. Mr. Darrell McDowell, principal at North Rowan High School, said he would like to offer credit for the advisor/advisee time at his school. He said that this year they have processed much of the resources provided through Larry Bell, which is helping with practice for the EOC’s. Mr. McDowell said North’s needs are a little different from West in some ways. However, the program gives their students more confidence in their approach to their levels of success. Mr. McDowell said he is more comfortable to move forward and expand. He said he would like to have enrichment beyond the core areas. The Board reviewed a brochure that had been developed to explain what the program is about. Mr. McDowell and Dr. Durant said they want half credit per year so that at the end of their senior year, students have 2 credits. **Mr. Beard moved approval to adopt a plan to give half credit per year for the advisor-advisee time beginning with the 2009-2010 school year. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Revisions to the 2010-2011 Code of Conduct Dr. Hart and Mr. Tim Smith reviewed the revisions/additions for the 2010-2011 COC. Mr. Smith said most of the changes were because of legislative changes. Also, some changes were made due to Board of Education policy changes throughout this year. Dr. Hart noted that school choice guidelines will be added. **Mrs. Freeze moved to accept the 2010-2011 Code of Conduct on first reading. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) 6 Parent Survey Ms. Rita Foil addressed the Board regarding the Parent Survey. She said that the survey will be done electronically this year. Ms. Foil said parents will be receiving a card around May 17 with instructions on how to take the online survey, and that parents without computers or those that lack computer knowledge will have access to use a computer at the schools or three of the libraries where someone will be available assist them. Ms. Foil stated that the ESOL Teacher Center will also be available for our Hispanic community. Ms. Foil asked the Board members to offer any changes or additions to the questionnaire by Thursday of this week because the survey will be online for two weeks. 2009-2010 Financial Audit Contract Mrs. Trexler asked the Board to accept the contract extended to the system from Dixon Hughes. She noted there is a fee reduction for their service this year. Mrs. Trexler said Dixon Hughes is still the firm with the most contracts of school systems across the state. **Mr. Beard moved to accept the contract for the audit in the amount of $38,000 to Dixon Hughes. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Budget Update Mrs. Trexler shared that the superintendent’s team spent a great deal of time on the budget over the past several weeks. She reviewed a document of figures that indicated the areas that would be affected and by how much according to the proposed state budget cuts. Mrs. Trexler said that in the Governor’s proposal there are many line item cuts that were not in the legislative budget. She reviewed the highlighted reductions. Mrs. Trexler said that with the Governor’s proposal, the system would be looking at a $3.3 million already cut. She said that historically the Governor’s budget is the most education friendly budget. Mrs. Trexler also shared a document that gave a snapshot of where our central office staff assignments are. Ms. Carpenter thanked Mrs. Trexler because the Board hears a lot about the central office personnel, and it is important for people to see that there are not a lot of people in these positions. Dr. Grissom said the system could close the whole central office and still not meet the cuts. Ms. Carpenter said it is certain that there is a need to have enough people available to respond to the needs of our personnel. If RSSS were funded at state average at $3.3 million, Ms. Trexler said the system would break even. Dr. Grissom said the legislators are looking at July 1 to make a decision. Ms. Carpenter said it is really important for people in this county to know who supports the school system and to vote for those candidates that support education. She said everyone should really look at the candidate’s track records. 7 The Board took a five-minute recess at 7:14 p.m. New Substitute Requirements Mrs. Morris reviewed the new requirements for substitute teachers. She said they want to increase the requirements because right now all a person needs is a high school diploma. Mrs. Morris said the personnel committee has approved the changes. Mrs. Morris advised that everyone that is a substitute right now will be grandfathered, but anyone who applies after July 1 will have to hold a degree of two years or higher. BOE Policy 7-14.6/ Non-renewal of an Employee Mrs. Morris said that this policy is being amended as a result of the legislative change that teachers are to be notified by May 15 if their contract was not going to be renewed. She asked that it be approved on first reading because the Board will not meet again before the time constraints are met. **Mr. Beard moved to approve on first reading Policy 7-14.6, Non-renewal of an Employee with the non-renewal amendments as outlined by Mrs. Morris. Ms. Carpenter seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) BOE Policy 7-20/ Criminal Review Revision Mrs. Morris stated that the Personnel Committee had approved the amendments made to this policy. She noted that the previous policy stated that an employee was to advise the Human Resources Department within 5 calendar days of a being charged with or convicted of a crime. The language has been amended to read, “immediately or nor more than five (5) calendar days.” **Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the first reading of Policy 7-20, Criminal Record Review. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) BOE Policy and Regulation Revisions Mrs. Morris said she has spoken to attorneys and reviewed other school systems regarding their technology policies as they relate to Use of Technology and Web Page Development. She noted again that the Personnel Committee had approved these changes made to each of the policies. **Mrs. Kennedy moved approval of the first reading of Policy 6-24, Technology in the Educational Program, Policy 6-25, Technology Acceptable Use, and Policy 6-25B, Web Page Development. Ms. Carpenter seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) BOE Policy 6-27/ Use of Wireless Communications Devices – 1st Reading Mrs. Delores Morris asked that the Board read thoroughly because this policy was a new policy being brought to the Board for adoption. **Ms. Carpenter moved approval of first reading Policy 6-27, Use of Wireless Communication Devices. Ms. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) 8 Closed Session Mr. Beard made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 7:46 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1). Ms. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) March 22, 2010 Work Session Minutes March Personnel Report Student Transfer Request The Board took a five-minute break. Report of Closed Session **Mrs. Freeze moved to approve the April Personnel Report, Career Contracts and assistant principal contract extensions. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Dr. Emerson advised the Board that Dr. Grissom’s evaluation would need to be conducted before the next Board meeting. He suggested that he and Mrs. Kennedy meet with Dr. Grissom to talk with her and review the artifacts she has had to compile for her evaluation. Dr. Emerson asked if the Board could meet at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, May 3, at Ellis Street. The Board agreed on the date and time. Announcements 5/12 - BOE Curriculum Sub-committee Mtg./Long Street/2:00 p.m. 5/24 - BOE Meeting/ Long Street/ 5:00 p.m. 5/31 - Memorial Day Holiday/ Schools & Offices Closed 6/3 - BOE Finance Sub-committee Mtg./Long Street/3:00 p.m. 6/7 - BOE Meeting/Long Street/5:00 p.m. NOTE: NO Personnel or Building & Grounds Sub-committee Mtgs. in May Please check the 2010 Rowan-Salisbury Master Calendar or our website ( for district events and school programs that are scheduled. Adjournment **Mrs. Kennedy moved to adjourn at 8:47 p.m. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (6:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 9