The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on August 25, 2008 at the Long Street Administrative
Office with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jim Emerson, Vice-Chairperson Mrs. W. Jean
Kennedy, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mrs. Patty Williams, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mr. Bryce Beard and Mrs. Kay
Norman. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Becky Smith, Mr. Gene Miller, Dr. Walter Hart, Mrs.
Delores Morris, attorney Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Meditation / Roll Call
Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Williams officiated the Pledge of Allegiance and Ms. Carpenter shared a meditation.
Adopt Agenda
** Mrs. Freeze moved to adopt the agenda as printed. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved
Closed Session
Mrs. Freeze made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 5:06 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen.
Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1)] and to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body. [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(3)]. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
August Personnel Report
BOE Minutes of June 30, July 16, July 30 and August 11, 2008
Student transfer recommendations
Unsatisfactory grounds design
The board reconvened to open session at 6:09 p.m.
Report of Closed Session
No report
Congratulations to the following students and staff of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the following accomplishments:
Bostian Elementary School is an NCCAT (North Carolina Center for the Advancement of
Teaching) “Golden Apple School for 2007-2008.” To receive this recognition, all the teachers at Bostian who have attended an NCCAT seminar or Teacher Scholar residency donated to the
NCCAT Annual Fund. One-hundred percent participation is exemplary. Julia Caudle serves as the school chair and is to be commended along with her colleagues: o Christine Barringer o Wendy DiStefano o Joan Godwin o Kellie Haff o Kathryn Jacobs o Terry Sippel
School Food Service has received recognition through the Star Awards Program sponsored by David Murdock. Star Awards recognize schools and businesses across our state that promote healthy eating and consumption of fruits and vegetables. SFS employee Amy Hendrick submitted the application for this award and highlighted The Rainbow Groove program, which was performed at every elementary school in our system during the previous school year. The
Rainbow Groove program will make a return performance beginning in October of this school year. Participants are: o Libby Post, Director o Amy Hendrick o Angie Gegorek o Lisa Aultmann o Angela Lambert
Several RSS Teacher Assistants are to be recognized for completing the requirements for certification through NCATA (North Carolina Association of Teacher Assistants) Professional
Development Plan. Those teacher assistants and there certificate type are as follows: o Shive Elementary - Louann Shive – Baccalaureate o Shive - Kathy Goodwin – Advanced o China Grove Elementary - Kathy Beck – Intermediate o China Grove Elementary - Kay Efird – Advanced o China Grove Elementary - Judy Higgins – Advanced o China Grove Elementary - Brenda Kiser – Instructional Associate/Level III o Enochville Elementary - Shirley Hooper – Advanced o Enochville Elementary - Marilyn Spinicci – Advanced
Young Authors is a program locally sponsored by the Greater Rowan Reading Association that is an arm of the NC Reading Association and is the state chapter of the International Reading Association
(IRA). The main focus for the local chapter is to sponsor the Young Author competition. Over 25o entries were received from which 20 winners were selected to go on to the state competition. Our district was fortunate to have the following nine (9) state winners: o Carolina Comer – Bostian Elementary o Alex Allen – Bostian Elementary o Addie Gantt – Faith Elementary o Courtney Beaver – Hanford Dole Elementary o Abigail Hockett – Isenberg Elementary o Cameron Wilson – Bostian o Madeline Labovitz - Knox Middle o Joseph Mowery - Knox Middle o Teacher Anne Goodman – Landis Elementary (They have a category for teachers called Forever Young !)
Superintendent/Board Comments
Dr. Grissom said that she and her assistant superintendents were at every school for the opening day of school, and she felt that everything went well. She said it was a good opening.
Dr. Grissom recognized Mrs. Morris to report on position vacancies in the system. Mrs. Morris said there were only 7 vacancies, and of that number only one certified vacancy in science. She said she feels that this says a lot for the principals and her department because they all have worked very hard to fill positions. Dr. Emerson congratulated the staff for their hard work.
Communications to the Board
Mr. Mark Alley – a graduate of North Rowan High School, and member of the Board of Directors of the
NRHS Alumni Association, spoke about the events being planned for the 50 th anniversary of North Rowan
High School. He said they have obtained a 501(c) 3 status that will allow them to give scholarships to students. Mr. Alley said many events have been planned this year at the school in honor of their 50 th anniversary, and extended an invitation to the Board.
Mr. Ernie Price – same as above.
Dr. Ada Fisher – citizen and past school board member. She said had she sent a letter to the superintendent and board members regarding an alternative education program. She said that many things that she has noticed does not deal with the drop outs that the school system has. Dr. Fisher said that she feels the system should buy back the Dunbar Center to use as an alternative school. She said she also feels that alternative education should be looked at for 1 st through 12 th grade.
Consideration of the Consent Agenda
Financial Summary for July 2008
Quarterly Purchasing Report
BOE Minutes of June 30, July 16, July 30 and August 11, 2008
Field Trips: Erwin Middle (2); Corriher-Lipe Middle, Salisbury High and Mt. Ulla Elementary
Mrs. Kennedy asked to have the field trips excluded from the consent agenda in order to review and vote on them separately.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the exclusion of field trips. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Kennedy raised the question of what is being done by way of scholarships to help students that are not able to pay the fee to participate in the field trip.
Dr. Grissom said she could ask the principals to address the board at the next meeting, but that the schools usually have fundraisers to help defray the cost. The board agreed to have Mr. Whitaker to respond to the Erwin trips at a special meeting of the Board via phone conference.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Mt. Ulla and the SHS field trip requests. Mrs. Kennedy seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
The other three trips, Erwin Middle (2) and Corriher-Lipe, were held for further information.
Discussion Items
West Rowan High School – 2009 Graduation Exercises
Mr. Durant requested that WRHS be allowed to have graduation exercises in the school’s stadium. He said that during his first year as principal, his number one complaint from parents was that they did not have enough tickets for their family to attend their child’s graduation held at Keppel Auditorium.
Mr. Durant said he would have alternative plans to use the gym in case of rain, and security would be provided much like a Friday night football game, with cost picked up by the high school director’s department.
Dr. Emerson asked Dr. Grissom if this would impact our contract with Catawba? Dr. Grissom said, “No.”
Mrs. Norman said she remembered having more angry parents when it did rain and the alternative plan was used. Mr. Durant said that with an estimated graduating class of 300, he could only provide 5 tickets to each student by having the ceremonies at Catawba. He said the gym and auditorium would hold between 1500 and 1700.
**Mr. Beard moved to accept Mr. Durant’s request to have graduation exercises at WRHS as he has outlined. Mrs. Williams seconded. (6:1) Mrs. Freeze opposed.
Review of Safe Schools Grant
Dr. Hart reviewed the grant criteria and status. He said the federal grant totals $6 million dollars disbursed over the next four years. He said that the system will be able to hire 17 new positions. Dr.
Hart said the grant had five elements, which were Safe and School Environments and Violence
Prevention Activities; Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention Activities; Student Behavioral, Social, and Emotional Supports; Mental Health Services, and Early Childhood Social and Emotional Learning
Programs. He said there was also a parent component that will be addressed.
Rowan County Early College Checking Account Request
Mrs. Trexler presented the request of the Early College’s checking account. She said that she has checked with the auditors to make sure the selection of financial institutions is not so cumbersome. Mrs.
Trexler explained to the Board that she would like to later bring a list of the banks used by the system for them to approve so that schools could pick from that list.
**Mrs. Norman moved to accept the request of Rowan Early College to use First Bank for their checking account. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Commissioner’s Supply Funding Resolution
Mrs. Trexler presented the resolution, and explained the details of the funds received by commissioners and how it is expended. She said the system will be the pass through agency to get the monies to our teachers.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Commissioner Supply Funds Resolution. Mr. Beard seconded.
Unanimously approved. (6:1)
2008-2009 Budget Resolution
Mrs. Trexler distributed the packet of budget information along with the Budget Resolution. She reviewed the balance projections, current expense revenue, state allotment comparison, the PRC budget for current expense, State and Federal Funds, and Capital Outlay figures.
Mrs. Trexler said the budget committee would like to recommend that the 2008-2009 be approved.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the 2008-2009 Budget Resolution as submitted. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Capital Outlay Needs List 2008-2009, and Mobile Unit Report
Mr. Miller reviewed the capital needs. He recommended the document as a revised list to be used in
2008-2009 if funds were obtained to accomplish the projects.
Mr. Miller also gave an update to the Board of where the mobile units are being used.
Curriculum Focus
Dr. Smith shared the curriculum focus for the 2008-2009 school year. She distributed a document that listed what areas would be the monthly curriculum focus. She explained that the curriculum department had compiled materials for principals and teachers to use during the year to help plan their teaching strategies.
Cooperative Agreement with YMCA
Dr. Hart recognized Jamie Morgan and Amanda Hesse with the YMCA. He reviewed the agreement that will take the place of the individual school agreements. Ms. Hesse said the YMCA is also going to do a fitness program at Shive, Overton and Millbridge this school year with second graders. Dr. Hart said the agreement addresses facilities use, programs and insurance and liability issues.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement between RSSS and YMCA. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Athletic Eligibility Committee
Dr. Hart said one of the major concerns that relates to high school sports not only in this county, but also in the state, is students moving from school to school to play sports.
Dr. Hart stated that a number of measures have begun to address the issue in our school system. He said if parents are proven to falsify the information on a completed domicile form, the athletic department and school can be fined. He said home visits have been made this year to see if students are living where they say they are.
Dr. Hart said that a task force is going to be put together in the fall to address this issue, and the
NCHSAA has agreed to help with this endeavor. Dr. Emerson said he would reinforce what Dr. Hart says.
Mrs. Norman and Mrs. Williams said they would help on the task force.
HOLIDAY (Schools and Offices Closed)
9/11 Building & Grounds Sub-Committee
9/11 Personnel
Ellis Street
3:00 p.m.
Elem./Albemarle p.m. p.m. p.m.
** Mrs. Norman moved to adjourn at 7:49p.m. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary