Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting September 22, 2008

Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education
September 22, 2008
The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on September 22, 2008 at the Long Street Administrative
Office with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jim Emerson, Vice-Chairperson Mrs. W. Jean
Kennedy, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mrs. Patty Williams, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mr. Bryce Beard and Mrs. Kay
Norman. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Becky Smith, Mr. Gene Miller, Dr. Walter Hart, Mrs.
Delores Morris, attorney Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board.
Call to Order / Roll Call
Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Dr. Emerson advised that the Pledge of Allegiance
and moment for meditation would be held before the Open Session.
Adopt Agenda
** Ms. Carpenter moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously
approved (7:0).
Closed Session
Ms. Carpenter made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 5:02 p.m. to consider personnel action
that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC
Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)] and to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential
pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1)]. Mrs. Williams seconded. Unanimously
approved. (7:0)
September Personnel Report
BOE Minutes of August 25 and September 8, 2008
Student transfer recommendations
The board reconvened to open session at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance / Meditation /
Dr. Emerson paid tribute to Ms. Marilyn Webb, a teacher from Southeast Middle School who died in an
automobile accident on Friday, September 19. Mrs. Freeze officiated the Pledge of Allegiance and Mrs.
Norman shared a meditation.
Report of Closed Session
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve September Personnel Report at submitted. Mrs. Norman seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
**Mrs. Carpenter moved to accept and approve the recommendation of Mrs. Carol Ann Houpe for the
position of Safe Schools/Healthy Schools Coordinator. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved.
Congratulations to the following students and staff of the Rowan-Salisbury School System for the
following accomplishments:
1st Sergeant Clendenin, from South Rowan High School, has been chosen the “NC Enlisted JROTC
Instructor of the Year.”
LTC Hafer, from South Rowan High School, has been chosen as the runner-up for the “Officer
Instructor of the Year.
Both of these JROTC officers competed with all JROTC instructors from all branches of service in North
Carolina for this recognition.
Hanford Dole and North Rowan Elementary schools were again selected to be recipients of the
USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program for SY 2008-2009. This grant-funded program is for
approximately $45,000 per year. This is North Rowan Elementary’s 5th year of the five-year grant.
Dwayne Fink, from Jesse Carson High School, was selected as the Rowan-Salisbury School
System’s “Outstanding Secondary School Mathematics Teacher” for grades 6-12, sponsored by the
NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Upon receiving this special recognition and honor, Dwayne will receive:
1. One year's membership in the NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCCTM)
2. A personalized award
3. Recognition at the State Conference in Greensboro
4. Recognition in the Fall 2008 issue of the NCCTM journal and on the NCCTM's website
Clark Adams and Jason Chester, from West Rowan High School, have received the "North Carolina
Agriculture Teachers Association Outstanding Agriculture Education Program" award. This award
recognizes programs for work in all three areas of Agriculture Education: Classroom Instruction,
FFA, and Supervised Agriculture Experience.
Tim Smith has received the Joyce Bradley Educational Development Award from Nazareth
Children’s Home.
Congratulations to the following 14 schools in the RSS district for meeting expected or high growth
performance for ABCs:
1. Henderson Independent High
2. Erwin Middle
3. China Grove Middle
4. Cleveland Elementary
5. Corriher-Lipe Middle
6. East Rowan High
7. Hurley Elementary
8. Carson High
9. Mount Ulla Elementary
High Growth
High Growth
High Growth
High Growth
High Growth
High Growth
High Growth
Expected Growth
High Growth
10. North Rowan
11. North Rowan Middle
12. North Rowan Elementary
13. Southeast Middle
14. West Rowan Middle
15. Woodleaf Elementary
Expected Growth
High Growth
High Growth
Expected Growth
High Growth
High Growth
(** Please Note: The remaining 13 schools receiving ABCs growth performance will be recognized at the
October School Board meeting. A total of 28 schools in our district received ABC growth performance
Superintendent/Board Comments
Dr. Grissom shared a memo she received from the State Department that Governor Easley has sent a
letter out to all State agencies regarding the reduction of funds for all agency budgets. She said the
letter states that Governor Easley is reducing all agency budgets by 2%. Dr. Grissom stated that the
Department of Public Instruction (DPI) indicated that at this time the school systems did not need to
implement any reductions, but that we needed to be aware that reductions may happen. She said DPI
has asked all school systems to be careful in some areas such as transportation. Dr. Grissom agreed this
was a difficult time.
Mrs. Williams commented on the tragic news of the death of Ms. Marilyn Webb from Southeast Middle
School last week. She said she received many calls of how Dr. Grissom and her staff were so supportive
and comforting, and what a tremendous job they did during this difficult day. Mrs. Williams said she
wanted to publicly acknowledge the work of Dr. Grissom and her staff for the way they supported the
teachers and students at Southeast on that Friday.
Communications to the Board
Mr. Eric Lentz relinquished his three minutes to Mrs. Krista Monroe. Dr. Emerson allowed it.
Mrs. Krista Monroe, a parent, said she was addressing the Board to hold them accountable for the dire
situation that NRHS was in. She said that the Board lacked the backbone to make the necessary
changes to increase enrollment at NRHS. Mrs. Monroe continued to say that NRHS is too small. She
said the students would not have the same opportunities as the other high school students. She asked
the Board to expand the school boundaries, and to send students to the schools they are supposed to
attend. She said the process should begin immediately.
Mr. Ernie Price, a parent of students at NRMS and NRHS, said the Board is supposed to have the love of
students in this county, and do what is right. He asked the Board what they would do when it comes
down to redistricting?
Mrs. Louise Wooten thanked the Board for their time. She said that Education Express opened on
September 2, and it is stocked with supplies donated by area business, churches and individuals. Mrs.
Wooten said teachers can shop twice a year to get supplies free of charge for their classrooms. She
shared a letter received from one of the teachers, who is new to the system. She invited the Board to a
ribbon cutting on Monday, September 29 at 4:00 p.m. at ERHS.
She shared the date for the 2nd annual education summit.
Consideration of the Consent Agenda
Financial Summary for August 2008
August Budget Amendments
BOE Minutes of August 25, August 29 and September 8, 2008.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mrs. Williams seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Discussion Items
Field Trip Requests
Dr. Emerson noted the field trips to be considered. Dr. Grissom stated the principals from each school
were present, if the Board had any questions.
Ms. Carpenter said she continued to be concerned about the costs of some of the field trips, particularly
at the middle school level. She noted that high school students can elect to take a class, but in middle
school the students have to take the required classes. Ms. Carpenter said she was referring to the
Corriher-Lipe Middle School trip to Washington, DC, which she agrees is a wonderful trip to Washington.
However, the cost of $450 - $550 was difficult to come up with for a lot of parents.
Dr. Emerson asked Dr. Pugh to expand on the trip. Dr. Pugh said a staff member, Mr. Safrit, also had a
statement to read regarding the trip. Mr. Safrit said that the school offers three or four field trips
throughout the year that all students have an opportunity to participate in. However, the Washington
trip is a little different. Mr. Safrit read the statement from the 8th grade staff. Mr. Safrit said the trip is
optional, but the students are aware that this trip is taken each year, and have time to plan financially if
they are interested.
Dr. Pugh said a payment plan is set up so parents would have a chance to pay over a period of time.
She said students are encouraged to raise some of their own money.
Dr. Emerson asked what is being done with the remainder of the 8th graders that do not participate in
the trip. Mr. Safrit said during the three days that the other students are on the trip, the students not
participating are given cross curricular work that relates to the DC trip. He said the students will engage
in technology and other studies about Washington. Dr. Pugh advised that she has been able to provide
a deposit for a student, but not the entire amount of the trip.
Mrs. Norman said she feels the field trip experience for students raises their interest and makes them
come alive. She said that if the trip is significant enough to go, then each student should be given an
opportunity to go. Mrs. Norman said that the Board needed to take a stand to find a plan to raise the
funds for all students to be able to participate in field trips.
Mrs. Brumley, a teacher at West Rowan Middle, spoke on behalf of her field trip requests. She said that
this is the 5th year going on the trip to Savannah and Charleston. Mrs. Brumley said they have
fundraising to help raise funds for the cost of the trip. She said if a child wants to participate in the trip,
but cannot pay, WRMS will do everything in their power for that child to go. She said that WRMS paid
for 20 students to go on the trip previously.
**Mr. Beard moved to approve the Corriher-Lipe Middle School trip request to Washington, DC. Mrs.
Kennedy seconded. The motion failed (2:5)
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the West Rowan Middle School trip to Savannah/Charleston. Mrs.
Norman seconded. Approved (4:3)
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the West Rowan Middle School student council trip. Mrs. Williams
seconded. Unanimously approved (7:0)
**Mrs. Norman moved to approve the West Rowan Middle School trip to the State fair. Mrs. Kennedy
seconded. The motion failed (4:3)
The next field trip discussed was Carson High School’s request to attend the National FFA Convention.
Mr. Alex Silegman, Agricultural teacher at Carson, said that he had a national qualifier that is able to
attend the National Convention. He noted that the personal cost is lower thank submitted due to
fundraising at the County Fair; approximately by $175.00. Mr. Silegman advised that the National
Convention Committee sets the date for the convention, and that students from all over the country
**Mrs. Williams moved to approve the JCHS, SRHS and WRHS FFA trips, with the JCHS cost being
reduced. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Emerson reviewed the Horizons Unlimited request to attend Space Camp and the Aviation Challenge
Mrs. Patsy Wilson from Horizons explained how students are given the opportunity to participate in the
trip. She said all students enrolled in grades 4 -8 are given the opportunity. She said her cost is lower
than the $975.00 originally submitted because the space camp has lowered their price. Mrs. Wilson said
now the Elementary cost is $855.00 and the middle school cost is $955.00. She also said that the price
is lower because there is not enough interest for a charter bus. They will be taking two mini-tour buses
from the school system.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the Horizons trip to the Huntsville Space Camp. Mr. Beard seconded.
Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Mrs. Williams said she wanted to discuss field trips further. She said there is a difficult situation with the
economy, but we are asking the parents to make difficult choices when field trips are presented to them.
She wanted to know what the board is looking at as a deterring factor.
Mrs. Norman said she thinks it is very different for a student to lose one day of academic instruction as
opposed to four or five. She said she feels strongly that any trip is worth taking the school should have
as close to 100% of their students participating. Mrs. Kennedy said she agrees students should be in the
classroom, but we have to look past the mindset of keeping the student restricted to the classroom. She
said field trips are good for students to participate in, and they should have the opportunity to travel on
them. Ms. Carpenter said she agreed that this is public education, and if the trip is valuable for one
student to attend, all students should attend.
Mr. Beard said he also recognizes that it is a lot easier and less expensive to send a child on a field trip
with the class rather than taking the same trip as a family. He said that students attending field trips is
worthwhile. Mr. Beard said it is not as simple as the haves and the have-nots. He said this is a way for
the students to learn.
Banking Institutions
Mr. Michael Croshaw explained the convenience of having a list of banking institutions to be approved by
the board. He said the banks presented are those that are already used by our system. He
recommended that the Board approve the list.
**Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the banking institution list as submitted. Mrs. Williams seconded.
Unanimously approved (7:0)
The Board took a five-minute break at 7:23 p.m.
Update from Dr. Crystal Vail on Exceptional Children’s Department Field Trips
Dr. Smith said she wanted to introduce Dr. Vail to speak to the Board regarding field trips taken by the
EC students. She said EC students have been impacted during the school day by taking field trips. Dr.
Smith said that she and Dr. Vail began to look at IDEA guidelines of what is expected for the EC
students. She noted all students, even those that are identified with an exceptionality, are counted in
the AYP results.
Dr. Vail presented a power point to explain field trips that the students were involved in during the 20072008 school year, and the loss of instructional time. She then reviewed the revised guidelines for EC
Field Trips.
Mrs. Williams said that she believes it is perceived that the Board pays for the cost of athletic events, and
that the Board needs to make it clear publicly that the Board does not pay for sporting events.
Ms. Carpenter asked if some of the field trips are written into the child’s IEP? Dr. Vail said the need is
identified in the IEP as part of the transition component. She said they do fulfill the IEP as written.
However, there is some miscommunication, and she is working to present options that can be
incorporated so that the IEP is fulfilled.
Draft of the 2008-20010 District Improvement Plan
Mrs. Alesia Burnette distributed and reviewed a summary draft of the District Improvement Plan. She
advised that the District Improvement Team has consolidated the previous seven goal areas into five.
Each goal has goal has several focus areas and strategies to accomplish them. Mrs. Burnette said the
schools are also in the process of re-writing their school improvement plans to align them with the
district plan.
Review Policy 6-14 and 6-15 Amendments
Mr. Miller reviewed the revisions of Policy 6-14 and 6-15, and the addition of Regulation 6-15.
**Ms. Carpenter moved for approval on first reading. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Mrs. Kennedy felt the
motion needed to explain that the second reading was being waived. Mrs. Carpenter amended her
motion to read, “She moved to waive the second reading, and to approve on first reading Policy 6-14, 615 and Regulation 6-15. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Proposed Central Office Review and Update
Mr. Miller distributed an outline of the budget being considered for the consolidation of the central office.
He also summarized the meeting that was held with the Board of County Commissioners, and some of
the options for the budget.
He said the sale of the Ellis Street property is an item that the Board would be unable to meet before the
agreement could be reached and the property is sold. Mr. Miller felt Option B of the proposal would not
give the staff enough space, and not provide any room for expansion or growth. He said Mr.
Chamberlain was in favor of Option A, and wants to put it to a vote at their Oct. 6 meeting.
Dr. Emerson said the BOC is going to fund a feasibility study. Mr. Beard said he felt the board needed to
go on record that they do not support Option B. Dr. Grissom said that Mr. Sides said at the end of the
meeting that he may have another option to present at their next board meeting. Ms. Carpenter said
she and Dr. Emerson stated at the meeting that the Board would only agree to Option A.
Dr. Emerson reminded everyone that the Education Express ribbon cutting was Sept. 29 at 4:00 p.m.
Dr. Emerson eliminated the October 13 work session meeting.
Ms. Carpenter said she thought it would be appropriate to make sure that citizens are given the appropriate
instructions before the Communications to the Board section of the agenda, and that they will not be
allowed to call out any single board member. She said this time is given to address the board collectively.
Curriculum Sub-Committee
Finance Sub-Committee
BOC Meeting
Building & Grounds Sub-Committee
Personnel Sub-Committee
BOE Work Session
BOC Meeting
BOE Meeting
Annual Report Breakfast
Long Street
Long Street
J. Newton Cohen Boardroom
Ellis Street
Ellis Street
Long Street
J. Newton Cohen Boardroom
Long Street
JF Hurley YMCA
** Mrs. Williams moved to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0)
Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman
Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary