P S Jayakumar
Managing Director & CEO
BCC: MD & CEO:107:59 December 29, 2015
Dear Shareholders,
Before I present to you the details of your Bank’s performance, I take this opportunity to express my humble gratitude as
I assume the role of Managing Director and CEO of this institution with a rich tradition and legacy of over hundred years, founded by the legendary Maharaja Sir Sayajirao Gaekwad III, the visionary ruler of Baroda.
On behalf of the Bank of Baroda’s Board, it is my pleasure to report the operating performance of your Bank for the half year ended 30 September 2015. Despite weak operating economic activity, your Bank consolidated its business and focused on conserving its healthy capital ratios during the first half of 2015-16 (or H1, FY16). Your Bank continued to enhance its effort to improve asset quality, sustain its strong capital base and steadily grow its deposit franchise.
The highlights of your Bank’s performance during the first half of the financial year FY16 are as follows:
1. Your Bank recorded Net Profit of ` 1,176.63 crore for the half-year ended September 30, 2015 as against ` 2,466.10 crore for the half-year ended September 30, 2014.
2. Your Bank’s Operating Profit stood at ` 4,538.97 crore for the half-year ended September 30, 2015 as against
` 4,882.53 crore for the corresponding period of last year.
3. Your Bank’s Global credit grew to ` 4,14,900 crore as at end-Sept, 2015 from ` 3,85,766 crore as at end-Sept, 2014, registering an increase of 7.55% on y-o-y basis. The growth in domestic loan book was well diversified. Within domestic segments, Retail Credit increased by 10.15% (y-o-y) to ` 52,188 crore and formed 18.2% of its Gross Domestic Credit.
Farm Credit grew by 16.96% (y-o-y) to ` 35,596 crore.
Global Deposits of your Bank registered a growth of 8.03% from ` 5,66,926 crore as on September 30, 2014 to
` 6,12,458 crore as on September 30, 2015.
5. As a result, Global Business of your Bank grew by 7.84% (y-o-y) to ` 10,27,358 crore , as on 30th September 2015 from ` 9,52,692 crore as on 30th September 2014.
6. As on 30th Sept, 2015, your Bank’s Overseas Business contributed 31.71% to its Total Business.
7. The Operating Expenditure during Apr-Sept, 2015 for your Bank aggregated ` 4,276.39 crore as against ` 3,863.08 crore in Apr-Sept, 2014 reflecting a growth of 10.7
8. Your Bank’s Net Non-Performing Assets ratio increased to 3.08
% as on September 30, 2015 as against 1.74
% on
September 30, 2014, and in absolute terms the Net NPA amount increased from ` 6,704.51 crore as on 30th Sept,
2014 to ` 12,797.82 crore as on 30th Sept, 2015 primarily due to ongoing industrial weaknesses.
9. Your Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (CRAR) stood at 12.51% (as per Basel III) as on September 30, 2015. Within that, the Tier 1 Capital ratio under Basel III was placed at 9.92% and that of Core Tier 1 ratio was at 9.42
%. It may be noted that these ratios do not include the profits earned by the Bank during H1, FY16.
10. Your Bank’s NIM (in domestic operations) stood at 2.79% in H1, FY16 against 2.98% in H1, FY15.
11. Return on Average Assets (RoAA) of your Bank was at 0.33% (annualised) as on September 30, 2015 (H1, FY16).
Earnings per share (EPS–annualised) stood at ` 10.64 (annualized on face value of ` 2) as on September 30, 2015.
12. During H1, FY16, your Bank’s Return on Equity (ROE) was at 5.90% .
Amidst weak operating economic environment, your Bank’s top management focused on consolidating its performance during H1, FY16. This was achieved by remaining cautiously optimistic on the asset expansion front and concentrating more on strengthening the systems of cash recovery, credit monitoring and low cost deposit mobilization. Your Bank’s strong capital base proved to be its additional strengths. Moreover, your Bank continued to respond to a variety of customer demands by upgrading its technology platform and through a slew of initiatives to improvise its alternate delivery channels and enhance the customer experience. Your Bank sought to do this in the best interests of all its stakeholders. In recognition of your Bank’s performance, your Bank was conferred the Best Public Sector Bank under the category Global Business at the Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards 2015. Further, your Bank was also awarded HR Excellence Award by Business world for “Best initiative for Engaging Superannuated Employees” and your Bank won First Prize under All India Rajbhasha Kriti
Purashkar Scheme of Govt. of India for Bank’s outstanding performance in Official Language Implementation under the category of nationalized banks in linguistic region “B”, for the year 2014-15.
After taking over the assignment by me, I wish to briefly put forward the major themes around which your Bank would strive to move forward in coming times. In the short-term, they include managing NPAs, enhancing credit quality and improving core profitability. Given the changing macroeconomic scenario, your Bank would engage in rebalancing its business portfolio towards more revenue earnings segments as well as enable tailored products and services so as to meet the rising expectations of the customers. Your Bank would also review its range of products and focus on pricing to risk. For the purpose of customer acquisition and cross-sell, your Bank would leverage Analytics to improve the share of customer business with the Bank. Your Bank is working on a detailed and time bound implementation plan to build state-of-the-art digital and technology platform to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Also, to meet the emerging human resource challenge caused by large scale senior level retirements, your Bank would work on building a leadership pipeline through internal candidates and where required, supplement with external hires (mainly for specialized positions). Moreover, your
Bank would make efforts to review its work flow processes and strengthen them for detection of irregularities which would include centralized monitoring of transactions.
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued trust and confidence in the Bank. I would also like to thank all our staff members for their dedicated work throughout the period under consideration.
With best compliments,
Yours faithfully,
P S Jayakumar
Managing Director & CEO
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2. ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ¹ããäÀÞããÊã¶ãØã¦ã Êãã¼ã ãä¹ãœÊãñ ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè Ôã½ã¹㠂ãÌããä£ã ‡ãñŠ Á. 4,882.53 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ Ôã½ã㹦㠜½ããÖãè ½ãò
Á. 4,538.97 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ÀÖã.
3. ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ ¨ãÉ¥ã ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2014 ‡ãŠãè Ôã½ããã书㠹ãÀ Á. 3,85,766 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Ôãñ ºãü¤‡ãŠÀ 7.55% ÌãÓãÃ-ªÀ-ÌãÓãà ‡ãŠãè Ìãðãä® ª•ãà ‡ãŠÀ¦ãñ Öì† 30
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Ìãðãä® Ôãñ Â. 35,596 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Öãñ Øã¾ãã.
4. ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ÌãõãäÍÌã‡ãŠ •ã½ãã‚ãã ò ½ãò 8.03% ‡ãŠãè Ìãðãä® ÖìƒÃ ‚ããõÀ ¾ãÖ 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2014 ‡ãñŠ Á. 5,66,926 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Ôãñ ºãü¤‡ãŠÀ 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ
Á. 6,12,458 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Öãñ ØãƒÃ.
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ºãü¤‡ãŠÀ 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ Á. 10,27,358 ‡ãŠÀãñü¡ Öãñ Øã¾ãã.
6. 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ‡ãìŠÊã ‡ãŠãÀãñºããÀ ½ãò ãäÌãªñÍããè ‡ãŠãÀãñºããÀ ‡ãŠã ãäÖÔÔãã 31.71% ÀÖã.
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‡ãŠÀãñü¡ ÀÖã •ããñ 10.7% ‡ãŠãè Ìãðãä® ªÍããæãã Öõ.
8. ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠãè Íãì® ØãõÀ-ãä¶ãÓ¹ã㪇㊠‚ãããäÔ¦ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2014 ‡ãñŠ 1.74% ‡ãŠãè ¦ãìÊã¶ãã ½ãò ºãü¤‡ãŠÀ 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ 3.08% Öãñ
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9. ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ºãö‡ãŠ ‡ãŠã ¹ãîâ•ããè ¹ã¾ããù¦ã¦ãã ‚ã¶ãì¹ãã¦ã (Ôããè‚ããÀ†‚ããÀ) 30 ãäÔã¦ãâºãÀ, 2015 ‡ãŠãñ 12.51% (ºãñÔãÊã III ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ) ÀÖã. ƒÔã½ãò ºãñÔãÊã III ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâ¦ãØãæã
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( 2 ‡ãñŠ ‚ãâãä‡ãŠ¦ã ½ãîʾ㠹ãÀ ÌãããäÓãÇãŠ) ÀÖã.
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