lAW SCHOJL Q1LjLCB 1974-75 TE>«1S TECH UNIVERSITY / LUBBOCK, TE>«1S BULLETI OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Vol. l AUGUST 1974 No.8 School of Law Catalog 1974-1975 "This j"sliflll;OIl is nn iflltgrnud ins/illt/iQu vi hight'r I,am;"f: III /III ftytls."-Po/icy S(Mtmt,,(S O/lltt BQ",d 0/ RtgtnlS 0/ Tuas Tic/' U"i.,trsily. Published monthly by Texas Tech University, lubbock, Texas 79409. Second·dass postage paid at Lubbock, Texas. TABLE OF CONTENTS Directory Board of Regents . Principal Administrative Officers ......•.....••. Faculty of the School of law. Distinguished Visiting Professors. Staff Trustees of the Texas Tech law School Foundation. June 28, 1974 Dean Richard B. Anlandes School of Law Texas Tech university Lubbock, Texas 79409 The University Community Dear Dean Amandes: It is with pleasure that I have learned a Chapter of the Order of the Coif has been awarded to the Texas Tech University School of Law. While membership in the national legal honorary society is a high honor for the School of Law--promising benefits to law students in years to C'OIIIe--I recogniz;e also the prestige it brings to all of the Texas Tech University COlJ/plex. I view it as a lllark of the institution's growing eIcellence and attention to quality in education. Ny congratulations, shazed by tll'J colleagues in the administration, eItend to your faculty and to the law students who have worked wi th great dedication to achieve an unusually fine record since the School began instruction in 1967. Worting together, we have established a splendid foundation for legal education at 'l'eIas Tech. Sincerely, £l:~ Grover E. Murray President TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY THE MUSEUM OF TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Of MEDICINE The School of law . A Message from the Dean Calendar The law library . Texas Tech law School Foundation. Financial Assistance . Admission Prelegal Education Requirements for Admission Admission Procedures . Fees Housing. Placement. The Curriculum Programs of Study . Related Activities. Description of Courses Prelaw Advisers 10 12 13 14 14 15 23 24 24 25 27 28 28 29 30 34 36 43 Directory BOARD OF REGENTS Officers CLINT FORMBY, Chairman JUDSON F. WILLIAMS, Vice Chairman MRS. FREDA PIERCE, Secretary Members Term Expires January 31, 1975 R. TRENT CAMPBEll . FRANK JUNEll . . .... Houston San Angelo CHARLES G. SCRUGGS . Bill E. COLLINS. Term Expires January 31,1977 . . Dallas lubbock CLINT FORMBY . . Hereford JOHN HINCHEY, M.D. . . San Antonio Term Expires January 31,1979 JUDSON F. WILLIAMS. • EIPaso J. FRED SUey. JR. .............. Dallas A. J. KEMP, JR.. . ..... FortWorlh PRINCIPAL ADMINISTRATIVE OffiCERS GROVER E. MURRAY, Ph.D., President GLENN E. BARNETI, Ed. D., hecutive Vice President WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Interim Vice Presidenl for Academic Affairs CLYDE E. KELSEY, JR., Ph.D., Vice President for Development LEO E. ELLS, M.B.A., Vice President for Financial Affairs and Treasurer JOHN A. BUESSELER, M.D., Vice President for Health Affairs RICHARD A. LOCKWOOD, M.D., Vice Presidenl for the Health Sciences Centers BILL J. PARSLEY, J.D., Vice President for Public Affairs J. KNOX JONES, JR., Ph.D., Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies ROBERT H. EWALT, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Affairs CARL TON B. DODSON, J.D., Resident Counsel FACULTY OF THE SCHOOL OF LAW • RICHARD B. AMANDES, Dean of the School of Law and Professor of Law, 1966. A.B., University of California, 1950; j.D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1953; ll.M., New York University, 1956. Admitted 10 practice in California, Texas, and Washington. HAL M. BATEMAN, Professor of law, 1972. B.A., Rice University, 1954; J.D., Southern Methodist University, 1956. Admitted to practice in Missouri and Texas. DANIEL H. BENSON, Assistant Professor of law, 1973. B.A., University of Texas, 1958; J.D., 1961. Admitled to practice in the District of Columbia and Texas. WILLIAM B. BOHLING, Assistant Professor of Law, 1973. B.S.E.E., University of Ulah, 1965; J.D. 1968. Admitted 10 practice in Utah. ·Onleave1974-75. CHARLES P. BU8ANY, Associ~te Professor of Law, 1971. 8.A., Saint Ambrose College, 1962; J.D., Washington University, 1965. Admined to practice in Missouri. DAVID C. CUMMINS, Professor of law, 1970. 8.5., University of Idaho, 1957; J.D., University of Washington, 1960; LL.M., New York University, 1969. Admitted to practice in Washington. 'ROBERT P. DAVIDOW, Professor of Law, 1971. B.A., Dartmouth College, 1959; J.D., University of Michigan, 1962; LL.M., Harvard University, 1969. Admitted to practice in florida, Ohio, and Texas. J. HADLEY EDGAR, JR., Professor of Law, 1971. B.A., Texas A&M, 1949; J.D., University of, 19S6. Admitted to practice in Texas. JAMES R. EISSINGER, Associate Professor of Law, 1972. B.A.,. Wartburg College, 1960; J.D., University of North Dakota, 1964. Admitted to practice in North Dakota. 'MARTIN A. fREY, Professor of Law, 1967. B.S.M.E., Northwestern University, 1962; ).0., Washington University, 1965; LL.M., George Washington University, 1966. Admitted to practice in Missouri. EDWARD R. HAYES, Visiting Professor of Law, 1975. B.S.C., State University of Iowa, 1941; J.D., 1947; U•.M., Columbia University, 1948. Admitted to practice in Iowa. RICHARD W. HEMINGWAY, Acting Dean and Horn Professor of Law,1968. 8.5" University of Colorado, 1950; J.D., Southern Methodist University, 1955; Ll.M., Universil)' of Michigan, 1969. Admitted to practice in Texas. U. V. JONES, Professor of Law and Law Librarian, 1966. 8.A., Universily of Oklahoma, 1939; LLB., 1941; M.l.l., University of Washington, 1962. Admilled 10 practice in Oklahoma. RUTH KIRBY, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, 1971. B.A., University of Texas, 1943; J.D., Texas Tech University, 1970. Admiued to practice in Texas. IOHN E. KRAHMER, Associate Dean and Professor of Law, 1971. B.A.., University of Iowa, 1965; J.D., 1966; LL.M., Harvard University, 1967. Admined to practice in lowa_ BRUCE M. KRAMER, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, 1974. B.A. University of California at Los Angeles, 1968; J.D., 1972. Admitted to practice in CaHfornia. • °MURL A. LARKIN, Professor of Law, 1968. Ll.B., Southeastern University, 1939. Admitled to practice in the District of Columbia and Texas. DELLAS W.LEE, Professor of Law, 1974. Ll.B., University of British Columbia, 1959; Ll.M., University of Illinois, 1962; 5.1.0., University of Michigan, 1969. Admitted to practice in British Columbia. ANNETIE W. MARPLE, Assistant Professor of Law, 1973. A.B., University of Rochester, 1949; M.A., University of Illinois, 1953; J.D., Texas Tech Universily, 1973. Admitted to practice in Texas. MARILYN E. PHELAN, Visiting Associate Professor 01 Law, 1974. B.A., Texas Tech University, 1959; M.B.A., 1967; D.B.A., 1971; J.D., University of Texas, 1972. Admitted to practice in Texas. W. REED QUILlIAM, IR., Associate Dean and Professor of Law, 1969. B.A., University of Texas, 1949; B.B.A., 1951; J.D., 1953; LLM., Harvard, 1969. Admilted to practice in Texas. 'On leave 1974-75. o'On leave fall 1974. C.THOMAS REESE, Professor of Law, 1968. 8.5., Sam Houston State College, 19S6; J.D., University of Houston, 1966. Admilled to practice in Texas. RODRIC B. SCHOEN, Professor of Law, 1971. 8.A.., University of Colorado, 1956; J.D., University of New Mexico, 1966. Admitted to practice in New Mexico. fRANK F. SKILLERN, Associate Professor of Law, 1971. AB., University of Chicago, 1964; J.D., University of Denver, 1966; LL.M., University of Michigan, 1969. Admitted to practice in Colorado. EUGENE l. SMITH, Professor of Law, 1972. 8.B./\., Southern Methodist University, 1955; L1.8., 1958. Admitted to practice in Texas. ROBERT A. WENINGER, Visiting Associate Professor of Law, 1974. 8.B.A., University of Wisconsin, 1955; LL.8., 1960; Ll.M., University of Chicago, 1964. Admitted to practice in California and Wisconsin. WAYNE T. WESTLING, Visiting Assistanl Professor of Law, 1975. A.B., Occidental College, 1965; J.D., New York University, 1968. Admitted to practice in California. JEREMY C. WICKER, Associate Professor of Law, 1972. B,E.E., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1965; J.D" University of Houston, 1970; Ll.M., Yale University, 1972. Admitted to practice in Texas. DISTINGUISHED VISITING PROFESSORS W. RAY fORRESTER, Dean and Professor, Cornell Law School, Summer, 1968. fRANK E. MALONEY, Professor, University of Florida Law Center, Summer, 1971. fRANK R. STRONG, Cary C. 80shamer Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina School of Law, Summer, 1973. ALlAN D. VESTAL, Carver Professor, University of Iowa College of Law, Summer,1974. JOHN W. WADE, Dean and Professor, Vanderbilt University School of Law, Summer, 1969. STAFF MRS. ANN 8URBRIDGE, B.A., Registrar. MRS. SANOY McDONALD, Administrative Assistant. TRUSTEES OF THE TEXAS TECH LAW SCHOOL FOUNDATION ALVIN R. ALLISON, Esq., President G. H. NELSON, Esq., Executive Vice President Dean RICHARD B. AMANDES, Secretary-Treasurer JOHN RUSSELL CREWS, Esq., Asst. Secretary.Treasurer GEO. W. DUPREE, Esq" founding President (1890·1973) Dr. CLIFfORD B. JONES (1886-1972) W. B. BROWDER, JR., Esq. Honorable fRANK W. CALHOUN RAdm. D. D. CHAPMAN, USN (Ret.) E. R. fiNNEY, Esq. MARION KEY, Esq. Dr. GROVER E. MURRAY PAUL NEW, Esq. ROBERT SCOGIN, Esq. W. O. SHAFER, Esq. GARLAND SMITH, Esq. Honorable TRUETI SMITH Honorable WILLIAM E. WARD Texas Tech first opened its doors in the fall of 1925 with six bUildings and an enrollment of 910 students. Because of its unique location in the fertile South Plains and because it was quick to assume a leading role among schools in the Southwest, the institution has prospered and grown and can now ray claim to being a major university with demonstrated strength in the arts, humanities, and sciences. It contains six instructional colleges--Agricultural Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Home Economics--and a Graduate School, in addition 10 the School of law. It func- tions as do its counterparts in Austin, College Station, and Houston under the guidance of the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. The Texas Tech University School of Medicine, a separate institution, was authorized by the legislature, and the legislation was signed by the governor on May 27, 1969. The first students were admitted in the fall of 1972. Since it was established over forty years ago, Texas Tech has grown to an institution with a student body of over 21,000 and a resident faculty drawn from all parts of the world. Many special facilities for interdisciplinary research are at hand, such as the computer center, the Southwest Collection, and the library's expanding collection of material in the general areas of the humanities. The University's most recent interest in research is reflected in its International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid land Studies which focuses the contributions of various academic disciplines on problems of these large segments of the earth's surface. Texas Tech is located in lubbock, a city of over 150,000 population, the commercial and financial "hub" of the prosperous South Plains region of Texas. The city offers an unusually fine variety of cultural opportunities and, at an altitude of 3,250 feet, has a dry and invigorating climate. The University Community 11 In 1963 the Board of Directors of Texas Tech provided for the addition of a School of Law. Subsequently, this action was approved by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. Instruction commenced in the fall of 1967 with a first year class. In subsequent years, the school has seen its first graduates and the broadening of its curriculum to reflect the University's commitment 10 excellence in legal education. Graduates of the School of law receive the J.D. (Doctor of Jurisprudence) degree in keeping with the trend throughout legal education for those who have completed a baccalaureate program prior to matriculation. The School of law is fully accredited. Final approval by the Supreme Court of Texas under the Rules Governing Admission to the Bar of Texas was granted in 1968. The school met the re· quirements for final approval by the American Bar Association at the earliest date possible and that approval was formally conferred at the annual meeting in August, 1970. As a result, graduates of the School of law are qualified to apply for admission to practice in any state in the United States. The faculty maintains an active interesl and participalion in the affairs of the Association of American law Schools, and applicalion for institutional membership in thaI organization was acled upon favorably at the annual meeting of the association in December, 1969. The objective of the faculty of the School of law is 10 train young men and women for the practice of law anywhere in the United States, whether it be as advocate, counselor, judge, or law teacher, in accordance with the highesl traditions of professional responsibility. At the same time reco~nition is given to the use of law as a stepping-stone to a career in government, politics, or business. The curriculum and the methods of inslruction are designed to develop in the student his highest pOlential, what· ever may have been his reason for entering lhe school. The School of law maintains equality of opportunity in legal education, including equal opportunity to obtain employment without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex. The School of Law 12 13 A MESSAGE fROM THE ACTING DEAN Dean Richard B. Amandes organized the Texas Tech University School of Law and has served as its only Dean. Under his guidance the School of Law has developed into a first class institution primarily dedicated to the education and training of practitioners of the law. During the academic year 1974-1975 Dean Amandes will be on leave. Therefore. as Acting Dean I am afforded this unique opportunity of addressing persons interested in the study and practice of law. Students may attend a law school for many and diverse reasons and purposes. However, in the last analysis. the existence of a law school can be justified only by its function as a professional educational institution. To this end the law school has an obligation to instruct its students so they may obtain technical excellence. For the lawyer, this need is broader than just an under· standing of the processes and substance of the law. Skills must be developed by the student in analysis, legal conceptualization, logic, decisiveness, persuasiveness, viz., the totality of talents necessary to evaluate a legal position and effectively represent a client. In this respect the law schools in this country have become quite proficient. However, in addition to technical excellence, there is a quality derived from long tradition and from the relationship of a profession to the public that entitles the lawyer or other professional to public trust. This is a sense of professional ethical responsibility. Although codified by the Bar, to be effective its awareness must arise from within the individual and must be nurtured and culti· vated by the law school. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes stated in 1886 that "Education ... lies mainly in the shaping of men's interests and desires." How have we shaped our graduates? If legal education is to be known by its products, what then that a former Vice President of the United States, a lawyer, is a selfconfessed taker of bribes? Or that of the first seventeen persons indicted in connection with the Watergate affair, thirteen were lawyers, and of these two were former Attorneys-General of the United States? This is a shocking and unacceptable situation, but unfortunately all too common. If the law schools of this country (or perhaps the Bar itself) are to survive as institutions worthy of public support and respect, we in legal education must dedicate ourselves to the reestablishment of a high level of awareness and practice of professional ethical responsibility among our students and the Bar. Richard W. Hemingway CALENDAR 1974-1975 1974 August 23 August 26 November 28December 1 December 11 December 13 December 12-21 Registration for fall semester. Instruction commences. Thanksgiving recess. last day of classes for advanced students. last day of classes for first year students. baminations. 1975 January 13 March 22-30 May2 May3-1S june2 August 22 Instruction commences for spring semester. Spring recess. last day of dasses. baminations. Summer session commences. Registration for faU semester. 14 1S THE LAW LIBRARY Fellows of the Foundation An essential ingredient of the study of law is learning by doing; hence, no law school can aspire to a position of excellence without an outstanding library. A law school's library facilities have been equated to the laboratory facilities associated with the physical sciences. Within the foundation, attorneys and others who have made a major commitment to aid the school in achieving excellence have become Fellows of the Foundation. The revenues from their contributions are utilized as needed to enrich the law school experience beyond those activities supported by state funds. For maximum use by the student body, the library is open over one hundred hours per week. Multiple copies of select mono- Annual Giving Program The Foundation conducts an annual GiVing Program through which alumni and friends of the School of law may contribute to programs of support undertaken by the Foundation. Areas of support by the Foundation include the scholarship and loan programs, moot court, law review, alumni and bar relations, continuing legal education, and faculty recruitment. Contributors to the program are designated Sustaining Members of the Foundation and, when appropriate, Scholarship Donors. graphs. treatises, and reports are available so thai numerous students may study the same problem at the same time. In general, the present collection of over 100,000 volumes may be divided into three basic categories: (1) Sources of the law, including case reports, federal and state statutes, and administrative decisions and regulations; (2) Research aids, such as digests, encyclopedias, and indexes; (3) Commentaries on the law, including treatises and legal periodicals. The School of law currently is subscribing to more than 615 periodicals. Complete sets of over 275 are on the shelves. The library has many loose-leaf services of interest to students and practitioners alike and is expanding its holdings in such areas as poverty, consumer protection, and environmental law. The school's law library is the principal repository for legal mao terials within a radius of more than 300 miles. In addition, the main University library, a government deposi· tory, contains a substantial number of legal documents and other materials closely related to law which are available to students in the School of law as a supplement to the law library. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Scholarships, loans, and a limited number of part-time positions are available in the School of law and in the University. Awards of financial assistance are made on the basis of academic promise and financial need. Scholarship application forms are available from the School of law. In the case of entering students, completed forms should be returned to the School of law no later than March 15 of the year in which the student intends to enter, in order to receive fullest consideration for all available scholarships. Applications for most grants and loans are considered by the Scholarship Committee in July, at which time the committee can inform itself of the applicant's performance during the preceding academic year. TEXAS TECH LAW SCHOOL FOUNDATION Incorporated on October 16, 1967, the law School Foundation was conceived as a vehicle for expanding the law school's contribution to the life of the profession and the community. In establishing the foundation as a non-profit entity, its sponsors envisioned the foundation as a device to develop the school's full potential, especially in the years immediately following its creation. Just as the Bar has long realized its obligation as a community leader, the School of law must assume its obligations both within and without the university community. It is anticipated that the school's response to this challenge will justify the expectations of those who are at work making the law School Foundation a viable force. loans Texas Tech University administers numerous student loan fun~s upon which students may draw for assistance in paying their college related expenses, including the Texas Opportunity Plan. For these programs, applications should be po.stmarked by April 15 for the following fall semester. Additional information regarding any of the University loan funds may be obtained by writing to Director of Student Financial Aid, P.O. Box 4179, Texas Tech University, lubbock, Texas 79409. Scholarships ALVIN R. ALLISON SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $250 established by Mr. Allison, attorney from levelland, former memo 16 ber .of the Board of Directors of Texas Tech and gUiding force behmd the creation of the School of Law. It is awarded annually to a deserving entering or advanced student. ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP--One or more scholarships, to be awarded annual.ty to deserving students, made possible through gifts by alumnl of the School of Law to the Participating Scholarship Donor Program of the Foundation. Major early contributors to this program were alumni Jack B. Cowley (Dec. '69) and Hershell l. Barnes ('70), both of Dallas, Michael l. Fostel ('70) of Kermit, Tom Edwards ('71) of Houston, Alan O. Johnson ('71) of Tyler, Mike Irish ('72) of Lubbock, and Mac Smith ('73) of Weatherford. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Of UNIVERSITY WOMEN SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $175 established by Unit 1 of the Association's Child Development Group, to be awarded to a deserving woman taw student. ROGER V. BATTISTONI SCHOLARSHIPS--Two scholarship grants for deserving minority students in need of financial assistance. R. GUY CARTER SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $500 donated annually by R. Guy Carter, Esq., of the Dallas firm of Carter, Jones, Magee, Rudberg, Moss & Mayes to an outstanding entering law student. WILLIAM C. CLARK SCHOLARSHIPs---Mrs. j. C. Clark and David G. Clark have endowed Ihese scholarships in memory of their son and brother, a Lubbock attorney and a member of the Class of 1942 of Texas Tech. The scholarships are awarded to deserving second or third year students. HUGH H. COOPER SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $250 established in memory of the late Amarillo attorney by E. R. Finney of Amarillo, to a deserving second or third year studen!. SANDRA ALLISON DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $250 in honor of Mrs. Davis, a Levelland attorney, awarded annually to a deserving woman in the second or third year class. 17 selected as editor of the Texas Tech Law Review and to the slu· dents who have made the highest scholastic average in the first and second year classes. GEARY, BRICE, BARRON & STAHL MOOT COURT SCHOLARSHJP--A scholarship grant of $300 awarded annually to a student who has distinguished himself and brought credit to the law school through participation in intercollegiate moot court competition. CIBSON, OCHSNER, ADKINS, HARLAN & HANKINS SCHOLARSHIP-An annual scholarship of $500 by the named Amarillo law firm to an outstanding student in need of financial assistance. LAwRENCE F. GREEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP---A scholarship grant of $200 established in memory of the late lubbock attorney by John F. Maner of Lubbock, to a deserving second or third year studen!. HUNTER, GREENfiELD, WHITTINGTON & VINEYARD SCHOLARSHIP-A scholarship grant of $250 established by the named Dallas law firm to be awarded to a second or third year student in need of financial assistance. JUDGE E. E. JORDAN SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $250 to honor Judge Jordan by an Amarillo donor who wishes 10 remain anonymous. LUBBOCK AnORNEYS' MOOT COURT SCHOLARSHiPs-One or more scholarship grants made possible annually by gifts from Lubbock attorneys. Early contributors to this scholarship program are Walters and Associates and Geor-ge E. Gilkerson. LUBBOCK BAR AUXILIARY SCHOLAR~iilP--A scholarship grant of $200 to a married student in need of financial assistance. JOE H. NAGY SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $400, established to honor Lubbock attorney Joe H. Nagy by his wife and children, to be awarded annually to a deserving student in need of financial assistance. J. J. DILLARD SCHOLARSHIPs-Bryan B. Dillard, a Lubbock attorney, has established two $500 scholarships in memory of his father J. J. Dillard, who became a Lubbock resident near the turn of the century and practiced law here for a number of years. They are awarded to deserving students. G. HOBERT AND AILEEN HACKNEY NELSON SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant endowed by the children of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson to honor their parents, longtime Lubbock residents. It is awarded annually to a deserving second or third year student. FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship provided annually to a deserving student by the faculty of the School of Law. ~ayb~~sh:1d~w~~~B~Zu~ot~t~ ~~~ S~~~~f ~::~~c~~~~~~r~~~~~cf~~ FULBRIGHT & CROOKER SCHOLARSHIPS--Three annual scholarships of $150 each by the named Houston law firm to the student W. R. QUILlIAM SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $300 es- annually to a deserving student in any class in need of financial assistance. The permanent building for the School of Law was completed in December, 1969, and was dedicated on February 23, 1970. The entire building is climate controlled for summer and winter comfort. Project architects were Harrell + Hamilton of Dallas, who received the Texas Architecture 1970 Honor Award for their design of the building. Consulting architect was Howard Schmidt & Associates of Lubbock. The general contractor was H.A. Lott, Inc., of Houston. 21 20 J. W. SANDERS SCHOlARSHIP-A scholarship grant of $250 estab- lished to honor the Amarillo attorney by his partner, E. R. finney, to a deserving second or third year student. TexAS ASSOCIATION OF AnORNEYS-CERTIFIED PUBLIC CHILDRESS COUNTY FUND--Attorneys from Childress County have established this fund to aid students from their county. The fund is composed of sums received by the attorneys for their services in representing indigents in the courts of the county. Ac- COUNTANTS SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $500 established by the Association to be awarded to a deserving student enrolled in the J.D.-M.B.A. combined degree program. TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF DEfENSE COUNSel SCHOLARSHIPs---Two JUDGE MARVIN JONES LOAN FUND--Judge Jones, a leader in the establishment of Texas Tech, a former Congressman from West Texas, and currently Senior Judge on the U.S. Court of Claims, has made available to law students funds to be used for shortterm loans. scholarship grants of $250 each by the Texas Association of Defense Counsel 10 be awarded annually to worthy students who, after considering their financial need, pragmatism, and pursuit of knowledge, exhibit a strong interest in the field of trial advocacy. JOHN E. THOMASON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $2S0 established to honor the late Midland attorney by his family and friends. It is to be awarded annually to a deserving second or third year student. THOMPSON, KNIGHT, SIMMONS & BULLION SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship grant of $1,000 by the named Dallas law firm to be awarded to a deserving student member or candidate of the Texas Tech Law Review in need of financial assistance. W. B. FOUNDATION, INC., SCHOLARSHIPS--Grants in varying amounts established by the named Foundation to be awarded to deserving students. TEXAS TECH LAw SCHOOL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHiP-LOAN -Established to assist deserving and promising law students who have completed the first year of law school. The scholarshiploan will be repaid in accordance with terms agreed upon at the time the award is made. TEXAS TECH LAw WIVES SCHOLARSHIP--A scholarship of $130 awarded for the spring semester to a law student in need of financial assistance. Funds ALVIN R. AND ALETHA FAYE ALLISON LOAN FUND--Mr. and Mrs. Allison of Levelland have endowed this fund to provide shortterm loans to students in need of financial assistance while pursuing the study of law. JUDGE DAN BLAIR LOAN FUND--Judge Blair served as District Judge for Lubbock, Hockley, Cochran, and Crosby counties, 1936-51. These funds are available to students for short-term loans. JUDGE E. E. JORDAN LOAN FUND--Judge Jordan, of the 47th District Court in Amarillo, has provided a fund for law students who find themselves in unanticipated, short-term financial difficulties. VICTOR H. LINDSEY MEMORIAL FUND--At the suggestion of Mrs. Victor H. Lindsey of Lubbock, widow of Judge Victor H. Lindsey, of the 72nd District Court, the Lubbock County Bar Association and friends of the late Judge Lindsey have created this fund for loans and other financial assistance to law students in need. DREW SIMPSON MEMORIAL FUND--A fund established by the family, colleagues, and friends of Drew Simpson, '74, upon his death in February, 1972. Its purpose is to aid students in financial difficulty. TEXAS TECH LAw REVIEW SCHOLARSHIP AND LOAN FUND--This fund, initially established as a loan fund, will eventually increase to permit the awarding of scholarships. Recipients are limited to members of the Texas Tech Law Review staff. Awards GEO. W. AND SARAH H. DUPREE AWARD--An award of $100, endowed by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Dupree, is presented annually to the member of the graduating class who, in the opinion of his colleagues, best exemplifies the ability, integrity, and sense of professional responsibility desired in one soon to join the legal profession. Consideration is given to his academic record, to the leadership he has provided, and to the contributions he has made fo the law school and the community. FIRST YEAR MOOT COURT AWARD--An award of $200, a gift from the firm of Geary, Brice, Barron & Stahl of Dallas, is presented annually to the winning team in the first year Moot Court competition. M. PENN L. AWARD--An annual award of $50 with a certificate of recognition from Myron Penn Laughlin, patent lawyer and 22 professional engineer; a competitive award for the best student article published in the Law Review. NATIONAL ORDER OF THE BARRISTERs--The Order of the Bar- risters is a national honorary society open 10 selected law slu· dents who have demonstrated excellence in the art of appellate advocacy. Three students annually are eligible for membership in this organization. Students selected are given a bronze statue and scroll presented by the law firm of Key, Carr, Evans and Fouls of lubbock, Texas. ALEXANDER, McDoNALD & lOWE AWARD-An award of $100 to one student in each section who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in the field of trial advocacy, presented by the named law fjrm of Odessa. SOUTH PLAINS TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION AWARD--A bronze plaque with the recipient's name inscribed thereon is presented to the student in each section of Trial Advocacy who, in the preparation and presentation of selected trial materials, best demonstrates the ingenuity, determination, and ability so necessary to the art of trial advocacy, presented annually by the South Plains Trial lawyers Association.. STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION SERVICE AWARD--An award of $50 to the student who has contributed outstanding service during the year to the Student Bar Association and the School of law, presented annually by the lubbock firm of Nelson, McCleskey, Harriger & Brazill. TEXAS TECH LAw REVIEW AWARD-An award of $50 presented by the law firm of McWhorter, Cobb and Johnson of lubbock to lhe law review student who has rendered outstanding service to the ww Review. Prizes NATHAN BURKAN MEMORIAL PRIZe----The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers annually awards a first prize of $250 to the student in the School of law who, in lhe opinion of the faculty, prepares the best paper on some phase of copyright law. A second prize of $100 is also awarded. LAw BOOK PRlzEs--The lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company and the Bancroft-Whitney Company of Rochester, New York, and the West Publishing Company of SI. Paul, Minnesota, award selected titles of their publications annually to the students achieving the highest grades in selected courses and in overall class standing. Admission 24 25 PRELEGAL EDUCATION The School of law does nol prescribe a definite prelegal cur· riculum for its applicants. The wide range of lawyers' tasks and the difference in offerings from school to school preclude such an approach. However, there are certain goals which every prelaw student should keep before him in planning his college pro· gram. He should strive to acquire the ability to read, write, and speak the English language well; to gain a critical understanding of human values and institutions---political, economic, and social; and to develop in himself the power to think creatively. His undergraduate training should result not only in a quantity of knowledge, but also in an understanding of the basis of his knowledge, its degrees and conditions. Two items deserve special mention. A student will find it helpful to have some preliminary work in accounting as background for the courses in business entities and taxation. Typing skills will prove useful not only in the preparation of briefs and memoranda, but also for daily preparation and examinations. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION An applicant must have received, or have completed all requirements for, a baccalaureate degree from a college or univer~ity of approved standing prior to the time he or she begins work In the School of Law. In order to apply, however, an applicant need have completed only six semesters or nine quarters of undergraduate work. Additionally, an applicant must take the Law School Admission Test which is administered five times a year throughout the United States and in many foreign countries by the Educational Testing Service. An applicant's record must be of sufficiently high quality to demonstrate that he or she is qualified for the study of law. In evaluating an applicant's record, considerable weight is given to undergraduate grades and the score achieved on the Law School Admission Test. In exceptional cases, the work of the last two college years will be weighed more heavily than that of earlier years. To a lesser extent, consideration is given to other factors such as the quality of the applicant's college, the trend of his grades, ethnic and cultural ~ackground, work experience during and after COllege, extracurricular activities, graduate studies, service in the military, Peace Corps, or Vista, and the applicant's statement about himself and his purposes. Letters of recommendation are not required, but if an applicant wishes to have lellers sent, those from former professors are most helpful. Applicants must also achieve a satisfactory score on the Law School Admission Test. Students are admitted only in the fall except in special circumstances. The School of Law recommends that students devote their entire time to the study of law. Students who are engaged in outside employment must report the quantity of such work per week and may be asked to withdraw from the school if the amount of time spent in outside employment is deemed excessive or appears to interfere with full-time study of law. Outside employment should in no case exceed 15 hours per week. ADMISSION PROCEDURES An application form and additional information may be obtained by writing to Office of Admissions School of Law Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 79409 The completed application should be returned to the above address at the earliest opportunity after the beginning of the applicant's senior year. There is no application fee. The last date for filing completed application forms is May 1 for admission in August, but substantially earlier filing is strongly recommended. Applicants filing after March 1 will be at a considerable disadvantage in competing for the limited number of places available in the next entering class. Applications for admission to the Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Jurisprudence joint degree program (described under "Program of Study") should be made to both the School of Law and the Graduate School of Texas Tech University. Applications to the Graduate School can be obtained by writing directly to that school. Applicants must meet the regular admission requirements of each school and must be accepted by each to be eligible for the program. If a student is undecided about whether to pursue the joint program, application to the Graduate School can be delayed until the beginning of the third semester in law school. Students having questions concerning law school admission policies may visit the law school and consult with one or more members of the law school faculty. Such interviews are most helpful when an applicant's file is complete. For those who cannot conveniently visit the School of law, the official prelaw advisers on numerous campuses in Texas are listed at the end of this catalog. They should be able to provide much information of assistance to prelaw students. 26 27 Transcripts and LSDAS Good Character A student may have his application considered after completion of at least six semesters or nine quarters of undergraduate work. The applicant is required to register with the law School Oala Assembly Service (lSDAS) by completing and mailing the registration form supplied with the Bulletin of Information for the lSAT. A transcript from each college or university attended should then be sent directly to LSDAS, Educational Testing Service, Box 944, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. It is not necessary. al this point, to forward transcripts to the School of law. The School of Law may deny admission to any applicant who, in the judgment of the faculty, may appear to be unfit in character to engage in the study or practice of law. The LSDAS will analyze the transcripts and forward a report to the law schools designated on the registration form. It is important to recognize that considerable lead time is required for an undergraduate transcript to be processed through lSDAS. No less than eight weeks should be allowed for this process. Upon admission, it will be necessary for the student to submit to the School of law two official copies of transcripts from all colleges or universities attended, which include a showing of completion of requirements for a bachelor's degree except that students who have attended Texas Tech University need submit only one copy of their Texas Tech transcript, and students who are graduates of Texas Tech need submit only one copy of transcripts from other colleges or universities attended. Before admission, additional transcripts should be submitted to the School of law only in response to a specific request. Law School Admission Test The applicant must take the Law School Admission Test and request that his score be reported to the School of Law. The test usually is given in October, December, February, April, and July of each year. It is recommended that the applicant take the test no later than February prior to prospective entrance to the School of Law, and it is strongly recommended that it be taken earlier if at all possible. The Law School Admission Bulletin, which contains information concerning the test, sample questions, application forms, and a list of the testing centers may be obtained by apptying in person at the School of Law or by writing to Law School Admission Test, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. A sample of the test, including new types of questions, a discussion of the different types of questions, an analysis of the ~:;e~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~~~ ~~~f::a~i~~d~~~tp~e;lti~t~~~nt/t~~~e~~e~ available from them or in most college bookstores. No other material is recommended by the Law School Admission Council for study preparation for the LSAT. Declaration of Intenlion to Study Law The State Board of Law Examiners of Texas makes the following requirement: Every person intending to apply lor admission 10 the Bar of this state shall file wilh the Secretary 01 the Board, not more Ihan sixly (60) days before nor more Ihan one hundred Iwenty (120) days after beginning the study of law, a Declaration of Intention to Siudy law. Such Declaralion shall be made in duplicale on forms to be prescribed by the Board, and shall show such facts as to Ihe history, experience, and educational quatifications of Ihe declarant as the Board may require. It shall name the taw school in which the declarant proposes to study, or is studying. which school muSI be an approved law school. The forms may be obtained from Mrs. Alta Moore, Box J, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711. Students who expect to practice in other states should investigate possible similar requirements in such states. Admission with Advanced Standing A student who has studied at another approved law school, and who is eligible to continue there in good standing, may apply for admission to the School of Law. If accepted, a transfer student will be eligible for advanced standing credit for acceptable work done at his former school. The amount of advanced standing credit for which a student is eligible is determined on an individual basis. No credit will be granted for courses in which grades are below the average required for graduation at the school from which the student wishes to transfer. The applicant for admission as a transfer student should comply with the procedure required for admission to the first year class and, in addition, forward a leller stating why he desires to transfer to Texas Tech. FEES To enable the student to estimate his expenses at the lime of entering the School of Law, the following information is offered. Shortly after acceptance for admission to the School of Law, each student must forward a $50 acceptance deposit, which will 28 be applied toward his registration fee for the fall semseter. This deposit is refundable upon request prior 10 May 1. Tolar regis· Iralian fees for first year students who are residents of Texas will be $64 per semester. Students who are nol residents of Texas must pay registration fees of $640 per semester. All students will have additional expenses of approximately $100 in fees and $75$100 for books and supplies in the fall semester. These additional fees and expenses for books and supplies will be less in the spring. A student over 18 years of age is considered to be a nonresident unless he has resided in the state for other than educa· tiona I purposes for a period of 12 months immediately preceding his enrollment. Additional information on determination of residence status is available from the Registrar's office of the University. For more detailed information regarding residency, fees, veterans' exemptions from fees, and loans, please see the Gen- eral Catalog. 1974-J975. HOUSING Space is available in several comfortable and allractive dormitories for unmarried law students. Inquiries and correspondence regarding room reservations in the residence halls on campus should be addressed to the Reservation Center, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 4629, lubbock, Texas 79409. law students are free to select their own off-campus housing. Because the campus is bounded on three sides by residential areas, off-campus living quarters of all types, including private dormitories, are conveniently available. A housing gUide may be obtained in person from the Student Association office. PLACEMENT The School of law maintains, on an equal opportunity basis, a placement service to assist students in finding legal and other positions during summers and upon graduation. As employment for young lawyers becomes more competitive because of the increasing numbers of law graduates, contacts developed by our faculty and early graduates will become ever more valuable. The Curriculum 30 PROGRAMS OF STUDY Doctor of Jurisprudence In order 10 be recommended for the J.D. degree by the faculty of the School of law, a student must have successfully completed a minimum of 90 semester hours, normally ac· complished in six semesters, or five semesters and two summer sessions. First year students who fail to maintain a satisfactory average at the end of their first year will be denied permission to continue in the School of law. Details regarding requirements of study in residence, required courses, and grade averages are made available to students during registration. The normal course load is regulated by the faculty of the School of law. A student is expected to enroll for a full academic load but may not lake more than 16 hours in any semester without special permission. There is no minimum course load requirement for students during a summer session. Doctor of Jurisprudence--Master of Business Administration In addition to separate degree programs in law and business, the School of law and the Graduate School of Texas Tech University also offer a joint program of study leading to the degrees of Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) and Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), The joint degree program allows a student with appropriate business background to complete the requirements for both degrees in three years instead of the four years which would be required if the J.D. and M.B.A. were pursued separately. 31 The Order of the Coif The School of law was elected to The Order of the Coif, the only national legal honor society in the United States, effective May 15, 1974. Members are elected annually fro~ those students ranking in the highest ten percent of the graduating class whose character and activities in legal education indicate their worthiness for membership in the Order. The students selected from the class of 1974 were: Charles R. Acker William R. Allensworth John E. Capps Edward M. Edson Wynette J. Hewett John T. Huffaker Morgan A. Jones Gerald P. Keith David B. Pittard Donald V. W. Wills lawrence C. Wood William R. Wright Change of Requirements The faculty of the School of law reserves the right to change the schedule of classes, the program of instruction, the requirements for degrees, and any other similar rules or regulations. This power will not be exercised, however, to impose substantial detriment upon students enrolled at the time of the change. The taint degree program is of particular benefit for students who contemplate careers in public service or professional management or who want to prepare for a specific field such as taxaccounting, banking, real estate, collective bargaining, or international business. The program will enable such students to study, compare, and relate the subject matter of business and law. The first year of study consists entirely of law courses. During the second year, the remaining required law courses are to be completed together with selected law electives and an appropriate number of graduate business core courses. The third year involves study in both schools. Twelve hours of approved law courses may be transferred as elective credit to the M.B.A. program and twelve hours of approved graduate business courses may be transferred as elective credit toward the J.D. degree. This program will vary somewhat for students with a nonbusiness undergraduate background. Information regarding applications for admission appears under "Admission Procedures." Dean Richard 8. Amandts lind Proftssor J. Hadlty Edgar art sho ...n rtvit ...• ing fht School of La ...'s ptf;lion for a chapltr of Tht Ordtr of Iht Coif, ...hich l1'asapprovtd in MlIY 1974. 32 33 Acceleration The School of law permits its students 10 accelerate their work and to graduate in December of the third year. In order to accelerate, a student must attend two summer sessions of al least six semester credit hours each. Courtroom Practice and Technique Throughout his career, the law student will have an opportunity to participate in courtroom activities, in the first and second year at the appellate level and during the third year at the trial and appellate levels. Students are encouraged to participate actively in moot court competitions, leading to statewide, regional, and national competitions among schools. During the third year, student defender and prosecutor programs are available which involve the clinical training of students in the defense and prosecution of actual crimes before appropriate courts and juvenile tribunals. Second and third year students participate in the legal aid program of the lubbock and Midland County Bar Associations and are given the fullest responsibility consistent with their experience and ability. Moot Court Board The Moot Court Board is comprised of third year law students and is responsible for the supervision of the School's program in Appellate Advocacy. Membership on the Board is open to third year students who have excelled in Appellate Advocacy at the Shawn making plans for tht /irst alumni annual giving campaign art Associ· ate Dtan W. Rud Qui/Nom. Jr., Northwest Ttxas arta ca-chairmtn Claude W. (PtttJ Harland and Mikt Irish, and Dean Richard 8. Amandts. • I Seatrd are Editar-in-Chief M. Charles Jennings of Memphis. Texas. and Managing Editor Bill Dawson of Tulia. Standing (left to right) are Citation Editor Ran Poole of Wichila Falls. Cose Note Editor Unk Beck of Beallmant. Sym' posillm Editor John Dayton of Minneapolis. MinnesofU. 8usintss Manage.r Gerry Halden of Gainesville. Topks Edilor Don Garner of Dallas. uad Ameles Editor Erwin Davenport of Bellelllie. and Cammenls Editor Cal Rnup of Austin. first and second year levels. Participation on the Board offers a valuable educational opportunity. Upon election to the Board, students direct and supervise the research and brief writing of first and second year students and also sit as judges for the oral arguments of cases. The experience gained is excellent preparation for a student who plans a practice which wilt involve appellate work. Law Review The LAw Review is a professional legal journal managed and edited by law students. The Law Review publishes both studentwritten notes and comments on various areas of the law and leading articles by professors, judges, and practicing attorneys. Participation in LAw Review work is both a recognition of superior academic achievement and a unique educational opportunity. Students who rank at the top of their first-year class are invited to serve as LAw Review candidates during their second year. The editorial board for the follOWing year is chosen from among the LAw Review candidates. The principal responsibility of Law Review candidates is to produce during the year at least one publishable note or comment on a current legal problem. Their work is done under the 35 34 supervision of the student editorial board, with the assistance of a faculty sponsor. Editorial board members not only supervise the second year work, but select and edit the major articles con~ tribuled by nonstudents and continue their own activities as contributors to the Law Review. RUAno ACTIVITIES Orientation and Counseling The School of law is firmly committed to the "open door" poticy in faculty-student relations. From the first academic contact during the week of orientation and introduction to the study of law until graduation, the faculty is available for consultation with respect to registration, the course of study, problems of general scholarship, and other matters relating to the student's progress in school. With a low student-faculty ratio and with the largest first year classes of apprOXimately 75 students, each student will have abundant opportunities for extensive personal contact with the faculty. Professional Enrichment legal educators agree that student development is greatly aided by professional experiences outside the classroom and by frequent and varied contacts with those engaged in the active practice of the law. Advanced students may become adjunct members of the lubbock County Bar Association. All students are encouraged to attend meetings of the Association and various continuing legal education programs, in which the School of law takes an active part. The Court of Civil Appeals for the Seventh District sits in the courtroom of the School of law once each semester. In addition, various state agencies have held hearings in the law schoor, where students are welcome. Additional professionally related programs and projects will be instituted as the student body grows and as students have the time to devote their efforts to these extracurricular activities. Texas Tech Student Bar Association The Texas Tech Student Bar Association was organized to promote the objectives of the School of Law, including an appreciation for fair and impartial administration of justice, the furthering of the professional ethical understanding of the students, cooperation and association among students, faculty, and the Bar, and the encouragement of active relations between the School of law and the University. slUdtn/s. ,mdtrgradullItS. and facul/y art show" visiting with Mr. Jus/ict William O. Douglas during his visit 10 tht School of UlW i" March. 1974. UIW Fraternities and Sororities The School of law has active chapters of Delta Theta Phi, Phi Alpha Delta, and Phi Delta Phi, professional legal fraternities, and of Kappa Beta Pi, professional legal sorority. Law Wives of Texas Tech The purpose of the law Wives of Texas Tech is to foster, through joint pursuit of common interests, better acquaintance and mutual understanding among women whose husbands are preparing for, or engaged in, the legal profession. Regular monthly meetings are held, in addition to special events planned in conjunction with the Student Bar Association. 37 36 DESCRIPTION OF COURSES Advanced Required Courses Courses to be offered during 1974-1975 are listed below. The second digit in the course number indicates the semester hour credit of the course. ADVANCED LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING. LAW 6267. Continuation of the use of law books and their functions in research; detailed practice in writing client lellers, opinion letters, trial briefs, legal memoranda, and various kinds of legal materials necessary to office practice. First year courses are required. at the advanced courses which are required, all must be taken during the second year with the exception of Professional Responsibility which may be postponed until the third year. One course involving legal writing must be taken during the second year. BUSINESS ENTITIES. LAW 652. A study of the legal principles of agency, partnership, and other unincorporated business forms; the factors affecting the selection of the form of a business enterprise; the nature and types of corporate entities; the promotion, organization, activities, financing, management, and dissolution of business corporations. First Year Courses CIVIL PROCEDURE. LAW 551. A study of the jurisdiction of the various state courts, the effect of their judgments, the phases of a lawsuit, and the procedures involved. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. LAW 552. A study of the federal judiciary's doctrine and practice of judicial review, judicial power, and jurisdiction of the courts, the power of Congress to regulate commerce, the power of the states to regulate commerce, and the protection of private rights, privileges, and immunities under the constitution which includes the substantive rights of freedom of enterprise, freedom of expression, freedom 01 religion, and freedom from discrimination. CONTRACTS. LAW 553. A study of the enforceability of promises, the creation of contractual obli· gations, performance and breach, the impact of the contract on the legal relationships of nonparties, and the examination of contract doctrine in three settings: personal service, sales of goods, and construction contracts. CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE. LAW 554. The sources and purpose of criminal law, the characteristics of particular crimes, and the general principles of liability and defenses; criminal procedure from investigation to post-conviction remedies, with particular emphasis on Texas procedures. LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING I. LAW 511. Instruction in the types of law books and their functions in research, leading to the preparation of different types of legal material. MOOT COURT. LAW 513. Preparation of memoranda of law and a brief, and delivery of an oral argument in an appellate court exercise. LAW 555. PROPERTY. An introduction to the law of real property, including estates and other interests in land, real property marketing, and conveyancing, and landlord and tenant problems. TORTS. LAW 556. Standards and principles governing legal liability for intentional and unintentional invasions of interests of personality and property. COMMERCIAL LAW. LAW 648. A study of the financing and distribution of goods from manufacturer to ultimate consumer, with special emphasis given to the financing of sales transactions (Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code) and to the processes for payment of sales-generated obligations (Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the Uniform Commercial Code). LAW 644. EVIDENCE. An examination of the problems of proof, including study of the admission and exclusion of information on the basis of relevancy, economy, policy, and p~otection of the individual or the state;. the examination of witnesses, subshtutes for evidence, and procedural conSiderations. INCOME TAXATION. LAW 641. The purposes of this course are to give a basic understanding of federal income taxation relating to individuals, trusts, partnerships, and corporations and to teach the use of complel<. statutes and regulations. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY. LAW 6223. Familiarizes the students with the ramifications of the Code of Professional Responsibility and the Canons of Judicial Ethics in the context of the practice of law and examines the machinery available for the improvement of the practice. LAW 643. WILLS AND TRUSTS. A study of the devolution of property by descent, wills and trusts, including a study of future interests and related constructional problems. Advanced Elective Courses ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. LAW 6310. Examines the role of the administrative process in our society, formal and informal, and emphasizes the powers and procedures common to all administrative agencies and the relationships among the legislative, judicial, and executive branches in the development of public policy. ADMIRALTY. LAW 6242. An el<.amination of the historical development of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; the n.ature and source 01 substan~ive marit.ime law in the context of particular topICS, and problems of admiralty jUrISdiction in a federal system. ADVANCED INCOME TAXATION. LAW 6323. A study of taxation principles applicable to formation, management, reorganization, and dissolution of business entities with particular emphasis upon the corporation-shareholder relationship in both closely held and publicly owned corporations. 39 38 ADVANCED SECURITIES LAW. LAW 6271. An advanced study of selected problems and developing areas in federal and slate securities law. The emphasis will be twofold. First, there wilt be an analysis of selected problems and corporate transactions which involve the application of federal and state securities laws. Second, there will be study of currently important policy issues and developing areils in federal and stale securities law, including "federal corporation law," These will relate 10 the registration of securities, the regulation of publicly held corporations, securities litigation, and Ihe regulation of investment companies and securi· ties trading markets. ANTITRUST. LAW 631'. A study of the national antitrust policy under Ihe Sherman, Clayton, Robinson·Patman, and Federal Trade Commission acls and the application of these laws to individual aClion and restrictive agreements involving price fiXing. market division, resale price maintenance, price discrimination, trade boycotts and refusals to deal, exclusive arrangements, patents, monopolies and industrial concentration, public and private remedies. LAW 611. APPELLATE ADVOCACY. Research and writing of briefs and participation in competitive rounds of oral arguments in appellate cases, designed to develop writing and advocacy skills and to increase the student's un~erstanding of the relationship b~ tween pre<:edent and policy in the resolution of legal controversies. BUSINESS PLANNING. LAW 6239. A consideraTion, from the viewpoint of the lawyer planning for a client, of Ihree or four realistically complex problems on organizational structures and operations of business organizations, including examinalion of problem areas in taxation, se<:urities regulation, corporate law, and finance. LAW 6262. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. A study of the collective bargaining process, administration of the collective bargaining agreement, and arbitration. COMPARATIVE LAW. LAW 6238. A study of civil law syslems and legal principles by comparing them to the Anglo-American common law tradition. Development of new legal insights by using the comparative method. CONFLICT OF LAWS. LAW 6324. The law relating TO TransaCTions or occurrences when some or all of the operative facts arise in more Than one state; jurisdiction of courts, enforcement of for~ign judgments and decrees; choice of conflicting law in situaTions involVing torts, contracts, property, marriage, divorce, and procedural problems. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SEMINAR. A study of selected problems in Constitutional Law. LAW 6233. LAW 6237. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS ON CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. A study of the critical doctrines of constitutional law which affect the ad· missibility of evidence in criminal cases, including the specific areas of search and seizure, invasion of p.rivacy, interrogation of suspects, use of u~dercover agents, priVilege againsT self-incriminatIOn, COllfrontation by WItneSSes, and others. LAW 6326. CONSUMER LAW. A consideration of the law relating to merchant/consumer transactions, with special emphasis on the place and operation of consumer credit in our society, exisT~ng and proposed legislatio~ affecting consumers, and judicial ~~~s;:;::~~~dlcial self-help methods available to aggrieved merchants and CORPORATE FINANCE. LAW 6263. A legal-economic analysis of alternative financing methods available to corporahons seeking growth, with consideration g.iven to valuation of the enterpriSe, alternative securities structures, and diVidend policies in light of variouS requirements affecting both the enterprise and its investors. LAW 6270. CORRECTIONS. A study of the theoretical and practical aspects of sentencing. punishment, treatment, and release from prison. Included are the revolutionary developments in the field of prisoners' rights. LAW 642. CREDITORS' RIGHTS. A study of the methods used for the liquidation of debtors' estates. The nonbankruptcy malerials cover individual creditor's rights by altachment, garnishment, execution, creditor's bills, and the like; common law composition; general assignments. The bankruptcy materials cover in the main the first seven chapters of the Bankruptcy Act and deal with liquidation. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE SEMINAR_ LAW 6231. A critical study of the criminal law processes at various stages from detention to appeal, including a study of state and federal rules of criminal procedure, and the constitutionally derived procedural rights of persons accused of crime. DEFENDING CRIMES AND JUVENILE DElINQUENCIES. LAW 6260. Clinical training in the investigation, preparation, and defense of adult crimes and juvenile delinquincies and in handling post-trial actions. ENVtRONMENTAL LAW. LAW 6328. The respective roles of the federal and state governments in handling such problems as air and water pollution, agricultural pollution, use of public lands, and land use planning. Federal and state regulatory means to safeguard the environment will be considered in detail. ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION. LAW 627. The impact of the federal estate and gift tax on various types of dispositions of property during life and at death, the administrative and judicial process in resolving federal estate and gilt tax controversies, and the social and economic implications of taxation of distributions of wealth. ESTATE PLANNING. LAW 6227. Techniques of planning and implementing dispositive arrangements, including both inter vivos and testamentary disposiTions; factors influencing the choice of one technique over another, including the income and estate and gift Tax consequences of a particular course of action. LAW 6331 FAMILY LAW. Legal prob~ms related to the eSTablishment, dissolution, and reorganization of family relationships, including marriage, divorce, annulment, alimony and child support,cUstody, adoption, dependancy, child abuse, and injuries to family relations. FEDERAL JURISDICTION. LAW 6332. A study of the jurisdiction of the federal courTs and of the procedural rules relaTed to jurisdictional mailers, including the law applied by the federal courts, federal question and diversity jurisdiction, removal jurisdiction, jurisdictional amount, appellaTe jurisdiction, and conflicts between the state and nalional judicial systems. LAW 6258. INJURIES TO RELATIONS. A STudy of legal problems related to such nonphysical harms as defamation, invasion of privacy, and interference with business, economic, and family relations. 40 41 INSURANCE. LAW 6216. The law applicable to the formation, construction, and enforcement of contracts for life, casualty, and property insurance; government regulation aflhe insurance industry. INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC LAW. LAW 6318. A study of the law of nations, including Ihe nature and sources of inler- nalionallaw, jurisdiction of Slates over persons and property, recognition of Slale'> and governments, the law of trealies, Ihe role of interniltional organizations, including Ihe United Nations, legal reslrictions on Ihe use of force, and the protection of human rights. JURISPRUDENCE. LAW 628. "'.n introduction to legal philosophy. The major j~risprudentjal issues, Ihe definition of law, the concept of justice, the relatIOn of law and morality, ~~: i~geh/u~~ti~~::fi~eg:~g:~a~y~~~;~~I,bi~C~~~~~~er~do~:~~p~n~:~~rna~~g~~ philosophies. JUVENILE COURTS SEMINAR. LAW 6220. A seminar to consider the power of the juvenile court, the juvenile court and the lawyer, police investtgation; preliminary screening and detention; and notice and hearing. LA80R LAW. LAW 6314. Study of state and federal laws governing the employer-union relationship, organizational rights, the establishment of the coltective bargaining relationShip, and the legality of various types of concerted activity. LAW 6213. LAND USE PLANNING. The course will cover the field of zoning and planning as well as provide some emphasis on subdivision control, restrictive deed covenants, and nuisances. LAW AND PSYCHIATRY. LAW 6272. This course deals primarily with both practical and theoretical aspeclS of the "insanity defense" and civil commitment. Particular allention is paid to the concept of "dangerousness" and to the problems of prediction of harmful conduct. LEGISLATION. LAW 629. A study of the dynamics of the legislative process and the role of the legis· :~~u;I~~~ ~~~~~7s~a~i~~~~Saena~c~,a~~~fti~;~a~;~~lti~:~~~Oc:.ssesand procedures LOCAL GOVERNMENT. LAW 639. A study of the law relating to the cre,ltion of local government units, their legislative, fiscal, proprietary, and administrative powers and functions, tort and contract liability, planning and land use control including zoning and urban renewal. Special emphasis is placed on Texas law. LAW 6313. MARITAL PROPERTY. Properly rights of husband and wife under the Texas community property system, including coverage of the law relating to homestead. LAW 6226. MILITARY JUDICIAL SYSTEM. A study of the composition, jurisdiction, and procedures of courts-martial convened in the armed forces of the United States, modes of proof authorized, the elements of military offenses, and defenses which are recognized, with emphasis upon the constitutional rights of accused servicemen. OIL AND GAS. LAW 6319. A study of the law of oil and gas with emphasis upon the i':'t.erest.s that may be created in oil and gas, the rights of the landowner, prOVISIons In the ~il and gas lease, t.he rights of assignees, and legislation dealing with production and conservatIOn. PATENT TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, AND UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW. LAW 6329. A survey course of federal regulation of the intellectual and industrial property law aspect of the competitive process, emphasizing patent trade· mark, and copyright law; related law of unfair competition, trade secrets, and know-how licensing; problems of federal preemption. LEGAL DRAFTING. LAW 6224. A study of drafting structure and phraseology as it has evolved in modern legislative drafHng and the appliC,ltion of the resulting principles to the preparation of documents for private transactions, principally those which depend on concurrence. PR08LEMS IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW. LAW 6265. The course will focus each semester on a particular proble~ in environmental law. The problem will be studied in depth with emphaSIS on analysis of legislation (state and federall t~ il and an evaluation of the regulatory scheme. Th~ functions of ad~lnlstratlve age~cies and their actIOns concerning the partICular problem.wlli als,:, be ~amlned. E.xamp!es of p~oblems which might be used include alf pollutIOn, water pollutIon, oil pollUhon, .use and abuse of public lands, conservation of scarce resources, the energy Crisis, and regional or statewide land use planning and management for environmental purposes. LEGAL HISTORY. LAW 6247. An examination of the institutions forming the basis of the Anglo.Americiln legal system; the origins and development of criminal, contract, and tort law; and the reception and adaptation of the common law in the United States, with focus on such points as the writ system, development of common law and equity courts, and the jurisdictional controversy within the English judicial system. REAL PROPERTY SECURITY. LAW 649. A study of real property security and financing. Creation and enforcement of mortgages, equitable liens, merchanics' liens, and other forms of real property security; aSSignments and priorities. Financing and security devices used in connection will1 land acquisition and development such as leasehold mortgages, sale and leaseback, real estate investment truSts, and .sy.ndication. Sludy of commercial leases, shopping center leasing, and condominiums. LAW 6327. LEGAL PROCESS. A survey of the American legal system and of official and private institutions through which a legal process is conducted in the perspective of their everyday, working interrelillionships, dealing by use of the "problem method" with major jurisprudential concepts affecting not only couriS but also private persons and their counsel, legislatures, administrative agencies, andexeculives. REGULATED INDUSTRIES. LAW 6269. An examination of problems in industries subject to special forms of government control. Regulatory problems in the gas, electric, telephone, pipeline, r,lilrO,ld, water carrier, motor carrier, domestic air transportation, and radio and television broadcasting industries are considered, as well as various broad policy problems, more or less applicable to all. 42 43 REMEDIES. LAW 6312. forms of legal and equitable relief a court is equipped to grant by way of redress to those who have been or may be injured, including allernalive choices and Ihe tactical advantages of each. RESTITUTION. LAW 6330. The legal concept of unjust enrichment and available remedial devices; its application to various factual silualions--fraud. mistake, duress, partially performed agreements, benefits tortiously acquired. SECURITIES REGULATION. LAW 6249. Feder",1 and Slale (particularly Texas) regulation of the issuance and sale of corporate securities; antifraud provisions, broker-dealer registration and market regulation, securities registration, administration and enforcement, civil liability and rescission, exemptions, financial reporting. disclosure, insider trading. and proxy regulation. STATE AND LOCAL TAXATION. LAW 6234. A study of selected problems dealing with the power to tax and limitations placed upon such power by the federal and state constitutions; the chief sources of state and loul tax revenues; and problems of conflict between tax systems in a federal state. TEXAS lAND TiTlES. LAW 6250. Contracts for sale of land; forms of deeds; descriptions; warranty and other covenants of litle; escrows; recording statutes; practice in drafting; acquisition of title to land through adverse possession. TEXAS PROCEDURE. LAW 647. A study of the Texas law in civil cases concerning jurisdiction of courts; venue of actions; joinder of parties and daims; pleading; discovery; summary judgment; jury and nonjury trial, including special issue practice; judgments and their effect; post-trial motions; perfection of appeal; and appellate review. TRIAL ADVOCACY. LAW 6228. A practical course involving demonstrations and student practice in all aspects of the trial of civil and criminal cases which provide significant opportunities for jury persuasion, instructor analysis and commentary respecting student performance and evaluation of trial tactics. WOMEN AND THE LAW, LAW 6268. A study of sex discrimination in American law, emphasiZing the origins and the extent of sex discrimination, the feminist movement, and recent I~gislative, judicial, and constitutional developments: T~e. pr~posed Equal Rights Amendment and legal remedies for sex discrimination are also reviewed. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION. LAW 6230. A study of the origin and substance of workmen's compensation law and procedures before administrative tribunals and courts. Special emphasis on Texas statutes and procedure. LAW REVIEW. LAW 712. LAW REVIEW. LAW 722. RESEARCH. LAW 711. RESEARCH. LAW 721. LEGAL AID. LAW 713. LEGAL AID. LAW 723. PRELAW ADVISERS listed below are the official prelaw advisers on various campuses in Texas who have authorized us to include their names in the interest of disseminating the most complete information about the study of law. For additiona: information, you may wish to see the official Pre·law Handbook, 1974-75 edition, published in the fall of 1974 and prepared by the law School Admission Test Council and the Association of American law Schools. 11 may be obtained al college bookstores or ordered from Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. Texas Tech University Professor Charles E. Dale, Department of Finance Professor Paul J. Woods, Department of History Abilene Christian College Professor B. Frank Rhodes, Head, Department of History and Political Science Angelo State University Professor Waller Noelke, Department of Government Austin College Professor Kenneth W. Street, Department of Political Science Baylor University Professor Charles O. Bennett, Jr., School of Law Bishop College Professor Melvin 1. Banks, Department of Sociology-Social Science East Texas State University Professor Charles P. Ertiolt, Department of Political Science Hardin-Simmons University Professor Charles Garroway, Department of Political Science Howard Payne College Professor K. J. Bragdon, Social Science Division Lamar University Professor Boyd l. Lanier, Department of Government Professor Arthur F. Stelley, Department of Business Administration McMurry College Professor Henry Doscher, Division of Business Administration Midwestern University Professor Leo M. Sabota, Chairman, Department of Political Science Professor Henry Steffen, School of Business Administration North Texas State University Professor Clovis C. Morrisson, Jr., Department of Political Science Rice University Professor M. V. McEnany, Department of Undergraduate Aflairs St. Mary's University Professor Phyllis C. Harper, School of Law Sam Houston State University Professor John W. Phillips, Department of Business Administration 44 Southern Methodist University Professor Ann Thomas, Department of Political Science Professor Roland W. Porth, Department of Accounting Southwest Texas Stale University Professor Randall W. Bland, Department of Political Science SouthwesteroUniversity Professor B. Joe Colwell, Department of Economics Stephen F. Austin Slale University Professor Joe Ellis Ericson, Head, Department of Political Science Sui RossStilleUniversily Professor Dale B. Christophersen, Department of Political Science Tarleton Siale College Professor O. A. Grant, Head, Department of Social Sciences Texas A&I University Professor Jefferson M. Bishop, Department of Government Texas A&M University Professor lawrence Bravenec. Department of Accounting Professor Philip Goode, Department of Accounting Professor J. M. Nance, Head, Department of History Professor John Seymour, Department of Management Texas Christian UniveBity Professor Comer Clay, Department of Political Science Professor J. Shelby Sharpe, Department of Political Science Texas lutheran College Professor Frank Giesber, Department of Economics Professor William W. White, Department of History Professor layne D. Hoppe, Department of Political Science Texas Southern Univeristy Professor Roberson L King. School of law Texas Wesleyan College Professor Walter W. Toxey, Jr., Social Science Division Trinity University Professor Robert Walker, Chairman. Department of Political Science The University of Texas at Arlington Professor Don Cantwell, Department of Business Administration Professor Sam Hamlen, Department of Government Professor Homer Kerr. Department of Hislory Professor C. D. Richards, Department of History Professor Allan Saxe, Department of Government The University of Texas at Austin Professor Robert Cotner, Department of History Professor H. Malcolm MacDonald, Department of Government Professor Eugene Nelson, Department of General Business The University of Texas at EI Paso Professor Jose F. Avila, Assistant Dean of Students Professor Joseph B. Graves, Department of Political Science Wayland Baptist College Professor Mary Zumot, Department of Government West Texas State University Professor David R. Mallhis, Department of Government Professor Gene McGlasson, Jr., Department of Business Administration