FINAL COPY ITU PLENIPOTENTIARY CONFERENCE 2014 BUSAN, KOREA 03 NOVEMBER 2014 TENTH MEETING OF COMMITTEE 6 09:30 Services provided by: Caption First, Inc. P.O. Box 3066 Monument, CO 80132 1-877-825-5234 +001-719-481-9835 *** This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. *** >> CHAIRMAN: Good morning, everyone. As we're about to start our next meeting of Com 6, if you could take your seats, please. Thank you. Once again, good morning, everyone, to the tenth meeting of Committee 6. Now, our agenda for this morning is document ADM/62. There will be a couple of slight changes in the order largely to take account of the fact that we had an Ad Hoc Group this morning to talk about the Varembé building and some of them were interested in Resolution 162. So we will start off our discussion this morning with what was number 13 on the agenda, which is support and assistance for the Republic of Iraq to rebuild its telecommunication Sector. And the document is 79A1/9 corrigenda 1. So if I could ask Iraq to introduce the document, please. Iraq. >> IRAQ: Thank you, Madam Chairman. Thank you very much, Madam Chair, good morning everyone. On behalf of the Arab Group, we would like to resubmit a new proposal Resolution concerning the aid and support and assistance for the Republic of Iraq to rebuild its telecommunications Sector. You are aware of the fact that the telecommunications structure has been greatly affected and was also destroyed by the war that lasted for several decades in Iraq. And we continue to suffer because this has a negative impact on all the aspects of our daily life, and that hampers the possibility of launching new construction projects. Therefore, in the course of this PP, we would like to remind you of the Resolution adopted in 2006 by the Plenipotentiary in order to provide support and assistance to Iraq. That Resolution was renewed in Guadalajara. We have not been able to take full advantage of that Resolution and benefit from it as was necessary because it was not activated as was needed, bearing in mind the budgetary restrictions of the ITU and the financial problems faced by the Union. This has made it much more difficult to attain our project in connection with rebuilding the telecommunications sector. After having made various observations in the course of our previous meetings and during previous conferences concerning these difficulties, we come to this PP to propose that we delete the paragraph regarding financial implications of this assistance. Thus, today, we appear before you presenting a new draft Resolution regarding support and assistance for Iraq in order to help it rebuild its telecommunications sector on the basis of a very well-established timetable and taking into account the needs of the country. We ask the ITU to assist us with experts that could travel to the country and thus find out what the needs are on-site. I would like to add to this the technological assistance that we requested previously. And that led us to resubmitting this new draft Resolution today, hoping that it will be adopted. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Iraq. I'll now open the floor for any comments. U.K., please. >> UNITED KINGDOM: Thank you, Madam Chairman. We support Iraq's efforts to rebuild its economy and to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for all of its people. This calls for support and assistance to revitalize the sector of any nation's economy, and so it supports it and the long-term benefits it should bring to Iraq and its people. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, U.K. I have no further requests for the floor. So we can take this new Resolution as endorsed and pass it on to Committee 4. United States, please. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you very much, Madam Chairwoman. We would like to join with the U.K. in supporting this Resolution. Thank you, chairwoman. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, U.S. Russian Federation, please. >> RUSSIAN FEDERATION: The Russian Delegation supports this and considers that this is absolutely necessary. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much to the Russian Federation. Iran, please. >> ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN: Thank you, Madam Chair. We would like also to associate ourselves with the previous speakers and support this draft new Resolution. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. And Egypt, please. >> EGYPT: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. First of all, please allow me to express my gratitude to the Arab Group for having submitted this draft Resolution. It is the right of all Member States to demand support and assistance from the Union. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Egypt. And Zambia, please. >> ZAMBIA: Zambia would like to associate its support to the proposal. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Zambia. So with that support, we will endorse the draft Resolution and we will send it through to Committee 4. So thank you very much for that. We will now move on to what was agenda item 2, which is the proposed revision to Resolution 162. And I will ask Ms. Ball from Australia if she could introduce the document, please. >> AUSTRALIA: Thank you, Chair. The drafting group on Resolution 162 considered proposals from the APT, the RCC, CEPT and CITEL. It met on two occasions, on Tuesday 28 October and Thursday 30 October, to develop the DT. It makes a number of changes to the Resolution including to take account of recent Council decisions on IMAC, to highlight the valuable work of IMAC over the past four years, and regarding the reports of IMAC. It further says that IMAC should continue on an ongoing basis, and the next Plenipotentiary Conference in 2018 should consider the implementation of this Resolution. It also "instructs the Secretary-General" to publish the reports of the IMAC on a publicly available website. It makes a number of changes to the terms of reference in Annex to the Resolution seeking to clarify some of the language based on experience over the past four years, and makes minor amendments to Appendix B in terms of reference on the proposed process for selection of the members of the IMAC. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Australia. I'll now open the floor for any comment. Spain, please. >> SPAIN: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. We participated in the Ad Hoc Group and we are very pleased with the results. It seems to me that we have improved the text and perhaps we will assist so that the operation of the Committee will be even better. There is one thing that since we were exhausted, we did not have the possibility of including it, and this is something that I bring to your attention. And if you agree, this might be an adequate addition to the Resolution and this is a topic that has to do with the incompatibilities of members of the Committee. In other Committees created in other International organizations, at times a reference is included in order to ensure that we be impartial and independent members of the Committee. And this entails a temporary compatibility in order to avoid that these members be part or be participants in the Secretariat of the Union for a certain period of time. And my proposed text is the following, it is to include in the Resolution, in one of the provisos there, the following words, and concretely with the following text. "The members of IMAC or of the Committee and their relatives, their direct relatives, will not be able to hold any position within ITU directly or indirectly during their mandate and up until five years after the end of their mandate." That is a proposal. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Spain. United States, please. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you very much, Chair. I just wanted to say that we also join the Working Group and thank Australia for their fantastic chairmanship. We certainly are glad to see that IMAC will be held on an ongoing basis. In terms of the comments from Spain, I believe that may already be included in the terms of reference, under the section of independence. So they may want to check to make sure that their concerns are captured. Because I think between the section, the paragraph 9 of composition, where it talks about "the professional competence and integrity shall be of paramount consideration in the selection of members." And "Independence" may "not hold a position or engage in any activity that could impair their independence from ITU." So they may want to check to see if that is sufficient. But that may be included. But again, I think it sends a very strong message of the usefulness of the IMAC to the membership. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, United States. Japan, please. >> JAPAN: Thank you, Madam Chair, and good morning everyone. Japan also supports modification of this Resolution. We think that it's important to continue to have that IMAC work going forward. So thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Japan. Brazil, please. >> BRAZIL: Thank you, Madam Chair. Good morning everyone. We also would like to support the outcomes of the Ad Hoc Group, particularly on the "Instructs the Council" which is not establishing it on a trial period anymore. It's recognizing that IMAC is very beneficial for us, and that is what we wanted to support, basically. But there is a part here in the Appendix B g) which still talks about a "trial period." And sorry because I couldn't participate in these ad hoc discussions due to overlap with other meetings, so I don't know if it was discussed. But perhaps we should remove the mention to the "trial period" in the Appendix B. So I'd like to propose that or ask for clarification from the ad hoc group if it was discussed or not. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Brazil. Russian Federation, please. >> RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Thank you, Madam chairwoman. The Russian Federation on behalf of the RCC participated in this discussion, and we fully support the option which is submitted today to the Committee. Of course, a certain number of issues remain, where we would like a broader view. For example, the process of selecting members and assessment of their activity. Not just self-assessment, but also assessment by other members of our organization. This could be resolved as we proceed. The Resolution I think represents in a balanced way the views of each person who participated in the discussion. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Russian Federation. Australia, could you respond to the statement about B g). >> AUSTRALIA: Thank you, Chair. And thank you to Brazil for highlighting this point. I understand it's in Appendix B on the proposed process for selection of the members of the IMAC, under point g). I expect this is just an oversight and not noticing that there was still a reference to the word "Trial" there. So I propose that we just remove the part of the sentence that says "And upon expiration of the trial period" because it's no longer necessary. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you for that, Australia. And, Spain, I wonder if we might ask you to respond to the suggestion from the United States. Spain, please. >> SPAIN: Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes, looking at the text, it seems to me that with a minor change a suggestion could be included in the current text, where it refers to independence in number 16 b). Currently, it points to that incompatibility or that guarantee of independence through incompatibility, and it points out that it should be within the period of three years before its designation as member of the Committee. We would like to extend it to five years or it could be three years. Nothing would happen. But that would not only be before their appointment, but also after their appointment, after the ten years, saying within the three years prior and after the appointment on IMAC. It seems to me that with that, that would be enough. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Spain. The U.K., please. >> UNITED KINGDOM: Thank you, Madam Chairman. The U.K. was happy to participate in the Ad Hoc Group and thanks, Australia, for its Chairmanship of that group. And we would like to support these proposed amendments with the additional tweaks, I think is probably the right word, proposed by Brazil and Spain. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, U.K. So with those two slight edits to the document, there are no other requests for the floor, so we could consider it endorsed. And we will send it on its way to Committee 4. So thank you very much for that. The next item is a proposed revision to Resolution 58. And this is document DT/35 rev 1. And if I could ask Mr. Darvishi to introduce the document, please. >> ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN: On document 35 rev 1, the revision to Resolution 58, which is a consensus text, is available. The additions are on the title of the Resolution and in the resolves part. Editorially I would like to mention that when we accept up all changes in "Resolves" 1 it comes back to the original text as it is in the Resolution 58 currently. We have also a "resolves further" and also in the section of "Instructs the Secretary-General" we have some new bullets and also in the "Instructs the Council" there is a text added to the end of the instructs. Thank you, Madam Chair. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Darvishi. Now I'll open the floor for any comments on this revision. I see none. So we can endorse this document and send it to Committee 4. And thank you, Mr. Darvishi, for all the work that you've done on this. It's much appreciated. We can now move on to item 4 on our agenda, the proposed revision to Decision 5. And this is document DT/55. And I'll ask Mr. Ba to introduce the document, please. >> SECRETARY OF THE SESSION: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I don't know whether we should start with document DT/32 rev 1 or do we go through Madam Mary Blanca Rios from the U.S. so she could introduce the results of the ad hoc Working Group and then I could introduce the financial plan. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Excellent suggestion, because that will give our work some very good context. So, Ms. Rios, could you take us through the results of the work of your Ad Hoc Group, please? >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The Ad Hoc Group on the financial plan met twice. We concentrated on the text of Decision 5, and annex B, which deals with efficiency measures. The meeting was well attended and participated. The main changes include a number of additions of efficiency measures as presented by the several contributions. It shows a very good balance between instructions from Member States for ITU to adopt a culture of efficiency savings, but it does not go into the realm of micromanagement. So I think it strikes a very nice balance. The main change in the actual decision includes two changes. One deals with a report about efficiency measures to Council. And it introduces a new mechanism to put further funds into the ASHI fund. So the only piece that we have missing is Annex 1, which includes the details of the Strategic Plan. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Ms. Rios. Now if I could ask Mr. Ba to introduce this document. Mr. Ba. >> SECRETARY OF THE SESSION: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. DT/32 rev 1 deals with the revised draft financial plan for 2016 to 2019. After several discussions and consultations, we are prepared to bring to your attention a balanced financial plan for 2016-2019. As you know, we have seen a reduction in the contribution units. That is a reduction of 10 and a half contributory units, which represents 13,356,000 for 2016 to 2019, as well as in the financial plan that was presented. It took into account the new financial resources from INRs that was 7 million. So we withdraw those 7 million from the revenues. We see a reduction in the contributory units of 13.5 million Swiss francs. In connection with expenses, we have a global reduction of 0.6 percent on the Bureau and General Secretariat Departments planned expenditure for the concerned timeframe, 3,356,000 Swiss Francs. Because of the retirement of the -- the withdrawal of the INRs, we also withdrew 2 million. No appropriations for implementing INR and ITU-T. We also proceeded to a reduction of the ASHI fund of 2 million. We had originally foreseen 4 million, bearing in mind the new decision, Decision 5 in annex 2 which encourages the restructuring of the ASHI fund, and thus we believe that it was necessary to withdraw the 2 million from the ASHI fund. We have a deficit, bearing in mind these different hypotheses, of 13 million Swiss francs. And these 13 million Swiss francs are to be offset by efficiency measures by an increase in the number of contributory units, and for that we entrust the new team in order to attempt to find new sources of income. But also other possible revenues, with the possible withdrawal from the reserve account upon Council decision. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the revised draft financial plan as we submitted and as it appears in document DT/32 rev 1. Thank you very much. And I await your questions. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Ba. I'll now open the floor for any comments. United States, please. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I just wanted to commend the Secretariat for this excellent proposal. I think it is very consistent with best practices, taken other United Nation organizations where any time that you have a disconnect between revenues and expenses, the main focus should be on efficiency savings, followed by additional resources such as additional contributory units, and only as a measure as a last resort is a withdrawal from the account. ITU is lucky that we have a reserve account that they can use to cover any deficits. And the organization has an entire year to come up with a suitable plan for their allocations and efficiency savings, so we certainly commend them on that. In terms of the removal of the extra contributions to ASHI, as I mentioned earlier, the new Decision 5 includes a mechanism that would put funds into the ASHI fund after the biennium is finished. So I think we are trying a good balance between the timing and the commitment to put money for the unfunded longterm liabilities. I have a slight editorial question for the table. Since the issue of INRs, it says "New financial resources - INR," can we remove that line from the table? I think any potential revenues that get decided in the future would be covered by the line for cost savings. Since it was not relevant and it never existed before, we suggest that it be taken out of the table, if possible. But again, thank you for all of your efforts. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, United States. Sweden, please. >> SWEDEN: Thank you very much, Madam Chair, and good morning. We would also like to thank the Secretariat for the efforts they have made to present a revised draft financial plan, and I would very much like to appreciate the discussion that we had offline with the Secretariat on these issues. And we are looking forward to very good cooperation in the future, looking for constructive solutions. We have the same comments as the United States, that the focus should be on cost savings. But of course according to the Regulations, Council has certain responsibilities to take certain decisions with the reserve account. And based on the information available when they would discuss the budget for the first two years, they would take the correct decisions. And we are sure that the ITU will continue work in the best way and still achieve balance in the future. So we once again would like to thank the Secretariat for all the efforts that they have done to develop this document. And together with Decision 5 of the -- or the revised Decision 5, we believe this is a step in the right direction. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you. Tunisia, please. >> TUNISIA: Thank you, Madam Chairwoman. I would like to thank the Secretariat for this effort which pulls together the different views on the financial planning for 2014-2018. As regards this document and its contents, in addition to contributory units and other possible resources, we suggest adding a phrase to say "Other income sources including new financial sources," which would leave the door open for the different regions of the ITU to quest for different -- search for different possible sources in other meetings on this issue. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Tunisia. U.K., please. >> UNITED KINGDOM: Thank you, Madam Chair. The U.K. would also like to add its thanks to the management team and Secretariat for their work in producing this balanced financial report. We very much appreciate the efforts that have gone into finding a solution that provides us with this document. We would also like to support the U.S. proposal to delete that line, and would note that obviously once this document has been agreed, we -- this will take the place of the table in annex 1, so that they both -- both documents DT/55 and DT/32 match then. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, U.K. Brazil, please. >> BRAZIL: Thank you, Madam Chair. Well, basically to support this document I already told Mr. Ba that this is an excellent proposal, offline. And thanking him for taking into account all our concerns and also for being there in the Ad Hoc Group and clarifying that you have been personally committed to reducing expenditures of the ITU and increasing efficiency. And it seems like you have been very successful. And I would like to thank the support from all Member States to the InterAmerican Proposal on annex 2 to decision Decision 5. There was overall support for almost all of them. But we had some difficult discussions on the travel policy. But I'm happy that Mr. Ba has shown commitment to do the best he can to reduce travel costs and to improve the finances of the Union. And I'm very reassured that you'll be committed to further increasing the efficiency and productivity of the ITU. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Brazil. Mali, please. >> MALI: Thank you, Madam Chair. Mali would like to thank the ITU Secretariat for having prepared this document. We fully support -- we won't object to it. There are a couple of points we would like to make. First, we reserve the right to reconsider the document once we have the French document. This is the first point. Second, we don't know whether we can count on the increase in contributory units. We would like to ask on what basis will there be promises of an increase and what place will that take in the financial plan? Third, referring to the position of Tunisia on other possible sources, including INR, I think that is important as a formula. We believe it's important to finish work on this financial plan and to think carefully about how this will be articulated. We thank the Secretariat for having worked hard to make efficiencies and savings, but we have questions about the basis for the increase in contributory units and what are the assurances that we have that things will take place exactly in this way? It seems to us extremely important to have a clear explanation. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mali. Russian Federation, please. >> RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Thank you, Madam Chair. We would also like to express our gratitude to the Secretariat for the document as compiled. This is not a simple document. It requires from the new ITU team a great deal of effort to find new sources of resources. We are happy to see that Resolution 5 includes a quest for different possible sources, and we would agree with the United States here that we are glad to see that there is indeed a reserve account in the ITU which can also be used in critical situations. As regards the line on International numbering, we agree with the administration, with Tunisia and Mali, that the text can be left as proposed, that is with the additional sources of funds. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Russian Federation. Japan, please. >> JAPAN: Thank you, Madam Chair. So first of all I would like to appreciate Mr. Ba and your team for having to modify the plan for the budget. So Japan thinks it's good to develop the INR for the development of the financial plan at this time. So in the future work of ITU it will be needed for ITU to seek priority for the project and to reduce the use of the reserve account. So, finally, thank you again to the ITU Secretariat for all his hard work. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Japan. And Spain, please. >> SPAIN: Thank you, Madam Chair. As other Delegations, we would also like to express our gratitude to the Secretariat for the efforts made and for the flexibility they have shown. We could go along with this proposal. We support the financial plan. We trust that through efficiency savings measures, we can obtain the resources we need in order to avoid, if possible, having to resort to the reserve account. If that were not possible, then it seems to me in the coming years we should start pondering upon the situation together to see whether we are capable of attaching better priorities, better than what we have done so far, whether we need additional effort or perhaps a structural reform. And it is also very important that we pay due attention to the financial implications that a decision might have on changes in the buildings of the Union. All of the above, in order to come better prepared to the next PP. As I was saying, to be better prepared when we come to the next PP, and to continue ensuring that financial stability that we all wish. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Spain. And France, please. >> FRANCE: Thank you, Madam Chair. I myself would also very much like to thank the Secretariat for all of these efforts. The proposal in DT/32 is something we find satisfactory, and we would like to support this, as does Spain. This is a plan for efficiency savings, but does not exclude the use of the reserve account by the Council, and so we support this. We believe that it will make it possible for the ITU to implement all the missions given to it by the Plenipotentiary. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, France. I'll now give the floor to Mr. Ba. Mr. Ba, please. >> SECRETARY OF THE SESSION: Thank you, Madam Chair. And I would like to thank the delegations that expressed their congratulations on this balanced financial plan, which was a collegial effort between us and the management concerning the proposal. We see no reason not to remove the line on new financial resources. There is no hindrance, either, to include possible new financial resources. As concerns the question of Mali on the possible increase of contributory units, this is a question of savings measures. There are increasing contributory units. We have the authority to use these in the current situation. There is no current certainty as to the increase, but we can refer to the past. In 2006, for example, when the financial plan was presented in Guadalajara, after that session we had a number of countries that proceeded to increase contributory units. I would cite South Korea and India, for example, who doubled their contributory units, both of these two countries, going from five to ten units. We can also have a campaign with respect to those countries that have not yet taken a decision to come back with new ideas and proposals. The current financial plan considers that if such things may happen, the management team may use those additional contributory units. If we fail, despite all the efforts, it will be possible and fully authorized to use the reserve account in order to balance the budget for 2015 to 2017 and 2017 to 2019. So that's how I would like to respond to that particular question. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: And I'll now give the floor to Deputy Secretary-General elect, Mr. Zhao. >> DEPUTY SECRETARY-GENERAL ELECT: Thank you, Madam Chair. Dear colleagues, I tried to join Committee 6 last week but, unfortunately, with the reasons that you can understand, you can understand why I could not come to Committee 6. Of course last week we had some difficult time, after we noted that there would be some further cuts from our members, and there was some kind of panic at the beginning of last week. Even ITU staff were very much worried. So I have no doubt that in the end our members will help us to overcome these problems. I was told by my colleagues to be patient and work hard with our members. I'm pretty sure the people will give us plans to improve our financial plan. But anyhow, the time last week was not very easy for most of us. And you worked very, very hard and then you gave us a lot of proposals, ideas, to suggest to us what measures we can take to save unnecessary expenditures and to prioritize our projects, to use our limited resources for the most important, urgent matters. So all of these proposals and ideas were very -were put on the agenda of your meetings last week, and I was very pleased to hear the progress. Also, I did not come to you, but in the corridors and evenings I received briefings from Mr. Ba, and in the corridors I had a lot of contact with our delegates, and I found that the atmosphere is quite good and people would like to give us opportunities to manage our life with the current projects available to us. So I see that Saturday morning I was informed by some delegates that compromise seemed to be already reached and we would have just a baseline to suggest to the Committee 6 to have text properly adapted to this baseline. So I was very, very pleased to hear that news. But however, still, we spent the weekend here to help us to finalize the text, and this morning I found that in this room everybody seems to appreciate the new document presented to you. And everybody shows support to this document. I would really like to take this opportunity to appreciate your efforts. And I see that this meeting gives me a very clear message that our members really want to show the maximum support to ITU management, to manage our work. This kind of confidence, more than those individual and concrete proposals, so I take this good spirit of confidence and support to new management. I think that I would like to assure you as the newly elected Secretary-General that we are well based. We are well based to take into account the guidelines that you give us this morning, to take into account the actual requirements from these two documents which will be officially approved later this week. We are well based to check where we can still save money, where we can increase our efficiency. We will not try to stop there saying that we already have this draft financial plan and we will not do anything in addition. So we will do our best to meet your expectations. Of course, those new resources of income, you know, we will also discuss them ourselves and try to get some additional income to support our activities. Of course, those important INRs, we will keep close cooperation with you and we will try to do our best to communicate to you our proposals and ideas, and not only in the Council only. You know, before the Council, whenever we have some kind of ideas to move things ahead, we will communicate to you. So that the transparency, the efficiency, basically is our main goal. We will try to keep transparency and efficiency always in our mind and keep good communication with you. And the continuing support, I'm very, very confident that with such kind of wonderful spirit of confidence you show to us, such a strong spirit of support from you, we will be able to manage our life with those financial plans you will approve. And I think that ITU is in good order and I'm very confident that ITU will be able to move further and higher. So, Madam Chair, I just wanted to take this opportunity to express my satisfaction of your discussions so far and also my appreciation to all of you to help us. Unfortunately, I have to leave because I have some other arrangements. You know, this week is still not finishes, and people take profit of non-sessions of plenary to ask for bilateral discussions. So I have to find time for those people who would like to bring resolutions to me. And some of them have to leave early this week, so I cannot postpone that. So, Madam Chair, once again, I highly appreciate your leadership and I highly appreciate the good spirit of our members. And, of course, also the critical cooperation between our members and our secretary to take care of this very, very important financial plan issues. And I wish you good luck and wish you all success. Thank you very much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Zhao, who is of course our Secretary-General elect. So with that, we can consider the financial plan approved and we can send it on to Committee 4. (Applause) I would also like the record of the meeting to note the very strong appreciation for the work of Mr. Ba and for his team and for the Secretariat and for the ITU management in pulling this together in what was a very difficult and unexpected circumstance. It wasn't easy. I think that they did it very well and I think it shows the degree of trust in which Mr. Ba and his team are held. And I'd also particularly like to acknowledge the member state participation so actively and constructively in pulling this together as well. As I said, it was not an easy job. So thank you all very much. (Applause) So, moving on, the next item on the agenda is a proposed revision to Resolution 175. Document DT/62. And I'll ask Ms. Saks if she could introduce the document. Ms. Saks. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you, Madam Chair. We met two times for two hours each, and I'm happy to say that everybody came to the conclusion that we were happy with the text. There is one issue that CITEL has to approve the changes that we made, and I believe that can be done here if there is a CITEL representative that will take that responsibility. Or I'm not clear, perhaps Vernita could clarify what the procedure is on that. Other than that, we're done. It went for translation on Friday. And so we're quite happy with the results. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. Ms. Saks. Argentina asked for the floor. >> ARGENTINA: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. CITEL supports Resolution 175, and would like to thank the work done by Andrea Saks. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much for that confirmation, Argentina. I'll now open the floor for any comment. I see none, so we can consider this document endorsed and we can send it to Committee 4. And I'd like to thank Ms. Saks, because it was quite a complicated task, pulling those three Resolutions together -- four. Four Resolutions together. So thank you very much for that. (Applause) Now we are dealing with the proposed revision to Resolution 77 and the proposed revision to Resolution 11, which will be considered together. So I'd ask Ms. Harris if she could introduce those. They are documents DT/68 and DT/69. Ms. Harris. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you, Chairman -- Madam Chairperson, and good morning everyone. Yes, the Ad Hoc Group on future conferences dealing with Resolution 77 and Resolution 111 and Resolution 153 met. And we have three documents, too, for your consideration this morning. And I do believe that it's best that we take all three of them together, because they are really kind of a package deal. So I will go through each one, starting with Resolution 111, which is -- it's an update based on contributions from the different proposals into the meeting, and it is basically updating the text to include that we take into account religious holidays of Member States, and to make sure that we check the calendar and check with Member States before we schedule meetings. And those of Council, in particular, for those of the Member States. So that's for your approval here today. Resolution 77, the group felt very strongly that Resolution 4 and Resolution 153 should be merged with Resolution 77, as the context of Resolution 4 dealt with the scheduling of Plenipotentiary Conferences and Resolution 153 dealt with the scheduling of Plenipotentiary Conference and Council sessions. So what you'll have in DT/68 is a merged document that includes the substantial elements from Resolution 4 and Resolution 153. This text is submitted for your approval here. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Ms. Harris. I'll now open the floor for any comment. I see none, so I propose that we endorse the proposed revision to Resolution 77 and to Resolution 111 and the proposed suppression of Resolution 4 and 153, So their endorsement, and to be sent to Committee 4. So thank you again, Ms. Harris. I know that that was quite a complex task again and involved consideration of a number of separate Resolutions. So thank you very much. (Applause) Now we are moving to the proposed revision -- now we are moving to the proposed Resolution 167, which will be considered together with a draft new Resolution on the use of hyperlinks in ITU documents. These are documents DT/71 and DT/72. And if I could ask Ms. Aziz if she could introduce the documents, please. >> EGYPT: Thank you, Madam Chair. I would like to start by thanking colleagues who joined the informal drafting group on Resolution 167. We met twice and there was some offline work with colleagues in regards to some parts of the Resolutions. Proposals were very much consistent and therefore the work of the informal group was mainly to consolidate the proposals and to eliminate repetitions. Proposals were from CITEL and from the Arab Group and the African Group. The major ideas behind the amendments of this Resolution were updating some references; acknowledging work done on electronic working methods and the associated benefits, whether to ITU or to membership; and highlighting the need to further development and work on electronic working methods, to help Developing Countries to better participate in the meetings of the Union; in addition to highlighting the need to better serve People with Disabilities and people with specific needs through the development of these facilities. There is elaboration as well on the needs and difficulties faced in general and by Developing Countries in specific. There was a statement that ITU original offices can play a role in regards to helping Developing Countries to better participate in the different and various meetings of the Union, and it is worth noting that this is suggested to be within the limits of the available resources. The group has added a section to "Instructs the SecretaryGeneral" to share information about the developments made with regard to electronic meetings, and the progress within the ITU with the United Nations and other specialized agencies for their consideration. Finally, I would like to mention two points. There was a reference in this Resolution to the role of hyperlinks in documents, and the informal drafting group has suggested to delete this reference and suggested instead a draft decision on the use of hyperlinks in ITU documents generally speaking. It's a very short decision that refers to Council 2009, and the report by the Secretary-General on the use of hyperlinks in ITU documents, with noting that the legal opinion in this report was noted and endorsed by Council 2009. So the draft may need to pick the related paragraph under resolves in Resolution 167, and put it as is, to reflect a broader application on all hyperlinks not only on documents circulated in the course of electronic meetings. And the other point I would like to mention, which is my last point, is the suggested annex to Resolution 167 detailing an Action Plan to develop the electronic working methods within the limits of the financial resources. And if you would allow me, I would mention a few points of this plan, like upgrade infrastructure at headquarters and regional offices to support use of eParticipation, to implement technical solutions to extend ITU interpretation services to eParticipants. To establish guidelines for eParticipation in ITU meetings, to review current applicable policies and practices, to implement collection of statistics across all sectors so as to track trends in eParticipation. These are some points among others. And now, Chair, we hereby submit the collective work on Resolution 167 to Com 6 and to your consideration, and we seek its being approved. Thank you so much. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ms. Aziz. So I'll now open the floor for any comments. I see no comments. So we will be able to endorse the proposed revisions to Resolution 167 and the draft new decision on the use of hyperlinks, and send them to Committee 4. So thank you very much, Ms. Aziz, for your work. (Applause) Now we will move to Resolution 93, which is document DT/56. And it was number 5 on the original agenda. And I'll ask Mr. Ba if he could introduce the document. Mr. Ba, please. >> SECRETARY OF THE SESSION: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. Resolution 93 was adopted at the PP conference in 1998 in Minneapolis, the US. That Resolution was established before Resolution 41, which authorizes the Secretary-General to sign a motivation plan for the members that were facing difficulties in the payment of their contributions. The 1998 Council issued guidelines, and Resolution 41 was established at the Marrakesh conference in order to modify the 2006 and 2010 but also in the current conference. Thus we have to delete this Resolution 93, which will be replaced by Resolution 41. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mr. Ba. So I'll open the floor for any comments. I see none. So that is endorsed and we can send that to Committee 4. And the last item on our agenda for this morning is agenda item number 12. A summary of the information session on International numbering resources, which was a session held on 31 October 2014. So if I could ask our Chairman from Rwanda to report on that meeting. Rwanda, please. >> RWANDA: Thank you, Madam Chair. On Friday, from 4:45 up to 5:30 p.m. there was an information session and some Member States asked questions for clarification regarding document DL 35. And the following is a summary of the questions. There was a question on the scope of proposal in document 34 include a telephone number, ITU-T E doc 164 numbers, with a charge of one cent per number? There was also a question on numbering resources, if they are considered in the current, which number considers it in this current proposal. Another question was on MCC/MNC numbers, what is assigned by ITU versus the administration. Also, there was a question on ITU charges, if the ITU will charge directly the operators or it will go through the administration. And another question was what is involved in the maintenance of the database. There was also a question on the enforcement mechanism if agreed. And how many numbers have been assigned so far, and there is a list of these numbers. And which INRs would have the biggest impact in terms of revenue to the ITU. And what would be the typical cost for an operator. And also the original breakdown of the INRs that are proposed. And the document 63 contains the responses, and also there is the annex of the document DL 34. Thank you, Madam Chair. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Rwanda. I'll now open the floor for any comments. U.S. please. >> MALI: Thank you, Madam Chair. It's to express my gratitude to the ITU Secretariat for having organized this information session that lived up to all our expectations. We had requested that a summary of that information session be presented, and that is what appears in DT/63. So we thank the Secretariat for this initiative. Once again, it shows that things are being managed in a transparent way. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much, Mali. United States, please. >> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Thank you very much, Chair. And good morning, friends. We, too, thank the Secretariat and TSB for the information session last Friday and for the summary report contained in document 63 E. The additional information provided is helpful for delegates to understand some of the consequences, intended and unintended, of these ill-conceived proposals. As many colleagues confirmed on Friday, the very serious impacts on administrations, operators and customers cannot be ignored and should not be invited by further pursuing these proposals. Looking at the summary we have been provide, we would make three observations. First, in question 3, the response begins by stating that the ITU assigns MCC/MNCs directly. But in the next sentence says that for geographic MCC/MNCs, the ITU assigns MCCs to administrations and administrations then assign MNCs to operators. So the ITU does not directly assign these resources. Further, the response mentions that these numbers are registered in an ITU database. That is the case only if MNC assignments are reported to the ITU. I understand that many are not. Second, question 4 asks if the ITU charges operators or administrations. The question asked in the information session was not what the ITU does, but what it would do under these proposals. If the ITU intends to charge for MCC/MNCs, many of these resources are assigned by administrations. Many are not reported to the ITU or registered in its database. So any fees would have to be charged to administrations if they're going to be assessed. This will raise all the concerns that have been expressed in detail in our last two discussions of these issues. Finally, we thank the Secretariat for the additional regional breakdowns for all of the INR resources, and also the response to question 8, which recognizes that the resource having the biggest financial impact is the SANC/ISPC. As shown in table 5, the collection of the proposed fees on these resources will have the biggest financial impact on administrations, operators and customers in the Arab States and Asia Pacific. That would also be true for other numbering resources identified in the summary. As we continue to receive more details about the possible consequences of these proposals, our concerns grow. The Union would be better served if we spent our limited time on more productive discussions about the ways to strengthen the ITU budget. There is no need for further consideration of these proposals. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, U.S. Tunisia, please. >> TUNISIA: Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam, Tunisia would like to move forward with this question and that is why we brought a contribution on this topic. What we're asking is ultimately to include in the report of Com 6 that we include the following mention. The SecretaryGeneral is invited to prepare a suggestion to Council in order to index INRs as described in this document DT/63, ultimately in relation with the remarks that were made, be it by Mali or by the U.S. It seems to me that we need further clarification on this matter and we need to be better prepared in order to come to a decision in Council. Thank you, Madam. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much for that helpful suggestion, Tunisia. Mali, please. >> MALI: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. In our first statement we thought that it was only a very general comment on the report, so we didn't want to go into a detailed presentation. We supported the proposal made by Tunisia. We could go along with that, so that we continue pondering upon this issue on the basis of information provided in DT/63. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: U.K., please. >> UNITED KINGDOM: Thank you, Madam Chair. Any decision or further work on INRs would impact both Sector Members and non-Sector Members. Therefore, if there is to be any further work, it's important it's considered by a broad representation of organizations of those who are impacted. Without this, there is no way of ensuring that the full and complete analysis would be completed in a way that would identify the most appropriate way forward. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, U.K. Russian Federation, please. >> RUSSIAN FEDERATION: Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for all the information provided on this discussion. We consider this discussion to be very useful. It is necessary that it is continued to ultimately take a decision at the Council on the introduction or non-introduction of additional payment for numbering. But this is still a path that we need to go down. Further analysis is required before the Council can take a decision. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thanks you. Czech Republic, please. >> CZECH REPUBLIC: While we totally agree with the U.S. contribution and U.K., and we would like to stress also one side of this problem, and that is that these thoughts or proposals evidently were not discussed with the industry, and the industry will be the most affected part. So when we prepare such Regulation in our country, we really have to have thorough discussions with all of a effected parties, that is the industry as I mentioned and also the consumer side. So both sides were not discussed. And if further discussed within ITU, we ask to include them into the discussions and to considerations. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Czech Republic. Senegal, please. >> SENEGAL: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. We rejoice with the quality work that has been accomplished by this Committee. We would like to support the proposal made by Tunisia, that aims at having a test period before we come to a final decision of this proposal. We believe that this is a good compromise on this situation. That phase in which we will ponder upon this will be followed by a whole set of tests that are important in order to come to a decision. Thank you, Madam Chair. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Senegal. Poland, please. >> POLAND: Thank you very much, and thank you for the additional information about the numbering resources. However, we still think that this should be well justified for the market and customers. This is for a real country and number code. And charges are already imposed on operators. So we think that imposing additional charges will be detrimental to the market and the customers who will be affected at the end. These consequences could not be ignored, and that for the proposed approach of increasing the existing fees or on an International number or imposing new fees is unacceptable. So we think that we still should analyze the issue and consult this issue with members and nonmembers, because all members are affected on this subject. So I -- we think that we should analyze this issue first and then propose some approach. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Sweden, please. >> SWEDEN: Thank you, Madam Chair. First I would like to thank the Secretariat for this document and the answers provided to the questions put forward at the information session. We fully support the views expressed by the United States, U.K., Poland, and the Czech Republic. However, if there is any discussion to be taken in ITU, we also agree with the U.K. that you have to involve all the interested parties. But we also believe that any discussions could be limited to directly assigned numbers from ITU. And based on the cost recovery, to cover the cost for managing those issues, not for revenue generating. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Sweden. And France. And then the Czech Republic and then we will have to close the discussion. I'll close the list because we have to make way for Com 3, which is happening in this room at 11:00. So France, please. >> FRANCE: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I would like to thank the Secretariat for this very useful and very detailed document. As was pointed out by Mali, Tunisia and Senegal, we could go along with the principle that we continue working within the ITU on this matter of INRs. But in the understanding, as was said by other Delegations, without prejudging results and decisions that might be taken by Council. And on the other hand that this obviously must be done by bringing in all interested parties, as was suggested by the U.K. and Sweden. Thank you, Madam Chair. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, France. Czech Republic, please. >> CZECH REPUBLIC: Thank you, Madam Chairperson, for giving me and taking the floor for the second time. I forgot to mention also one important aspect, and that is that this decision cannot be taken or implemented on a provisional basis, because it has real serious impacts and could be final. So there is no way for some provisional way. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Czech Republic. Given that there is a lot of interest and varying views in the issue, and considerable requests for further information and clarification on a number of issues associated with it, I propose that in the report of this meeting we recommend that the Secretariat undertake further work in consultation with Sector Members and interested parties, and provide that to the next session of the Council for consideration and decision, if appropriate. So thank you everyone. This ends our tenth session. We have made a lot of achievements this morning and I thank you all for that and once again for your very active attention and consideration. And I have Mr. Ba here, who has an important announcement. >> SECRETARY OF THE SESSION: Thank you very much, Madam Chair. For those who will not be here for Committee 3, I'd like to announce that we will have a working table on connect 2020 on the innovations, and that will take place at 1 p.m. in room D. Committee 3 will meet in just a few minutes at 11 o'clock. So we can have a ten-minute coffee break. Thank you. >> CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Mr. Ba. And good morning. (End of session, 10:55) *** This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. ***