B da irn t.ila Bankof Baroda Date: Ogih October 2015 The Vice-President, B S E Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 BSE CODE-532'134 E-mail: "corp.relations@bseindia.com" The Vice-President, National Stock Exchange of lndia Ltd Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 CODE-BANKBARODA Email : "cmlist@nse.co.in' Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Bank of Baroda-compliance Report on Corporate Governance with regard to Clause.49 of the Listing Agreement for the quarter ended 30th September 2015 We forward herewith the Compliance Report on Corporate Governance pursuant to the clause-4g x(B) of the Listing Agreement pertaining for the quarter ended 30th September 2015, in Annexure Xl of the Listing Agreement. We request you to take a note of the above. Yours FaithfullY, t __.\., M.L. Jain DGM- Company Secretary & Comiliance k rcl-<r Frqits+jc{, {-zo, t'r-<frr, rrEr.grdtaiqnn, aet (t ), ti*{ 400 o51,qr.d Barocla Corporate Centre, C-26. G-Block, Bandra K!rla Complex, Bandra (E). Murnbai_ 400 051 lndra eln/ Phone 91 2266985812i 5846 ' +F / Fax: 91 22 2652 6660 g-id/Emarl companysecrelarybcc@bankofbarodacom'iq/Web www bankofbaroda com B da irn t*dr BankofBaroda Annexure - Xl to the Listins Aqreement Format ofOlaftedv Neme of the ComDlianae Report on Coroo6te Govemanae Comoenv: ouarter endlns on: BANK OF BARODA 3ot Sefi.mbe.2015 Particulals clause of Listing agreement ll. Board of Directo6 49 Compllan Remarks CC Status ([) *Bank YES of Baroda is a body corporate under a separate statue i.e. BankinS Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of undertakings) Act, 1970. The composition of the Board of Directors is Eoverned throu8h this Act read with relevant Scheme made under the Act. (A) Composition of Board (B) lndependent Directors 4s (IA) 4s (IB) YES (C) Non-executive Directors' 49 (flC) YES 4e (lrD) YES 4e (IE) YES 49 (lF) YES 49 (rfl) YES compensation & disclosures (D)Other provisions as to Board and Committees (E) Code of Conduct (F) Whistle Blower Policy lll. Audit Committee As above YES follow "Public lnterest Disclosure I Protection of lnformer Resolution" )opularly known as whistle Blower )olicy & the same have been iploaded on Bank's website. r'r'e 'The composition/term of reference of AcB is governed by the guidelines issued by our Regulator i.e. ReseNe Bank of lndia (RBl), which we comply. (A) Qualified & lndependent Audit (B) Meeting ofAudit Committee (C) Powers of Audit Committee (D) Role ofAudit Committee (E) Review Committee of lnformation by Audit 49 (IrA) YES 49 (lllB) YES As above 49 C) 49 (lllD) YES As above YES As above 49 YES As above ( (UrE) T+{I 6rdte +<{, *-26, s-Ff6, ql<r.gFi Eiq+€, qr=r (:.), ti+i aoo 0s1,!rrd is:jli;, <- Barcda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (E), lVumbar '400 051 lndia slr/ Phone 91 22 66985812/5846. +€/Fax 91 22 2652 6660 .:'---:-: g qa/ F mar' cornpanysecrela,y bcc@balkolbaroda.om . qta / weo ww oanlo'baroo; cor UE {a srn {.ilc: Particulais BankofBaroda Clause of compllan Remarks Lliting lv. Nomlnation and RemuneEtion 4e (rv) YES v. Subsidiary Companies 4e (v) YES Vl. Risk Management 49 (vD YES Vll. Rclated Party Ti.nsaction3 49 Vlll. Dlsclosur€s 4e (v[D (A) Related party tGnsactions 49 (vlllA) YES 49 (VlflB) YES 49 (Vlll C) YES (D) Management 49 (VIr D) YES (E) Shareholders 49 (VIr E) YES (F) Proceedsfrom public issues, issue, 49 (vlll r) YES Commlttee (B) Disclosure of (v[) +Governed throu8h RBI/GOl guidelines, which we comp!y. YES No Material Transadion with Related Parties durin8 the Quarter. Accounting Treatment (C) Remuneration of Directors Remuneration of Directors is Governed through GOI guidelines. preferential issues, etc rights lX. CEO/CFO Certlfl cation 4s (rx) YES X. R€port on Corporate Governance 49 (x) YES xl. Compllan.e 4s (xr) YES *ln this regard we request a reference of Para 4.3 of SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFDPOLICY CELU2/2014 dated 17.04.2014 which states that- "For other listed entities which are not companies, but body corporate or are subject to regulations under other statutes (e.t. banks, financial lnstitutions, insurance companies etc.), the Clause 49 will apply to the extent that it does not violate their respective statutes and tuidelines or direct;ves issued bythe relevant regulato.y authorities." BANK OEBARODA DGM - Company secretary & compliance Date: Ogrh October 2015 Place : Mumbai Tlr<r 6rdls +€t, $-26, +-6i6, sr<rgFt -ffi€, qrg (X). !T{ 4oo o5i,qr{d Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26 G-Block, BandG Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), f.lumbar 400051.lndra +{ / Phone r 91 22 6698 5812 / 5846. frfiI / Fax : 31 22 2652 6660 g+d/Email:companysecrelarybcc@bankofbarodacom.ia/Web:wwwbankofbaroda.com