Format of Holding oI Specified securities BANI( OF BARODA 1. Name of Listed Entity: 2. Scrip Code/Name of Scrip/Class ofSecurity: share Holding Pattern Filed under: Reg. 31(1Xa)/Reg.31(1Xb)/Ret.31(1Xc) 3. 2 3 4 5 s32134 / NSE BAN|(BARODA / EQUTTY (rSlN - lNE028A0r039) 31(lXblthen indicate the report for quarterending QUARTER ENDED 31.12.2015 then indicate date of a llotment/extintuishment b. if under 31(1Xc) requ to submit the following declaration to the extent ofsubmission of information: Declaration araflon : The Listed entity is required Particulars Whetherthe Listed Entitv has issued any partly paid up shares Whetherthe Listed Entitv has issued any Convertible Securities or Warrants? Whetherthe Listed Entity has anv shares against which depository receipts are issued? Whethere the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? whethere any shares held by promoters are pledge orotherwise encumbered? a. if under 1 BSE YES* NO* iro* NOi, NO{, YES' o* *ifthe Listed Entity selectes the option'NO'for the questions above, the columnsforthe partly paid up shares, OutstandinS Convertible Securities/Warrants, depository receipts, locked-in shares, Noof shares pledged or otherwise encumbered by promoters, as a pplica ble, sha ll not be d isplayed at the time of ddisse minatio n o n the Stock Excha nge website. Also wherever there is 'No' decla red by Listed entity in above table the values will be considered as 'zero' by default on submission of the format of holdin8 of specified securities. The tabularformat for disclosure of holding ofspecified securities is asfollows: 6t :j6' efr$ Tgf<r fLr Bank offiaroda +q{l qfd4 "(t!tr\2::t" r$Ie'sMd.rysthmdioldh!or.p..llledsud6 & *'t 3l' lL' {- q_ qL !4 q, e, oirn@qift d, D,o, ro *rEb ds d e &iL lQ idcdr@il4|yl ,"t- i,\ ,i ;tl il '{e1 a;-rr =io etrs qdrEr rlr Bank fi Baroda ii-qn qFrq f,t<L yr-' b-*,-eY-z:sc g;a -+{ efu {dr<r for Bank of Baroda .t, .,'i .:: ?"tr.?i"iy*"" I 4ry+ ?a*. 9 ------J--------- 4,{ A3 erv 9t,12'1.15r@lrdvdh.xrr^tdhadd'! {!nd ::,i1* 9g 1l ooPiuorraLtouiYARerMct 1!! !.!l 4?!24 qs -9 9g i:4 9!9i1e Iryirli!lle}]l!!!1!ger!e!r4E!::-e! &]!q,)v! )rcr*6EE d'4 !.!! 0buiE Dklr.roq4 ?,2 !:l!:E qg 9g Eli;j,ii -iJ aiiiliia*ua*aa n i* *q l@A@fu,dMdbefu.'*) M b/ r* detu h a;t d q M rri dF 3ai5 {.*<r for Bank oilF aroda ??lrffiF'-." :-. *q:'P\' ?"E \*{ - & c- gt,t4-, 2Al5- g'i i'o strs.qg<r "r\ for Bank qf Baroda ,^ "{iliI!$5, n,! --'-)6,.4 ?^* s-ys-