Il){a} STATEMENT SHOWING SHAREHOLDING PATTERN ll'l C[AUSE-35 NAME OFTHE COMPANYIBANT OF SARODA s32134 SCRIP CODE: -I gF INSE. BANI( BARODAI Class of Security: qUARTER ENDED: sOlO9l20ts As a % Partly paid-upshares No. of partly paid-up shares oftotalno. of partly paid-up As a % oftotalno. ofshares ofthe Comoanv. shares Held by promoter/promoter grou p 0 0 0 Held by Public 0 0 Total: 0 0 0 0 As a % company assumingfult conversion of the convertible securities total no. of outstanding convertible securities. As a % oI Outstanding convertible securities: No. of outstanding securities oftotalno. ofshares ofthe Held by promoter/promoter SrouP Held by Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 Iotal: 0 0 0 As a % oftotal no. of shares of the Company, assu ming fu ll conversion of As a % of total no. of warrants Held by promoter/promoter group Held by Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total: 0 0 0 0 100.fl) Total paid-up capital of the Company, assuming full conversion of warGnts and aonvertible 2304159598 *l.{; Dqtl - 7 c&un44 ("a{ l,lt1 r{r9u2 BAN(OFBARODA 30,09.2015 OF SITAREHOLDII'IG A5 A '6 NO OF SHAREs HETD IN DEMATERIAUZED IAIEGORY OF SHAREHOI"DER AND PROMOTER GiOUP Financial lnstitutions / Sanks rndividuals lNRls/f oreicn ludividuals) req4=aQ4(4-, Finan.ial !nstitulions /Banks central Government / state Govern venture capital lnve5to6 Oualifi.d ForeiPn lnvestor @ 9.L.,17 1"x" a,$1 btmlo - \ o f a I 2o t t - s\,"{L-\ + f^ttu'ru'' TOIAT SHAREHOTDING AS A 9' OF SHARES PLEDGE OR TOTAI. I{O OF SHAAES OTHERW|SE EMUMBERED CATEGORY OF SHANEHOLDER (i) lndividuals holding nominal share capital lpto Rs,1 (ii) ,ndividuals holding nominal share capilal in excess of CLEARING MEMBERS NON RESIDENTlNDIANS s held bv custodians. acainst which Wg*4L04".,14, ,^"p \9 .t-ja*b f1 Ir)tbl Statemcnt shocdnr holdins of securltles (includinA shar€G, warants, convertlble searrities) oI p€rsons b€longing to the calegory "p.omoter and Prcmoter Group" BAN( OF BAROOA- 30.$t.2015 {lncludinr underlyin8 shares asruminS full Detalls of convertlble Sr.No Name of the Shareholder D€talls ofShares held Encumb€red shares AS. Asa%of total No. of Sher€s grand held fll {r0 1 PRESIDENTOF INDIA TOTAL : (tn) lal+(B)+lc) (tv) (') t6 Details ol WarHnts ol As a t6 trand roEl (a) + (ul+ (c) ot ASa PledSe llxal (vl)=M lvlr) (v) hEld tvlll rccurltles As. X lotal toral tonvertibl€ aonvertlble securliles held securitier of fi0 txl 0xl {xnl 1364940578 59.24 0 o.o0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.m 59.24 1364!t40574 59.24 0 0.oo 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 59.24 I ",tr \,bi ll)lc){i} Statoment showint holding ol securities (including shares, warants,convertible s€.uritles) of petsons belonging to the.ate8ory "Public" and holdlns more then 1% of the total number ofshare BAI'rK oF MRODA- 30.@.2015 percentaSe of (lncluding total underlyinB shares assuminStull {i.e., Grant total (A)+(B)+(c) lndicated Sr.No. llam€ of the shareholder shares held in Statemenl at pala {llla) above} Details of .onvertlble s€.uritl total numberof Number oI as a held % % class w.r.t total convertible convertlble securities held securities of the same class LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION 1 OT INDIA 11.05 0 o.o0 0 0.00 11.06 101s17712 4.41, 0 o.oc 0 0.00 4.41 25122073 1.09 o 0.00 0 0.00 1_OS 381463923 15.56 0 0.00 0 0.00 16.55 254764078 HDFCTRUSTEE CO LTD A/C HDFC 2 CAPITAL PROTECTION OR COPTHALL MAURITIUS 3 !NVESTMENT LIMITED TOTAL : P+rh1 f" er-E+@ tt' ra!.,J T lXc)fii) Statement showing holdinS of securities (includlng shar€s, warrants,convertible securities) of persons (together wlth PACI belonging to th€ category "Public" and holdlng more than 5% of the total number oI shares oI the BANX OF BAROOA - 30.09.2015 companY- shares as a Total shares (includinS underlyinS shares assumiry f ull lonversion of total number of p€ncentage shares {i.e., Grent totar (A)+{B)+(C) Name(s) of the shareholder{s) and the Persons acting in Concert Sr.t{o. (PAC)withthem indicated in Statement at para shares held (r)(alabovel Details of warrants Detalls oI convertible convertible securities) a % of diluted share securities caoitall as As a % total convertible numberot securities of umberot secu ties the same held held class LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA 254764074 11.06 c o.o0 c 0.0c 11.05 roTAt- 254764078 11.05 0 0.00 0 o.oo Ll.06 : P.r--or,c 6 \ a\A ,b\ lr)rdl STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF LOCIGD-IT,I SHARES.' BANK OF BARODA - 30.09.20 t5 Locked-in shares as a (%) percenta8e of total number of shares {i.e, Grand Total (A)+(B)+(C) lndicated in Number of locked- Statement at para Sr.No- in shares Name of the shareholder ll)lalabove) Promoter/Prc moter GrouD/Public PROMOTER/ PROMOTER 7 PRESIDENT OF INDIA TOTAT : t"r1Qt 1364940574 59.24 GROUP 13649rr{}s78 s9-24 #w $rot< \- 4o,aw - jolt)+otf STATEMETT SHOWING DETAIB OF DEPOSITORY NECEIPTS (DRS) lll){a} Shares undedying outstanding DRs as a percentage of total number of Sr.No. Type of outstanding OR Number of outatanding Number of shares underlyinS outgtanding shares {i.e., Grand Total (A)+(B}+{C} indicated in Statement at [rara{l)(a} (ADRs,GDRs,SDRs,etc.) DRS DRs above) TOTAL r 0 ?ry"l$ \ o 0 z o) 9l't-'otf statement showing Holding ofDepository Receipts (DRs), where underlying shares held by " Promoter/Promoter group" arc in excess ol 1% of the total number shares. Shares underlyinS outitanding ORs as a Name of the DR Holder {iii) (a) Type of outstanding DR Numbeaofshares underlying percentaSe of total number of shares {i.e., Grand Toral (A)+(Bl+(c) indicated in (ADRs,GDRs,SDRs,etc.) DRs Statement at para{l}(a) above} Statement showing the Voting pattern oI shareholders if more than one class of shares/securities issued bythe issuer only on class ofshare hence- NOTAPPLICABTE <.-=..-4 6a $6 €frs rgr<r f;r Bank of Baroda ti''rssfuE Company Secretary (h,n '. l-q;fi"ba) odt, e+1^, oLl. Lal? l<\,L.d^n-/. _ect.cwty;7 t^+^ t ty 1