Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Primary Subject Integrated Subjects Grade Level(s) Length of Unit Research Sources Unit Summary Key Vocabulary NC Essential Standards For Science Commor Core Standards for Mathematics Common Core Standards for ELA & Literacy Essential Questions Science ELA, Math, Technology, Art, PE 6-8 10 Days www.thesciencequeen.net www.sciencespot.net www.sciencebuddies.org www.middleschoolscience.com www.science-class.net During the course of this unit students will select appropriate tools for collecting and recording data. They will be able to explain the steps of the scientific method. Learners will carry out scientifc “experimental” investigations following the steps of the scientific method. They will be able to select and use appropriate equipment for scientific investigations and communicate conclusions and results. Scientific Method, problem/question, hypothesis, observation, conclusion, data/results, variables, constant, control, experiment, dependent/independent variables, inference, data collection, prior knowledge measurement, mass, grams, volume, liters, scale, triple beam balance, graduated cylinder, metric system, density, engineer, safety, technology, classify, theory, law, sequence, quantitative, qualitative. There is no standard for science as inquiry however, it is expected to be implemented throughout the year in all units. 6.EE.C.9 6.R.3, 6.R.4, 6.R.7, 6.R.8, 6.R.9 Why is it important for scientists to conduct experiments? How can we use the scientific method to find answers to problems? Why is collecting and organizing information/data important? How is creative essential to the process of science? Materials & Resources Safety Requirements Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Save Fred Handout, Plastic Cups, toothpicks, gummie worms, gummie life savers, Scientific method presentation, scientific method cartoon sheet, dropper, pennies, liquid soap, drops of water on a penny handout, Observation and inference keynote, emotion charade cards, tootsie pop observation sheet, tootsie rolls, hand lens, ruler, triple beam balance, metric presentation (keynote) and metric notes worksheet, lab equipment and safety presentations, sponge bob handout, graduated cylinders, triple beam balance, stop watch, metric ruler, tape measure, beakers and food coloring or lab equipment lab, vocabulary roundhouse handout, scientific inquiry quiz, mythbusters handout, Practical assessment and consumer challenge lab sheet. review safely working in labs. Day 1: Save Fred Activity Day 2: “Scientific Method’ Presentation; comic strip activity: cartoon handout, complete for homework Day 3: Drops of Water on a Penny Lab Day 4: Observation and Inferences Keynote presentation; observation and inferences charades using emotion cards. HW: find a social media advertisement and create a t-chart listing observations and the inferences that can be made from those observations. Day 5: Tootsie Pop Observation Lab Day 6: Metric Mania presenation and handout. Complete metric notes for interactive notebooks. Day 7: Lab Equipment and Science Safety Presentation. Sponge Bob safety handout. Day 8: Lab equipment stations. HW: Lab equipment roundhouse. Day 9: Scientific Inquiry quiz. Mythbusters and handout. Day 10: Practical Assessment: Consumer Challenge Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Cross Curricular Integration Modified grading multiple intellegences, alternate assignments Created by Email harringtonrs@rss.k12.nc.us, steedlgm@rss.k12.nc.us, curleeaj@rss.k12.nc.us, hsshores@salisburycatholic.org, strodeas@rss.k12.nc.us Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc. Supporting Documents Art: Cartoon strip, diagrams, illustrations Technology: Keynote, Internet PE: Charades