Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Thermal Energy Transfer through Convection, Conduction and Radiation Primary Subject Science Integrated Subjects Math, Language Arts Grade Level(s) 6th Length of Unit 12 days Research Sources Radiant Energy http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/1/hot_hand/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/6/ absorption_of_radiant_energy/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/11/solar_homes/ Conduction and Convection http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/13/ boiling_temperature_of_water/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/15/how_low_can_you_go/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/15b/ziplock_ice_cream/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/16/good_cold_pack/ http://www.vernier.com/experiments/msv/14/ freezing_and_melting_of_water/ Other Links Video Link for freezing and Melting of Water: http://www.vernier.com/training/videos/play/?video=46&autoplay=true How to use Probes...Probeware 101: http://verniervideos.s3.amazonaws.com/training_html5/mp4/Probeware_101.mp4 An interactive describing and illustrating the three processes of heat transfer: http://www.wisc-online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=sce304 Unit Summary This unit implements the Vernier Probware and other hands on activities in the investigation of thermal transfer of energy. The first five days involves labs that investigate radiation and the remainder of instruction focuses on convection and conduction. Key Vocabulary temperature (how its measured, C,F,K) heat, conduction, convection, radiation, transfer, equilibrium, Labquest, Vernier, potential, kinetic NC Essential Standards For Science 6.P.3 Understanding characteristics of energy transfer and interactions of matter and energy. Commor Core Standards for Mathematics StienbargerGregory 6.P.3.1 Illustrate the transfer of heat energy from warmer objects to cooler ones using examples of conduction, radiation, and convection and the effects that may result. 6.EE.7 Graphing Data 6.RP.1 Ratios 6.RP.3 Rate 6.SP.4 Display Data Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Common Core Standards for ELA & Reading standard for Informational Text Literacy Cluster 1, 8,10 Writing Standards Clusters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 Speaking and Listening Standards Clusters 4, 5, 6 Essential Questions Materials List for Labs Language Standards Clusters 4, 6 How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Convection occur in your environment? How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? How does Convection effect your life in your environment? Observation Kits Materials: 2 in. x 3 in. pieces (any or all) carpet metal wood glass ceramic light bulb (lit) cork plastic wool other fabric journal Copper Demo Materials: 3 250 mL beakers 3 15 cm copper wires water hot plate ice LabQuest Temperature Probe journal StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Lab - Absorption of Radiant Energy Materials: Lab Quest Lab Quest App 2 Temperature Probes lamp and bulb piece of whiter paper piece of black paper tape journal Lab - A Hot Hand Materials: Lab Quest Lab Quest App Temperature Probe beaker water paper towel journal Lab - Solar Homes Materials: Lab Quest Lab Quest App 2 Temperature Probes 2 model Solar Homes masking tape empty bottle with screw-on-cap room temperature water lamp with 100 watt bulb (if inside) 2 pieces of cardboard to cover solar home windows Lab - How Low Can You Go? Materials: Vernier LabQuest Temperature Probe 250 mL Beaker crushed ice salt balance Lab - Ziplock Ice Cream Materials: Ice Cream Bag 1 (one) liter - size (1 quart) Ziplock Freezer bag 250 ml (1 cup) milk 30 ml (2 tablespoons) sugar 5 ml (1 teaspoon) vanilla A cup or bowl Materials: Ice Bag 4 liter-size Ziplock Freezer bags 90 ml (6 tablespoons) table salt 2 double handfuls of ice 250 ml (1 cup) water StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Lab - Boiling Temperature of Water Materials: Lab Quest Lab Quest App Temperature Probe 250 ml beaker ring stand utility clamp hot plate water Materials & Resources Concept Summary Flipchart Additional websites for remediation and enrichment Safety Requirements Goggles, Procedures for hot plates, movement around the room during labs Day 1 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 1 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Convection occur in your environment? How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? How does Convection effect your life in your environment? Students will begin the unit with a pre-assessment. Each group of two will get a kit that includes the some/all of the following materials: Carpet, Metal, Wood, Glass, Ceramic, Light Bulb (Lit), Cork, Plastic, Wool. Students will be given instruction to explore the material by observing (touch or just hand close...i.e.:the lit light bulb). Students will also be given the ICE (Ideas, Claims, Evidence) writing format with which they will do all of their scientific inquiry writing. They will touch each item for several seconds and then using descriptive language, the students will create the chart and fill it in using the directed information. Unit Preliminary Writing: ICE (Ideas, Claims, Evidence) When you touched the item, what caused the change of temperature? After ICE sheet is complete, students will participate in teacher facilitated discussion on vocabulary: heat transfer, temperature, thermometer, conduct, transfer, direction StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 2 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 2 Essential Question: How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? Copper Demo Teacher will prepare three 250 ml beakers. In the first beaker will be very warm water, in the second will be room temperature water and in the third will be iced down water. A piece of 22 gauge copper wire 15 cm long will be placed in the beaker and let sit for about 15-20 minutes before the students enter the room. Students will file past and feel the copper wire in each of the three beakers. They will return to their seats and will illustrate the lab modeled and explain their observations in their interactive journal using ICE. Teacher will facilitate a discussion as to what they observed and why they observed it. Be sure to follow the ICE method helping the students remember that their (I)deas and (C)laims need to be supported with (E)vidence. Teacher will go over procedures for use of technology and safety in the science lab. LabQuests will be handed out for Procedures review. Technology/Safety Procedures 1. Safety is always first. Safety with lab materials including technology. 2. Room Movement is always restricted with technology. Probes have long cords and are easy to trip on, so being careful is paramount. 3. Technology is the responsibility of who it is assigned to. Remember, if technology equipment is assigned to you, and you loan it out and it gets broke or missing, YOU are still responsible. 4. Technology has a purpose. The purpose of the LabQuest and probes are for scientific research. All technology is to be used with appropriate and written plans for the experiment being performed. 5. Each Labquest has multiple channel ports. You should always start with the lowest channel first. Ch1 then Ch2, etc. 6. Power button is on top of the device. Push and hold for 5 seconds to power up. 7. Cycling through the screens will help you to see what the LabQuest is capable of. Homework: Record in Journal about observation and inference about Demo StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 3 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 3 Essential Question: How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? ActivFlipchart Technology Procedures quiz (Formative)--Students use the ActivExpressions to take a ten question quiz. Each question will be completed with the ActivExpressions and the information from each question will be reviewed in turn to discuss proper answers from improper answers. Teacher will have the Copper Demo reset for todays LabQuest Experiment. Copper Demo Teacher will prepare three 250 ml beakers. In the first beaker will be very warm water, in the second will be room temperature water and in the third will be iced down water. A piece of 22 gauge copper wire 15 cm long will be placed in the beaker and let sit for about 15-20 minutes before the students enter the room. Students will plug the temperature probe in the LabQuest. Teacher will review proper information capture using LabQuest. Students will take temperature readings of each of the water samples in the beakers. Students will return to their table to record the temperature information in their lab notebooks. Students will then return to the beakers to take temperature readings of the copper wire directly from each wire in each beaker. They will then return to their tables to record information in their lab notebooks. ICE in Lab notebooks: Students need to discuss their Ideas, Claims and Evidence for why their think they recorded the information they received from the Vernier Probes. What does the information mean? Why does it mean that? StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 4 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 4 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? This day begins a direct focus on radiation as energy transfer. For lab set-up and teacher notes, please see the Lab sheets for Absorption of Radiant Energy. Students will use their lab journals to sketch the data chart, and fill it in as they get their information. Students will also write down the questions from the PROCESSING THE DATA section and answer them in their journal notebooks. Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. The extension on this lab is a great tool for differentiation. For your high performing students who finish this lab ahead of the rest of the class, have them design the experiment in the extension. Remember to talk to them about the need for a hypothesis to test, procedures to follow and changing just one variable to test. This is very important. Lab set-up and teacher notes can be found in the Lab sheets for Hot Hands. After completion of the Absorption of Radiant Energy lab, students can progress to the Hot Hands lab. Students will copy the data chart and PROCESSING THE DATA questions in their journals. Students will follow procedures to complete the lab and fill in the data chart and answer the questions. Day 5 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Journal findings: Use ICE to explain what happened the the evidence to why it happened. Day 5 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? Students will use the information gathered in the Absorption of Radiant Energy and Hot Hands labs and create a presentation about the findings. Students will use Science Fair modeling to create their presentations. Remember, linear, line by line is not necessary. Covering important information, explaining what you did will be more productive in the long term. Students can use whatever method to present. iMovie, Keynote, Poster, or any student initiated ideas that can be explained appropriately. Always leave room for student creativity. StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 6 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 6 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? This day continues the work on Radiation Energy Transfer. For lab set-up and teacher notes, please see the Lab sheets for Solar Homes. Part II of Solar Homes will be done on day 8. Extensions can be done on days following should the need or interest arise. Students will use their lab journals to sketch the data chart, and fill it in as they get their information. Students will also write down the questions from the PROCESSING THE DATA section and answer them in their journal notebooks. Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. Day 7 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Further Journals: Students will read through PART II and begin planning their lab experiment. They will create a Materials list to be given tot he teacher for the next day’s lab build. Day 7 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? This day continues the work on Radiation Energy Transfer. For lab set-up and teacher notes, please see the Lab sheets for Solar Homes. Today Part II of Solar Homes will be completed. Students will continue their planning of PART II. They will build PART II and complete the experiment for PART II. Students will use their lab journals to sketch the data chart, and fill it in as they get their information. Students will create a data chart for the PART II information and answer the question listed in PART II. Day 8 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. Day 8 Essential Question: How does Radiation occur in your environment? How does Radiation effect your life in your environment? Students will use the information gathered in the Solar Homes labs and create a presentation about the findings. Students will use Science Fair modeling to create their presentations. Remember, linear, line by line is not necessary. Covering important information, explaining what you did will be more productive in the long term. Students can use whatever method to present. iMovie, Keynote, Poster, or any student initiated ideas that can be explained appropriately. Always leave room for student creativity. StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 9 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 9 How does Convection occur in your environment? How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? How does Convection effect your life in your environment? Today begins energy transfer by Conduction and Convection. For lab set-up and teacher notes, please see the Lab sheets for How Low Can You Go. Students will complete PART I and II. Students will use their lab journals to sketch the data chart, and fill it in as they get their information. Students will also write down the questions from the PROCESSING THE DATA section and answer them in their journal notebooks. Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. Students will complete the plan for PART III. In your journals, you will list the materials needed as well as the procedure to use. Also, students need to create a hypothesis to test. Complete PART IV. Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. Lab set-up and teacher notes can be found in the Lab sheets for Ziplock Ice Cream. Follow procedures for Ziplock Ice Cream. When finished eating... Day 10 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Journal findings: Use ICE to explain what happened the the evidence to why it happened. Day 10 Essential Questions: How does Convection occur in your environment? How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? How does Convection effect your life in your environment? Students will use the information gathered in the How Low/Ziplock Ice Cream labs and create a presentation about the findings. Students will use Science Fair modeling to create their presentations. Remember, linear, line by line is not necessary. Covering important information, explaining what you did will be more productive in the long term. Students can use whatever method to present. iMovie, Keynote, Poster, or any student initiated ideas that can be explained appropriately. Always leave room for student creativity. StienbargerGregory Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time Day 11 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Day 11 Essential Questions: How does Convection occur in your environment? How does Conduction occur in your environment? How does Conduction effect your life in your environment? How does Convection effect your life in your environment? Today continues energy transfer by Conduction and Convection. For lab set-up and teacher notes, please see the Lab sheets for Boiling Temperature of Water. ***WARNING*** BOILING WATER CAN INJURE... REVIEW SAFETY PROCEDURES ***WARNING*** Students will complete procedures for How to Boil Water. Students will write down their observations in their journals. Students will use their lab journals to sketch the data chart, and fill it in as they get their information. Students will also write down the questions from the PROCESSING THE DATA section and answer them in their journal notebooks. Journal findings: Using ICE, students will explain what they experienced and give evidence to explain what happened. Class Debrief: Discuss what was observed and talk about inferences about what happened. Day 12 Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Cross Curricular Integration Created by Email Supporting Documents StienbargerGregory Whole Class Review: Concept Summary Flipchart Day 12 post-test Extension activities Extended Time Small Group Heterogeneous Grouping Modified Assignments Modified Grading Math: understanding and creating Graphs and data analysis, ratios Language Arts: Writing and Argumentative Language Gregory Stienbarger @ Knox Middle: stienbargerga@rss.k12.nc.us Kathy Boyd @ North Rowan Middle: boydkw@rss.k12.nc.us Dinna Johnson @ Knox Middle: johnsodl@rss.k12.nc.us Greg Lowe @ Corriher-Lipe Middle: loweg@rss.k12.nc.us Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc. Tuesday, May 7, 2013 2:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time