Unit/Lesson Plan Title: From Darkness to Light Primary Subject Integrated Subjects Grade Level(s)

Unit/Lesson Plan Title: From Darkness to Light
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
Science- Electricity
Technology, ELA
2 weeks
A.) http://www.andythelwell.com/blobz (The kids can try to make their own circuit
B.) http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/electricitycircuits.html (Changing
Electricity Circuits)
C.) http://www.factmonster.com (Search electric circuit to find information)
The students will research and design electrical circuits.
batteries, wires, light bulbs, switch, insulators, circuit, electricity, conductors, mayor,
NC Essential Standards 4.P.3.1 Recognize the basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat,
electrical, and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or
For Science
Common Core
Standards for ELA &
Essential Questions
create change.
RI4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or
phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
W.4.2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain
the topic.
Student will generate 2-4 questions once the problem is presented. These questions will be
focused on the learning targets.
Materials & Resources Computers (for researching), batteries, wires, light bulbs, a switch, and some insulators
and conductors
Slide show about circuits: education.jlab.org/jsat/powerpoint/0708_electricity.ppt
Flip chart entitled Understanding and Building an Electrical Circuit:
Safety Requirements
Review electricity safety procedures.
Saturday, September 7, 2013 12:34:18 PM ET
Activities/Procedures Day 1: Class Work
• Essential
 Assign groups and roles
 Pass out project introduction document
 Discuss what the students need to know for the project
• Explore/Engage
 Generate essential questions that are focused on the learning targets
• Explain
• Elaborate
Day 2: Class/Group Work
• Evaluate
 Reintroduce problem from the day before and discuss the essential
questions with the students
 Allow students to use internet resources to research information on
electrical circuits
Day 3: Group Work
 Students will complete research
 Introduce the supplies they will be allowed to use (batteries, lightbulbs,
wires, switches)
 Students will brainstorm solutions to the problem and draw diagrams in
their science journals
Day 4: Speaker
 If possible, an electrician will be invited in to share his/her experiences
with electrical circuits
 Students need to reflect on what they have learned so far in this process
using their journals
Day 5: Group Work
 Students need to modify their diagrams from day 3
 Students need to test their diagrams with the supplies they choose from
the supply closet
Day 6: Group Work
 Students will finish testing their various circuit diagrams
 Students should be prepared to present findings to the
“townspeople” (class)
Day 7: Presentations to Class
 The first few groups will present their findings to the townspeople
Day 8: Presentations to Class
 The remaining groups will present their findings to the townspeople
Day 9: Wrap-up
 Students need to reflect on what they have learned about electrical
 Students will complete peer and self-evaluations
Collaborative groups organized heterogeniously, modified writing assessments (sentence stems, drawings,
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction etc.), step by step and repeated instruction/directions as needed, mini-lessons using flipchart or slideshow.
Science, reading, technology, and writing:
Cross Curricular
Students will research, read, and apply knowledge of circuits using the internet. They will reflect in their
science journals.
Saturday, September 7, 2013 12:34:18 PM ET
Created by
Amanda Barnes (barnesam@rss.k12.nc.us); Sheba Cuthbertson
(cuthbersonsc@rss.k12.nc.us); Stephanie Smith (smithsg@rss.k12.nc.us); Rachel
Troutman (troutmra@rss.k12.nc.us).
Supporting Documents Project Introduction Document, Student Collaboration Rubric, Oral Communication
Rubric, Written Communication Rubric, Understanding and Building an Electrical Circuit
Flipchart, Electrical Circuits slide show
Saturday, September 7, 2013 12:34:18 PM ET