Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is enerygy? Day 1 Primary Subject

Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is enerygy? Day 1
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
Physical Science
ELA, Math
1 day
Energy Makes Things Happen
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.1 Recognize basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical,
and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA SL4.1, RL 4.7, L 4.4, W 4.2
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: What is energy? What are the five basic forms of energy?
Outcomes/Process Skill
What are the differences between the five forms of energy?
I can recognize the basic forms of energy and how they cause motion
or create change.
Materials & Resources
Safety Requirements
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Students who need modifications will have the pretest read aloud to
Technology 4.SI 1.1, 4.SI.1.2, 4.SI.1.3
Created by
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Supporting Documents
energy and light assessment
KWL chart
Energy Makes Things Happen
science journal, pencil
Day 1:
KWL on energy
Read aloud: Energy Makes Things Happen
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is enerygy? Day 2 & 3
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Physical Science
ELA, Math
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
2 days
studyjams.com, http://www.eia.gov/kids/, ActivInspire flipchart
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.1 Recognize basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical,
and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA L 4.4, RL 4.7, SL 4.1 & 4.2, W 4.2, RI 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: What is energy? What are the five basic forms of energy?
Outcomes/Process Skill
What are the differences between the five forms of energy?
I can recognize the basic forms of energy and how they cause motion
or create change.
EQ: How does light travel?
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
KWL chart, vocabulary flipchart, energy flipchart, study guide, video/
computer (Study Jams), projector, screen, exit slip, pencil
Safety Requirements
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Day 2 & 3
-Review KWL chart created on Day 1
-Key Vocabulary FlipChart (energy, heat, thermal energy, electrical
circuit, light, medium, electricity, magnetic)
-Energy Video-Study Jams: Heat, Sound, Light, Electrical, Magnetic
-Complete a study guide for the videos on study jam
-Go over study guides
-Review Energy FlipChart (from Anna)
-Exit slip: students will write on an index card/ sticky note one thing they
learned today
Some students will be able to tell one thing they learned rather than
writing it out.
Technology 4.SI.1.1, 4.SI.1.2, 4.SI.1.3
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is light and how does it travel? Day 4
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Physical Science
ELA, Math
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
1 day
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, www.neok12.com,
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA SL 4.1, 4.2, W 4.2, RI 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, RL 4.7
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: How does light travel?
Outcomes/Process Skill
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer/video (www.neok12.com), projector, screen, study guide,
lab materials:
Styrofoam cup w/bottom
-Styrofoam cup w/o bottom
-Pinhole Viewer Lab Sheet
-Black construction paper circle cutout
-Black construction paper crescent cutout
-4” x 4” wax paper cutout
-Sharpened pencil
-Scotch tape
exit slip
Safety Requirements
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Use materials carefully following safety rules.
Day 4
-Briefly Review
-Introduce light: Video: The Science of Light- www.neok12.com
-Exploration: Pinhole Viewer
-Exit Slip: Complete the Sources and Straight Lines handout
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Students who need to will be paired with another student to help
complete their exit slip
Technology: 4.SI.1.1, 4.SI.1.2, 4.SI.1.3
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is light and how does it travel? Day 5 & 6
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Physical Science
ELA, Math
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, www.studyjams.com
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA SL 4.1, 4.2, W 4.2, RI 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9, RL 4.7
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: How does light travel?
Outcomes/Process Skill
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer/video (Study Jams), projector, screen, study guide, pencil
Safety Requirements
Day 5 & 6
-Review Forms of Energy
-Using Study Jams: Light Absorption, Refraction and Reflection to
introduce energy transfer
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Student may complete study guide with a partner.
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Technology: 4.SI.1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is reflection? Day 7 & 8
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Physical Science
ELA, Math
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, www.neok12.com
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
4 NBT 1,2,3,4 4 NF 6,7 4 MD 1,2,4
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA SL 4.1, 4.2 W 4.2 RI 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9 RL 4.7
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: How does light travel?
Outcomes/Process Skill
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer/video, projector, screen, Vernier LabQuest, light probe, white
paper, black paper, 2 different colored papers, pencil, tape, ruler, Lab
notebook, journal
Safety Requirements
Use care with equipment following safety rules.
Day 7 & 8
-Introduce Reflection
-Video: Reflection-neok12.com
-Exploration-Reflectivity of Light-Vernier LabQuest
-Complete Lab Notebook: Reflectivity of Light section
-Journal about discoveries on the reflection of light
Accommodations for
-Students may draw an illustration about their discoveries with
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Technology: 4.SI.1.1, 4.SI.1.2, 4.SI.1.3
Created by
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Supporting Documents
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is refraction? Day 9 & 10
Primary Subject
Physical Science
Integrated Subjects
ELA, Math
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, www.neok12.com
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA SL 4.1, 4.2 W 4.2 RI 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.9 RL 4.7
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: How does light travel?
Outcomes/Process Skill
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer/video, projector, screen, Lab notebook, journal, pencil, Lab
Materials:(per student) 2 clear cups, water, milk, flashlight, 5 straws
Safety Requirements
Do not shine flashlight directly into others’ eyes.
Day 9 & 10
-Introduce Refraction
-Video: Refraction-neok12.com
-Exploration-The Path of Light
-Complete Lab Notebook: Path of Light section
-Journal about discoveries on the refraction of light
Accommodations for
-Students may draw an illustration about their discoveries with
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Technology: 4.SI.1.1, 4.SI.1.2, 4.SI.1.3
Created by
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Supporting Documents
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: What is absoprtion? Day 11 & 12
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Physical Science
ELA, Math
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
2 days
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
4 NBT.1, NBT.2, NBT.3, NBT.4, 4.NF.6, NF.7, 4MD.1, MD.2, MD.4
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA W 4.2, SL 4.1, 4.2, RI 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: How does light travel?
Outcomes/Process Skill
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
Lab materials: Vernier LabQuest, light probe, at least 3 types of fabric
swatches in black and white, Lab notebook, journal, pencil
Safety Requirements
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Use safety rules with the lab equipment.
Day 11 & 12
-Introduce Absorption
-Exploration-Sunshine on My Shoulders-Vernier Labquest
-Complete Lab Notebook: Sunshine on My Shoulders section
-Journal about findings during their exploration with the absorption of
-Students may draw an illustration about their discoveries with
4TT.1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Unit Review Day 13 & 14
Primary Subject
Physical Science
Integrated Subjects
ELA, Math
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, Energy Scavenger Hunt, ActivInspire flipchart
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.1 Recognize basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical,
and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA W 4.2, RI 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.7, SL 4.1, 4.2
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: What is energy? What are the five basic forms of energy?
Outcomes/Process Skill
What are the differences between the five forms of energy?
I can recognize the basic forms of energy and how they cause motion
or create change.
EQ: How does light travel?
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer, energy flipchart, computer for each student, copy of
scavenger hunt for each student, pencil, journal
Safety Requirements
Day 13 & 14
-Review Energy Flipchart
-Energy Kids Scavenger Hunt
-Journal writing refelecting on scavenger hunt for the day
Accommodations for
Students may work with a partner.
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Technology: 4.SI 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.TT.1.1, 4.RP.1.1
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Created by
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Unit Review Day 15 & 16
Primary Subject
Physical Science
Integrated Subjects
ELA, Math
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, Keynote, Comic Life, iPhoto, iMovie
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.1 Recognize basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical,
and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA W 4.2, SL 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, RI 4.3, 4.5, 4.7 RL 4.7,
L 4.4
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: What is energy? What are the five basic forms of energy?
Outcomes/Process Skill
What are the differences between the five forms of energy?
I can recognize the basic forms of energy and how they cause motion
or create change.
EQ: How does light travel?
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
computer for each student, lab notebook, pencil
Safety Requirements
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Day 15 & 16
-Students will create a multimedia presentation using pictures and
information collected throughout to conclude the unit
Allow students to work with a partner and obtain assistance from
teacher as needed.
Technology: 4 SI 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 4 TT 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 4 RP 1.1
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.
Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Unit Review Day 18 & 19
Primary Subject
Physical Science
Integrated Subjects
ELA, Math
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
2 days
http://www.eia.gov/kids/, Keynote, Comic Life, iPhoto, iMovie
This unit will introduce students to the basic forms of energy. It will then
focus on light energy and reflection, refraction, and absorption.
energy, light, heat, thermal energy, medium, reflect, refract, absorb,
electricity, electrical circuit, magnetic
4.P.3.1 Recognize basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical,
and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
4.P.3.2 Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an
object or travels from one medium to another, and that light can be
reflected, refracted, and absorbed.
Common Core Standards for
Common Core Standards for ELA W 4.2, SL 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, L 4.3, RI4.3
& Literacy
Essential Questions/Content
EQ: What is energy? What are the five basic forms of energy?
Outcomes/Process Skill
What are the differences between the five forms of energy?
I can recognize the basic forms of energy and how they cause motion
or create change.
EQ: How does light travel?
I can recognize that light travels in a straight line.
EQ: Why does the direction in which light travels change?
What is refraction, reflection, and absorption?
I can understand that light changed by refraction, reflection, and
Materials & Resources
energy and light assessment, pencil, computer, projector, screen
Safety Requirements
Day 18 & 19 -Post-test
-Group Presentations -Unit wrap up
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Students may present with a partner.
Supporting Documents
Monday, April 29, 2013 2:18:04 PM ET
Technology: 4 TT 1.3
Kim Miller millerkl@rss.k12.nc.us
Hillary Nixon nixonhh@rss.k12.nc.us
Dianne Young youngrd@rss.k12.nc.us
Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc.