! Landis Elementary School! School Uniform Description!



Landis Elementary School


School Uniform Description




Shirts and Blouses: ! !

Any solid-color, polo-style, collared shirt, (short or !

long-sleeved) !






Slacks and Shorts: ! !

Sweaters: !








Sweatshirts: ! !

Socks: !







Shoes: !



Jewelry: !

Girls only: !








oxford shirts (short or long sleeve) !

Navy blue or khaki !

Any solid-color crewneck, v-neck, cardigan, or vest with !

collared shirt.


Any solid-color, hoodless sweatshirt with a collared shirt.



socks !

Any solid color; no patterns or designs; no mismatched !

Tennis shoes !

Cannot be distracting or pose a safety hazard !


Skirts, skorts, capris, culottes, or jumpers in solid navy blue !

or khaki !




Tights: !!





General Notes: !


Any solid-color, no patterns or designs !

1. No logo other than the logo of Landis Elementary School may be displayed on clothing.


2. No jeans, jean skirts, jean jumpers, sweatpants, spandex or yoga pants, or hoodies.


3. All clothing must fit appropriately. NO SAG AND DRAG.


4. Heavy coats must be taken off inside the classrooms. Sweaters and light jackets in appropriate solid colors are welcome as needed. !

5. Clothing may be purchased from any vendor as long as it complies with the uniform requirements. !



6. The length for all shorts, skirts, etc. must be mid-thigh length or longer. !

7. All clothing must follow the Rowan-Salisbury Code of Conduct for Appropriate School

Attire. !





Landis Elementary School !

School Uniform Description !


Assistance for Families : The cost of school uniforms has proven to be less than what is usually spent for children’s school clothing. The purchase of school uniforms may still be a financial burden for some families. The school will allow anyone to apply for assistance with obtaining the required components of the school uniform. If they meet the criteria, they will receive assistance to the degree that school resources can afford.


The school’s PTA will create and maintain a “clothing closet.” !

Protection of Religious Expression: Students may display religious messages on items of clothing to the same extent that they are permitted to display other comparable messages. Religious messages may not be singled out for suppression, but rather are subject to the same rules as generally apply to comparable issues. If wearing particular attire, during the school day were part of a student’s religious practice, under the

Religious Freedom Restoration Act, our school generally would not prohibit the wearing of such items unless extenuating circumstances necessitated otherwise. Parents should


discuss such situations with the principal beforehand.


Protection of Other Rights of Expression : Students will not be prohibited from wearing or displaying expressive items, for example a button that supports a political candidate, so long as such items do not independently contribute to disruption by substantially interfering with discipline or with the rights of others. In addition, students may wear the uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization such as the Boy Scouts or the Girl


Scouts on regular meeting days.


Landis Elementary School !

School Uniform Policy and Procedures !


I. Commencement of Uniform Policy

A. The uniform policy shall become effective the first day of school for the 2014-2015

school year. Uniforms are mandatory attire.

B. A grace period of ten (10) days shall be given to comply with the uniform policy.


1. To all new or transfer students from the date of enrollment.

II. Notification of Parent/Guardian

The means by which this information is communicated shall be include one or more

of the following:

1. Sent home with final report card for the previous school year

2. School Registration materials

3. Landis Elementary P.T.A. Meetings

4. Parent/Student Orientation Meetings

5. Distribution of Parent-Student Handbooks

6. Connect-ed Message



7. School Website

III. Assistance for the Acquisition of Uniforms

A. Upon request, applications for uniform assistance may be obtained through the

school’s main office.

B. A committee and a designated Landis Elementary school administrator will review

applications. Applications will be held in strict confidence.

C. Those qualifying shall receive uniform components as needed from the available

inventory. No parent or guardian will be given funds or be reimbursed for the purchase


of uniform components.

IV. Compliance Measures

A. The intent of the policy is not to inhibit or prohibit any student who is not in uniform

from receiving the education to which he/she is entitled, therefore:

1. Every attempt will be made to prevent a child from being suspended or placed in

an alternative learning setting for not complying with the policy.

2. No student shall receive a lowered academic grade as a result of not complying

with the policy.

3. The school shall communicate with parents or guardians so that the expectation,

rationale, and benefits, are fully understood by the student and his/her family.

B. All classroom teachers will conduct a dress code/uniform compliance check immediately following the morning announcements.

Students in violation of the uniform policy will report to the main office immediately after morning announcements to conference with the principal and/or asst. principal to determine appropriate course of action to rectify noncompliance:

1. On the first offense, the student and parent will be reminded of the uniform policy.

The parent or guardian will be contacted and a request for future compliance will

be made. A record of this first offense will be documented.

2. On the second offense, a non-disruptive office referral will be made regarding the

noncompliance of the uniform policy. The parent or guardian will be contacted. If

a parent or guardian cannot be contacted, the student will be provided with the necessary uniform component(s) to be worn for the remainder of the school day. A record of this second offense will be documented.

3. On the third offense, a non-disruptive office referral will be made and a

Landis Elementary Administrator will contact the parent or guardian to schedule a conference and devise a plan to address the issue. A record of this offense and the subsequent conference will be documented.

4. Exemption request must be made in advance in writing. A Landis Elementary

Administrator will either grant or deny the request within a reasonable time frame.

5. All student discipline shall follow the Rowan-Salisbury Schools Code of Conduct.

6. A positive approach to achieve compliance with the uniform policy will be used

throughout the year.



