“To transform the Bank’s human capital Into Competent, smart, techno-savvy, professional bankers

Training Vision and Strategy
The Mission Statement for Training & Development vertical is as follow.
“To transform the Bank’s human capital
Into Competent, smart, techno-savvy,
professional bankers
For gaining a cutting edge
Through training and research
Aligned with business strategies”
Bank of Baroda has probably first Bank in PSBs to adopt its training statement fully aligned to
Mission statement of the Bank.
Training being one of the top priorities a board level apex committee i.e. governing body at
the apex level, review the performance, approve the training calendar and steer its courses.
Down the line, there are different Tiers involved with training implementation.
The scope of the Governing Board (GB) is to decide, implement, monitor and make changes in
the Bank’s training strategy and overall functioning of the Training system. It is headed by
Managing Director & CEO and its other members are the Executive Directors, heads of all
corporate functions like HRM, Large Corporate Branch and Mid Corporate, Credit, Retail,
MSME program, Recovery, Rural & Agriculture, International, Operations, Planning,
Information Technology, etc. The GB meets at regular intervals to review the performance of
the Training system and to direct the future course of action.
Looking to the importance of Training & Development in the context of
Large recruitment and mass retirement
Need for better grooming and development of work force in tune with the changing
The need for creating a learning organization for significantly improving the Bank’s
Important role of training and development in the organization
A new vertical like other business vertical has been created in the Bank titled
“Research, Training and Development” headed by “Chief Learning Officer (CLO)”
created at the rank of General Manager.
The entire Training & Development initiatives of the Bank are positioned under the
framework of “Baroda Academy”, an umbrella term signifying all initiatives / activities
encompassing both internal and external training. As part of HR structure duly approved by
Bank’s Board, ‘Baroda Academy’ is one of the verticals. The entire Baroda Academy vertical
related roles are kept under the CLO. Scope also includes e-learning related initiatives,
customer education, etc.
Baroda Academy Structure is as under:
Chief Learning Officer
Baroda Net Academy
Principal & DGM
Baroda Apex Academy
AGM /CM Baroda Manipal
School of Banking and
External Training
2 Officers
Vice-Principal & AGM
Baroda Apex Academy
Chief Manager E-Learning
13 Zonal Academies and
2 IT Officers
( Baroda Academy structure)
Training system in the Bank christened under the umbrella term of “Baroda Academy”
envisages various initiatives which are presented below which forms a core part of the Bank’s
training strategy.
Bank has adopted comprehensive Training policy which covers
The objectives of training
Need to align of training with operations and also the modalities for its operationalisation
Outlining the training set-up / structure and reporting relationship of various outfits
Enlarging the role of training through research and consultancy function
Setting out the methods for induction of trainers and their grooming
Spelling out the norms for outsourcing of training resources
Arranging and regulating the training of staff
Coordination and monitoring of training activities
Methods of assessing training needs
Identifying thrust areas of training and articulating suitable programmes.
Converting training system into a profit centre
Evaluating the efficacy of training
Envisaging the use of I.T. in training
The objective behind the new initiatives under Baroda Academy is to create a learning
environment, help in better grooming and development of bank employees, with the long
term view of significantly improving organization performance.
The tagline of Baroda Academy is "Inventing methods for igniting minds". Baroda Academy
Logo was officially launched on October 19th, 2012, at the Baroda Apex Academy,
The logo and tagline for the Baroda Academy as shown
above signifies the overall objective of igniting the minds of
Barodians and enabling them to blossom and be a
'Knowledge Torch' for the world around.
Baroda Academy has recently celebrated Golden Jubilee
year with proud existence of 50 years in training and
development. Significance of the Training in the
organization was visualized by its great visionary leaders
even before 50 years when the first batch of officers was deputed to UK for training and then
started its training establishment named as “Staff College” in 1964, which is now renamed as
“Baroda Apex Academy” from the current year.
Figure 1.1 (Fish Bone Diagram of history of training vertical in Bank of Baroda)
Enriched with the past experience of its journey of 50 years Baroda Academy is on its way to
create new milestones each year. The next journey is envisaged in the form of “Vision 2020”
which was also concurred by the Bank’s the then Chairman and Managing Director Mr. S. S.
Mundra (presently Deputy Governor of RBI) Considering the importance and contribution by
training system to the organization, 4 new academies have been proposed to start in 4
corners i.e. South, North, East and West of the country.
Training Infrastructure
The pillars of the Training establishment in the bank is as under
Baroda Academy
India &
& 13
School of
(Training pillars)
the Bank are well
delivery, which includes
Projection TVs and also a
well equipped auditorium
Besides this, Baroda Apex
Academy is equipped with
Gym, Yoga, Library, hostel,
Canteen etc. The training establishments, besides having
ergonomically designed classrooms, are well maintained with comprehensive libraries
equipped with adequate number of books /periodicals covering various facets of Banking,
Finance, Economics, Management, Information Technology, Leadership, soft skills.
In addition to harnessing the potential of the physical infrastructure of the Baroda
Academies, with a view to leverage technology, Bank has adopted knowledge Management
portal, which enables offering training inputs and knowledge on-line to make them available
at the door step of employees.
Oracle based Learning Management Module which includes training administration & elearning; modules are gradually being put on the system for employees to avail of and
undergo these courses. Bank captures all training related data of its employees centrally
Bank of Baroda has a very wide range state of art infrastructure covering Baroda Apex
Academy, Ahmedabad, exclusive IT Institute named as “BOBIIT, Gandhinagar and -13Academies.”
Bank has training collaboration with Manipal School of Banking in the name Baroda Manipal
School of Banking (BMBS) which works on “Train, Hire and deploy” philosophy.
The school has been set up to first train prospective
candidates in Banking and Finance before their embarking
on a Banking career with Bank of Baroda. The students are
selected through a rigorous selection process and given a
systematic training in various areas of Banking and
management disciplines in order to make them ready
Bankers by the time they finish the program. The selection
process includes CWE to be conducted through IBPS &
then interview of qualified candidates by executive penal
The thrust of the training is to impart functional knowledge on general management and
specialized knowledge on Banking related topics and subjects. Participants are put through a
rigorous on-campus curriculum spread over 9 months and trimesters which emphasizes on
application of knowledge and overall development of personality. Training at the school is
being supplemented with practical training in various Branches of Bank of Baroda through a
focused 3 - month internship period.
The Bank’s Training System conducts Faculty Development Programs for the newly
selected faculty members once they are inducted in the training system. Thereafter, on
every half yearly basis, regular Faculty Development programs / conclaves are conducted
at the Apex Academy for facilitating updation of the teaching material, enhancing the
content delivery and skill sets of the faculty members. Faculty members are also given
opportunity for external training program to business schools viz. NIBM, IBS, ISTD etc and
also overseas training to groom the faculty in all sphere of Banking Management.
Inventing Methods for Igniting Minds: New methods have been adopted to impart
knowledge and skill in newly recruited staff and to reach 49000+staff.
National level quiz is scheduled twice in a year to include ground level staff for
increase in product and process knowledge.
Gamification and new case studies have been under a constant building situations
Standardized Hand book, work book across the Academies
Learning capsules, handouts in Hindi, success stories, compilation of various
articles published in financial magazines, book in Hindi on life management
Launching of new e-learning courses and Mobile snippet.
(Publication of Baroda Academy )
Training categorisation: Training across the bank is broadly grouped in 4 categories
and annual plan prepared keeping the set goal on top priority for the year. These
categories are.
1. Business priority as per Bank’s policy for the year
2. Core Banking issues
3. Role Oriented programs
4. Statutory program
Bottom up Training Need Analysis
Research orientation- Branch Manager, agriculture approach paper, Forex approach
paper, CGTMSE etc.
Use of multiple channels like class room, Virtual Class Room, Global Class Room, eLearning and informal learning.
Use of workplace specific activities for knowledge explosion
70:20:10 model of training : 70 % time is used for imparting practical, experiential training,
20% mentoring and 10% is the classroom lecture
Considering challenges, of assimilating huge new recruitment, Baroda Academy has aligned
its strategy in such way that smooth boarding of new employees is possible along with banks
business interest. An elaborate On Boarding program for officers, clerks & support staff
designed and executed across the Bank with uniformity cross the Baroda Academy.
Considering mass retirement and recruitment there have been great challenges before bank
to maintain & manage the talent. While imparting training to the new recruits have been
ensured with on boarding programs, existing talent have also been identified and groomed
with comprehensive program in credit, Forex and Branch Manager. A pool of talent has been
created and arranged external training & mentoring for them
1. The focus areas of Training
Baroda Academy focuses on following areas specifically, along with other contemporary
Leadership Development at Branch, Region, Zonal and Corporate Level
Grooming in Key Banking areas such as Credit, Forex and branch manager
Upgrading IT Skill
Business vertical viz. Retail Banking, SME and agriculture
Product specific knowledge based program
On-Boarding program
Social literacy and financial inclusion
Customer education
Product, Process and Promotion related program
Credit Monitoring and NPA Management
Operating alternate delivery Channels
Skill Building in art of Selling and Customer Service Excellence
Government Business
Risk Management
KYC and AML Guidelines
Apart from these the focus of the training vertical is to develop new methodologies and channels
to impart training in more convenient, cost effective, customized way like e-learning, mobile
snippet, case studies etc.
Indeed there has been more emphasis to divert functional base training on alternate channels,
skill based training on the work floor and attitude based learning have been tried to impart in
Policy and System for assessing Training Needs
Bottom up need assessment approach in training plan is adopted in the bank thus each
Academy conduct an annual exercise of training need analysis. For this, TNA workshops
are arranged and cross section of people from diverse geographical location and various
Administrative Offices discuss Training Needs. The summary of such discussion is placed
in Special Zonal Committee on Training Consisting of Zonal Head, Regional Heads, HR
Functionaries and Trainers who then evaluate the suggestions and finalize the Training
programs for their respective Zones.
Based on the inputs received from the Regional Academies and also from the Functional
heads, the Apex Academy, Ahmedabad compiles the annual training calendar for the
entire Bank and the same is then put up to the Governing Board for approval.
Baroda Academy Prepares Annual Training Plan after taking directions from Governing
Board which is highest forum for Training and Development and also taking inputs from
all Functional Heads, Zonal Heads and Regional Heads. The Governing Board on Training
meets periodically and provides direction for Training strategy for the future. For the
purpose of charting out an annual training calendar, in the beginning of the year training
needs analysis exercise is carried out across the Bank in partnership with the functional
/ business leaders.
The approved plan is then converted to annual schedules at Baroda Apex Academy and
all the Academies. The same is thereafter uploaded in the Bank’s HRMS system which is
accessible to all of its employees who can also nominate themselves for the training
programme as required by them. The Flow process of the TNA & training program is
depicted below
( training plan)
In addition to the above annual exercise, every quarter, the Baroda Academy Faculty
discusses with Zonal management to identify the new need emerged and accordingly
designs, training Inputs, and modifies program.
The courses are designed / modified and vetted by the domain team. The academy has
constituted 12 different domains across the academies namely Agri & financial inclusion, EBusiness, CBS/IT, credit monitoring/NPA, Credit SME, Forex/NRI, operational Banking,
Branch manager, Retail Liability, Retail Assets, Risk Management, and on-boarding during the
trainers’ conclave. This is documented in form of course directory which is reviewed on
annual basis. Suitable arrangements are made for imparting induction/foundation training to
all categories of staff immediately on their joining the organization and on their elevation to
higher cadre. In addition to above, whenever new products and services are introduced, or a
need is felt to lay emphasis on particular aspects of operations / new methods and
procedures, etc. suitable Seminars/awareness, Workshops/Conferences are designed and
organized, countrywide.
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The Specialized programs are in the nature of Grooming of officers in the area of Credit,
Foreign Business, Information Technology, and also for the officers taking up the role of
Branch Head, Dy. Regional Head.
Training Evaluation Policy and systems
Training quality Audit: for imparting quality training and performance assessment of
the academies, regular training audit is conducted. A continuous and constant monitoring
of training and development activity is in place in the bank. Training Audit is being
conducted regularly on the basis of capacity utilization, course of designing, research
work etc. Our Bank would probably the first bank to put in place te training audit for
quality audit. (A format of the audit is enclosed)
Performance Metrics: to encourage healthy competition among the academies and to
maintain and sustain the quality, monthly performance metrics is in place. Besides Best
Academy Award on actual basis. Academies are analyzed every month based on their
performance in terms of number of programs & participants, research work, articles etc.
this gives an edge to the training system to work innovatively constantly
Instant & Post training feedback:
Apart from the above measures for evaluating the training effectiveness, feedback from
the participants about the programs contents, methodology, structuring and faculty are
also another way of evaluating the programs. On-site and off-site feedback is an
important input used for programme evaluation. Programme design, contents and
delivery is evaluated by respective functional in-charges on a regular basis and is one of
the key inputs for the overall programme evaluation.
On-site feedback from participants is taken at the end of the training programs, which
gives an idea of the immediate impact – relevance, utility, training inputs, quality of study
material, etc. It also indicates how the participants can use the inputs at their work places
Feedback of the programs and its input imparted is evaluated in scores of 1 to 5. Scores
below 4 are immediately reviewed by competent authorities in the Bank for corrective
measures which ensure quality delivery of training inputs.
Besides program feedback the academy has practice to capture feedback of individual
faculty members to maintain high quality standard in training.
We also ensure to analyze the post training impact by taking online feedback, review from
the participants, and functional head at branch, region and zonal level.
Entry and Exit Test:
Each and every program starts with entry level test so that it can be compared with level
at the time of exit. At the end of the program exit level test provides the effectiveness of
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the program. Apart from this the training programs of 6 days or more duration, Interim
Tests is also taken in addition to the Exit Tests.
Training credit
Bank of Baroda privileged to be pioneer to introduce the new concept of training credit
for enhancing effectiveness. Each employee in bank needs to score minimum stipulated
credit in their ac on annual basis, through various learning channels. Classroom training
is also one of the channels to score credit.
The candidates are awarded training Credits for attending the training programme. The
training credits are an effective way to track the learning history of each individual and
ensure that each employee of the Bank is getting adequate training as prescribed by the
Bank. These credits are captured by the Bank’s OLM system. Credits are awarded subject
to passing of the end of training test which again is a measure of understanding the
effectiveness of training.
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Methodologies / multiple Learning Channels for Training & Development
Bank adopts a host of innovative training methodologies customized to the type of the trainees to
ensure that learning objectives are achieved. The details of the same are as under:
Experiential learning: The Bank appreciates the fact that an effective means of adult
learning is through experiential learning. Therefore it is given predominance by adopting case
methods, role-plays, etc. Real life cases from operational units are developed with facts and
data and are used in most training sessions. This supplements and complements the regular
structured classroom sessions. The stress on Experiential Learning is carried out through
Simulation / Games / Role plays / Case studies, and most importantly actual placement on the
job and on-the-job training.
Learning through sharing: Interactive Sessions are pre-dominantly organized wherein
outdoor experience learning / sharing of experiences by Executives / Group presentations /
on Mystery Shopping / Comparison shopping is done or case studies, etc. are discussed.
Experiential sharing among participants is encouraged and successful Branch heads / officers
are also invited to share success stories / experiences.
Learning by seeing: Participants are also taken on field visits for interface with Industry.
Interaction with industrial units, hi-tech Agri-farms, Self Help Groups (SHG) having micro
finance linkages helps the participants understand the ground realities, which in turn facilitate
Learning through doing: On-the-Job Training is a vital component of the overall Training in
most high-end programs. Hands on various skill development programs like credit appraisal,
lending automation package, credit rating, lead generation etc.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in various important areas and product compendiums
are prepared and updated and are used as training tools in various training programs, to solve
queries at the operational level. The bank also utilizes the services of some of the experts from
reputed external organizations, as guest faculty, in order to provide strength to our Bank’s
training system, wherever the need is felt.
Quizzes based on “kaun Banega crorepati” concept a periodical event in the name of Baroda
Gyani is arranged regularly. This provides tremendous amount of opportunity to impart
product and process related knowledge among large group of employees. It is organized at
region, zone and national level. This year more than 10000 employees have participated
across the bank. A special program under “Baroda Gyani” for women employees have been
arranged this year.
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(photoes of Baroda Gyani Competition)
Commit Card – ensuring post-Training Impact: Innovative way to continue impact of
learning post Training is through Commitment Cards. Participants are given a pocket size “ICommit Card” at the start of the programme, in which they voluntarily write about their
commitment for those actions which they decide to execute post Training. Their business
related commitment is shared with their respective regional authorities for ultimate
conversation of business.
Thus, a variety of training methodology is deployed for ensuring effective dissemination of
knowledge down the line, at all levels.
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Multiple Learning Channels:
Class room training
Knowledge Management Portal
Baroda Net Academy
Mobile Snippet
Baroda Manipal School of Banking
Knowledge Clubs
Innovations of Baroda
Mechanism for sustainability
Periodicity is ensured
Training Audit and Metrics
Campaign initiatives
External agency Arrangements
Target and budget is allotted to each Academy
Project ASCEND &
Focus on
Knowledge Forum
Training Audit
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New Initiatives (14-15)
Baroda Net Academy
Mobile Snippets
Baroda Apex
Self Nomination
Annual Training
Mobile snippet
Bank has launched an application “Mobile Snippets” for android phone users The
application is available on “Google Play Store” also.
By clicking on the link the application can be downloaded and installed on your
mobile There are nine Sections in the application:
1. News – Collection of some important banking related news appearing in
various newspapers shall be made available on daily basis.
2. Events – Photographs along with the description in respect of important
events that took place recently in branches, region, zone and central offices shall
be made available as and when felt appropriate.
3. Announcements – Announcements in respect of future events.
4. BoB Circulars – Gist of important circulars issued by our bank on fortnightly/monthly basis.
5. RBI Circulars - Gist of important circulars issued by Reserve Bank of India on
fortnightly/monthly basis.
6. Messages – Video messages from higher authorities/video of any event as and when felt
7. Publications – Various publications from Staff College, Vigilance. Marketing etc.
8. e-Library – PowerPoint presentations and quiz on any important recent topic for creating
9. a. Feedback – Users may provide feedback.
b. Image upload – Users may upload any image at their end
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Awards Accolades: IBA Awards for implementation of Technology in Training
 Golden Peacock National Training Awards-2014
 Innovative Training Practices by Indian Society for Training & Development-2014
 BML Munjal Awards -2015
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Baroda Apex Academy, Opp. Law Garden, Ellis bridge,
Ahmedabad-380 006(India)
Phone: 079-26466745, 4573 Fax: 079-26460208
E-mail: baa.ahmedabad@bankofbaroda.com वेब/web : www.bankofbaroda.com
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