Probing the Limits of Strength August 10-12, 2009 Berkeley, CA

Probing the Limits of Strength
August 10-12, 2009
Berkeley, CA Sponsors
Organizing Committee
Andrew Minor, J.W. Morris, Jr. & Daryl Chrzan
University of California, Berkeley, and
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Oden Warren & Z.W. Shan
Hysitron, Inc.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
William W. Gerberich, University of Minnesota
Mojmir Sob, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Ju Li, University of Pennylvania
Setsuo Takaki, Kyushu University, Japan
Wei Cai, Stanford University
Jeff Th.M. De Hosson, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Nobuhiro Tsuji, Kyoto University, Japan
Easo George, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Shigeru Kuramoto, Toyota Research and Development, Japan
Call for Abstracts
This Workshop on Probing the Limits of Strength aims to bring
together researchers with an interest in experimental and theoretical studies of
the fundamental limits of strength in materials. The workshop will include a
strong lineup of national and international speakers on advanced mechanical
testing techniques and computational materials science of materials
deformation at the elastic limit.
The workshop’s program has a limited number of timeslots available for
contributed talks pertaining to relevant experimental or computational research.
Those wishing to provide a contributed talk, or a poster for the poster session,
are encouraged to submit an abstract of no more than 200 words, as a
Microsoft Word document, to Please provide
the presenter’s complete contact information below the abstract, and please
specify a preference for a poster presentation if that is the case. Your
submission will be considered for a poster presentation if not accepted as a
contributed talk. Abstract submitter will receive email notification of the
workshop’s decision no later than July 6, 2009.
The workshop begins with an opening reception in the evening of August
10th, then proceeds to two half-day seminar sessions and a poster session at
the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) on August 11th, and
concludes with a half-day seminar session at LBL on August 12th. The opening
reception, lunch at LBL on August 11th and 12th, and the workshop banquet on
August 11th are included with the workshop’s registration fee. We will also
provide transportation from the workshop hotel to LBL.
Abstract deadline:
Registration and advance fee deadline:
July 1, 2009
July 8, 2009
The Claremont Resort and Spa ( in
Berkeley will be the official hotel for the workshop. Special room rates
($139/night plus taxes) are available to workshop participants (this rate will also
be honored three days before and after the workshop dates). Please ask for the
“LBL workshop rate” when making reservations: 1-800-551-7266. Rooms at the
special rate are available until at least July 10, 2009.
Workshop Website:
Workshop Email: