1 Early Childhood Education Learning Experience: Plan, Implement and Reflect Student Name: _______________ Date: _____________ Cooperating Teacher Signature: ____________ Title of Experience (Content): _____________________________________Number of children ______ Age Group: _____________ Course: ____________ Lab #: Center / Room: ___________________ Outcome: The student will use knowledge of child development and Teaching Skills and Strategies (TSS) to plan and implement learning experiences whichare responsive to children’s culture, language, abilities, and interests; and stimulate, support, direct and stretch their construction of meaning.The student will also assess the effectiveness of the experience for children. (Standards 1, 3, 4& 5) Directions: The student will complete electronically. Complete sections (1) ‘Preparing’ and (2) ‘Planning’ one week prior to implementing. Then, you will review plan with cooperating teacher and obtain approval with signature. When the experience is over, complete section (3) ‘Assessing and Reflecting’and(4) ‘Feedback’sectionby requesting a constructive, informal assessment of experience from cooperating teacher. Section 1: Preparing Connecting to Children: What have you noticed about children’s interest, prior knowledge, and experiences this week? What have you learned about children’s cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity? Connecting to the Program: What emergent topics are evident in the learning environment? How will your LEP support them? Connecting to Curriculum: Curriculum Goal Area Represent and Express Ideas Connect Family, Community, and Culture Languages of Learning Verbal & Written Language Visual Arts Inquire and Solve Problems Build Relationships and Understanding of Self Movement What element/concepts of the languages of learning will your LEP address? Music Math / Science What ELS will your LEP address? Identify the Key Learning Area, Standard and Strand: Identify the Standard Statement: What professional resources will you use to develop this LEP? Connecting to Self: Which Skills and Strategies do you practice with confidence? __ Support __ Direct __ Stretch __ Stimulate Which Skills and Strategies do you want to improve? __ Support __ Direct __ Stretch __ Stimulate How? 2 Section 2: Plan for Implementation As a result of this activity, the children will be able to (consider your identified ELS and elements or concepts): Describe individualization of: Materials: Space: Cultural: Linguistic: Ability diversity: Where will this LEP take place? What tools & materials will you need? What strategies will you use to spark interest in this activity? How will you introduce this LEP? How will you: Support? Give an example: Stretch? Give an example: Direct? Give an example: Stimulate? Give an example: Describe closure of the activity and transition process: Types of documentation: Photos with Captions Observation Records Work Samples Video Records Audio Records Other? ___________________________ Children’s Words Section 3: Assessing and Reflecting Children How did the children respond to your planned activity? Describe how the children met/did not meet the expected child learning outcome/s for this LEP (consider your identified ELS and elements or concepts): List next steps using ELS to extend learning based on children’s response to this LEP: Attach documentation of children’s learning to this completed form and describe how well it captures children’s learning: 3 Self Describe and explain the strength of your planned learning experience: Space: Individualization: Getting Started: Interacting: Closure: Which teaching skills were used effectively? Which teaching skills would you like to work on? Describe strategies with examples: Section 4: Feedback Comments from your Cooperating Teacher: How will this feedback influence future learning experiences? Rubric Student demonstrated the ability to: __ Connect to Children and Program 4 3 2 0 __ Connect to Curriculum 4 3 2 0 __ Plan and Implement 4 3 2 0 __ Assess Children 4 3 2 0 __ Reflect on Self 4 3 2 0 __ Collaborate with CT 4 3 2 0 Comments: Key: 4 = Proficient 3 = Developing 2 = Emerging References: 0 = Not present