Northampton Community College Student Class Participation Rubric for On Ground Courses Directions: Please fill out the rubric to evaluate your class participation. Write a reflection of your participation including your next steps and submit to the instructor. Note: Your class participation grade is based on both the Student Class Participation Rubric and the class participation rubric used by your instructor. Assessment Levels Unacceptable Criterion Exemplary Acceptable Points 4 3 0 Attendance (Class attendance, demonstrates selfmanagement) Attends 100% of classes; notifies instructor prior to absence due to extraordinary circumstances Always on time for class; no late work; demonstrates selfresponsibility Always demonstrates positive attitude, selfcontrol, good personal presentation and traits of life-long learning Always uses clear, organized language; effectively exchanges ideas and information, responses connect to prior knowledge and extend knowledge Builds and extends from other’s ideas to create Rarely misses class, notifies instructor prior to absences Attends class less than required amount of time Is not on time for class or does not turn in work on time 3 or fewer times Is not on time for class or does not turn in work on time more than 3 times Consistently positive; embraces life-long learning; and demonstrates Resists new ideas and skills; rarely positive; demonstrates poor personal presentation Consistently uses clear/organized language, Builds off of other’s ideas Poor demonstration of communication and listening skills, Listens to others ideas but stays with own ideas , response of off focus Poses questions that keep learning in the same Poses questions that are relevant but not focused Time Management Punctual Attendance, turns in work on time Professionalism Behavior, attitude, personal presentation Communication Listening; oral and written Communication Listening; focused, Week 4 Week 7 Week 10 Week 13 informed responses and questions Quality of Work Class academic performance Participation and Team Work Working with others, class discussion, interdependence Effort Exhibits strong work ethic; preparedness Critical Thinking Strong problem solving skills; adaption to change new ideas place Consistently gives best effort, quality work Usually gives best effort and consistently completes work Consistently accepts responsibility for own choices, often demonstrates strong independence Demonstrates minimal effort, work is sometimes incomplete Rarely accepts responsibility for own choice: makes poor choices when working with others Almost always prepared; frequently uses class time effectively Frequently does not come to class prepared; poor use of class time Self-confident, demonstrates selfawareness in accepting responsibility for own choices Consistently comes to class prepared; maximizes class time available Always thinks through problems; selects strategy; finds way to solve Consistent use of problem solving strategies Consistently avoids problem solving; rarely seeks assistance Explanation of Self-Assessment When Assessed? Week 4 Week 7 Week 10 Week 13 What are your next steps for improvement?