Constitution Working Party Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 30 January 2015 A meeting of the Constitution Working Party will be held in Meeting Room 3 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Monday 9th February at 2.00pm. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs H Cox, Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A M Moore and Miss B Palmer, Mr T FitzPatrick, Mr MJM Baker cc Mr J Punchard If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Strategic Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. MINUTES (page 1) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Constitution Working Party held on 15 January 2015. 3. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 4. UPDATES TO THE CONSTITUTION To consider any further changes to the Constitution, as advised by the Monitoring Officer. The changes could reflect: 5. Changes in the law Changes in the internal structure of the Council, titles of postholders etc. Improvements to the existing constitution suggested by the Monitoring Officer FUTURE WORK AREAS – REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION To agree and scope future work to ensure the Constitution is up to date and fully reflects the needs of the Council: The proposed areas for consideration are: 6. Review of the Protocol for officer/member relations Review of the Scheme of Delegation – to ensure compliance with the Transparency Code Review of the procedure and rules for Council meetings REVIEW OF GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS To receive a presentation by the Monitoring Officer on the various governance models for local government. This will be followed by a discussion to consider how to proceed with the review of governance arrangements and to agree a programme of work. 7. (page 3) TERMS OF REFERENCE To review the Terms of Reference for the Constitution Working Party to ensure they fully reflect the scope and work required by the Council. 8. FUTURE MEETING DATES To ensure that the above workload can be dealt with in a timely manner, the Chairman has suggested that the Constitution Working Party meets twice in February 2015. Monday 9th February 2015 – 2pm Meeting Room 3 Monday 23rd February 2015 – 10am Meeting Room 3 Monday 16th March 2015 – 10am Committee Room 9. WORK PROGRAMME February 9th 2015 To agree approach to the review of Governance Arrangements Lead Officer(s) David Johnson Sheila Oxtoby To agree approach to overall review of existing Constitution – to include local members protocol, debate at Council meetings and scheme of delegation (to reflect Transparency Code) David Johnson Sheila Oxtoby February 23rd 2015 To feedback on and discuss the following: -Review of Governance arrangements -Review of Constitution (including above workstreams) March 16th 2015 Planning Delegations Review of Financial Regulation To agree on the report/update to Council regarding progress on the review of governance arrangements and the overall review of the Constitution Nicola Baker Karen Sly CONSTITUTION WORKING PARTY Minutes of a meeting of the Constitution Working Party held on 15 January 2015 in the Committee Room, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 2.00 pm. Working Party: Mrs H Cox, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Officers in Attendance: The Monitoring Officer and the Democratic Services Team Leader 1 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mrs A Moore, Miss B Palmer 2 MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held on 01 October 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman 3 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 5 MATTERS ARISING The Chairman requested that Group leaders should be added to the attendance list in future. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett reiterated that the Chairman of each committee should advise of recording at the beginning of the meeting and Members agreed that this should be a part of the standard agenda. Democratic Services agreed to place a reminder on the Chairman’s desk. The item on reviewing the scheme of delegation in relation to planning had been deferred due to the Head of Planning being absent on sick leave. This item and the review of the Planning Protocol would come to the Constitution Working Party as soon as possible. 6 REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION The Monitoring Officer informed Members that ‘he had received a request to review some of the ‘Proper Officer’ delegations within the Constitution. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett sought clarification that this would refer to the post rather than a named person. The Monitoring Officer confirmed that it would. Constitution Working Party 1 01 October 2014 There would also be some changes to electoral powers as outlined within the Constitution. These changes would be made prior to the next election on 7th may 2015. 7 FUTURE MEETING DATES It was agreed that two further meetings of the Constitutional Working Party would be scheduled to consider the review of governance arrangements. The Democratic Services Team Leader said that she would check the availability of the Chief Executive and the Group Leaders. It was agreed that the 9th and 23rd February would be the preferred dates. 8 WORK PROGRAMME The work programme would be adjusted to include the review of governance arrangements and to accommodate the rescheduled items such as the Financial Regulations, Planning delegations and Planning Protocol. The meeting closed at 2.26 pm. Chairman Constitution Working Party 2 01 October 2014 Constitution Working Party TOR 09 March 2012 Constitution Working Party Members The Constitution Working Party (CWP) will comprise of members nominated by Full Council to reflect the prevailing political balance of the Council. The CWP will be supported by the Monitoring Officer, a Democratic Services Officer and any other officer required from time to time to provide advice or information to the Members in fulfilling their role. The membership may be reviewed periodically. The CWP will meet at least annually. However, the need for periodic Constitutional amendments will require a flexible approach so that additional meetings may be called to accommodate matters that need to be addressed between each annual review. The CWP will report to Full Council with any recommended Constitutional amendments. Constitution Working party TERMS OF REFERENCE - 9 March 2012 Aim The aim of the CWP is to ensure that the Constitution is fit for purpose, up to date and enables the Council to properly discharge its obligations and manage its business efficiently, effectively and legally. Objective Under Paragraph 14.1 of Chapter 1 of the Constitution, “the Council has responsibility for monitoring and reviewing the operation of the Constitution to ensure that the aims and principles of the Constitution are given full effect. Such monitoring and review shall take place at least annually and be reported to Full Council.” Activities In order to fulfil this objective, the CWP will at least annually: 1. Consider the impact on the provisions within the Constitution arising from: new or amending legislation relevant audit recommendations operational experience of applying the Constitution since April 2011 inconsistencies, referencing, formatting or typographical errors other relevant reviews or change of circumstances; 2. Prepare a schedule of changes, amendments or corrections as a result of the impacts identified at (1) above; 3. Report the results of the review to Full Council with appropriate recommendations for updating the Council’s Constitution. 3