2012-2013 Summary of Pre-professional Course Requirements by Pharmacy Degree Institution R R R CR R R R R R R R^^ 72 R R R^^ R R R R R R^^ R R^^ Arizona, Univ. of 70-73 R R R^^ R R R R R Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Univ. of 69-71 R R CR CR CR R CR R R R R CR R20 CR R19 R R R R R R R R28 R34 Rc R Auburn Univ. (AL) * Belmont Univ. (TN) * Buffalo The SUNY, Univ. at (NY) * Butler Univ. (IN) * California Northstate * CA-San Diego, Univ. of * 90 CA-San Francisco, Univ. of * 92 Campbell Univ. (NC) * Charleston, Univ. of (WV) Chicago State Univ. (IL) Cincinnati, Univ. of (OH) * Colorado Denver, Univ. of * Concordia University (WI) * Connecticut, Univ. of * Creighton Univ. (NE) * Drake Univ. (IA) * 9 87-89 6 R R^^ 64 R R n/a R R R R R R R R 64 R R * 63 R R R^^ * 62 R R R R R Duquesne Univ. (PA) n/a 68 63 101 103.5 95 6 90 R R 68-69 R R 51 R 42-45 R R 63 4 R R 72 R R * 65 R R East Tennessee State Univ. * 61 R Ferris State Univ. (MI) * 61 R 72 Florida, Univ. of R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R R CR R R Rc R R R R R CR R R R R R R R45 R R R R R R^^ R45 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R R R36 CR R^^ R R^^ R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R24 R R R R^^ R R R R R R R CR R R R R CR CR R R R R CR CR R R R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R29 R R R^^ R R R R R R17 69 R R R^^ R R R R R R 60 R R R R R R 66 R R R R R R R CR CR CR CR CR CR R CR R CR R^^ R^^ R R R * Hampton Univ. (VA) Harding Univ. (AR) * 90 6 CR Hawaii-Hilo, Univ of * 66 5 R R 70-73 R R CR CR CR R R^^ Houston, Univ. of (TX) Howard Univ. (DC) * 64-70 Husson Univ. (ME) * 60 R 44 R Idaho State Univ. Illinois-Chicago, Univ. of * 60 R Incarnate Word, Univ. of the (TX) * 66 R Iowa, Univ. of * 62-76 R Kansas, Univ. of R^^ R R^^ R * 61-81 R * 60 R Lipscomb Univ. (TN) * 62 R Loma Linda Univ. (CA) * 60 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R R R R^^ R R R^^ R R R^^ CR CR R CR R^^ R R^^ R R R R R CR CR R44 CR R R R^^ R R R R CR R^^ R R R CR R R R^^ R R R R R R^^ CR CR R^^ CR R CR CR R^^ CR CR CR R CR CR R8 CR R6 CR CR CR CR R^^ Humanities Foreign Language R CR CR R R R CR CR R R R CR CR CR R^^ R CR R CR CR CR CR R R^^ R R^^ R R R^^ R R^^ R R R^^ R CR R^^ R CR R R^^ R CR CR CR R R R R1 R^^ CR R R R R37 R CR R R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R29 R29 R R R R R CR R R R R R R¹ R R^^ R R R R R R37 R R R CR College Prep R R² R CR History / Social Science Institution Specific c R R R R6 CR 4^ R R R R6 CR R37 R R 4^ R R^^ R R CR R R R6 R R^^ CR R1 R R^^ R R R 4^ R R R R R R R R R R R R CR R R R R^^ LECOM (PA, FL) R R^^ R^^ 68 Kentucky, Univ. of CR R^^ 6^ CR R R CR 3^ CR CR R1 R CR 3^ R R¹ CR CR R Public Speak / Speech Communication Foreign Lang Music / Music Appr Philosophy Relig Studies Rhetoric Writng Literature English/ English Composition Generel Ed / Electives f Fine Art Humanities b Int'l Culture Phys Ed Critic Think R R CR CR R^^ R^^ R R R R R^^ 4^ R R R CR R R R Rc R4 R R37 R CR CR R^^ R R R^^ R R R R R CR R CR R46 CR R CR CR R R R Business / Accounting R CR R CR Gendr/Ethnc Stud Ethics Economics Sociology Anthro West Civ Hum Behav / Behav Sci History Poly Sci R R R39 CR N/A * Florida A&M Univ. Georgia, Univ. of R R R R R R CR R^^ D'Youville College (NY) Findlay, Univ. of (OH) R^^ R^^ X R R R Science 70 * Math * Appalachian College of Pharmacy (VA) English Albany College of Pharmacy (NY & VT) Psychology Physics Social Sciences a Computer Appl / Sci Stats Calculus Pre Calc Biochemistry Analy Chem Org Chem II Org Chem I Gen Chem II Gen Chem I Zoology Molecular Bio Microbiology Kinesiology Genetics or Genomic Bio Immunoloy Cell Bio Anat & Phys / Human Anat Gen Bio II Total # Sem High School Courses c Prerequisite Course Summary B.S. Required (not preferred) Gen Bio I Total #Sem Hrs Total # Qtr Total # Qtr Hrs AACP Member Institutions PharmCAS Schools* Prerequisite Summary R R¹ CR R CR R^^ R CR R R^^ R R R CR CR R R R^^ R R R R^^ R R R R^^ R CR R R R 1 Manchester College (IN) 90 Maryland, Univ. of * Maryland Eastern Shore, Univ. of * Massachessets-Boston * Massachessets-Worcester/Manchester * Mercer Univ. (GA) * Michigan, Univ. of * 66 90 R R R R R R R CR CR R CR R R R R R^^ R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R^^ 72-88 R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R CR R R R CR R R R R R R R R R R R7 R R R R R R R R^^ R R R CR CR R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R36 R CR Midwestern Univ-Glendale (AZ) * 90 62 R R R R R R R R R CR R R CR CR Minnesota, Univ. of * 51 R R R R R R R R R^^ Mississippi, Univ. of * 88-90 R R R41 R R7 R R R R R R R^^ Missouri - Kansas City, Univ. of 54 R R R R R R R R R R17 Montana, Univ. of 53 R^^ R R R R R R R R CR R R R R R R R R^^ R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R^^ Nebraska Medical Center, Univ. of * 90 Roseman Univ. of Health Sciences R R^^ 34 R R^^ R R * 71 New Mexico, Univ. of * 91 North Carolina Chapel Hill, Univ. of * 74-90 R R R R R R R CR R R 66 R R^^ R R R R R R R * 72 R R R R R R R R Notre Dame of Maryland Univ. * 72 R R R^^ R R R R R R CR Nova Southeastern Univ. (FL) * 62 R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R CR R R R R R R CR R CR North Dakota State Univ. Northeast Ohio (NEOMED) R R R^^ R^^ R R R R R^^ CR CR R R^^ R R^^ R R R^^ R R^^ CR CR R R CR R R R R R R R R R R¹ R R R R^^ R R R^^ R R R R R R R^^ R R R^^ R R R^^ R R^^ Ohio Northern Univ. CR CR R28 R CR R^^ CR CR R R R R4 R CR CR CR R R R * Oklahoma, Univ. of * 64-72 R R Oregon State Univ. * 75 R R Pacific, Univ. of the (CA) * R CR Pacific Univ. Oregon * 62 R R R^^ R R R R R Palm Beach Atlantic Univ. (FL) * 66-67 R R R^^ R R R R R Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (GA) * 60 R R R R R Philadelphia, Univ. of the Sciences in (PA) * n/a Pittsburgh, Univ. of (PA) * 60-62 R R R R Presbyterian College (SC) * R R R Puerto Rico, Univ. of Purdue Univ. (IN) * Regis Univ. (CO) * Rhode Island, Univ. of 180 120 X R R^^ R^^ CR CR CR CR R^^ R R R R R^^ R R R R CR R R CR R R CR CR R R R R R R R CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 61 R R R^^ 72 R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^37 CR * 67 R R R^^ Rosalilnd Franklin Univ. (IL) * 60 R R R 3^ 2^ CR 4^ 3^ 2^ 1^ 6^ Humanities 3^ Foreign Language 4^ R R CR CR CR CR R R R R^^ R CR CR R CR CR CR R CR R R^^ R R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R^^ R CR R^^ R R R^^ R R R R R R R R^^ R CR R R CR CR R R R R12 R^^ R R R R R R R R n/a Roosevelt Univ. (IL) CR CR CR CR R R R^^ R R R R R R 64 4^ R R^^ R^^ R^^ 73-76 4^ R n/a Ohio State Univ., The 4^ R Northeastern Univ. (MA) R CR R R R^^ 4^ R CR R R^^ 4^ R R^^ R 4^ R R R 1^ 6^ CR R R 2^ R R^^ R 3^ R R R R 4^ College Prep Institution Specific c R R4 CR Public Speak / Speech R R R Communication R R¹ R^^ Foreign Lang R R CR CR Music / Music Appr R R CR R^^ Philosophy R¹ R R CR Relig Studies R CR6 CR R Rhetoric R R CR Writng R R R R¹ R Literature R R R CR R R CR English/ English Composition Generel Ed / Electives f Fine Art Humanities b Int'l Culture Phys Ed Critic Think Business / Accounting Gendr/Ethnc Stud Ethics Sociology Economics R R^^ R CR CR R^^ R New England, University of (ME) R R^^ R CR 62 R R R 67-71 R Anthro R 90 R R CR * R West Civ CR R Midwestern Univ-Chicago (IL) R^^ Hum Behav / Behav Sci Poly Sci R R History a R R^^ Psychology Social Sciences Physics Computer Appl / Sci Stats Calculus Pre Calc Biochemistry Analy Chem Org Chem II Org Chem I Gen Chem II R R CR R Gen Chem I Zoology Molecular Bio Microbiology Kinesiology Genetics or Genomic Bio Immunoloy Cell Bio R R^^ CR CR CR X Anat & Phys / Human Anat Total # Sem 60 65 Midway College (KY) Gen Bio II R History / Social Science 77 Science 69 * Math * Louisiana at Monroe, Univ. of English Long Island Univ. (NY) B.S. Required (not preferred) Gen Bio I Total #Sem Hrs Total # Qtr Total # Qtr Hrs AACP Member Institutions PharmCAS Schools* 2012-2013 Summary of Pre-professional Course Requirements by Pharmacy Degree Institution R R R^^ R R CR R R CR CR R R R^^ R R^^ R CR CR R 2 CR R R R R R R R R R29 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R CR R^^ R R R Samford Univ. (AL) * 66 Shenandoah Univ. (VA) * 65 R R 66 R R R^^ 66 R R R^^ R R R R R R 73 R R R^^ R R R R R R R 48 R R^^ R R R R R R^^ 65 CR CR R R R R R R R R46 CR R R R R R^^ R R R R R R^^ R R R R R R R R R R R^^ South Carolina COP South Carolina COP MUSC Campus South College (TN) * 104 South Dakota State Univ. R^^ South Univ. (GA) * Southern California, Univ. of * Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville * 70 R R St. John Fisher College (NY) * 62 R R St. John's Univ. (NY) n/a St. Louis COP (MO) * Sullivan Univ. (KY) 72 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R CR CR R R R R R CR R R R R CR CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 63 R R Tennessee, Univ. of * 90 CR CR Texas A&M Univ. 72 R R Texas Southern Univ. 80 R R 71-74 R R 46 R R 68 R R R^^ 51 R R R48 Thomas Jefferson Univ. (PA) * Toledo, Univ. of (OH) Touro Univ. (CA) * Touro College (NY) * R Union Univ. (TN) * 81 CR Utah, Univ. of * 51 R Virginia Commonwealth Univ. * 90 R Washington, Univ. of * 57 R R Washington State Univ. * 64 R R Wayne State Univ. (MI) * West Virginia Univ. * 65-66 * 52 X X Wilkes Univ. (PA) R R R R CR R R R47 CR R CR CR R^^ R CR CR CR CR R R R R R^^ R R R R^^ R CR R1 R CR CR R R CR CR R R CR R 4^ 3^ 3^ Humanities 3^ 2^ R R CR R 5^ R R^^ R 4^ R R R 4^ R R R^^ CR 2^ R R R 3^ R History / Social Science Institution Specific c Public Speak / Speech Communication Foreign Lang Music / Music Appr Philosophy Relig Studies Rhetoric Writng Literature English/ English Composition Generel Ed / Electives f Fine Art Humanities b Int'l Culture Phys Ed Critic Think Business / Accounting Gendr/Ethnc Stud Ethics Economics Sociology Anthro West Civ Hum Behav / Behav Sci History Poly Sci R R^^ R 4^ R R CR R2 CR CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R37 R R R R R R R^^ R R R R^^ R R R R R CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R CR CR R R5 R43 R² R^^ R10 R R R CR CR CR R CR R CR R R CR R R R8 Rc Rc R R CR^^ R^^ CR R R CR R R R R^^ R R R R R R^^ CR CR CR R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ R^^ R R R R R R R R R^^ R7 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R^^ CR CR CR R¹ 7 R R R R R R R R R R R R CR CR R1 R4 117 2 1 1 R R Wisconsin, Univ of * 68 R R Wyoming, Univ. of * 45 R R 66 R R 103 81 82 9 8 5 0 77 5 0 118 117 118 5 6 4 10 6 1 0 9 6 R R^^ R 4 0 1 0 R^^ R R R CR CR R CR R^^ CR CR CR CR CR CR R^^^ R R R CR CR R R^^ R R R R CR CR R R R R R R R16 R R1 R R^^ CR CR R R CR R^^ R R R^^ R R R R R^^ R CR CR CR R^^ R^^ CR CR CR R R^^ CR R R^^ CR R CR CR CR R R 5 R^^ R R 62-63 Total # CONDITIONALLY REQUIRED R^^ R R CR CR R R^^ R CR R R R * Total # REQUIRED R^^ CR R R R R 41 R^^ CR CR Wingate Univ. (NC) Xavier Univ. (LA) CR R CR R¹ R R Western New England Univ. (MA) Western Univ. (CA) R37 CR R 65-67 Texas-Austin, Univ. of R CR R R * * R CR visit www.stjohns.edu for detials Temple Univ. (PA) Texas Tech Univ. CR R CR n/a 108 Southwestern Oklahoma State Univ. R^^ R R Psychology Social Sciences Physics R Foreign Language R R a Computer Appl / Sci Stats Calculus Pre Calc Biochemistry Analy Chem Org Chem II Org Chem I Gen Chem II Gen Chem I Zoology Molecular Bio Microbiology Kinesiology Genetics or Genomic Bio Immunoloy R42 R^^ College Prep R Cell Bio Anat & Phys / Human Anat Total # Sem Gen Bio II R Science 68 Math 73 Saint Joseph College (CT) English Rutgers, The State Univ. of NJ B.S. Required (not preferred) Gen Bio I Total #Sem Hrs Total # Qtr Total # Qtr Hrs AACP Member Institutions PharmCAS Schools* 2012-2013 Summary of Pre-professional Course Requirements by Pharmacy Degree Institution R R R R R R^^ R R R^^ R R^^ R R21 R^^ R R1 R R1 R R Rc 3^ R R R^^ R R^^ R R¹ R R R¹ R R R R R R^^ R R^^ R R R^^ R R R^^ R R^^ R R^^ R¹ R R R R R R R R R 20 11 118 76 3 96 46 21 5 12 31 0 0 3 82 8 4 1 2 5 4 50 13 43 102 14 4 0 0 2 7 1 18 21 9 8 18 2 8 20 7 2 0 7 0 0 2 11 10 0 4 9 R R R R 3 2 3 5 0 2 5 2 1 5 8 5 10 1 76 38 4 0 3 KEY General Guidelines: If applicable, courses should be for science majors and include a lab. Check the institution's web site for specific guidelines or clarification R: Required for admission CR: Conditional Requirement, subject may be substituted to fill prerequisite S: Suggested/Recommended, not required for admission a Social Science requirement may include any of the following subjects: Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Geography. Please contact individual school to determine how many hours/classes are required to fulfill their requirements. b Humanities requirement may include any of the following subjects: History, Civilizations, Fine Arts, Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Ethics, Foreign Language, Cultural Diversity, Performing Arts, Visual Arts. Please contact individual schools to determine institution specific requirements. c Contact institution for specific course equivalencies d Contact schools with this requirement for course equivalencies f General Education requirement is often the non-science courses pre-requisites. Contact schools with Gen Ed requirement for courses. ** These colleges of pharmacy are not yet eligible to join AACP as institutional members. They participate in PharmCAS and have had an ACPE site visit approved but have no official ACPE status. All PharmCAS applicants that designate these schools are required to apply to another school with ACPE status (last updated on August 21, 2010) ^ Units Two courses are required for subject Three courses are required for subject ^^ ^^^ ¹ Microeconomics ² Macroeconomics 3 Core Fine Arts: Art Appreciation, Art History, Music Appreciation, or Theater Appreciation 4 Healthcare related ethics 5 American Government / Politics 6 U.S. History 7 Medical Microbiology 8 US and/or Texas History: check school's requirements 9 Must meet the UW-Madison Communication "A" requirement 10 U.S. Society 11 The United States Before 1877 or equivalent and The United States Since 1877 or equivalent 12 Must be fluent, or near fluent, in Spanish. All patient interaction is conducted in Spanish. 13 American Culture 14 Performing and Fine Arts (including Music), Physical Education, Foreign Languages, Computers or similar courses will not meet this requirement. 15 Sophomore Level English Composition Course 16 Rhetoric and Composition Course 17 Calculus course must include Analytical Geometry component 18 Accounting 19 Physics I is a required course, Physics II is conditionally required 20 Calculus I is a required course, Calculus II is conditionally required 21 Professional / Technical Writing 22 Technical or Creative Writing 23 Speech/Interpersonal Communications 24 Statistics: Biostatistics 25 General Biology I and II will no longer be required beginning with the class of 2008, see note 30 26 Molecular Biology and Genetics will be required beginning with the class of 2008 27 Physiology and lab not required 28 Statistics - Must have a general statistics or biostatistics emphasis; a course in business statistics is not acceptable. 29 Course for life sciences majors 30 American Diversity 31 World Civilizations 32 Masterworks in Literature 34 Physics: Calculus or Trigonometry based 35 History: Check Auburn's specific history requirements at http://pharmacy.auburn.edu/prospective_students/professional_degree/au_core_curriculum.htm 36 Physics must include mechanics, thermodynamics, force, and motion. 37 Calculus with integration and differentiation 38 World History 39 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 40 Pathogenic Microbiology 41 Physiology upper division; not anatomy and physiology 42 Exclusively physiology, two courses may be required if taking combined anatomy and physiology 43 US History and World History or World Cultural Geography 44 Global Diversity 45 Physics: with lab, including electricity and magnetism 46 Physiology: whole animal / human / mammalian physiology 47 Physics: including thermodynamics and electromagnetism 48 Functional Anatomy and Pathophysiology 49 Physiology and Pathology