I I I NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES (MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT) ORDER 2007 NO 1159 THE REGISlER OF i\1EM~ERS' INTERESTS· . . . REGISrRATION OF FINANCIAL AND OTHER INTERESTS . . . Members must give written' notice of their interests and any changes • within 28 days of the Council adopting the Code of Conduct • within 28 days of election or appointment to office-(if that is later) • within 28 days of any change to the interests . (PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPITALS AND USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARy) ".­ • TO: THE MONITORING OFFICER, North Norfolk District Council I, .1<.(9.ll:r::;r;-;). -.e .~4f..(Y e.~/.~ (please print your full name) . a member of the North Norfolk District Council, hereby give notice that I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests which J am required . to declare under the Members' Code of Conduct and I have put "none" where I have no such interests under any heading. (Please read carefully the guidance notes on the reverse before you complete ,snd sign this form.) . • (a) FINANCIAL INTERESTS (i) Employment or business: ~L-o t:» . /#$1'/ 'TZ( 7:£ (ii) " /Ir> 51' t' r~ "/'/ #o'?"1/9( ~ ~777/V<; . Ct>-r-/7'?- C; 6 S- ./ c-' no ,-')0 C ~ ;/l.l£0J4L />/cp,.. ~ PAP "'t f,N,..::> /.v SOt:< JI!= roo L-«...-­ . Name of employer{s): o,4! ;"//,tr (iv) (v) (vi) 2007 Interests in companies and shares: . .>: . Contracts with the council: Gifts or hospitality over £25 in value: !'.. 'II~~:E~·1I'~f I ~ . .-JA. '7..7 r-J~, ~;z~ , ,"~ ~ e' ~1 ­ -;;;;Z 7CI/z.r8 ~;;j:~~~t~'~~/~~~~·~·;'"0~el;;;;~AddA (vii) -577-./69 11'1a1.r 078&:>' Land or buildinas owned/rented in the council's area lincludina home "> /ff~ c;~Qu#/, .e-~6-4::L..-1/J<! z 7 9 e:»: /V;eUJ.f"~ /P~~~, '7 )7;'c t;/,1)J4·t-lI1''1'/Cd.~4:.A N~ , 2.- 7 '1~ (Viii) Tenancies from the council: .,~ /' (ix) , Licences to occupy land in the council's area: OTHER INTERESTS Membership of Or position of general control or management in any of (b) the following . ' Outside organisations: (i} , (ii) Other public authorities: A6.~/~~~~ 3o~ ~~£.A - IS t~£ ,,:.s ,,' _ ' _ J (3~D~)~ ;9-4/~-..eU Sa-;'"7?J~ '~9-r-'- S"~uL. . ,7' - 77E4C#/~ ~,...., I?£.IL.. ~ ~ ',f'L.?ca.> /.Y C;:77~,??L " o~ #4>-!/ /;r~/ C;e;6A~.e.£4-:~:7" , ' /~L '-C~-C:-/Z/'J'::; /IVW?"./ u'?T4.-V~ ~.-'9A.I~ M . . ..' ;'/./f ' 7'7 ' 4/'/ , , (iii) . Charities: 11-:> I ~ ;J 'r,Cr-z/}~. (iv) /,.A. D--><.~ /2r/'7';..... £rJL I .... Political parties, trade unlons-and pressure groups: 1J1£/11/f,4!L' ~rel!!vh7P/;£ 'P~7' (Please use another page if there is insufficient room for your entry under .any section. Securely attach the additional page to this form). D 2007 , 'k~c:c.;AJ ;"'1-=f'~" ~CP.l~v, ,.; I I' Tick if additional page(s) attached. I recognise that it is a breach of the Code of Conduct to: . (1) ..(2) omit information that should be given in this notice; provide information that is materially_false or rnlsleadlnq; (3) . fail to give further notices in order to bring up\to date information given in this notice, and/or declare an interestthat I acquire after the.date of this notice and have to declare. Monitoring Officer North Norfolk District Council Signed ; Date Please return this form to the Monitoring Officer, North Norfolk District Council, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9PZ. e· 2007 . .