Current Unresolved World Problem Oral Presentation Rubric Quality Delivery Points 6 Voice Projection Exceptional Acceptable Eloquent; shows enthusiasm for subject; appropriate volume and rate of speech Pronounces words clearly and can easily be heard Shows some but not all qualities of exceptional delivery Occasionally says words unclearly; volume sometimes too low Information is interesting; but some aspects are not clear Organization Presents information in a logical, interesting sequence that the audience can follow Visual Aids Uses different media creatively; includes visual information relevant to content; very neat, excellent artistic effort Excellent; shows a flair for public speaking; involves the audience Often makes eye contact with audience Listens carefully to questions from the audience and responds accurately Rapport with audience 6 Eye Contact Response to Questions Displays sense of humor Humor Demeanor 4 Posture Poise Content 4 Is confident and at ease Stands straight, facing the audience Uses movements appropriate to the presentation; does not fidget Presentation is well organized and of appropriate length Coverage Covers the topic well in the time allowed Appropriate Level of Detail Gives enough information to clarify the topic, but does not include irrelevant details Uses different media adequately; includes information relevant to content; adequate artistic effort Shows some but not all qualities of exceptional rapport Make effort but is not always successful Responds to some questions from the audience; sometimes gives incomplete answers Show some humor Shows some but not all qualities of exceptional demeanor Sometimes slouches, sways, or looks away Uses movements for the most part appropriate Shows some but not all qualities of exceptional organization Covers the topic adequately in the time allowed; sometime rushes Includes some irrelevant details or leaves out some important information Poor Inappropriate volume or rate of speech Does not pronounce words clearly; often cannot be heard Information is not presented in a logical interesting sequence; the audience often cannot follow Uses different media poorly; information not relevant to content; messy, or minimal artistic effort Shows minimal rapport with audience Rarely makes eye contact with audience Does not respond to questions from the audience or gives incorrect answers Shows little or no humor, or humor is inappropriate Nervous to a degree that it overshadows the performance Often slouches, sways, or looks away Often fidgets or moves inappropriately Poorly organized and inappropriate in length; shows a lack of understanding of subject Does not cover the topic well in the time allowed, or gives too brief a presentation Does not include sufficient details to support presentation, or often includes irrelevant information