Your Success Plan for Algebra 2 Required Materials: please have them in class by Tuesday, September 8th , 2014: ❑ LQ Agenda ❑ Internet Access ❑ One 8 ½ by 11 Five Subject Hardcover Notebook ❑ A TI-84 Plus calculator (suggested) or at least 1 Scientific Calculators ❑ 1 highlighter (suggested) ❑ Graph papers ❑ Packet of 4 dry erase markers (remain in classroom) The textbook is to stay in class. You have online access to the textbook online. Grade Weights Grading Scale Exams/Finals/Projects Quizzes/ Class Work Percentage 60% 30% Homework/Notebooks 10% Letter Grade A B C D F Percent 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 0 – 59% Classroom Rules: 1. BE ON TIME – This means you will be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. You are tardy if not in your seat when the bell rings. 2. BE PREPARED – This means you will bring all necessary materials (pencil, notebook, homework, and agenda) to class each day. You will be expected to come to class ready to work, ready to listen, and ready to learn. 3. BE RESPECTFUL and COURTEOUS – This means you will show respect to your teacher, your classmates, and yourself. You will refrain from using offensive or vulgar language. 4. NO GROOMING – no combing hair, using a mirror, applying makeup, lotion, or perfume allowed in the classroom. 5. NO GUM DISTRACTION, FOOD OR DRINKS IN THE CLASSROOM except for water Consequences for not following the Rules and Tardy Policy: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Classroom Warning Notification to the parents, 30 minute detention after-school Referral to counselor Referral to Assistance Principal Homework/Flipped Classroom: You are assigned homework, notes, or videos EVERY NIGHT. It is extremely important for you to complete the assignment before class. Remember NO work, NO credit! You must also follow the appropriate homework format. You will be assigned educational video to watch before class. Assessments: It is important that you are ready to take your math test or quiz on the assigned date. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to make it up. You will have TWO days to make up the assessment after school. Classroom Formats: You are to follow the following formats to receive the best grade in the classroom. Homework Format: Focus Note taking Format: Homework Consequences: If you have two or more missing assignments in a given month you will receive after school detention. Missing or Late Work If you have an excused absence you have 3 days from the absence to make-up the missed homework and turn it in for full credit. It is your responsibility to make it up. For all other late homework, you will have one day to make it up and receive partial credit. Questions or Help: If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at If you need assistance please give Ms. Dang at least 24 hours advanced notice to schedule an appointment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ THE NEXT PAGE!!!!! Algebra 2 - IMPORTANT LINKS Ms. Dang Homework Assignments due Sept 9th Parent/Guardian and Student’s Electronic Signature Syllabus Quiz Algebra 2 Period 3 and 4 complete Glencoe Connected Acct Algebra 2 Period 6 complete CME Survey Algebra 2 Google Classroom: You must use your .NET account (School email account Period 3: Class code:pb7wmx Period 4: Class code: wpfw2p Period 6: Class code: ngilyve